Annual Report 14-15 - page 61

2014-2015 Review of Accomplishments
ryan Acting Scholarship, two for the Barbizon Awards for eatrical Design
excellence, and two for the regional Stage Management Award. Gregg Kowlessar
was awarded Best Performance of a Comedic Scene for all of region 1, including
eastern New York, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New Hampshire, vermont, rhode
island, and Maine, while Mike fales was selected as Best Scene Partner.
Start Up New York
e College’s Start-Up NY application has been completed and, in accordance with
New York State economic Development Law, shared for review and comment with
the Suffolk County executive’s office, the municipalities of Brookhaven and Babylon
(locations of the proposed Start-Up NY sites) as well as our College’s union leadership,
governance councils and student government leadership. e application was developed
with input from the Suffolk County Department of economic Development and
Planning and includes 63 acres of Suffolk County owned land on College road that
is adjacent to the Ammerman Campus, as well as a portion of a yet-to-be-built
building in the Town of Babylon’s wyandanch rising project. Potential companies
have inquired about our status as a Start-Up NY host and we have kept them updated
regarding our application’s progress. we anticipate submitting our application to the
State sometime in early September.
Looking Forward
is past year has been a defining moment in the history of Suffolk County
Community College. our faculty, staff, administrators and students, as well as our
Board of Trustees and our State and County partners, have all been instrumental in
the progress that has occurred and we have, collectively, contributed to transforming
teaching and learning at the College. when challenged by numerous external demands,
so many members of the college community willingly stepped forward to address the
work required to meet those demands, enabling all of us to advance the institution,
thus enhancing our legacy of excellence. with sincere appreciation, i thank all of you
for providing so much of your time and talent to these important efforts.
Our students continue to impress at the Kennedy Center American
College eatre Festival (KCACTF).
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