Annual Report 14-15 - page 49

at the workforce Technology Development Center on the Michael J. Grant Campus,
followed by a meeting of LirACHe’s Steering Committee, upon which i serve as a
member. LirACHe continues to address college readiness as a priority issue. e
group is attempting to define a regional definition of college readiness, to ascertain
descriptors of the successful college student, and to encourage higher education
institutions to work with K-12 partners to expand sustainable collaborative readiness
efforts, including using the Suffolk County Community College-Hampton Bays
initiative as a model. Staff members from the office of Planning and institutional
effectiveness are providing support for the effort.
in January, i attended the annual organizational meeting for the Suffolk County
Legislature in Hauppauge. Among those installed to leadership positions, were
Duwayne Gregory, who was re-elected as Presiding officer and Jay Schneiderman,
who was re-elected as Deputy Presiding officer. i also attended the inauguration of
the Honorable Kimberly Jean-Pierre, New York State Assemblywoman for the 11
AD, which was held at Babylon Town Hall.
in february, i served as the keynote speaker for the Sayville rotary’s breakfast meeting.
in addition to a large audience that included numerous elected officials, the rotary
Club had arranged for a group of 20 high school students from islip and Central islip
high schools to be in attendance. rotarian Chestene Coverdale visited my office the
following week to share with me that many of the parents in attendance had expressed
their enhanced interest in seeing their children enroll at Suffolk. She also expressed the
Club’s appreciation and support for the College.
in April, the College hosted a Youth entrepreneurial financial Literacy and College
Preparation event with wyandanch High School students. e entrepreneurial
Assistance Center was awarded a grant through the Long island regional economic
Development Council- opportunity Agenda to create an entrepreneur program at
wyandanch High School. e goal is to get students focused on improving their
academic, business, technology, and life skills. Some of the topics covered were
developing a Business Plan, financial Statements, Marketing, Characteristics of the
Successful entrepreneur and Pay Yourself first.
College staff and i attended the 15
Annual Bay Shore-Brightwaters Distinguished
Citizen Award Dinner held in April, honoring Mary reid. e event was hosted
by the Chamber of Commerce of Greater Bay Shore and the Bay Shore Business
improvement District. i was among the group of Long island leaders invited to share
their experiences working with Mary during her years of public service to Suffolk
County’s communities.
is past spring, the College hosted a symposium on Common Core Mathematics
that was deemed a major success. As this topic generates strong reactions across Long
island, participation exceeded expectations. More than 100 high school teachers,
college faculty and school district superintendents participated. Many speakers from
SUNY were on hand to discuss the Common Core curriculum, what it was supposed
to accomplish, what it has become, and how to improve it through proper pedagogy.
e College, along with the riverhead Chamber of Commerce, and the Southampton
Business Alliance collaborated to host a symposium on May 1
at the College’s
Culinary Arts & Hospitality Center. e goal of the symposium was for attendees to
leave with new strategies to encourage professional growth in their current and future
positions. e morning session was targeted toward currently employed people who
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
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