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Study Hour (STH 001)

📍 Montaukett Learning Resource Center (MLRC-223)

STH 001 (Study Hour) is a weekly learning-centered study session environment designed to support and guide students through the rigors of their academic and college experience. The mission of STH 001 is to provide students with a more personal approach in assisting them to improve their academic standing and meet their academic goals. The academic mentor guides students to develop the tools needed for constructive self-management and productive learning. The mentors are committed to the academic success of the students who may require additional support. 

(Study Hour) is a zero credit/zero cost, stress free method by which mentors support students in their academics. STH001 (Study Hour) is a free, 15-week session that meets weekly for the entire semester. 

To take advantage of this opportunity, please contact (631) 548-2594 or send us an email to register for a free STH001 section. 

The following Study Hour sections are available at the Eastern Campus for the Spring 2025 Semester: 

Day Time Location Instructor CRN
Monday 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. MLRC 223 Sophie Painchaud 39726
Tuesday 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. MLRC 223 Ann Cassel 39727
Wednesday 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. MLRC 223 Ann Cassel 39728
Thursday 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. MLRC 223 Tim McHeffey 39729

Contact Us

Academic Support Center

Eastern Campus
Montaukett Learning Resource Center
Room 224
Phone: (631) 548-2594

Jaqueline Yander Geoghan
Office Assistant 
Phone: (631) 548-2594

Math and Science Learning Center

Marta Szpak
Montaukett Learning Resource Center
Room 222
Phone: (631) 548-2625

Center for Excellence in Writing

John Brush
Montaukett Learning Resource Center
Room 226
Phone: (631) 548-3600
When prompted, dial 1714#