Annual Report 14-15 - page 43

2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
will be optimized by lowering thermostats in buildings not in use. Utility bills will
be reviewed and analyzed using industry software that will help identify billing errors
and energy saving opportunities. College staff will be educated about using the energy
under their control, and conservation will be encouraged. each of the College’s
buildings will undergo energy audits throughout the year to ensure that all systems are
working efficiently and as designed.
As part of this year’s earth Day festivities, the College celebrated the installation of six
electric vehicle charging stations – two at each campus. is project, which was primarily
funded by the New York State energy research and Development Authority (NYSerDA)
is intended to encourage the use of environmentally preferable electric vehicles by
providing the infrastructure to make this option viable. each station can rapid-charge
two electric or hybrid/electric vehicles and is connected to the Chargepoint Network
for recovery of utility costs. e College installed the charging stations to promote use
of environmentally friendly vehicles by students, faculty and staff at the College.
e College has agreed to act as the educational partner to two municipalities’
application in the Solarize NY program which streamlines residential solar
installations at the local level. e Solarize Brookhaven and Solarize South fork
programs will provide a bulk discounted group purchase model of pre-screened solar
installations, as well as expedited project permit review for residents of Brookhaven,
Southampton and east Hampton Towns.
Several important sustainability-related transportation initiatives have been
undertaken in the past year. working with 511NYrideshare, a State Department of
energy sponsored not-for-profit, over 200 students, faculty and staff have been
registered on its ridesharing portal, which facilitates car-pooling and other sustainable
transportation options. in addition, approximately 85 Suffolk students pledged to
go car-free during 511NYrideshare’s second annual Car free Day-Long island in
A comprehensive survey of student transportation concerns was developed in
cooperation with the College’s office of Planning and institutional effectiveness.
is is being shared with the Suffolk County Department of Public works to identify
opportunities for service enhancements.
A new website has been developed, along with a facebook profile and Twitter feed to
keep the campus community updated about activities and opportunities associated
with the College’s sustainability initiative, and to foster additional engagement for all
interested stakeholders.
Computer Information Systems (CIS)
e office of Computer and information Systems has accomplished much this past
year and has begun several exciting new projects. e department has also seen past
projects delivering well on planned outcomes.
Collaboration with various functional groups has resulted in operational
improvements in several areas. anks to an interface built between the College’s
online learning system and Banner, students now have quick access to their
Blackboard course accounts shortly after registration.
As part of a major collaboration among Academic Affairs, Student Affairs, and the
Computer Center, the College was able to meet SUNY’s new degree credit
Our campuses now have electric vehicle charging stations to
accommodate a growing demand for electric vehicles.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17