Welcome to the Seawolves at Suffolk program!
On behalf of our two great institutions of higher learning, we welcome you to apply to this joint admission program that allows students with a strong interest in Stony Brook University to take their first steps as a member of Suffolk's Shark Nation on the pathway to becoming a Stony Brook University Seawolf.
Within this innovative program, selected students who have been referred to SUNY Suffolk from Stony Brook University will be part of a cohort of students who begin their studies here, with a shared goal of becoming a Seawolf. SUNY Suffolk is the largest community college in the SUNY system and sister institution to Stony Brook University. By beginning your studies at SUNY Suffolk, and meeting certain transfer milestones, you will be guaranteed entry into selected Stony Brook University programs, including Biology, Earth and Space Sciences, English, Psychology, and more.
SUNY Suffolk transfers hundreds of students per year to Stony Brook University, far more than any other community college. Together, we maintain a strong and ongoing partnership in areas ranging from National Science Foundation research projects to internships at Brookhaven National Laboratories.
We encourage you to explore this exciting opportunity.
Maurie McInnis, Ph.D.
Stony Brook University
Edward T. Bonahue, Ph.D.
Suffolk County Community College