A Renewable Energy/STEM Center at the Michael J. Grant Campus
The new $21.3 million Renewable Energy/STEM Center, located on the Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood, NY, features state-of-the-art laboratories and classrooms. It supports instruction in the installation, maintenance, and repair of solar, photovoltaic, wind, geothermal, and other green power technologies. The center also offers programs in cybersecurity, biology, and workforce development.
Living up to the word “renewable” in its name, the facility is a “net zero” building. Net zero buildings combine energy efficiency and renewable energy generation to consume only as much energy as can be produced on-site through renewable resources.
As a result of a naming partnership with National Grid, the Renewable Energy/STEM Center also features a symposium space that serves as a destination for students and energy thought leaders who are intent on advancing innovative energy ideas.