Annual Report 14-15 - page 35

Colorado. Juan ramon and Alvaro Gonzalez Davila were selected as HACU
student-track scholarship recipients. e conference provided career development,
leadership, and communications workshops; industry specific presentations; guidance
on receiving federal internships and served as a networking symposium with students
and administrators across the nation.
in November, i delivered greetings at the Suffolk County Human rights
Commission’s public forum, held at the College’s van Nostrand eatre. entitled
“Children: Protecting our future,” the event included panel presentations, as well as
a special keynote address from and United Nations Children’s fund (UNiCef)
Director and Senior Advisor Dr. Nicholas K. Alipui, who officially proclaimed
November 20
as Suffolk County Day of the Child to raise awareness of children’s
welfare issues.
Staff attended a New York City Diversity recruiting/Advising Special Student
Populations roundtable and Networking at Columbia University, sponsored by
eastern Association of Colleges and employers (eACe) in January. More and more
the Department of Labor offices, state and federal, are stressing the need for employers
to be in compliance when engaging in college recruiting and hiring practices for
new graduates and interns. is event discussed issues related to these topics and
highlighted best practices.
in honor of Black History Month, the College participated in the National African
American Author read-in to celebrate the significant contributions that African-
American authors have made to our cultural landscape. Members of the college
community were invited to read passages from their favorite African-American
writers, discuss the richness of African-American culture, and share the diversity of
the African-American experience.
e Gordon Parks foundation, headquartered at SUNY Purchase, presented the
College with a five-volume boxed set of Gordon Parks’ photos compiled in
Gordon Parks: Collected Works
. e books represent the most extensive publication of
Parks’ photographs to date, documenting the more than six decade-long legendary
career of the man considered by many to be the pre-eminent African-American
photographer of the 20
century. His photographs cover subjects ranging from the
civil rights movement, urban poverty, and rural life to the worlds of fashion and the
arts. e volumes will be made available in each of the College’s campus libraries on
a rotating basis.
in March, the College received notification from Dr. Carlos Medina, SUNY’s Chief
Diversity officer and Senior Associate vice Chancellor for Diversity, equity and
inclusion that Suffolk student Shaun enright was selected to receive an award through
its Diversity Abroad Honors Scholarship Program (DAHSP). e $1,000 award is
dedicated toward funding study abroad. only one student from each SUNY campus
is eligible for nomination to receive this new competitive scholarship and its receipt
is a great achievement both for the student and the College.e DAHSP program is
committed to expanding students’ knowledge of diverse peoples throughout the world
and encourages campuses to nominate students who might not otherwise be able to
study abroad.
A Dream Act forum was held on the Ammerman Campus in April. e program
included screening a 30-minute film entitled “e Dream is Now” and a student
panel discussion.
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
As part of Black History Month, the College participated in
a National African American Author Read-In.
e College has received a five-volume boxed set of
Gordon Parks’ photographs.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17