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Admissions Rubrics

Admissions consideration to the Nursing programs is based on a rubric used to evaluate student performance.

Nursing A.S.

Rubric Item Max Points

TEAS Academic Preparedness

  • Exemplary = 25 points
  • Advanced = 20 points
  • Proficient = 0 points


TEAS Sub-Scores


  • TEAS Reading
  • TEAS Mathematics
  • TEAS Science
  • TEAS English

Point Rubric (for each area):

  • 90-99% = 12 points
  • 80-89% = 10 points
  • 70-79% = 8 points
  • 60-69% = 7 points
  • 50-59% = 1 points


First TEAS Score Used*

*Only one set of TEAS test scores are used in calculating total rubric points. If the TEAS test is taken twice in one academic year, the second attempt results will be used for the scoring rubric. An addition of 2 points can be earned if only the first attempt is used for admission consideration.


Relevant Coursework


  • BIO130: Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIO132: Anatomy and Physiology II
  • ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition
  • ENG102: Introduction to Literature
  • BIO244: Microbiology
  • MAT103: Statistics

Point Rubric (for each course):

  • A = 4 points
  • B+ = 3.5 points
  • B = 3 points
  • C+ = 2.5 points
  • C = 2 points


General Education

Grade of C or higher in each course (.25 points):

  1. PSY101: Introduction to Psychology
  2. HIS103: Foundations of American History or HIS104: Modern American History or HIS101: Europe and the World from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era or HIS102: Europe and the World since the Early Modern Era
  3. SOC101: Introduction to Sociology
  4. COM101: Introduction to Human Communication or COM105: Public Speaking


Total Max Score


Additional notes:

  • Previously admitted students who were dismissed from the program and are reapplying will be deducted 3 points from the total rubric score. Students who are reapplying are not guaranteed a seat and must meet all admission requirements.
  • Gen Ed/Liberal Arts and Sciences courses may be retaken only once to achieve a higher grade and the second grade will be used toward degree completion. BIO130 and BIO132 must be completed within 10 years to meet requirements for degree completion. Two (2) points will be deducted for each attempt (repeated the course and/or withdrawal) from BIO130 and/ or BIO132.
  • Tied Rubric Scores: In the event of tied rubric scores, the total adjusted TEAS test individual score will determine final decision.

Students must receive an Academic Preparedness level of Proficient in order to be considered eligible for admissions consideration.

Rubric Item Max Points

TEAS Sub-Scores


  • TEAS Reading
  • TEAS Mathematics
  • TEAS Science
  • TEAS English

Point Rubric (for each area):

  • 90-99% = 12 points
  • 80-89% = 10 points
  • 70-79% = 8 points
  • 60-69% = 7 points
  • 50-59% = 1 points

TEAS First Attempt used for Admissions  + 2 points


High School Academic Average (minimum 85 unweighted)

  • 95-100 = 20 points
  • 94-88 = 10 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points


Biology/Living Environment (minimum 85 class average and regents)

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points

Regents Score:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points


Chemistry (minimum 85 class average and regents)

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points

Regents Score:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points


Integrated Algebra (minimum 85 class average and regents)

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points

Regents Score:

  • 95-100 = 5 points
  • 88-94 = 3 points
  • 85-87 = 0 points


Total Max Score



Nursing (LPN to RN) A.S.

Rubric Item Max Points

TEAS Academic Preparedness

  • Exemplary = 25 points
  • Advanced = 20 points
  • Proficient = 0 points


TEAS Sub-Scores


  • TEAS Reading
  • TEAS Mathematics
  • TEAS Science
  • TEAS English

Point Rubric (for each area):

  • 90-99% = 12 points
  • 80-89% = 10 points
  • 70-79% = 8 points
  • 60-69% = 7 points
  • 50-59% = 1 points


First TEAS Score Used*

*Only one set of TEAS test scores are used in calculating total rubric points. If the TEAS test is taken twice in one academic year, the second attempt results will be used for the scoring rubric. An addition of 2 points can be earned if only the first attempt is used for admission consideration.


Relevant Coursework


  • BIO130: Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIO132: Anatomy and Physiology II
  • ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition
  • ENG102: Introduction to Literature
  • BIO244: Microbiology
  • MAT103: Statistics

Point Rubric (for each course):

  • A = 4 points
  • B+ = 3.5 points
  • B = 3 points
  • C+ = 2.5 points
  • C = 2 points


General Education

Grade of C or higher in each course (.25 points):

  1. PSY101: Introduction to Psychology
  2. HIS103: Foundations of American History or HIS104: Modern American History or HIS101: Europe and the World from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era or HIS102: Europe and the World since the Early Modern Era
  3. SOC101: Introduction to Sociology
  4. COM101: Introduction to Human Communication or COM105: Public Speaking


Bonus Points:

Acute Work Experience

LPN is employed in a hospital setting, performing acute care at the time of applying to the LPN-RN program.

Please note: Sub-acute long term care and other settings of LPN current employment are ineligible for bonus points.

  • 5+ years = 5 points
  • 4–5 years = 4 points
  • 3–4 years = 3 points
  • 2–3 years = 2 points
  • 6 months–2 years = 1 point

To apply:

Must have employer submit work experience verification letter on hospital letterhead stating hospital name, unit/floor of employment and start date as an LPN. You may use this verification template.

Submit the form by the application deadline to your first choice campus:


Credit-bearing LPN Program

Graduation from an accredited, credit bearing LPN Program within 5 years of application deadline. Must be verified by official transcript.


Total Max Score with Bonus


Additional notes:

  • Previously admitted students who were dismissed from the program and are reapplying will be deducted 3 points from the total rubric score. Students who are reapplying are not guaranteed a seat and must meet all admission requirements.
  • Gen Ed/Liberal Arts and Sciences courses may be retaken only once to achieve a higher grade and the second grade will be used toward degree completion. BIO130 and BIO132 must be completed within 10 years to meet requirements for degree completion. Two (2) points will be deducted for each attempt (repeated the course and/or withdrawal) from BIO130 and/ or BIO132.
  • Tied Rubric Scores: In the event of tied rubric scores, the total adjusted TEAS test individual score will determine final decision.


Practical Nursing Certificate

Rubric Item Max Points

TEAS Adjusted Total Score

  • 75-100% = 27 points
  • 70-74.9% = 20 points
  • 65-69.9% = 15 points
  • 58.7-64.9% = 10 points
  • 0-58.6% = 0 points


TEAS Sub-Scores


  • TEAS Reading
  • TEAS Mathematics
  • TEAS Science
  • TEAS English

Point Rubric (for each area):

  • 80-100% = 10 points
  • 70-79.9% = 8 points
  • 60-69.9% = 6 points
  • 50-59.9% = 2 points
  • 0-49.9% = 0 points


First TEAS Score Used

Only one set of TEAS test scores are used in calculating total rubric points. If the TEAS test is taken twice in one academic year, the second attempt results will be used for the scoring rubric. An addition of 2 points can be earned if only the first attempt is used for admission consideration.


Relevant Coursework


  • BIO105: Survey of the Human Body or BIO130: Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BIO132: Anatomy and Physiology II (only BIO105 or BIO130/BIO132 is required for LPN)
  • ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition
  • PSY101: Introduction to Psychology

Point Rubric (for each course):

  • A = 4 points
  • B+ = 3.5 points
  • B = 3 points
  • C+ = 2.5 points
  • C = 2 points


Work Experience

Must have employer submit Work Verification Letter on company letterhead stating job title and length of employment.  Email letter to

Job Description Point Rubric

Work as a Certified Nursing Assistant with at least one-year experience.

15 points

Work in Health Care Field with direct care experience for at least one year.

For example: medical assistant, home health aide, EMT.

10 points

Work in Health Care Field without direct care experience for at least one year.

For example: medical office receptionist, hospital transporter

5 points


Total Max Score


Additional notes:

  • Previously admitted students who were dismissed from the PN program and are reapplying will have three (3) points deducted from the total rubric score. Students who are reapplying are not guaranteed a seat and must meet all admission requirements.
  • Two (2) points will be deducted for each attempt (repeated the course and/or withdrawal) from BIO105, BIO130 and/or BIO132.
  • Tied Rubric Scores: In the event of tied rubric scores, the total adjusted TEAS test individual score will determine final decision.
Rubric Item Max Points

Biology/Living Environment

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 30 points
  • 90-94 = 25 points
  • 85-89 = 20 points
  • 80-84 = 15 points
  • 75-79 = 10 points
  • 70-74 = 8 points



Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 20 points
  • 90-94 = 18 points
  • 85-89 = 16 points
  • 80-84 = 14 points
  • 75-79 = 10 points
  • 70-74 = 5 points


Algebra I

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 20 points
  • 90-94 = 18 points
  • 85-89 = 16 points
  • 80-84 = 14 points
  • 75-79 = 10 points
  • 70-74 = 5 points


Cumulative HS Average (unweighted)

Class Average:

  • 95-100 = 30 points
  • 90-94 = 25 points
  • 85-89 = 20 points
  • 80-84 = 15 points
  • 75-79 = 10 points
  • 70-74 = 8 points


Bonus Points:

Rubric Item Max Points

C or higher in ENG101 or ≥ 3 on AP English Language and Composition


C or higher in PSY101 or ≥ 3 on AP Psychology


Total Max Score with Bonus