Annual Report 14-15 - page 21

preparation of our monitoring report. in response to the Commission’s changing
accreditation standards, the office of Planning and institutional effectiveness developed
a compliance database to track the College’s adherence to federal, state, and local
regulations. over the next two years, we will ask additional members of our faculty and
staff to attend Middle States workshops to prepare for upcoming accreditation events.
i have already initiated planning to address the College’s Decennial Self-Study,
scheduled to begin next year.
College Highlights
on May 15
, the School of Nursing gathered for a celebration of 50 years of
excellence in Nursing education. More than 1,000 guests attended this special
pinning ceremony to induct the 2015 class into the nursing profession. Highlights
from the evening included a procession of alumni who graduated between 1965 and
2014, and a special keynote address by alumnus richard Menjivar ’11, rN, BSN, a
United States Army veteran who served as a combat medic in support of operation
iraqi freedom. State representatives presented proclamations to the School and three
graduates received special recognition for their military service. During its long,
illustrious history, the College has seen over 8,580 Suffolk nursing graduates. A
commemorative journal was produced, with all journal proceeds used to fund a future
nursing scholarship.
e College hosted its annual commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 17
is year, we incorporated numerous logistical changes that helped to streamline and
shorten the program. with 4,306 students meeting the eligibility requirements for
graduation, the class of 2015 stands as the largest in the College’s history and brings
the total number of alumni that have graduated from Suffolk County Community
College to over 115,000. i was honored to invite the Suffolk County Legislature’s
Presiding officer, Duwayne Gregory, to serve as Grand Marshal for this year’s
ceremony. e foundation’s office of Alumni relations welcomed the Class of 2015,
presenting each graduate with an alumni welcome package and encouraging them to
stay connected with their alma mater so the next generation of Suffolk students will
also succeed.
My series of Campus Town Hall Meetings were completed in both the fall and spring
semesters. is year i joined the members of my Cabinet at each campus location,
utilizing the opportunity to bring the college community up to date with the latest
activities and accomplishments taking place across the College, in addition to
answering questions brought forth through the proceedings. each Town Hall allows
for one session directed to faculty and staff, with a second session held exclusively for
campus student leaders.
i have established a college-wide Space Allocation review Committee. is group has
been charged with conducting an analysis of space requirements and the efficient use
of existing space, inclusive of developing a process for making future space decisions
on our campuses and college-wide.
e college-wide information Technology Steering Committee recommended that
the College pursue two new project requests: one for an e-procurement system and
one to develop an updated Banner Student Demographic form. e e-procurement
project will serve to further streamline the College’s purchasing processes, minimize
the use of paper transactions, maximize discounts, improve reporting and assure
compliance with institutional procurement procedures. Authorized users will have the
2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
During our celebration of 50 years of excellence
in Nursing education, we were honored to be joined by alumni
from our earliest nursing classes.
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