Annual Report 14-15 - page 58

in May, as part of NASA’s Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS) project,
ian Kotler of Lake Grove, an earth & Space Sciences major with an Astronomy
emphasis who attends the College’s Ammerman Campus in Selden, was invited by
NASA to visit the Johnson Space Center in Houston. As part of the NCAS
application process, ian completed a series of exams, earning a perfect score. He then
delivered a design proposal for a Mars rover. His design included operational s
pecifications, mission objectives, project timelines and public outreach initiatives.
Ammerman Campus student Steven Curcio, was selected as a recipient of a 2015
Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from e Jack Kent Cooke foundation, which
will provide him with a scholarship that covers tuition, fees, books, and living
expenses for up to a total of $40,000 annually, for up to three years. is award is
intended to cover a significant share of the student’s educational expenses – including
tuition, living expenses, books and required fees – for the final two to three years
necessary to achieve a bachelor’s degree. e Jack Kent Cooke foundation Scholarship
is the largest private scholarship awarded to community college transfer students in
the country. Steven is one of 90 Scholars selected this year to receive the award. is is
the College’s ninth Jack Kent Cooke Scholar in its history.
on March 9
, the Coca-Cola Scholars foundation announced its Community
College Academic Team. Two of New York’s seven 2015 Coca-Cola Scholars were
from Suffolk County Community College. ey were Steven Curcio and emily
rooney. e Coca-Cola Scholars foundation recognizes 50 Gold, 50 Silver, and 50
Bronze Scholars, and provides nearly $190,000 in scholarships annually. Selection as
a Coca-Cola Scholar is based on scores earned in the All-USA Community College
Academic Team competition, for which more than 1,700 students applied this year.
Bronze Scholars each receive a $1,000 scholarship and a special medallion that will be
presented to them during the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
Annual Convention taking place in San Antonio this April.
on behalf of the New York State education Department (NYSeD), the
Nontraditional employment & Training Program (NeT) at the Center for women in
Government & Civil Society-SUNY Albany, announced the winners of the vanguard
Award for the 2014-2015 academic year. e vanguard Award is presented to select
students in New York State who are enrolled in secondary or postsecondary Career
and Technical education Programs that prepares them for careers not traditional for
their gender. e NeT program is committed to promotion of gender neutral
educational strategies and practices. is year, eight winners were selected from a
statewide pool of nominees. for the first time in its history, Suffolk County
Community College has two winners in one year. our students, Brianny Amaya from
Bay Shore, who is enrolled in our electrical engineering Technology program, and
Shailee Joshi from Coram, who is enrolled in our engineering Science program were
recognized in Albany with a dinner in their honor. ey will also appear in a
videotaped interview that will be posted on the NeT website.
Biology Participation in research and education Program (BioPreP), is an
NiH-funded program that encourages underrepresented community college students
who wish to further their education and pursue careers in biomedical sciences.
BioPreP participant, Ashley Markstaller, a student from our Biology program
recently received an award for her research in the fields of Microbiology and
Molecular Biology. She was recognized during the Annual Biomedical research
Conference for Minority Students (ABrCMS), which took place in San Antonio,
Texas in November. Ashley conducted her research in the laboratory of
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
Steven Curcio was selected as the College’s ninth
recipient of the Undergraduate Transfer Scholarship from
e Jack Kent Cooke Foundation.
Suffolk County Community College’s SUNY Chancellor Award for
Student Excellence recipients.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17