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Explanation of NUR102, NUR126/127 and PNU116 Fees 

Associate degree program

Nursing students will be provided access to the associate degree nursing program Assessment Technologies Institute Essentials Supreme Bundle Package that provides students with comprehensive assessment driven learning resources, standardized testing and licensure examination preparation. Additionally, students will be provided a clinical skills practice kit and an official Suffolk County Community College nursing program clinical uniform.

NUR102 and NUR126/127          $2,500.00

 Practical Program

Nursing students will be provided access to the practical nursing program Assessment Technologies Institute Essentials Supreme Bundle Package that provides students with comprehensive assessment driven learning resources, standardized testing and licensure examination preparation. Additionally, students will be provided with a clinical skills practice kit and an official Suffolk County Community College nursing program clinical uniform and skills lab classroom scrubs.

PNU116                                  $2,250.00


 Approximate Additional Out of Pocket Student Expenses beyond Tuition and Fees

Post-Admission Prior to start of NUR102, NUR126/127, PNU116

Estimated Cost

Background Check through Jane F. Shearer School of Nursing designated company and Compliance Tracker


AHA CPR Certification (online courses not acceptable)


Physical Exam, Immunizations and Titers


White Sneakers




Basic Watch with Second Hand


Clinical facility ID Badge and Parking Pass


Total $443.00


Continuing Program Costs


CoursePoint Plus

$250.00/per course


$60.00/per course

Table scrolls left to right


If you are experiencing a Financial Hardship that NOW impacts your ability to remain enrolled at Suffolk County Community College, there is help.

Richard and Mary Morrison Student Hardship Fund
The Richard and Mary Morrison Student Hardship Fund was established by Richard and Mary Morrison in 2014 to assist Suffolk County Community College students who are experiencing unforeseen financial difficulty that jeopardizes their ability to remain in College. Students who qualify can receive up to $1,000 each to offset tuition, fees and book expenses.

To initiate the process:

- Students can apply once per semester by completing an application
- The application can be mailed, faxed to or dropped off
- Applicants must include documentation of financial need and a short essay detailing a desire to continue studying at Suffolk County Community College
- Applications will be reviewed by a committee
- Funds are limited and will be awarded on a rolling basis.

For further information, please contact Russell Malbrough in the Suffolk Community College Foundation office at (631) 451-4630; fax (631) 451-4940 or via e-mail at

In addition, here is information for Scholarships that you might apply for:
Scholarships Page

Contact the Financial Aid office on your campus via the main Financial Aid page:
Financial Aid Office

Here is information on the Tuition Payment Plan:
Suffolk has a tuition payment plan (TPP) that allows students to pay their tuition and fees in three installments. The initial payment is one-third of the amount due plus the $50 fee to sign up for the plan. The second payment covers an additional one-third and is due four weeks into the semester. The final one-third payment is due approximately four weeks later at the mid-point of the semester. A $30 late fee is charged for any payment not made on or before its due date.
Find more specific information: Tuition Payment Plan

Career Services Job Connection lists current internships and jobs:
Career Services

The Suffolk County Community College Academic Counseling and Writing Centers can also provide assistance with the review of draft scholarship essays.