Annual Report 14-15 - page 16

2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
in october, i was thrilled to unveil the first new building on our Ammerman Campus
since the 1970’s. Almost 250 guests, including the Chairman of the SUNY Board of
Trustees, attended the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new 64,000-square-foot
william J. Lindsay Life Sciences Building. e dedication program brilliantly
showcased this spectacular facility, our wonderful faculty and our very bright students,
all while appropriately remembering an outstanding public servant and former
Presiding officer of the Suffolk County Legislature, william J. Lindsay, who was a
strong advocate for the College throughout his career. in line with our timeline, we
successfully opened the building in time to schedule classes for the spring semester.
Last fall, the College hosted a visit with the Community College Capital Program
Manager for SUNY. e purpose of the visit was to tour some of the College’s
on-going capital projects and review procedures for the next State budget cycle.
included on the tour were the riverhead Building renovation, and the new
william J. Lindsay Life Sciences Building on the Ammerman Campus, as well as a
visit to capital sites on the Michael J. Grant Campus.
2015-2016 Capital Budget
As a result of last year’s capital program process, all of our capital projects were
maintained in the County’s capital program. in addition, a Master Plan Update and a
fourth phase of infrastructure College-wide, were added as new projects when the
College submitted its 2015-2017 Capital Program request to the County. My main
focus this year was to keep all existing projects from being dropped or delayed. Projects
currently scheduled for funding in 2015 and beyond now total $42.3 million.
At its meeting on June 2
, the full Suffolk County Legislature voted to adopt the
County Capital Budget. is included approving all of the College’s capital project
requests as modified by the County executive. e College’s capital projects are
funded with 50% coming from our sponsor, Suffolk County, and 50% coming from
the State of New York. e College has also submitted its requests to SUNY based
on the Adopted County Capital Budget and Program. i am grateful to our elected
officials for their leadership on our capital budget requests.
Just as we enjoyed the official opening of the william J. Lindsay Life Sciences
Building on the Ammerman Campus in Selden this past fall, among the projects we
can now look forward to are a new Health and wellness facility at the eastern Campus,
construction of a renewable energy/STeM Center and new Learning resource
Center at the Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood, along with appropriations
for a Plant operations Building for the Michael J. Grant Campus and warehouse
Building for the eastern Campus, renovations to Kreiling Hall on Ammerman and
to the Sagtikos Building on Grant, a new master facilities plan for the College and
a fourth installment of $10.3 million for college-wide infrastructure projects. it is
important to note that the College’s larger capital projects will generate numerous
good-paying construction jobs that will assist in boosting the regional economy.
Some highlights from among our upcoming capital projects are the following:
Health and wellness facility – eastern Campus
is building is vital to supporting a health and wellness focus for eastern Suffolk
County. e facility will be used by our students for athletics and recreation – finally
allowing the institution to provide a full college experience for those enrolled at the
eastern Campus. e facility will also be made available to community residents for
general fitness and recreational use and to train east end fire, police and dive rescue
e Lindsay family has announced the establishment of the
William J. Lindsay Memorial Scholarship Fund.
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Last Updated: 12/9/17