Annual Report 14-15 - page 38

2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
commercials and 93% of the respondents found the commercials to be effective or
very effective. According to the office of institutional effectiveness, the sample size
indicates a 95% confidence level, with a sampling error of less than +/- 5%.
Considering that the three most admired companies in America (Amazon, Coca-Cola
and Apple) have reputation scores in the 81-83% range, this level of positive feedback
from important stakeholders within our targeted audiences is quite significant.
rough our engagement with interact Communications, which is exclusively focused
on the community college market and is continuously conducting research to assess
the best ways to effectively reach this population, we were able to access survey results
about media habits and preferences from approximately 26,000 community college
students across the nation. is data has allowed us to see what is trending so we can
make more informed decisions about our evolving media mix and where we should
invest our advertising resources.
During the past year, the College continued to advance its image and reputation
through external and internal messaging across a broad spectrum of platforms
including print, Tv, radio, online, in-theater, in-arena, direct mail and even in our
regional airport. Many of these marketing initiatives and publications have received
national and regional acclaim. in fact, this past year, the marketing and
communications team has been recognized with 15 national awards, as well as
five regional and state awards from the following organizations:
• Two Communicator Awards of Distinction, presented by the Academy of
interactive and visual Arts for the College’s islip MacArthur Airport Displays
• 11 Higher education Advertising Awards, presented by the Higher education
Marketing report in the following categories
– Gold Award: outdoor Advertising
– Gold Award: Annual report
– Gold Award: office of events brochure
– Silver Award:
Career Focus
– Silver Award: office of workforce and economic Development’s Pipeline
– Silver Award: Newspaper Print Ads
– Silver Award: Sharks Poster
– Merit Award: Honors Program brochure
– Merit Awards: Sharks brochure and Summer @ Suffolk Direct Mail
• one Bronze Paragon Award, presented by the National Council for Marketing
and Public relations (NCMPr) for the College’s external Course Schedule
• ree Medallion Awards, presented by NCMPr for the following categories:
– outdoor Media: islip MacArthur Airport display
– video Shorts: Student Spotlight video / Danielle Safaty
– e-Card: online Holiday Greeting Card
• Two SUNY Council for University Advancement (CUAD) Awards for the
– Best of Category: outdoor Airport Display
– Judge’s Citation: Sharks brochure
in all, work produced by our internal marketing and communications team has
garnered 36 national, regional and state awards during the past six years.
e offices of enrollment Management and institutional Advancement work closely
all year long to develop strategies for increasing enrollment. A few of this year’s
initiatives include more digital and online advertising in addition to traditional
advertising; developing a new “pop-up” screen for our current students so that when
Suffolk’s marketing efforts have won 19 national and regional
awards this past year and more than 35 during the past six years.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17