Annual Report 14-15 - page 25

Dr. Candice foley, Professor of Chemistry and the College’s NSf S-STeM Pi,
addressed the benefits of undergraduate research experiences, the strength and success
of Suffolk’s STeM scholars and the vital role of community colleges, particularly
Suffolk, as crucial entry points and valued partners at a presentation at the national
STeMTech Conference. Dr. foley presented Suffolk’s NSf S-STeM program
statistics and data to highlight the success of our vast network of collaborations
within SUNY, statewide and nationally and the benefits that result for our students,
enabling them to bridge from the community college to the baccalaureate level, on
to graduate school and into the STeM workforce.
Suffolk’s strength in connecting students to real world experiential research
opportunities was a strong message articulated by Suffolk’s student research scholars
who were selected to present their research results in a wide array of local, regional and
national conferences including:
• 19
Annual Pine Barrens research forum – BNL
• Annual Biomedical research Conference for Minority Students (ABrCMS) –
San Antonio, TX
• Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. educational empowerment Conference
• NiH institutional research and Career Development Symposium
• STeM Diversity Summit – farmingdale State College
• Long island STeM Hub Annual Celebration – Cradle of Aviation Museum
• inaugural SUNY Undergraduate research Conference – Brockport, NY
• National Conference on Undergraduate research – Spokane, wA
• 23
Annual CSTeP Conference – Bolton Landing, NY
• NY City Technical College
STeM scholar research was highlighted at two inaugural events this past year. first,
at the dedication of the new william J. Lindsay Life Sciences Building, students
presented posters summarizing their research. each speaker was poised, articulate, and
passionate about the benefits of their community college STeM education and how
their research experiences impacted their future educational and career aspirations.
Next, the Ammerman Campus library dedicated March 2015 as “STeM Month” and
featured displays, exhibits, and student research posters. “STeM Month” concluded
with a STeM celebration highlighting the work of Suffolk’s talented STeM scholars,
who presented their research posters to their peers and the college community.
Since 2004, Suffolk County Community College has been one of the strongest
pipelines of interns to Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL). we are second only to
Stony Brook University in the total number of participants in BNL research programs
and our record in obtaining these internships includes competing against strong ivy
League competitors such as MiT, Yale, Cornell and others. Since 2007, more than
120 Suffolk County Community College STeM scholars have been awarded
competitive and paid research internships at laboratories ranging from Brookhaven
National Laboratory, to Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, to
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
March was dedicated as “STEM Month” and an event
at the Ammerman Campus Huntington Library
featured displays, exhibits, and student research posters.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17