Annual Report 14-15 - page 34

great strides in creating a culture of involvement and intervention. we delivered
affirmative action and compliance training to our Public Safety officers, Student
Affairs staff, and campus and College administrators. we also presented introductory
sessions as part of new employee orientation, inclusive of a presentation for newly
hired adjunct faculty members, athletic coaches, as well as student sessions for
orientation leaders, peer mentors, and student leaders Among the resources developed
in support of this effort, were the production of a new Title iX brochure, and a series
of communications that included various email, portal and web messages.
Since 2013, anyone at the College who has served on a search committee for any
position available with the College engages in this important responsibility by signing
a confidentiality waiver and attending an hour-long diversity training session that is
co-delivered by our Assistant vice President for employee resources and our
Affirmative Action officer. Training includes guidance on best practices for
conducting an inclusive search and selection process, a review of the logistics involved
with the search, an overview of the demographics and statistics related to the applicant
pool, and an explanation of the diversity goal within the College’s strategic plan.
During the past two years, members from over 85 search committees, empaneled at
the campus level and college-wide, have completed this training.
in December, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo announced that the State University of
New York would adopt a comprehensive system-wide uniform sexual assault policy for
all 64 campuses. e policy included a sexual violence victim/survivor Bill of rights
and a uniform definition of consent. A new website was launched to provide support
tools and other resources. New York is one of the first states in the nation with this
type of comprehensive policy. New legislation also provides expectations to combat
sexual assault and sexual violence, and outlined specific expectations for safety and
responsibility on every campus, inclusive of student code of conduct revisions.
April is sexual assault awareness month, and the College was invited by Suffolk
County Legislator Kate Browning to her event in riverhead that served to highlight
support programs and recognize victims’ advocates. i was joined by our College
Affirmative Action officer and Title iX Coordinator Christina vargas, who spoke
about the College’s efforts to heighten student awareness about available support
programs and what can be done to prevent assault and abuse before they happen. in
addition, each campus provided comprehensive programming including film
screenings, in class discussions, guest speakers, and panel discussions to raise awareness
of this important issue.
As a result of all these efforts – training, education, and communication – there is a
growing understanding of the responsiveness individuals can expect to receive from
the College, should an incident occur. working closely with our Public Safety officers,
we are now streamlining incident reporting to enhance our ability to deliver consistent
presentation of incident statistics.
Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Les Payne, headlined the College’s Second Annual
National Dialogue on race, by leading a discussion about “e Civil rights Act
of 1964: 50 Years Later.” e September 18
program took place in the College’s
van Nostrand eater on the Michael J. Grant Campus. on the following day, the
College offered three screenings of the civil rights film, “freedom Summer 1964.”
in october, a delegation of eight students attended the Hispanic Association of
Colleges and Universities (HACU) 28
annual leadership conference in Denver,
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
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Know Your Rights
No person in the United States shall, on the basis
of sex, be excluded from participation in, be
denied the benefits of or be subjected to
discrimination under any educational program or
activity receiving federal financial assistance.
--Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972
Suffolk students attended the Hispanic Association of Colleges and
Universities (HACU) 28
annual leadership conference in Denver.
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