Annual Report 14-15 - page 17

teams. Similar to the field House at the Michael J. Grant Campus, this building will
contain convention space. is kind of space, in the dimensions that will be built,
does not currently exist anywhere on Long island’s east end or the twin forks. events
scheduled for this venue will serve to bolster revenue to the College, as well as the
economic vitality of the region by attracting visitors to the area.
renewable energy and STeM Center – Michael J. Grant Campus
is year’s New York State Budget included the State’s portion of capital funding
associated with development of a new renewable energy and STeM Center on our
Michael J. Grant Campus. is facility will be the cornerstone of new academic
initiatives (both credit and non-credit) being developed in energy Management,
Alternative energy Technologies, and Sustainability Studies, as well as Cybersecurity
and other STeM disciplines. A steering committee has been assembled, and
architectural design conversations commenced this summer. in addition to design,
construction and equipment planning for the building, curriculum development for
new academic programming is actively underway.
e building will act as a showcase for the merits of renewable energy, provide a
facility where the installation, repair and maintenance of renewable energy systems
can be taught, and create an opportunity to combine research from Stony Brook
University with Suffolk County Community College’s expertise in training. e
building will house laboratories and classrooms where solar photovoltaics, wind
power, geothermal and other renewable energy and energy conservation technologies
can be taught. e first floor of this two-story building will be used for renewable
energy training and for other STeM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)
related courses. e second floor will serve as an incubator for Stony Brook
University professors who are developing new marketable technologies, including
energy and digital technologies. Cybersecurity educational opportunities will be an
essential component of the second floor for workforce programs, and for degree and
continuing education students. our Stony Brook University partnership in research
and development will also provide opportunities to utilize this venue for Suffolk
STeM student interns.
Master Plan Update – College-wide
is project will update the existing College Master Plan, which was last amended in
2000. As a comprehensive, long-range plan intended to guide and empower College
development, periodic updates are critical. is re-evaluation will ensure that capital
projects are aligned with the College Strategic Plan and respond to real needs as
academic programs, demographics and economics continue to evolve and existing
physical assets continue to age.
infrastructure – College-wide
Many College building systems and supporting infrastructure are at the end of their
useful life and in poor condition. is capital project will enable us to repair these
critical physical assets before they fail.
As part of our partnership with Long island University, a new modular building is
under construction on the Michael J. Grant Campus. we anticipate construction will
continue throughout the fall 2015 semester and that the building will be ready for
occupancy by students in the spring of 2016. in the meantime, we will continue to
accommodate LiU students within existing space on the campus.
following renovations to upgrade the Alumni room in the Brookhaven Gymnasium,
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
e forthcoming Health and Wellness facility will further allow
Eastern Campus students to enjoy a full college experience.
e Renewable Energy and STEM Center will enable the College
to offer new programming and will serve to educate students regarding
renewable energy options.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17