Annual Report 14-15 - page 48

Board of Trustees
in September, the Suffolk County Legislature’s education and information
Technology Committee recommended appointing Denise Lindsay Sullivan as a
member of our Board of Trustees, to serve a seven-year term replacing Trustee Arthur
Cliff who chose not to seek reappointment. Trustee Sullivan is the Assistant
Superintendent of Curriculum for the Hampton Bays school district and is the
daughter of the late Presiding officer of the Legislature, william Lindsay.
in March, New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo appointed Bergre escorbores,
ed.D. as a member of our Board of Trustees for a term to expire on June 30, 2017.
Dr. escorbores is a principal in the Brentwood School District and succeeds Belinda
Alvarez-Groneman, whose term expired in 2010.
in April, eastern Campus student, Maria Gomez, was elected by the College’s student
body as the next Student Trustee on the College’s Board of Trustees. Her term of office
will be July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016.
Trustee Paul Pontieri accepted an invitation from the College’s eSL program to deliver
the keynote address during at the eSL Certificate Completion Ceremony in May.
At its June 2015 meeting, the Board voted for the following slate of officers for the
forthcoming year: eresa Sanders - Chair; Jim Morgo - vice Chair, and Bryan Lilly -
Secretary. My Cabinet and i look forward to continuing to work with our Board and
with its new leadership.
Community Leadership
in october, the Suffolk Center on the Holocaust, Diversity & Human Understanding,
together with the Suffolk County Human rights Commission and the Suffolk
County interfaith Anti-Bias Task force, initiated a series of conversations to identify
the state of difference and the actions needed to overcome the obstacles to a fully
inclusive society. ere were several panel discussions, each taking a view from a
unique perspective and each open to the general public. e first session began with
an embracing our Differences reception that featured a panel of artists including
Patricia Lannes as moderator, and robert Carter, Juan Lopez, and Chang-Jin Lee. e
next session featured a panel of members from the Multi-faith forum that discussed
how differences within and among religions have kept people apart, and how religion
can become a force for positive change. e final session was our annual Unity Day
program. is year’s program featured a keynote address by James Banks, the College’s
Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs, a panel discussion led by student leaders, and
a panel discussion led by community leaders who were members of various town
Anti-Bias Task forces.
As part of the College’s institutional Goals associated with community outreach,
i participated as a member of the Bank of America’s Long island Selection Committee
for its Neighborhood Builders Award. following serious deliberation, the committee
reviewed and ultimately selected the award recipients. e organizations that will
benefit from this award will really make a difference on Long island. i was honored to
serve as the committee’s only individual representing the field of higher education.
robert A. isaksen, Bank of America’s Long island President, is an alumnus of the
During the fall, the College hosted the Long island regional Advisory Council for
Higher education (LirACHe) Presidents and Superintendents Partnership meeting
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
In June, eresa Sanders became the newly elected
Chair for the College’s Board of Trustees.
Denise Lindsay Sullivan was appointed to the
College’s Board of Trustees last fall.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17