Program Overview
The Honors Program offers interdisciplinary learning opportunities for academically talented and highly motivated students. It is grounded in the traditions of the liberal arts and stresses the connections among various disciplines and the tools of artistic and intellectual creativity. The Honors Program is an enrichment program for academically talented and highly motivated students designed to augment and complement a student's program of study.
Admission Process:
- An Honors Program application, which is separate from and in addition to the application
for admission to the college.
Download the application here. - A letter of recommendation from a person familiar with the applicant's academic performance or potential. In particular the letter should address the candidate's verbal skills, intellectual ability, and academic motivation.
- An essay of approximately 500 words that gives a perspective on the applicant both as a student and a person. The topic is open, but it should reflect the applicant’s best writing ability.
- For applicants from high school only, a copy of the student’s high school transcript, previous college transcript(s) and, if taken, ACT or SAT scores.
- New and continuing students may apply for admission to the Honors Program. Part-time and full-time students in all curricula are welcome to apply.
Minimum Requirements:
For entering students:
- 85 un-weighted high school average
- strong writing skills
- currently, the Honors Program is standardized test (ACT or SAT) optional. However, if a student has taken either or both of these tests, the applicant is encouraged to submit them, as they are helpful in determining scholarship awards.
For students already enrolled at Suffolk:
- 3.3 cumulative grade point average
In all instances, alternative evidence of academic ability may also be considered.
Diploma Sequence
Qualified students may enroll in the Honors Program Diploma Sequence while engaged in a curriculum of their choice. A minimum of twenty-two credits distributed throughout the social sciences, humanities, mathematics and sciences satisfies the diverse requirements for this sequence. Honors enhanced course requirements are met by substituting Honors-level sections for regular courses. Graduates who complete the Honors Program Diploma Sequence will have that distinction noted on their official academic transcript and on their diploma.
Recognition Sequence
Alternatively, qualified students may enroll in the Honors Program Recognition Sequence as part of their chosen curriculum. The Recognition Sequence is accomplished by successfully completing a minimum of twelve credits of honors courses. Graduates who complete the Honors Program Recognition Sequence will have that distinction noted on their official academic transcript and on their diploma.
Honors Requirements and Graduation
To be in good standing, students must take a minimum of six Honors credits and maintain a GPA of at least 3.3 each semester. To graduate from Honors, they must complete one of the above sequences and have a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA.
Individual Honors Courses
Individual honors courses are open to qualified students on a space-available basis. Interested students should contact the College Honors Coordinator for permissions.
Contact Information
For additional information, please contact the College Honors office at mccoyk@sunysuffolk.edu or (631) 451-4391.