Annual Report 14-15 - page 22

ability to place orders using online catalogues from entities that the College has
contracts with or that have contract authorization from SUNY, New York State or
Suffolk County. e solution will be integrated with the Banner financial system to
ensure that appropriations are available and that applicable levels of approval are
maintained. e Banner project will require students to update their telephone,
address and email contact information in advance of our plans to introduce text
messaging capabilities as a form of student communication.
our total full Time equivalent (fTe) enrollment for the academic year was very close
to the prior year's enrollment figures, which means we made strides in attracting
enrollment that was sufficient to make up the difference generated by graduating the
largest class in our history. Despite national trends and the experience of both two-
and four-year colleges in the area that have lost 5% or more in enrollment, our fTe
enrollment is basically flat and has remained level. i have directed that student
retention efforts be a priority as we move forward.
e College had successful open House events for both the fall and spring at its three
campuses. e programming for open House includes having faculty representatives
in attendance from all academic programs that are offered at the respective campuses,
as well as providing admissions, testing and advising, scholarship, financial aid, career,
special services, athletics, transfer and student leadership information. Campus tours
are conducted by student ambassadors. is year’s overall attendance ranged between
1,000-2,000 prospective and recently accepted students and their families. To attract
this audience, a postcard mailing was sent to Suffolk and Nassau county high school
juniors and seniors inviting them to attend the open House, and was also sent to
various cohorts of student populations not currently enrolled at the College. An
electronic announcement about the open House was sent to all respondents on the
College’s enrollment landing page.e event is also widely advertised using the
Note, press releases, social media, the College’s homepage, online advertisements,
along with posters and flyers that are sent to local high schools and libraries.
SUNY financial Aid Day was held on february 28
at all three campuses. over two
hundred parents and students attended college-wide. e financial Aid Professional
staff assisted the audience with a step-by-step presentation on the free Application
for federal Student Aid (fAfSA) process. After the presentation, the staff stayed to
answer questions.
in March, a financial aid presentation for english as a Second Language (eSL) students
from east Hampton along with their parents took place at the eastern Campus. east
Hampton provided a community liaison and the College provided a representative
from the campus financial Aid office. e presentation was delivered in Spanish.
Title III
is year, the College substantially completed its US Department of education Title
iii-A Strengthening institutions Program sponsored project, entitled
Student Engagement
through Informed Support
(SeiS). e project began on october 1, 2010 and will end
September 30, 2015. is five-year project was designed to dramatically improve
student success and engagement by growing the College’s capacity to support students
with electronically-enabled enrollment and admissions processes, reorganizing and
improving faculty academic advising, establishing a new early warning-student
intervention system, creating repositories of faculty-developed online learning objects
for 20 high-enrollment gateway courses, and unifying on-line and in-person student
support resources available through a new virtual Learning Commons.
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
e College’s Open House attracts thousands of potential students
from the region.
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