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Governmental Updates


Suffolk County Community College is committed to protecting the privacy, wellbeing, and safety of our students, colleagues, and campus communities, as well as to meeting our obligations under federal and state law, regulation, and State University of New York (SUNY) and college policy.

The purpose of this webpage is to provide resources and updates to the college community in response to changes in federal executive orders and other activities at the federal level that impact the college’s operations and our faculty, staff, and students.


Latest Updates

February 1, 2025: Governmental Updates webpage launched to support the college community and provide information to address common questions and concerns regarding changes to federal policy

January 31, 2025: Temporary restraining order (TRO) issued in New York et al. v. Trump, No. 25-cv-39-JJM-PAS (D.R.I.) prohibiting federal agencies from pausing, freezing, impeding, blocking, canceling, or terminating federal awards or obligations on the basis of the federal OMB Memorandum M-25-13 (issued on January 27, 2025 and rescinded on January 29, 2025), or on the basis of recently issued federal executive orders. Federal agencies are communicating additional information regarding the effect of this TRO, such as in this Notice of Court Order.

January 29, 2025: The Office of Grants Development (OGD) is assisting Project Director(s) (PD(s)) and Principal Investigator(s) (PI(s)) on federal grants with review and next steps on grants that may be impacted by a federal funding pause and executive orders

January 27, 2025: Communication issued to the college community with resources to support employees and students with concerns about potential immigration enforcement actions

January 24, 2025: Communication issued to the college community with reminders regarding student privacy rights and the U.S. Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)


Nondiscrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Accessibility

SUNY Suffolk is a student-centered college community serving Suffolk County and beyond by providing open access to exceptional educational opportunities.

We remain committed to serving all our students, staff, and members of the college community, without regard to race, color, religion, creed, national origin (including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics), sex, gender, religion, disability, age, or other protected characteristics in our admissions, programs and activities, and employment, consistent with federal and state law.

The college maintains policies and commitments of nondiscrimination and remains committed to providing assistance in reporting and addressing bias/hate crimes and sexual harassment/sexual violence in accordance with federal and state law.


International Students

The college’s International Students Office will continue to assist international students applying for or holding F-1 student visa status. Any changes will be communicated to affected students and applicants, as well as the college employees who assist these students with their admission and visa status.


The college follows applicable state and federal laws, as well as college policies, that protect the privacy of student and employee information—including immigration status. Any requests for private information are stringently reviewed for documented written consent to disclosure or other lawful basis, such as a judicial or court order that requires disclosure.

The college’s Office of Public Safety is not an agency with authority or jurisdiction to enforce federal immigration law; rather, the function of Public Safety is to support a safe learning and campus environment, and within its capabilities, to contribute to the overall college mission. Further, please note:

  • Public Safety does not ask the immigration status of an individual, including a victim, complainant, witness, or person who calls or requests assistance;
  • Public Safety does not stop, question, or investigate an individual based solely on actual or suspected immigration or citizenship status;
  • Public Safety does not detain or arrest individuals;
  • Public Safety does not perform the functions of a federal immigration officer or otherwise engage in the enforcement of federal immigration law.

Note: Any government agent or law enforcement officer visiting campus for the purpose of seeking access to college records, information, staff, students, or facilities (such as buildings, offices, classrooms, or other spaces) should be immediately referred and directed to the Office of Public Safety (631-451-4242 or x311 from any campus phone) and the Office of Legal Affairs (631-451-4235) before responding to a request.

  • Any suspected immigration or enforcement action on campus should be immediately referred to the Office of Public Safety (631-451-4242 or x311 from any campus phone) and the Office of Legal Affairs (631-451-4235).
  • Public Safety and the Office of Legal Affairs are the designated points of contact for any law enforcement, including immigration law enforcement, requests.
  • Faculty and staff should refer to College Brief No. 63 (issued on January 27, 2025) for additional information and procedures.

Educational and Community Resources:


Federal Grants and Compliance

The college receives federal research and grant funding that supports the college’s mission and contributes to the success of our students. The Office of Grants Development (OGD) is assisting Project Director(s) (PD(s)) and Principal Investigator(s) (PI(s)) on federal grants with review and next steps on grants that may be impacted by any federal funding pause and executive orders.

Dr. W. Troy Tucker, College Associate Dean for Sponsored Programs, is the designated point of contact for all PDs and PIs for assistance with current changes at the federal level.

We anticipate that announcements, updates, and changes to existing federal grant awards will continue to be forthcoming from the various federal agencies that administer federal grants. All PDs and PIs should continue to monitor policy updates and announcements from the federal agency overseeing their grant; these may impact funding and compliance requirements and may require a change in activities on a time-sensitive basis.

Federal Agency Updates on Research Grants: Publicly available information at this time includes: