Annual Report 14-15 - page 57

e College was recognized for having one of the best SUNY Campus photos of
2014 based on instagram user interactions. is SUNY effort was meant to
showcase the beauty of SUNY’s campuses through photographs taken by SUNY
students. e photo featured our Montaukett Learning resource Center on our
eastern Campus.
vickie f. Calderon, ed.M. was honored in March by the National Coalition for
Campus Children’s Centers (NCCCC) as the 2015 Director of the Year. Ms.
Calderon’s selection was based upon her history of work in early education, her
commitment to excellence in teaching, and most of all, her leadership and positive
impact on early care and education on our Michael J. Grant Campus. e Children’s
Learning Centers at Suffolk County Community College are State licensed and
provide a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate child care program for
children between the ages of six weeks and five years of age. e Learning Centers are
open to children of college students, faculty, and staff; Suffolk County employees; and
community residents. e National Coalition for Campus Children’s Centers
(NCCCC) is a nonprofit educational membership organization supporting excellence
in programs for young children in communities of higher learning by providing
opportunities for leadership, professional development, research, networking, and
in June, Linda McGuire one of our child care infant lead teachers, received the Marcia
Brady excellence in early Care and education Awards at the SUNY early Care and
education Annual Conference. e Brady excellence Award was created to celebrate
the administrators, center staff and community partners who have made significant
achievements in the improvement and advancement of early care.
e Career and Transfer Center on the Michael J. Grant Campus received honorable
mention recognition from the Metropolitan New York College Career Planning
officer’s Association (MNYCCPoA) for its submissions, “Career Conference 2014”
and “Career Planning 101.”
Associate vice President for workforce and economic Development John Lombardo
spoke to a group assembled at Stony Brook University’s wang Center on the subject
of Manufacturing Training and the educated workforce. is economic development
meeting was titled, “economic Gardening” and was sponsored by County executive
Steve Bellone. other speakers included College Trustee Paul Pontieri and Dean
Yachov Shamash from Stony Brook.
Student Awards and Recognition
Michael J. Grant Campus student Tricia wildman, was selected as a member of the
2015 All-USA Community College Academic Team. She is one of only 20 students
selected to receive this prestigious national honor from among more than 1,700
nominations. e All-USA Community College Academic Team is sponsored
by follett Higher education Group and presented by
with additional
support provided by the American Association of Community Colleges and Phi
eta Kappa. As part of this recognition, she was featured in a special section of
in April. As an All-USA Community College Academic Team member,
she received a $2,500 scholarship and special medallion. e award was presented
at the Presidents Breakfast held during the American Association of Community
Colleges (AACC) Convention in San Antonio, Texas. i was honored to be in
attendance at the conference, which enabled me to be present as Tricia received her
award. we congratulate her for this outstanding, national academic achievement.
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
Vickie F. Calderon was honored by the National Coalition
for Campus Children’s Centers as the 2015 Director of the Year.
Associate Vice President for Workforce and Economic
Development John Lombardo spoke at Stony Brook University’s
Wang Center about Manufacturing Training.
Tricia Wildman was selected as a member of the
2015 All-USA Community College Academic Team.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17