Mental Health & Wellness Services
Schedule of Events
Helping the Helper Virtual Program
Mental Health and Wellness Services is hosting a virtual workshop entitled Helping the Helper. In this one-hour workshop, we will discuss signs, symptoms and coping strategies
to address burnout. This workshop primarily targets those in or who plan to enter
healthcare professions, but is relevant for other career fields as well.
Monday, 3/3 - 2 pm-3 pm Zoom ID 892 5189 5730 PC 066879
Thursday, 3/6 - 11 am-12 pm Zoom ID 864 0240 6947 PC 375 312
2025 Out of the Darkness Walk
Saturday, April 26 - Veterans Plaza, Ammerman Campus
Our 2024 Out of the Darkness Campus Walk to support the American Foundation for Suicide
Prevention raised over $10,000 this year reaching our goal for the event. Check out
our walk site and register HERE. Find out how to get a "Piece of the Walk" HERE.
Reach out to Sarah Boles at boless@sunysuffolk with any questions.
February Creativity for Your Mental Health Challenge
Tap into your creative potential to support your mental health. Challenge yourself
by completing 3-4 creative activities a week. Document your artistic journey along
the way. Follow us on Instagram @scccmentalhealth for more information.
Anxiety 101 Workshops
**Ammerman Campus**
This workshop focuses on helping students better understand anxiety symptoms
and building skills to cope with anxiety. We will examine anxiety symptom clusters,
work to increase insight into thought patterns and their impact on anxiety and discuss
ways to slow down this process.
2/24 @9:30am - Mildred Green Room, BSC,
2/26 @ 11am - Kreiling Hall Room 203 A/B or
2/27 @ 2pm - Montauk Point Room, BSC
** Grant Campus**
Managing Stress for Academic Success
**Ammerman Campus**
An interactive workshop for students on learning coping skills for managing stress
and having success academically.
Monday, 2/24 from 8 am-9:15 am Tuesday, 2/25 from 9:30 am-10:45 am Mildred
Green Room, BSC
Mindful Mondays
**Grant Campus**
A space to discuss the stress we experience. Participants will learn useful tools
to manage stress. Presented by Hypatia Martinez and Gerene Skinner from Mental Health
& Wellness Services.
March 10 & 24 and April 7 & 28 12:30 - 1:30 pm Captree 113
Can We Talk? at the Mosaic Lounge
** Grant Campus**
A place to share and connect about topics that matter to you. Enjoy a light snack
during our discussion.
Check back for new dates for the Spring 2025 Semester!
Sponsored by Multicultural Affairs and the Grant Campus Committee on Diversity and
Low Sensory Meet Up
**Grant Campus**
Check back for new dates for the Spring 2025 Semester!
What's Your Word for 2025?
**Eastern Campus**
Start the year strong with a personalized My Intent bracelet with a word that motives you.
Thursday, 2/6 from 11 am-1 pm in Peconic Cafe`
One Love
**Eastern Campus**
An interactive workshop and conversation about healthy relationships.
Monday, 2/24 from 11 am-12 pm in P100
Celebrate National Make a Friend Day!
**Eastern Campus**
Play board games, have a snack and meet new people!
Wednesday, 2/26 from 11:30 pm -1:00 pm in P100