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This list of career planning sites are a small sample of some of the links career services professionals use when working with students in providing services and programs.

Disclaimer: No claim is made as to the reliability of any information or service contained on these sites. Neither the Webmaster nor the Career Services Offices at Suffolk County Community College recommend or advise the use of any of these sites. Their inclusion only indicates their availability on the Internet and their relevance to the scope of career resources.

Self Exploration

Career Browser The College Board provides career information and a career questionnaire that can be helpful in narrowing your choices to a specific field.
Career Focus II A college supported career interest inventory available to Suffolk students. An access code is needed to use this program free, please visit the Career Services Office on the Selden Campus.
Job Hunters Bible Richard Bolles, author of What Color Is Your Parachute, incorporates the NetGuide plus many of the self-assessment exercises from his book on this site.
Kiersey Temperament Sorter A questionnaire is used to help you learn more about your personality, and the careers that fit.
MAPP A free career analysis based on your preferences, and includes the best job areas based on that information.
Transferable Skills An online assessment of your skills in communication, research and planning, human relations, organization, and work survival.An online assessment of your skills in communication, research and planning, human relations, organization, and work survival.
Type Logic Information is provided on the various types measured by the Myers Briggs Type Indicator


Occupational Exploration

America's Career InfoNet This site is part of the America's Job Bank network, a tremendous source of information on hundreds of occupations, including industry and compensation information with additional help in identifying transferable skills.
Career Zone This site is maintained by the NYS Department of Labor and it provides comprehensive career information about hundreds of occupations.
Medical Careers Now Discover career information about a variety of medical careers that encompass more than hospitals, physicians, or nurses.
NACE Salary Calculator Actual salary information reported annually by employers and students to the National Association of Colleges and Employers for a variety of fields is included on this site.
O*NET OnLine The O*NET database includes information on skills, abilities, knowledge, work activities, and interests associated with occupations. This information can be used to facilitate career exploration, vocational counseling, and a variety of human resources functions, such as developing job orders and position descriptions and aligning training with current workplace needs.
Occupational Outlook Handbook The latest edition from the Bureau of Labor Statistics provides a wealth of information on a wide range of occupations, including the nature of the work, job outlook, salaries, and employment settings.
Teach-Make A Difference Comprehensive resource for people going into teaching. Learn about certification requirements and much more career information.
Virtual Career Library Located on your Student Portal home page, you will find a host of information about careers in a variety of fields. Research and locate information to help you make better career decisions.
What Can I Do With this Major? A tool that provides information on over eighty educational paths and how they correspond to career opportunities from the NYS & CSEA Partnership for Education and Training