Mental Health & Wellness Services
Schedule of Events
2025 Out of the Darkness Walk
Saturday, April 26 - Veterans Plaza, Ammerman Campus
Our 2024 Out of the Darkness Campus Walk to support the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention raised over $10,000 this year reaching our goal for the event. Check out
our walk site and register HERE. Find out how to get a "Piece of the Walk" HERE.
Reach out to Sarah Boles at boless@sunysuffolk with any questions.
Helping the Helper Virtual Program
Mental Health and Wellness Services is hosting a virtual workshop entitled Helping the Helper. In this one-hour workshop, we will discuss signs, symptoms and coping strategies
to address burnout. This workshop primarily targets those in or who plan to enter
healthcare professions, but is relevant for other career fields as well.
New Dates TBD
Consent is like FRIES Program
Join us for this Take Back the Night engagement event in honor of Sexual Assault Awarness
Month where we raise awareness around the issue of consent in sexual relationships.
FRIES stands for Freely Given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic and Specific. SCCC
MHWS and community resources will be present. Visit the tables and have a chance to
win a raffle prize!
11:00 am - 2:00 pm
April 1 April 2 April
Ammerman Campus Grant Campus Eastern Campus
BSC Lobby Peconic Cafe` Captree Commons
March Creativity for Your Mental Health Challenge
Tap into your creative potential to support your mental health. Challenge yourself
by completing 3-4 creative activities a week. Document your artistic journey along
the way. Follow us on Instagram @scccmentalhealth for more information.
Talk Saves Lives Program
**Ammerman Campus**
Talk Saves Lives: An Introduction to Suicide Prevention is AFSP’s flagship suicide prevention education program that covers the scope of this
leading cause of death, what the research has found to be the warning signs and risk
factors of suicide, and the strategies that prevent it.
Presented by: Sarah Boles, Coordinator of Mental Health & Wellness Services
April 1st Kreiling Hall 203 A/B 11:00am-12:15pm
Anxiety 101 Workshops
**Ammerman Campus**
This workshop focuses on helping students better understand anxiety symptoms
and building skills to cope with anxiety. We will examine anxiety symptom clusters,
work to increase insight into thought patterns and their impact on anxiety and discuss
ways to slow down this process.
New Dates TBD
Managing Stress for Academic Success
**Ammerman Campus**
An interactive workshop for students on learning coping skills for managing stress
and having success academically.
New Dates TBD
Health & Wellness Fair
New Dates TBD
Mindful Mondays
**Grant Campus**
A space to discuss the stress we experience. Participants will learn useful tools
to manage stress. Presented by Hypatia Martinez and Gerene Skinner from Mental Health
& Wellness Services.
March 10 & 24 and April 7 & 28 12:30 - 1:30 pm Captree 113