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💻 Online Learning Readiness Quiz

Online learning works best for students who are organized, self-directed, and strong in reading, writing, and in communicating through technology. You must have access to a computer, printer, and reliable internet service. You should have time and space where you can do your work uninterrupted. Lastly, you will need to dedicate 10 or more hours each week to an online course.

Think you are ready to take an online course?

Take this anonymous quiz by choosing the most accurate response to each statement. At the end, click the "Am I Ready?" button at the bottom to receive a score and personalized feedback to determine if online courses are right for you.

Not Sure
1. Online courses are as challenging as face-to-face courses.
2. Online courses may require more self-direction than face-to-face courses.
3. Online courses require self-discipline to avoid procrastination.
4. Online courses will have scheduled assignments and due dates.
Not Sure
5. I am self-motivated.
6. I can keep myself on track to meet deadlines.
7. I can work on projects through completion.
8. I am willing to send emails to or have discussions with instructors and classmates I might never meet in person.
Not Sure
9. I am comfortable communicating in writing.
10. I can learn from things I listen to, like lectures, audio recordings, or podcasts.
11. I enjoy reading and can retain information by studying in this manner.
12. I learn well on my own, but I also enjoy group work.
Not Sure
13. I usually study in a place where I can read and work on assignments without distractions.
14. I am willing to spend up to 10 hours each week for a 3-credit online course.
15. I keep a record of what my assignments are and when they are due.
16. I plan my work in advance so that I can turn my assignments in on time.
Not Sure
17. I am comfortable using the internet.
18. I am comfortable searching for information on the internet and downloading files.
19. I am comfortable installing software and changing configuration settings on my computer.
20. I know of a support person or group who can help me if I have computer problems.
Not Sure
21. My computer runs reliably on the latest versions of Windows, Mac OS or Chromebook.
22. I have a fast and reliable internet connection.
23. I have headphones or speakers and a microphone to use if a class requires virtual meetings (Zoom).
24. I cannot complete an online course with a smartphone.
Not Sure
25. I am familiar with the support resources at Suffolk that will help in my learning, such as the Academic Computing Centers and Academic Tutoring Centers at each campus.
26. I am familiar with the Academic Advising and Mentoring Centers (AAMC) at each campus where I can connect with faculty.
27. I plan to take the Brightspace 101 For Students orientation so that I am familiar with the Brightspace environment.
28. I am aware of the SUNY Online Brightspace Help Desk, which is available by phone 7 days a week at 1-844-673-6786 or 1-518-320-1300.

After you answer all of the above questions and confirm you're not a robot, click the "Am I Ready?" button. Your results will display below.

Optional: If you would like your results sent to you, please provide your email address. Your email address will not be used for marketing purposes.


The results of your survey will display here.