Catalog Volume 50

College Catalog



College Catalog



Catalog Volume 50


© 2023-2025 Suffolk County Community CollegeNon-Discrimination Notice

2022-2024 Catalog

The Online College Catalog provides the most up-to-date information, including the latest changes to curriculum, courses, and policies.Browse Catalog Archives

Suffolk at a Glance

Type: Co-ed, two-year, public community college
Setting: Suburban
Founded: 1959
Sponsors: State of New York, County of Suffolk


Ammerman at Selden
Eastern at Riverhead
Michael J. Grant at Brentwood


  • Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE)
  • Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN)
  • Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND)
  • Accreditation Review Council on Education in Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting. (ARC/STSA)
  • American Occupational Therapy Association (ACOTE)
  • American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
  • ASE Education Foundation
  • Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics and Information Management Education (CAHIIM)
  • Commission on Accrediting in Physical Therapy Education (CAPTE)
  • Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions (CoAEMSP)
  • Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Programs (CAAHEP)


  • American Bar Association (ABA)

Academic Programs

The college offers degrees and certificates in approximately 100 options of study. Degrees include:
  • Associate in Arts (A.A.)
  • Associate in Science (A.S.)
  • Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)

College Faculty

398 full-time faculty; 1,125 adjunct faculty

Student Body

All College: Approximately 21,000 students
Ammerman: 9,691 total
  • 4,813 full-time; 4,878 part-time
Eastern: 3,270 total
  • 1,234 full-time; 2,036 part-time
Michael J. Grant: 8,067 total
  • 3,151 full-time; 4,916 part-time

Gender:  Female: 56% |  Male: 44%

Age:       18-24: 81%  |  25 and over: 19%



Black/African American:
Asian/Pacific Islander:
American Indian/
Alaskan Native:

Two or More:
Native Hawaiian:


Estimated Annual Expenses

Tuition and Fees (residents): $6,520
Books/Supplies: $1,500

Financial Aid

SUNY Suffolk awards more than $45 million in federal and state financial aid to more than 14,000 students annually. Multiple tuition payment plans are available to help families spread their payments over time..

The Suffolk Community College Foundation also awards hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships each year.

Federal Grants and Loans:
PELL Grants
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (SEOG)
College Work Study
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Grant
William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

New York State Grants:
Excelsior Scholarship Program
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
New York State STEM (NYSSTEM)
Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)
New York Part-Time Scholarships
New York Foster Youth Funding
State Aid to Native Americans

Other Sources of Aid:
Adult Career and Continuing Education
Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
Veterans GI Bill® Benefits
DMNA Educational Incentive Program
New York State Department of Labor
Department of Social Services
Employer Tuition Reimbursement Programs


Intercollegiate Sports (Division III of the National Junior College Athletic Association - NJCAA)
  • Men: Baseball, Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country,  Soccer, Tennis, Track and Field
  • Women: Basketball, Bowling, Cross Country, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Track and Field

Club Teams: Cheer and Esports

A Wide Range of Intramural Sports

Services/Student Life

  • Educational, Career and Personal Counseling
  • Services for Students With Disabilities
  • Career Planning and Services
  • Veterans Services 
  • Child Care Facilities
  • Student Newspaper and Literary Publications
  • Theatre Productions, Musical Performances, Art Exhibits
  • Films, Lectures, Concerts, Trips
  • Close to 100 Clubs and Student Organizations

Academic Support Services

  • Learning Labs for Mathematics, Reading, Writing
  • Tutorial Services
  • Student Success Program
  • Library Open 7 Days a Week

And More...

  • Small Classes Averaging 21 Students
  • Accessible Faculty
  • Study Abroad Programs
  • Honors Program
  • English as a Second Language (ESL) Program
  • Transfer Opportunities
  • Joint Admission Agreements
  • Co-op/Internship Programs
  • Early Morning, Day, Evening, Weekend and Online Classes Available

Greetings from the President

You Belong Here!

Become the Person You Want to Be. SUNY Suffolk is the ideal place for you to pursue your academic and career goals. We are dedicated to serving all students: recent high school graduates; returning college students; adult learners, including those who already have a job, but need to complete specialized courses or training to advance their career or secure a new position; and the student who recently arrived on Long Island, who is learning English and figuring out life in a new country. In every instance, our most important obligation is to make certain each student has the best educational experience possible. Our exceptional faculty deliver classes face-to-face and online and are experts at helping prepare students for the future. With the lowest college tuition on Long Island and over 100 degree and certificate program options to choose from, we are your regional resource when it comes to accessing quality higher education experiences.

A Complete College Experience. As the largest community college in the State University of New York (SUNY) system, you can count on Suffolk for a full collegiate experience. With recognized NJCAA (Div. III) athletic programs, more than 150 student clubs, organizations and support services, you will have countless opportunities to grow both academically and personally.

Transferability. Our graduates routinely transition to a variety of baccalaureate programs at public and private colleges and universities on Long Island, around New York State, and throughout the nation.

Jobs! As technology changes, as business changes, as society changes, higher education needs to make sure students are prepared for the jobs of the future. Suffolk County Community College offers today’s most sought-after programs, including Cybersecurity, Nursing, Culinary Arts, Theatre Arts, Automotive Technology, Criminal Justice, and many more. We also work closely with regional industry to ensure a pipeline of skilled and credentialed students in CNC machining, welding, soldering and other growth areas to meet projected workforce demand.

Everyone Belongs! Our College is dedicated to building an appreciation for the many kinds of difference that strengthen the college community and are also reflective of Suffolk County. Talent and ambition, a desire to excel, and energy and entrepreneurial spirit come in all colors, genders, shapes and sizes, and these qualities are evenly distributed among all parts of our community. SUNY Suffolk will always stand as a bridge to opportunity for all students.

Scholarships. The Suffolk Community College Foundation annually awards more than $500,000 in student scholarships for new and continuing students.

Our campuses in Riverhead, Selden, and Brentwood, and our Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center in downtown Riverhead, make it convenient for students to attend school at a location close to home or work. If this sounds like the learning environment you are looking for, I encourage you to enroll at Suffolk. Visit our website for more information at There is no doubt we are the best choice for your first two years of higher education.

Fall 2024 Academic Calendar

August 23 Friday Instructional Faculty Planning Day
August 26 Monday Fall Semester Start Date
September 2 Monday Labor Day – no classes
September 7-8 Saturday/Sunday Saturday and Sunday classes begin
October 1 Tuesday 10-Week Late Start classes begin
October 16 Wednesday Mid-Semester
October 17 Thursday 7.5-Week Late Start classes begin
November 4 Monday Priority registration for wintersession and spring semester
November 4 Monday Withdrawal Date: students submitting a course withdrawal form on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
November 11 Monday Veterans Day – no classes
Nov. 26-Dec. 1 Tuesday-Sunday Thanksgiving recess – no classes
December 2 Monday Classes resume
December 14-15 Saturday-Sunday Last meeting of Saturday/Sunday classes
December 16 Monday Last meeting date for Fall Semester
December 17 Tuesday Optional class makeup date, if necessary*

*If the College cancels classes due to weather or other emergency, faculty are responsible for ensuring that missed instructional time is recouped, in compliance with applicable academic standards and College policies. Holding a make-up class is an option but not required.

Date of Last Class

Monday Classes: Last class is 12/16
Tuesday Classes: Last class is 12/10
Wednesday Classes: Last class is 12/11
Thursday Classes: Last class is 12/12
Friday Classes: Last class is 12/13
Saturday Classes: Last class is 12/14
Sunday Classes: Last class is 12/15

Day/Evening (15 weeks), Saturday/Sunday (14 weeks)

Aug 26, Sep 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct 7, 14, 21, 28, Nov 4, 18, 25, Dec 2, 9, 16

Aug 27, Sep 3, 10, 17, 24, Oct 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, Dec 3, 10

Aug 28, Sep 4, 11, 18, 25, Oct 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, Nov 6, 13, 20, Dec 4, 11

Aug 29, Sep 5, 12, 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov 7, 14, 21, Dec 5, 12

Aug 30, Sep 6, 13, 20, 27, Oct 4, 11, 18, 25, Nov 1, 8, 15, 22, Dec 6, 13

Sep 7, 14, 21, 28, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26, Nov 2, 9, 16, 23, Dec 7, 14

Sep 8, 15, 22, 29, Oct 6, 13, 20, 27, Nov 3, 10, 17, 24, Dec 8, 15

Wintersession 2024-2025 Academic Calendar

December 27 Friday Classes begin
January 1 Wednesday New Year’s Day – no classes
January 7 Tuesday Mid-Semester
January 9 Thursday Withdrawal Date: students submitting a course withdrawal form on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
January 16 Thursday Last meeting of classes

Wintersession Dates (14 meetings)

Dec 27, 30, 31, Jan 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16

Spring 2025 Academic Calendar

January 27 Monday Spring Semester Start Date
February 1-2 Saturday/Sunday Saturday and Sunday classes begin
February 11 Tuesday Professional Development Day – no classes
February 17 Monday Presidents’ Day – no classes
March 5 Wednesday 10-week Late Start classes begin
March 17-23 Monday-Sunday Spring Recess – no classes
March 26 Wednesday Mid-Semester
March 28 Friday 7.5-Week Late Start classes begin
March 31 Monday Priority Registration begins for summer and fall semester
April 14 Monday Withdrawal Date*: students submitting a course withdrawal on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
May 10-11 Saturday/Sunday Last meeting of Saturday and Sunday classes
May 20 Tuesday Last meeting date for Spring Semester
May 21 Wednesday Optional class makeup date, if necessary**
May 22 Thursday Commencement

*This is the withdrawal deadline for the 15-week full term, Saturday and Sunday classes.  See withdrawal deadlines for other part of term deadlines.

**If the College cancels classes due to weather or other emergency, faculty are responsible for ensuring that missed instructional time is recouped, in compliance with applicable academic standards and College policies. Holding a make-up class is an option but not required.

Date of Last Class

Monday Classes: Last class is 5/19
Tuesday Classes: Last class is 5/20
Wednesday Classes: Last class is 5/14
Thursday Classes: Last class is 5/15
Friday Classes: Last class is 5/16
Saturday Classes: Last class is 5/10
Sunday Classes: Last class is 5/11

Day/Evening (15 weeks), Saturday/Sunday (14 weeks)

Jan 27, Feb 3, 10, 24, Mar 3, 10, 24, 31, Apr 7, 14, 21, 28, May 5, 12, 19

Jan 28, Feb 4, 18, 25, Mar 4, 11, 25, Apr 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13, 20

Jan 29, Feb 5, 12, 19, 26, Mar 5, 12, 26, Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, May 7, 14

Jan 30, Feb 6, 13, 20, 27, Mar 6, 13, 27, Apr 3, 10, 17, 24, May 1, 8, 15

Jan 31, Feb 7, 14, 21, 28, Mar 7, 14, 28, Apr 4, 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16

Feb 1, 8, 15, 22, Mar 1, 8, 15, 29 Apr 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3, 10

Feb 2, 9, 16, 23, Mar 2, 9, 16, 30, Apr 6, 13, 20, 27, May 4, 11

Summer 2025 Academic Calendar

First Six-Week Summer Session

May 27 Tuesday Classes begin
June 16 Monday Mid-Semester
June 23 Monday Withdrawal Date: students submitting a course withdrawal form on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
June 19 Thursday Juneteenth observed – no classes
July 7 Monday Last meeting of classes
Meeting Dates (23):

May 27, 28, 29, June 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 7

Eight-Week Summer Session

May 27 Tuesday Classes begin
June 19 Thursday Juneteenth observed – no classes
June 23 Monday Mid-Semester
July 1 Tuesday Withdrawal Date: students submitting a course withdrawal form on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
July 17 Thursday Last meeting of classes
Meeting Dates (30):

May 27, 28, 29, June 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25, 26, 30, July 1, 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 17

Second Six-Week Summer Session

July 10 Thursday Classes begin
July 29 Tuesday Mid-Semester
August 4 Monday Withdrawal Date: students submitting a course withdrawal form on or before this date are guaranteed a “W”
August 19 Tuesday Last meeting of classes
Meeting Dates (23):

July 10, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, August 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19

General Information


The History of Suffolk County Community College

On December 18, 1959, Suffolk County Community College of the State University of New York was founded under the administration of a nine-member board of trustees, five appointed by the then County Board of Supervisors and four by the Governor of the State of New York.

On October 3, 1960, the college officially opened, occupying temporary facilities at Sachem Junior-Senior High School in Ronkonkoma, New York, as well as part-time facilities at Riverhead High School in Riverhead. Initial enrollment included 171 full-time students and 335 part-time students.

As the college began to grow, the Board of Supervisors of Suffolk County provided a 130-acre site in Selden for a permanent campus. Six buildings on the site were renovated and converted, equipment necessary for the operation of the college was obtained, and in August 1961 the college occupied what was later to be known as the Ammerman Campus, renamed in honor of the college’s founding president, Dr. Albert M. Ammerman.

The second year of operation opened with over 1,400 full- and part-time students. In June 1962, the College held its first commencement exercises, at which 42 graduates received associate degrees. Two other permanent campuses were opened – the Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood in 1974 and the Eastern Campus in Riverhead in 1977.

One College, Three Campuses

Ammerman Campus (Selden, NY)

Today, the Ammerman Campus encompasses 156 acres and has 17 academic, administrative and auxiliary buildings. In 2015, the College opened the 62,700-square-foot William J. Lindsay Life Sciences Building, which contains science classrooms, laboratories and prep rooms as well as lecture halls and meeting spaces.

Michael J. Grant Campus (Brentwood, NY)

The Michael J. Grant Campus occupies a site of 207 acres with 15 academic, administrative and auxiliary buildings, including an 110,000-square-foot building which houses classrooms, laboratories, and a theatre. A 277,000-square-foot complex, which houses the Suffolk County Police Academy, a pool, field house, fitness center and health technology wing, opened in 2000.

Located on the Michael J. Grant Campus, the Sally Ann Slacke Corporate Training Center continues to provide a wide array of customized workforce and professional development training for the region's business sector, not-for-profit organizations and public agencies.

In September 2009, the college opened the Workforce Development and Technology Center. This 18,000-square-foot building is LEED Gold Certified by the U.S. Green Building Council and includes state-of-the-art laboratories, classrooms and office space.

As part of our partnership with Long Island University, a new modular building was completed in 2016 on the Michael J. Grant Campus.

In 2017, the college completed construction on a 74,200-square-foot Learning Resource Center, which includes traditional library functions as well as a 100-seat lecture hall, the Academic Tutoring Center, the Writing Studio, meeting space and a Teaching Learning Center.

The college has recently completed construction of a new Renewable Energy/STEM Center on this campus. This facility is the cornerstone of new academic initiatives (both credit and non-credit) being developed in Energy Management, Alternative Energy Technologies, Sustainability Studies as well as Cybersecurity and other STEM disciplines. 

Eastern Campus (Riverhead, NY)

The Eastern Campus, located on a 192-acre site in the Pine Barrens of eastern Long Island, comprises six academic buildings and three auxiliary buildings. Also affiliated with the Eastern Campus is the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center located on Main Street in downtown Riverhead, just three miles north of the main campus.

The Easrern Campus is home to the Montaukett Learning Resource Center. This facility includes a state-of-the-art library, a large lecture hall, computer classrooms, a multi-media room, the Academic Support Center, gallery space and varied learning spaces for students to pursue collaborative and independent study.

In September 2019, the college opened the Health and Wellness Center, a 40,214-square-foot building which contains a large lap pool, a gymnasium, strength training area and classrooms for instruction and meetings.

A Leader in Education

In January 2008, the Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center opened in downtown Riverhead. The Center offers two-year A.A.S. degrees in Culinary Arts and Baking and Pastry Arts, as well as certificates, a variety of general education, and continuing education courses. The Center includes classrooms, hands-on training labs, a 60-seat demonstration theatre, a retail bakery and café. In addition, spaces are available for rent for meetings and events.

Suffolk County Community College is the largest community college in the State University of New York (SUNY) system, enrolling approximately 21,000 students. It offers approximately 100 degree, workforce training, and certificate options in business and paralegal studies; communications and the arts; computer science, engineering and technology; culinary arts and hospitality management; education; health, community and human services; liberal arts and sciences. The original full-time faculty of fewer than a dozen has grown to more than 415. By May 2022, the college had over 140,000 alumni.

Each year, Suffolk County Community College prepares students to enter the workforce upon graduation in such marketable areas as medical records, physical therapist assistant, paralegal, nursing, culinary arts and many other fields. Other students transfer to four-year colleges and universities to complete their baccalaureate degree. Suffolk graduates have gone on to study at institutions such as Columbia, Harvard, Cornell, New York University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, as well as institutions within the State University of New York.

State University of New York (SUNY)

Suffolk County Community College is a two-year unit of the State University of New York (SUNY)..

The State University of New York, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2023, is the largest comprehensive system of higher education in the United States, and more than 95 percent of all New Yorkers live within 30 miles of any one of SUNY’s 64 colleges and universities. Across the system, SUNY has four academic health centers, five hospitals, four medical schools, two dental schools, a law school, the country’s oldest school of maritime, the state’s only college of optometry, and manages one US Department of Energy National Laboratory. In total, SUNY serves about 1.4 million students amongst its entire portfolio of credit- and non-credit-bearing courses and programs, continuing education, and community outreach programs. SUNY oversees nearly a quarter of academic research in New York. Research expenditures system-wide are nearly $1.1 billion in fiscal year 2022, including significant contributions from students and faculty. There are more than three million SUNY alumni worldwide, and one in three New Yorkers with a college degree is a SUNY alum.

To learn more about SUNY, visit

The SUNY Board of Trustees is the governing body of the State University of New York. It consists of 18 members, 15 of whom are appointed by the Governor, by and with consent of the New York State Senate. In addition, the presidents of SUNY's Student Assembly, Faculty Council of Community Colleges, and University Faculty Senate serve as ex-officio members of the Board. The Student Assembly President is a voting member.

Mission and Vision

Mission Statement

SUNY Suffolk is a student-centered college community serving Suffolk County and beyond by providing open access to exceptional educational opportunities.

Vision Statement

SUNY Suffolk will be the education partner of choice for all Suffolk County students, families, communities, and businesses.



Professional Associations

Suffolk County Community College is a member of the American Association of Community Colleges, American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Community College General Education Association, National Junior College Athletic Association, and other professional organizations. Members of its faculty and administration are active participants in many learned and professional societies. Faculty are regular contributors to professional journals and are active participants in professional organizations and conferences.


Suffolk County Community College curricula are registered by the New York State Department of Education. The College is authorized to award the Associate in Arts degree, the Associate in Science degree and the Associate in Applied Science degree as established by the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York as well as the Certificate of Completion.

Suffolk County Community College is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801. (267-284-5011) The MSCHE is an institutional accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Secretary of Education and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).

The College’s accreditation was reaffirmed on June 21, 2018. The College’s next self-study will be in 2026-2027. Please click here for additional information about our institutional accreditation.

For a list of all accrediting bodies, see Suffolk at a Glance.

Graduation and Retention

Fall-to-Fall Retention Rate

2016 to 2017

2017 to 2018

2018 to 2019

2019 to 2020

2020 to 2021







150% of time (3 years) FT/FT Graduation Rate












One College. Three Libraries.

Each campus library provides information resources, instruction, computers, laptop loans, group study spaces and other services. In addition, the campus libraries collectively offer a book collection totaling 200,000 volumes.

Come visit one of the SUNY Suffolk Libraries today!

The Huntington Library

Ammerman Campus, Selden, NY

Hours & Directions

Staff Directory

Contact Us

The Montaukett Learning Resource Center

Eastern Campus, Riverhead, NY

Hours & Directions

Staff Directory

Contact Us

The Learning Resource Center

Michael J. Grant Campus, Brentwood, NY

Hours & Directions

Staff Directory

Contact Us

Academic Computing

The Academic Computing Center’s (ACC) primary mission is to provide academic technology support for students and first level support to faculty teaching in classrooms. Professional staff are available to assist students and faculty with the college technology. The ACCs provide access to computers, printers, and scanners for all students with a valid ID card. The PCs and Mac Computers in the centers provide Internet access, necessary curriculum software, and the technological means to accommodate and complete all class-related assignments. Detailed information on the hardware and software available at each campus' ACC can be found on the left menu of the ACC site.

For easy access to this site, and to the online TechChat, use the following short URL from any browser:

Users of the College’s computer resources should refer to the College's IT Policies and Guidelines for rules and regulations regarding the use of these resources at the College.

Locations and Hours of Operation

The Academic Computing Centers (ACC) are located in the Huntington Building at the Ammerman Campus, and the Learning Resource Centers at the Grant and Eastern campuses.

The ACC Labs are open when the libraries are open. Professional assistance is available at the Tech Help Desk during the hours posted for each Open Lab on the left menu of the ACC site:

Ammerman ACC                 Grant ACC                  Eastern ACC

Help is also available through a live TechChat by going to the “Live Chat” icon at the lower right of the ACC site. 

Online Tech Chat

The ACC TechChat is an online service for academic technology assistance. You may use the Tech-Chat for guidance and/or information on downloading the FREE version of Office 365, setting the school email to mobile devices, accessing the SUNY Suffolk Login Portal, navigating the College's website or any other academic technology question. 

Please note that the ACC staff will provide academic technical support to the college community and assist with college devices but will not troubleshoot personal devices.

Campus Locations and Maps

Ammerman Campus

533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784
(631) 451-4110

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Download Printable Map and Directions

The Ammerman Campus, situated on 156 wooded acres in Selden, is the oldest of the three campuses with an enrollment of over 13,000 students. It offers a wide array of programs in the liberal arts and sciences, visual and performing arts, Engineering and Computer Sciences, Information Technology, as well as technological training in Electronics, Cybersecurity and Information Assurance, Drafting and Construction. A new state-of-the-art automotive training facility houses the Automotive Service Specialist program. Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Emergency Medical Technician/Paramedic, Human Services and American Sign Language are among some of the highly regarded health career programs that offer students clinical training. A fully equipped campus studio provides hands-on experience for the Radio and Television Production students, and Fitness Specialist majors work with the most up-to-date exercise training equipment. The campus also features a full spectrum of programs in business, accounting and paralegal studies with opportunities for credit-bearing internships.

Directions to the Ammerman Campus, Selden

Take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 62. Proceed north on Nicolls Road (CR97) about 2 miles to first traffic light. Turn right at the main campus entrance.

Eastern Campus

121 Speonk-Riverhead Road
Riverhead, NY 11901
(631) 548-2500

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The Eastern Campus is located on Long Island's rural east end in Riverhead, the gateway to the Hamptons and North Fork vineyards and offers a broad range of liberal arts, practical nursing, criminal justice and business courses, and specialized programs in Graphic Design, Dietetic Technology, Culinary Arts, and Interior Design.

Directions to the Eastern Campus, Riverhead

Take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 70. Take County Road 111 four miles to County Road 51. Turn left toward Riverhead and go north on 51. After 3 ½ miles, turn right onto Speonk-Riverhead Road to campus entrance on right-hand side.

From the west using Sunrise Highway (Rt 27), go to Exit 61. Take County Road 51 north four miles to Speonk-Riverhead Road. Turn right on to Speonk-Riverhead Road to campus entrance on right.

From the east on the North Fork: Follow Rt. 25 west to downtown Riverhead. At Peconic Avenue, turn left and go ¼ mile to the traffic circle. Take the first right (Rt. 24) off the traffic circle and go ¼ mile to the County Center at Rt. 51. Turn left onto Rt. 51 and go south 3 miles to Speonk-Riverhead Road. Turn left onto Speonk-Riverhead Road to campus entrance on right.

From the east on the South Fork: Follow Rt. 27 (Sunrise Highway) west to Rt. 24 at Hampton Bays. Go north on Rt. 24 approximately 7 miles, past the traffic circle, to Rt. 51. Turn left onto Rt. 51 and go south 3 miles to Speonk-Riverhead Road. Turn left onto Speonk-Riverhead Road to campus entrance on right.

Michael J. Grant Campus

Crooked Hill Road
Brentwood, NY 11717
(631) 851-6700

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The Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood enrolls over 10,000 students. It provides a wide range of programs including Occupational Therapy Assisting, Nursing, Veterinary Science, Medical Records, Paralegal Studies, Criminal Justice, Early Childhood, Addiction Studies, Business, Accounting, and Liberal Arts and Sciences. The Suffolk Credit Union Arena houses health and technology classes as well as the Suffolk County Police Academy. It includes a pool, field house, fitness center, and health technology wing.

Directions to the Michael J. Grant Campus, Brentwood

From the west, take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 52, Commack Road. Cross over Commack Road, stay right to Crooked Hill Road. Right on Crooked Hill Road to the campus entrance on the left. Take the Loop Road to the left to the Sally Ann Slacke Center. Take a right after the center to parking field 2B.

Suffolk Credit Union Arena

From the east or west take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 53. Follow signs to Wicks Road.  Go south ½ mile on Wicks Road to campus entrance on right-hand side.

Sally Ann Slacke Center (Corporate Training Center)

From the east, take the Long Island Expressway to Exit 53. Follow signs to Wicks Road. Go south ½ mile on Wicks Road to campus entrance on right-hand side. Take the Loop Road to the right to parking field 2B.

Culinary Arts and Hospitality Center

20 East Main Street
Riverhead, NY 11901

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From the west, using Long Island Expressway (I-495E): Go to Exit 71. Take CR94/Rt.24E for 5 miles to downtown Riverhead traffic circle. From the circle exit north onto Peconic Ave. toward Main St. Riverhead. Turn right onto Main St. and make 1st left onto Roanoke Ave. Make 1st right off Roanoke Ave. into public parking lot.

From the west, using Sunrise Highway (Rt. 27E): Go to Exit 61. Take County Road 51 north for 7 miles to CR94/Rt.24E. Make slight right onto CR94/Rt.24E and take for .2 miles to the downtown Riverhead traffic circle. From the circle exit north onto Peconic Ave. toward Main St. Riverhead. Turn right onto Main St. and make 1st left onto Roanoke Ave. Make 1st right off Roanoke Ave. into public parking lot.

From the east on the North Fork: Follow Rt. 25W to downtown Riverhead and turn right onto Roanoke Ave. Make 1st right off Roanoke Ave. (at Gazebo) into public parking lot.

From the east on the South Fork: Follow Rt. 27W (Sunrise Highway) to Exit 65N at Hampton Bays. Take Rt. 24N for 7 miles to the downtown Riverhead traffic circle. From the circle exit north onto Peconic Ave. toward Main St. Riverhead. Turn right onto Main St. and make 1st left onto Roanoke Ave. Make 1st right off Roanoke Ave. into public parking lot.

Contact and Directories

Central Administration and Offices

Ammerman Campus Administration and Offices

Eastern Campus Administration and Offices

Michael J. Grant Campus Administration and Offices

Culinary Arts Center Offices

Campus Safety, Emergency Information and Parking

Office of Public Safety

Welcome to the Office of Public Safety's webpage. We are committed to providing the College community with prompt, courteous and professional service in an effort to create a safe learning environment; however, all campus community members share in this responsibility. To help in this endeavor, this page contains links to a variety of safety-related resources available to you while on campus as well as important policies you should be aware of. We encourage you to explore this page and its links and contact us with any questions or concerns you may have.

To serve and protect the college community by providing and creating a safe environment within our capabilities contributing to the overall Suffolk County Community College mission. We are committed to the educational process and overall well-being of all individuals interacting with our college and department. 
  • To provide high quality safety services to the campus community.
  • To maintain high standard of personal and professional ethics.
  • To embrace the importance of consultation, teamwork and open discussion with campus constituencies on comprehensive safety.
  • Practice prevention with all safety goals.
  • To appreciate and value diversity within the College.
  • We provide safety oversight to all 5 campuses 24/7 with 44 full-time officers, 3 campus Captains, an Assistant Director of Public Safety and Environmental Health, an Assistant Director of Patrol Operations and the  Director of Fire and Public Safety.
  • We respond to all law enforcement calls and maintain facility safety.  In 2011 we implemented an email system that allows us to know the nature of all 911 calls pertaining to our campus through Suffolk County 911 central dispatching for the Ammerman and Grant campuses. The Eastern Campus relies on the Southampton town 911 system, the Culinary Arts Center relies on the Riverhead town 911 system.

College Closure

Closure will be posted on the college homepage or by calling (631) 696-4910. Additionally, please tune to local radio stations (WBLI, WBAB, WALK and WLNG) as well as News 12 Long Island to determine if classes are cancelled. Be alert to the time and campus mentioned since closing or cancelling may involve only morning, afternoon or evening classes at a particular campus.

Parking Regulations

Speed Limit and Pedestrians

The speed limit is 15 miles per hour while on any College campus. Pedestrians have the right of way in all marked and striped pedestrian roadway crossings. Please be courteous and yield to pedestrians and oncoming vehicles.

Parking Lot Designations

WHITE: parking stalls are for students and visitors

RED: parking stalls are for faculty, staff and administrators

BLUE: parking stalls are for handicapped vehicles displaying the appropriate permit

Motor vehicles must be parked between the lines. Parking along any roadway or in restricted areas is not permitted. The College, having marked approved spaces, is under no obligation to mark all areas where parking is prohibited. Parking is permitted in designated spaces only. These spaces are marked by parallel lines.

Designated Restricted Areas:

Fire Zones (yellow): Areas within 15 feet of a fire hydrant or fire standpipe are fire zones. Each loading zone is also a fire zone. No parking is allowed in fire zones at any time.

Fire Lanes (yellow): Fire lanes in parking fields and elsewhere are identified by yellow striping. No parking or “standing” is permitted in these lanes at any time.

Parking for Physically Disabled (blue): Only those having a town or state permit may park in these areas.

Sidewalk and Grassland Areas: Motor vehicles may not be parked on any sidewalk. Parking on the grass is prohibited unless permitted by Public Safety personnel.

Disabled Vehicles

If your vehicle becomes disabled, notify Public Safety immediately. A disabled vehicle must be removed from the campus within 24 hours or it will be considered abandoned. If a vehicle is abandoned, it will be removed at the expense of the owner.

Enrollment Process

Applying and Being Admitted

New student looking for a degree? (Matriculated Student)

Whether you are a recent high school graduate or an adult learner changing careers, Suffolk County Community College has degree and certificate programs for you. Many of these programs provide opportunities to transfer or be admitted jointly to a four-year college or university. Here are a few reasons to choose Suffolk.

To help you explore your goal for attending Suffolk, visit Admissions Procedures. The admissions process takes only a few steps and applying online is quick and easy. Follow the Steps to Apply to get started.

Have your high school mail your official transcript to the Central Admissions Office to complete the application process. If you have a high school equivalency diploma, mail a copy of the diploma with scores to the Central Admissions Office. If you attended another college or plan to transfer credits, see Transfer Students.

For additional information, see the New Student Guide to Enrollment.


The College believes liberal admission requirements are an essential part of its philosophy and, in that context, has maintained a Full Opportunity Program of admission for many years. Full Opportunity means the College offers acceptance in an appropriate program to all applicants residing in Suffolk County who have graduated from an approved high school or hold the New York State High School Equivalency Diploma (or equivalent).

Applicants over the age of 18 who do not meet these requirements should contact one of the campus admissions offices for alternate admission procedures under the Ability to Benefit (ATB) program. These procedures include the testing of the applicant and counselor review of all testing data and academic credentials prior to the admission process. Federal guidelines on testing cut-off scores are utilized for admission purposes.

Students who wish to transfer to Suffolk County Community College from another college are accepted if they have left their previous institution in good academic standing. See Transfer Students for transferring in credits.

Some majors have special admission procedures and entrance requirements. Admission into these programs is based on factors such as completion of required prerequisites, grade point average, high school record, work experience and objective test data.

For majors with competitive admission requirements, preference may be given to students who complete their prerequisite course work at Suffolk County Community College. In addition, Suffolk County residents will be given preference over residents of other New York State counties for admission into competitive programs in those cases where the program is available in the student’s county of residence. Furthermore, applicants from outside New York State, including those from outside the United States, will be considered for admission to competitive/restricted programs only after the admission of all qualified Suffolk County and New York State applicants.

Specific admission requirements and application procedures for each of Suffolk County Community College’s curricula can be found in the individual detailed curriculum descriptions in the Curricula section of this catalog. Students enrolling in other than New York State registered or otherwise approved programs may jeopardize eligibility for financial aid.

Application Deadlines

The application deadline for new students is one week prior to the start of classes for both the fall and spring semesters. Nevertheless, applicants are urged to file their application by November 1 for spring admission and April 1 for fall admission in order to assure early consideration of their application and the greatest selection of program and course offerings. In addition, the following programs admit freshmen for the fall semester only and give preference to applications received by January 15: Nursing and Practical Nursing (except August 15 for select options), Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, and Veterinary Science Technology. Transfer students may be accepted for the spring into a competitive program on a case-by-case basis.


Matriculated Status

Matriculated status is granted to every student who is admitted into a degree or certificate program at Suffolk County Community College. Matriculation assures a student that the requirements for a particular program which are in effect at the time of matriculation will remain in effect until that student graduates.

Matriculated students may attend classes on a part-time (1-11.5 credits per semester) or full-time (12 or more credits per semester) basis and may schedule their classes during the days, evenings, weekends, or online on any of the college’s three campuses. To be eligible for financial aid, students must be matriculated and taking courses required for or applicable to their current degree program.


Loss of matriculation occurs if the student:

  • applied and was accepted to the College, but never attended.
  • was matriculated in a program with limited seat availability (e.g., Automotive Service Specialist, Automotive Business, Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair, Cybersecurity Information Assurance, Emergency Medical Technician: Paramedic, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Practical Nursing, Toyota T-TEN Automotive Service, and Veterinary Science Technology) and did not attend during the semester of acceptance (excluding wintersession and summer session).
  • did not enroll in credit-bearing courses at the College for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding wintersession and summer session).
  • was academically dismissed or if the student’s matriculation status was rescinded for academic reasons.
  • graduated from Suffolk and is not subsequently pursuing an additional degree or certificate.
Non-Matriculated Status

Non-matriculated status is assigned to any student who wishes to take classes at Suffolk County Community College but who has not been admitted into a degree or certificate program or for a student who has lost matriculation status. Non-matriculated students can register for 1 through 11.5 credits per semester and are not eligible for financial aid.

Non-matriculated students in “good academic standing” must apply for admission or readmission to continue in a program and are required to follow the curriculum requirements for the term of application. Students who have previously attended Suffolk, but are not in good academic standing, must see a Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for evaluation of readmitting into a program.

International Students

Admission of international students requires the issuance of a SEVIS I-20 form to qualify for F-1 non-immigrant student status in the United States. International students should contact the International Counselor's office or visit International Students for information and forms regarding international admissions.

International students outside of the United States may have their Suffolk County resident sponsor request a meeting with the International Counselor. International students are encouraged to file applications at least three months before the start of classes for both the fall and spring semesters.

Additional Information

Submitting Applications

Office of Admissions - 5 Easy Steps to Apply

Step 1: Choose a Major

Suffolk offers approximately 100 majors and programs from which to choose from.

Step 2: Select a Campus

Once you have decided on a program of study, you will need to select a campus. The Ammerman Campus is located in Selden, the Eastern Campus is located in Riverhead, and the Michael J. Grant Campus is located in Brentwood. Directions and Maps

Most programs are offered on each campus, and some programs are offered on select campuses. Before applying, search for program-specific information in Majors and Programs.

Step 3: Submit Your Application

It is recommended that you apply online. You will be required to enter your Social Security number and have a valid email address. Failure to submit your SSN will impact your eligibility for financial aid. Social Security numbers are also required for Federal Tax Reporting purposes.

You will need to submit a non-refundable application fee of $45 along with your application. Please make payment by check or money order payable to Suffolk County Community College. Do Not Send Cash.
Step 4. Send Additional Documents

Request and submit the following documents to the Central Admissions office. See address below.

  • Request an official transcript from your high school. If you received a High School Equivalency Diploma, send a copy of the diploma and scores.
  • If available, submit official ACT or SAT exam scores, Advanced Placement score report, or International Baccalaureate exam results.
  • Submit a copy of your immunization records.
  • Request official transcripts from each college attended, including college courses taken in high school, be sent to the Transfer Credit Evaluation Office at the same address. 
  • If your high school diploma was from outside the United States, submit an Educational Credential Evaluation from an accredited agency as listed below:

    National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES)

    Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE)

If you received an individualized Education Program (I.E.P) Diploma or a CDOS Commencement Credential, were home schooled, or earned your high school diploma online, please contact the Admissions Office at (631) 451-4000.

All admissions documents must be submitted to:

Suffolk County Community College

Central Admissions Office
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784

Step 5. Apply for Financial Aid

You should begin the application process for financial aid as soon as possible. This will help to ensure your eligibility for the program for which you qualify. For more information on financial aid, refer to applying for Financial Aid.

Immunization and Medical Requirements

Mandatory Student Immunizations for Measles, Mumps and Rubella

In accordance with NYS Public Health Law Section 2165, all students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours, or the equivalent, at Suffolk County Community College, who were born on or after January 1, 1957, are required to provide acceptable written proof of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella in accordance with standards approved by the New York State Department of Health. These standards include the following:


Two (2) vaccines after 1/1/68
(minimum of 28 days apart)
history of disease
Blood titer showing immunity


One (1) vaccine after 1/1/69

history of disease
Blood titer showing immunity


One (1) vaccine after 1/1/69

A history of having had
Rubella is not acceptable
proof of immunity.
Blood titer showing immunity


How do I comply with MMR requirements?

If you were born on or after January 1, 1957, you will not be permitted to register for classes until your proof of immunization has been submitted and approved by the Health Services Office.

  1. Obtain a stamped copy of your health records from any of the following sources:
    • the Guidance Office or Health Office at your high school
    • the Health Office at your previous college
    • your family physician
    • your military health and immunization records
    • your employee health records
  2. Take the Certificate of Immunization (Certificado de vacunación) to your doctor or clinic for additional immunizations if any of the following apply:
    • you cannot obtain a copy of your health records for any reason (or)
    • your health records show that you received only one measles immunization (or)
    • your health records show that your immunizations were given before 1968 for measles or before 1969 for mumps or rubella
  3. Submit your health records or completed Certificate of Immunization (Certificado de vacunación) , along with your completed Health History Form (Certificado de vacunación) , to the Health Services Office on your home campus. If you have served in the military in the past 10 years, bring your discharge papers and your medical records (if available) as well.
  4. In addition, proof of an honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years prior to the date of application to Suffolk County Community College shall also qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend classes pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services.

Immunization Clinics for MMR Vaccination

The Suffolk County Department of Health Services periodically offers immunization clinics in the community.

Call (631) 854-0222 for information.

What's Recommended

Td Vaccine
(tetanus & diphtheria)
A booster is recommended for adults every 5 years.
Meningococcal Meningitis
(Menomune™ / Menactra™/ Menveo™)
Must have been given within the past 5 years

The Health Services Office recommends that you speak to your doctor or health care provider regarding your health concerns and the need for any additional immunizations.

The meningitis acknowledgment form is required. Refer to Meningitis Requirements.

For more information, please visit Student Immunizations Policy.


Health Insurance

Suffolk County Community College does not offer, endorse, or promote any health insurance plans for its students. As a courtesy only, the Health Services Offices may have information about private plans that are available to students.

Accident Insurance

Due to legal and regulatory changes related to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), as of Fall 2018, the College will no longer offer the Student Accident Insurance Plan (SAIP) to students. 

Based on these conditions, all students must now find their own private health insurance coverage. Individuals under the age of 26 may qualify for health insurance under a parent’s plan. Individuals may also be eligible to be covered under their parent’s plan until age 29 under State law if certain requirements are met. For more information, see the NYS Department of Financial Services website. Those who do not qualify for coverage under a parent’s health insurance policy should visit the New York State Health Plan Marketplace at By following the steps outlined on the website, students can identify and purchase healthcare coverage ideally suited to their own needs, as well as explore whether they qualify for free or low-cost coverage options and assistance that may be available to obtain coverage. Some students may not be able to obtain coverage through the Marketplace until the open enrollment period for 2019 coverage begins later this fall, but some students may qualify for a special enrollment period and, thus, be able to obtain coverage now, so we encourage students to research their eligibility and coverage options as soon as possible.

Please note that it is extremely important for students to obtain health insurance. The College encourages its students to pursue either: (a) coverage through a parent’s health insurance or; (b) a personal policy available through the online Marketplace. Students are responsible for their own health, and should take the time to find the ideal insurance options.

College Registration


Currently enrolled matriculated and non-matriculated students are eligible to register before the end of each semester for the following term. Registration may be conducted on the student portal via the  or in person at the Campus Registrar Office. New matriculated students must register in person. All students are responsible for verifying the content of their schedule/bill and making the appropriate tuition payment prior to the date listed. No student is considered enrolled until all tuition and fees are either paid in full or officially deferred.

The step-by-step "How to Register for Classes" document will assist you in successfully selecting and registering for classes. 

Late Registration

A late registration fee is charged to students without a current schedule and who register one week prior to the official start of each session (Day, Evening, Saturday/Sunday) and continues through the first week of classes. Late Registration for a course is only permitted up until the course is scheduled to hold its first class meeting. Exceptions to this policy may only be approved by the College chief academic officer or designee.

Additional Information

Key Enrollment Dates:  Summer and Fall  |  Winter and Spring

Password Reset Request  |  Registrar FAQ

Related Links

Paying Tuition

When should I pay my bill?

You must pay your bill by the due date printed on the bill. Otherwise, you will lose your schedule.

Where/How can I pay my bill?

Student Bill Payment, Attendance Confirmation and Liability Information - Winter 2025

Student Bill Payment, Attendance Confirmation and Liability Information - Spring 2025

Student Bill Payment, Attendance Confirmation and Liability Information - Summer 2025

Student Bill Payment, Attendance Confirmation and Liability Information - Fall 2025

Payment can be made in one of the following ways:

  1. Online, by logging into
  2. by mail, to the address indicated on the bill; or
  3. in person, at any of the campus Cashier Offices.

How can I add an Authorized Payer to my account?

Add/Drop Period

To add or drop a class during the designated add/drop period, you may log in to your account or use the fillable Add/Drop Form.

First, please read the following information:

  • Students with a current class schedule are not charged a late fee to modify their existing schedules during the add/drop period. 
  • Some course offerings will not permit enrollment after the first class meeting. The College chief academic officer or designee will determine on a college-wide basis which courses will not admit students after the first class meeting based upon recommendations made by the campus executive deans. 
  • Students are otherwise permitted to add a class up until the start of a class’s second week (e.g., prior to the third session of a class that meets twice a week or the second session of a class that meets once a week). Exceptions to this policy may only be approved by the College chief academic officer or designee.
  • Any student who enters a class after the first meeting, regardless of reason, is accountable for all course requirements including assignments and attendance.
  • A student may drop a course during the official refund period for the part of term. These courses will not appear on a student’s official transcript.

To accomplish the add or drop transaction, please select from the options below.

Option 1: Using your SUNY Suffolk username and password, log in to your account.
The step-by-step “How to Register for Classes (Add or Drop)” document will assist you with the Add or Drop transactions. 

Option 2:
Download Add or Drop Form
Note: When completing the fillable Add/Drop form, save the form to your documents or desktop and then attach it to your email.

You may also bring the completed form in person to your campus Registrar Office. Your SUNY Suffolk ID card is required for all in-person transactions.




Transfer Agreements

Transfer Agreements

For students planning to transfer to a four-year college or university, agreements are provided to assist students to transfer more effectively. Other transfer opportunities are available, but the agreements below have been developed to ensure minimal to no loss of credits. Read more about Transfer Agreements


About Transfer Agreements

Agreements are modified from time-to-time and students are advised to check the transfer agreement list periodically to see what new opportunities are available to them. Additionally, in all cases of transfer, a student should meet with a transfer counselor at his/her home campus and should confer with the transfer counselor of the four-year college or university.

The course catalog description and learning outcomes for all Suffolk courses are available for review at Course Descriptions.

Articulation Agreements

An articulation agreement is signed by both Suffolk and a four-year partner to generally provide transfer tables with necessary courses required to transfer more seamlessly to the four-year institution. Most articulation agreements will provide students with junior standing.

Joint Admission Agreement

Joint Admission agreements provide a pathway to be admitted to Suffolk and the four-year institution. Students are guaranteed admission into the listed parallel program provided they have completed the degree at Suffolk with the designated minimum cumulative grade point average and with satisfaction of other admission requirements. Most joint admissions agreements also include an articulation agreement. Students can choose to enter a joint admission agreement through the college application process, but it must be selected within the first 24 credits completed. Please contact the campus Admissions Office to apply.



Transfer Student

Transferring to Suffolk from Another College?

Every year many transfer students begin their studies at Suffolk County Community College by transferring college credits from other colleges and universities. Your transfer to Suffolk begins by applying online.

Request your official college transcript(s), including AP or IB, be sent directly from your previous institution to or directly mailed to:

Suffolk County Community College
Transfer Credit Office
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784-2899

After your college transcript(s) arrive, your transfer credits will be evaluated for applicable credits toward your program. An email will notify you when the courses are transferred into your student account. You can view the Transfer Evaluation Tables to see unofficially how your courses may transfer.

Grades for prior coursework accepted for Suffolk credit are not noted on our transcript, nor considered in computing the grade point average. However, grades for such courses may be used for admission decisions for curricula with competitive admission. 

Below is a brief description of the various ways students can receive college credit.  Please email for further information. 


In order to obtain an associate degree, students who receive transfer credit for prior coursework and/or are awarded academic credit for prior learning must still complete a minimum of 30 credit hours of academic coursework at Suffolk County Community College. To obtain a Certificate, half of the credits must be completed at Suffolk County Community College. Advanced Placement, challenge examination, CLEP, portfolio, and all categories of transfer credit do not count towards the minimum resident credits for a degree or certificate.

In order to be eligible for transfer credit, students must be matriculated into a degree or certificate program.  Transfer credits are not computed into the student’s grade point average (GPA).

Requests of a student’s official college transcript(s), including AP or IB, should be sent directly from your previous institution to or directly mailed to:

Suffolk County Community College
Transfer Credit Office
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784-2899


Courses taken at other Colleges and Universities

Suffolk County Community College will accept academic credit earned from colleges and universities accredited by regional institutional accrediting organizations recognized by both the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and the U.S. Department of Education.

Credits for courses received from non-regionally accredited institutions of higher education will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

Course descriptions and/or syllabi may be required to assist in evaluating the course.

Credit for coursework successfully completed with a grade of C minus (C-) or higher may be awarded for courses deemed equivalent to Suffolk County Community College courses. Grades indicated by a pass, with credits posted, will only be accepted if the grade is equivalent to a C- or higher.  Credit is recorded on the student’s transcript with “TR”.

For institutions that have closed, please refer to Obtaining Closed School Student Records.


Standardized Exams

Advanced Placement (AP)

Credit may be awarded to students who have taken Advanced Placement courses in high school and who attain scores of 3 or higher on the appropriate Advanced Placement examinations administered through the College Board.  Students should be aware that other schools may have a more restrictive policy for Advanced Placement transfer credit, and courses covered by AP exams at Suffolk may not be acceptable at their subsequent institution. Such credit will be added to the student’s transcript with a grade of “E” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA. See the Transfer Evaluation Table for courses awarded by Suffolk.

To be awarded AP credit, students must request their official Advanced Placement score report from the College Board, using CEEB code 2827, to be sent to the mailing address provided below:

Suffolk County Community College
Transfer Credit Office
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784-2899

International Baccalaureate (IB)

Credit may be awarded to students who have taken International Baccalaureate courses in high school and who attain a score of 4 or higher on the IB Higher Level (HL) exams.  If the student has successfully completed the Diploma program, then credit may be awarded for the Standard Level (SL) courses with a score of 4 or higher. Students must submit an official transcript from the International Baccalaureate (IB) website. Such credit will be added to the student’s transcript with a grade of “E” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA. See the Transfer Evaluation Table for courses awarded by Suffolk.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

Credit may be awarded to students who pass CLEP exams with a score of 50 or higher.  Such credit will be added to the student’s transcript with a grade of “E” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA. See Suffolk’s CLEP webpage for the courses awarded by Suffolk.

CLEP examinations are offered throughout the year in group sessions at all three campuses.  Visit CLEP for more information.

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)

Credit may be awarded to students who pass ACTFL exams by earning a minimum score of Novice High. See Suffolk's ACTFL webpage for the courses awarded by Suffolk. Visit ACTFL for more information. 

Credit obtained through standardized exams is recorded on the student’s transcript with “E” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA.


Prior Learning Assessment

Challenge Exam

When a CLEP examination is not available to test prior learning in a course or subject offered at Suffolk County Community College, a challenge exam can provide an opportunity for a student to demonstrate knowledge or competencies to receive credit for a specific course.

To request a challenge exam, students must complete the Challenge Exam Application and submit it to the Campus Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The Associate Dean will forward the application to the department chair for review. If approved, the student will be contacted and arrangements for exam administration will be made.

To be eligible for a challenge exam:

  • The request must be approved by the academic department. Challenge examinations are not available for all courses.
  • The student must be matriculated in a degree or certificate program.
  • The challenge exam cannot be taken for a course that the student has failed or withdrawn from.

Students should consult with the Office of Academic Affairs for applicable fees associated with the administration of a challenge exam.

Credit obtained upon successful completion of a Challenge Exam is recorded on the student’s transcript with “E” and will not be computed as part of the institutional GPA.

Portfolio Assessment

Students may request credit for a course that does not have an established method for granting prior learning credit through the development of a portfolio that demonstrates well-documented existing knowledge and competencies.

To be eligible for portfolio assessment:

  • The academic department in which the student seeks credit must approve the student’s request for portfolio assessment.
  • The student must be registered for 6 or more credits.
  • The student must be matriculated in a degree or certificate program.
  • The student will not be permitted to submit a portfolio for a course they already took and failed, already earned credit for, or are enrolled in at the same time as their portfolio submission.

For additional information, read more about Portfolio Assessment. Students should consult with the Office of Academic Affairs for applicable fees associated with receiving academic credits for prior learning.  Credit is granted after review by a faculty member and earning a C or higher.

Credit awarded upon completion of a portfolio assessment is recorded on the student’s transcript with a grade of “L” indicating discipline-specific evaluation by Portfolio and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA.

Note: Portfolio Assessment is not recommended for students who have completed 30 or more credits in an associate degree program or at least half of the credits in a certificate program.

Educational Programs Sponsored by Certain Non-Collegiate Organizations

Suffolk County Community College may award academic credit for industry-recognized certifications and other non-collegiate training if the training has been evaluated by either the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) or the American Council on Education (ACE), is relevant to the student’s program of study, and has been recommended by the aforementioned organizations.  Students are required to submit an official ACE or NCCRS transcript for evaluation.  For military personnel, a Joint Services Transcript (JST) should be submitted for review.

For other forms of learning earned through non-collegiate training, the methods of evaluation must be conducted and/or approved by the discipline faculty or academic chair(s) of all relevant campuses.  Final approval will be determined by the Vice President for Academic Affairs or designee.

Credit awarded for non-collegiate training is recorded on the student’s transcript with a “TR” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA.


Foreign Credential Evaluations

Suffolk County Community College may award academic credit for coursework successfully completed at a foreign college or university if the foreign institution is shown to be equivalent to a regionally accredited institution in the United States.  An official course-by-course evaluation (which includes a document-to-document evaluation) must be mailed directly from a credential evaluation service that is a member of either the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (NACES) or the Association of International Credentials Evaluators (AICE) to the following address:

Suffolk County Community College
Transfer Credit Office
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784-2899

For non-F1 visa students, U.S. transcripts must be translated if not in English. All foreign educational credentials must be evaluated by an accredited agency. Please visit NACES and/or AICE to select one of the evaluation agencies.  F1 visa students should contact the International Students Office.

Credit is recorded on the student’s transcript with “TR” and will not be computed as part of institutional GPA.


Transfer Credit Appeal Process

Students who wish to challenge the evaluation of their transfer credits from other institutions can initiate the appeal process by:

  • Submitting a written appeal clearly outlining the reasons for challenging the evaluation and including supporting documents (syllabi, lab hours, credit hours, etc.)
  • Include your name, student ID, email, phone number, course, and name of academic institution where the course was taken

Appeal submissions must be emailed to or submitted to:

Suffolk County Community College
Transfer Credit Office
Kreiling Hall 103
533 College Road
Selden, NY 11784-2899

For information on SUNY’s appeal process, see the Student Transfer Appeal Process website.

Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)


The Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides academic support and financial assistance to students who demonstrate the potential for mastering college-level work. EOP is mandated by the New York State Legislature and is funded by the State University of New York (SUNY).

VIDEO: EOP Students Share Their Experiences


To qualify for EOP, a student is required to:

  • be a resident of New York State for 12 months prior to enrollment
  • have a high school diploma or an equivalency diploma
  • demonstrate the need for additional academic preparation and have the potential for completing a college program
  • be in need of financial assistance within established income guidelines

Additional Academic Preparation

A need for additional academic preparation is defined by any one of the following:

  • a high school average of 70 to 83;
  • a General Equivalency Diploma (GED);
  • a non-high school graduate who is admitted to Suffolk through the Ability to Benefit program;
  • placement at Suffolk in one or more developmental courses;
  • a referral from an Educational Opportunity Center within the SUNY system

Potential for mastering college-level work is determined by a review of the student's high school record, all available test scores, and information about their extracurricular activities, hobbies, community activities, job history, and any other experiences that might indicate their potential for future success.

Services Offered

Individualized Services 

Specific services include the following:

  • academic advisement for course work planning
  • tutorial services (both individual and group)
  • assistance with financial aid application process
  • educational, career, and personal counseling
  • financial support for some personal expenses
  • academic skill-building workshops

Summer Program

All EOP freshman students are required to attend Suffolk's four-week summer orientation program to help enhance academic skills prior to the start of the fall semester.

  • reading, English, mathematics, and computer review classes
  • time management and study skills workshops
  • free breakfast and lunch
  • meet other EOP freshman students and campus personnel
  • transportation reimbursement at the end of the summer program

Refer to: How to Apply.

Student Support Services (SSS) – TRIO

The Student Support Services program enhances opportunities for students to successfully complete their college education. Through the development and implementation of a personal support plan, students receive assistance in identifying their educational goals and learning needs, as well as individual academic and financial advisement and tutoring.

Services Offered

Specific services offered include the following:

  • One-on-one assistance with academic needs
  • Academic Coaching
  • Instruction in basic study skills
  • Tutorial services
  • Assistance in applying for and maintaining financial aid eligibility
  • Information about career and transfer opportunities
  • Registration priority
  • Peer mentoring
  • Referral to campus resources
  • Workshops and Informational sessions


Applications to the Student Support Services (SSS) program will be considered on a first-come, first-served basis. Students must be in their first semester in the fall and full time (12 or more credits) in order to be considered. The program acceptance deadline is October 25th of each year. Please note that we are unable to accept students in the spring. Therefore, interested students should apply as early as possible. If you are interested in applying or would like to learn more about the SSS program on your campus, please contact the Student Support Services office at 631-451-4693 or Students must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • first generation college student
    (i.e., neither parent has graduated from college with a four-year degree.);
  • have a documented disability 

Developmental Studies


In order to support students with certain academic needs related to college readiness, Suffolk provides developmental courses in reading, mathematics, English or English as a Second Language (ESL). These courses are designed to help students refine scholastic skills, and, thereby, effect a smooth transition to college-level courses. While developmental courses do not carry credit toward a degree or certificate, successful completion of these courses is required and may serve as a prerequisite to enrollment in college-level programs at Suffolk. Developmental courses may lengthen the time needed to complete a degree program. However, faculty at Suffolk continue to develop multiple approaches to enable students to begin college-level course work in a timely manner.

Course Placement

Newly admitted matriculated students are enrolled in college-level or developmental-level courses based on scores earned on the Computerized Placement Test (CPT), certain high school Regents exams, and/or other available test scores and measures. Students entering Suffolk who have completed appropriate college-level courses may be waived from part or all of the CPT.

Course placement may determine a students need to enroll in one or more of the following developmental courses, which do not fulfill degree requirements:

ENG010: Developmental Writing
ENG012: Emerging Writers Workshop

MAT001: Developmental Mathematics Skills
MAT006: Pre-Algebra and Algebra I
MAT007: Algebra I
MAT009: Mathematical Literacy

RDG096: Essential College Reading
RDG098: Introduction to College Reading
RDG099: Reading in the Content Areas

In addition, students for whom English is a second language may be required to take any or all of the following:

ESL011-012: ESL College Reading I and II
ESL013-014: ESL Intensive Grammar I and II
ESL015-016: ESL College Listening Speaking Skills I and II
ESL017-018: ESL College Composition I and II

Enrollment Requirements

Students required to take developmental courses in two or more subject areas or one developmental course at the lower-level English, reading, or ESL (ENG009/ESL017 or RDG098/RDG096/ESL011) may enroll in up to 14.5 credit hours per semester which would include the required developmental courses and courses from the student’s chosen curriculum. Courses are arranged by the counseling staff in consultation with the student. Students enrolled in developmental courses may drop or add courses only after written approval by a faculty advisor, counselor, Academic Chair, or Academic Dean.

Full-time students placed into developmental reading, English, or mathematics courses must register for them during the first semester. If two levels of a developmental courses are required, students successful at the lower-level must continue to the higher-level during the subsequent semester. Students earning a U, UN, R, or W must repeat the lower-level course before moving on to the higher-level.

Part-time students placed into two or more developmental courses may take them in conjunction with certain approved courses. Students placed only in developmental mathematics are required to take it during the student’s first semesters.

New students who are applying for financial aid with state aid eligibility must earn at least 3 college-level credits toward their current degree. In the subsequent semester the student must earn at least 6 college-level credits toward their current degree.

Any grade issued for a developmental course is binding. A test and retest score on the CPT cannot be used to substitute for or replace an earned grade.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Suffolk County Community College recognizes that students who are non-native speakers of English may require specialized English language instruction. As a result, extensive course offerings in English as a Second Language (ESL) are available at each of the campuses.

The three ESL programs offer instruction in listening, speaking, reading, writing and grammar to students for whom English is a second language. The ESL programs include both part-time and full-time developmental classes on a noncredit basis* and a third program which offers developmental classes on a credit** basis. The aim of all three programs is to provide limited English-proficient students with a functional knowledge of the English language.

The programs furnish students with the necessary communication skills to secure gainful employment, perform more effectively in daily life situations, and enroll in further college-level courses, if they so desire. Inasmuch as Suffolk County offers employment opportunities in business and industry as well as academic options, the ESL programs are aimed at making these opportunities accessible to their students. Instruction consists of sequenced levels, each of which is a prerequisite for the next level. These levels are divided into sections that focus on the four linguistic skill areas: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

* Students should be aware that all ESL courses, credit or non-credit, are considered developmental. Therefore, they do not fulfill any degree or certificate requirements.

** Plus 3 or 6 college-level credits for financial aid eligibility.

We have two different ESL options to help you. Look at the questions below to decide which one is best for you.
  • Did you graduate high school in the United States?
  • Are you an advanced student of English?
  • Have you finished the Non-Credit ESL option (Advanced IEP or Level 4.5)?
  • Do you want to obtain an associates or bachelor's degree?

If you answered yes to three or more of the questions above, we recommend that you start with the Credit ESL Program.

If you didn't answer yes to three or more questions above, we recommend that you start with the Non-Credit ESL Program. This option is for beginning to intermediate students of English.

If you are an international student, visit International student.

If you are still not sure which option would be best for you or if you have questions, please contact an advisor for assistance. 

Non-Credit ESL Program
Academic Credit ESL Program
 Intensive English Program (IEP) English Language Learners (ELL) Matriculated (degree-seeking)  Non-Matriculated (not degree-seeking)
 Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced Level 1.0, ... 3.4, 4.5   Level I and II Level I and II
Full-time (18 hours per week / 12 week semester) Part-time (6 hours per week / 12 week semester) Full-time or part-time / 15 week semester Part-time (3 hours per week / 15 week semester)



Non-Credit Program

*Spring classes are currently in session*

Graduation is Tuesday, May 20, 2025

 SFCUA Building

Michael J. Grant Campus

Brentwood, New York 11717

Benefits of the ESL Program

  • Communicate more effectively
  • Earn higher wages
  • Be considered for a promotion
  • Continue your education at Suffolk Community and earn a degree


All ESL Students

  • Students must be 18 years old
  • Students must show photo identification

ESL Contact Information

Students who need assistance online or who are interested in non-credit ESL classes can call:

  • (631) 451-4859 — Selden (Ammerman Campus)
  • (631) 548-2645 — Riverhead (Eastern Campus)
  • (631) 851-6519 — Brentwood Michael J Grant Campus)

About the ESL Program


The ESL non-credit English Program and Intensive English Program at Suffolk County Community College provide high- quality English as a Second Language instruction to equip second-language learners with the linguistic ability necessary to thrive academically, professionally and socially. Our programs foster strong English language acquisition through creative, yet structured, instruction in a positive and welcoming learning environment.

Students are placed in classes that are tailored to their English ability, and each semester they advance through the levels and modules to prepare them to continue their education at Suffolk County Community College or at another college or university.

Part-Time and Full-Time Programs

The part-time non-credit ESL program consists of four levels and the full-time Intensive English Program (IEP) consists of three levels. In both programs, each level is a prerequisite for the next. The only requirements to enter either program are that students be at least 18 years of age and take a placement test in order to determine their level of proficiency and appropriate placement in a level.

The part-time non-credit ESL program is for those students who:

  • have not enrolled at the College in a degree program
  • are seeking a less expensive option
  • are able to devote only a limited number of hours per week to study
  • have language skills at the most basic level
  • are seeking to improve language skills for vocational or social reasons
  • are unsure of future academic goals

The full-time non-credit Intensive English Program is for those students who:

  • want or need to dedicate a significant number of hours per week toward language acquisition
  • are preparing for college or university study
  • wish to increase their career options
ESL Program Semester (non-credit):

The semester lasts 12 weeks for both programs. Each week, students in the part-time program must attend class for 6 hours and also complete one hour of language lab for a total of 7 hours per week. Depending of the campus, classes are offered during the day, in the evening and on the weekend. Students in the full-time Intensive English Program must attend class for 18 hours per week and complete two hours of language lab for a total of 20 hours a week.

Part-Time ESL Program

Level 1:

Module 1.0                                               per week

Comprehensive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours

Module 1.1A

Listening/Speaking/Reading. . . . . . 3 hours

Module 1.1B

Writing/Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours

Module 1.2A

Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Module 1.2B


Listening/Speaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours 

Level 2:

Module 2.3A

Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Module 2.3B


Listening/Speaking. . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours 

Level 3:

Module 3.4A

Writing/Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Module 3.4B

Reading/Listening/Speaking. . . . . . 3 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours

Level 4:

Module 4.5

Comprehensive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 hour

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 hours

Total Program Time: 6 semesters/504 hours


Full-Time Intensive English Program (IEP)

Beginner:                                               per week

Comprehension and Speaking. . . . 6 hours

Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 hours

Reading/Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 hours

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 hours


Comprehension and Speaking . . .  4 hours

Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 hours

Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 hours

Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 hours

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 hours


Comprehension and Speaking. . . .  3 hours

Grammar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 hours

Reading . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4 hours

Writing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 hours

Language Lab. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 hours

American Culture or TOEFL Prep. . 3 hours

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 hours

Total Program Time: 3 semesters/720 hours


Upon successful completion of either Level 4 or the Advanced IEP of the non-credit program, an exit test is given and students are encouraged to pursue college-level work. Students who successfully complete the program also participate in the ESL graduation ceremony. At that time they receive a Certificate of Program Completion which recognizes their achievement.

*Students should be aware that all ESL courses, credit or non-credit, are considered developmental and therefore do not fulfill any degree or certificate requirements.

Academic Credit Program

We offer intensive academic prep courses designed to prepare students, whose first language is not English, for college-level work in degree programs.

Students may take the full sequence of classes or they may take only those for which they demonstrate or experience a need. Courses are prescribed according to placement test scores; not all courses may be required and students may be encouraged to take courses in appropriate academic disciplines to augment their course schedules.

The credit ESL program is for students who:

  • have been accepted by Suffolk for full- or part-time admission.
  • are applying for financial aid (for state aid eligibility, new students must earn at least 3 college-level credits toward their current degree, while students in subsequent semesters must earn at least 6 college-level credits toward their current degree).
  • are seeking a more intensive program of study for academic or professional reasons.
  • need intensive instruction in any of the above-named skill areas.
  • need specialized ESL classes based on results of the Computerized Placement Tests.
  • have completed the non-credit ESL program and need additional focused course work to enable them to continue their studies.


Tuition and Fees

Tuition and Residency

The College charges full-time tuition to students who take 12 or more credits per semester. Students who take fewer than 12 credits are charged on a per credit basis.

The College has two tuition rates: resident tuition, charged to Suffolk County residents and non-resident tuition, charged to all non-Suffolk County residents. Non-resident tuition is currently double the resident tuition rate. To qualify for resident tuition, a student must have legal domicile of one year in New York State and six months in Suffolk County. The legal residency of unmarried students under the age 21 is that of their parents. Suffolk County permanent residents with valid Permanent Resident Cards (“green cards”) are charged resident tuition as long as they meet the residency requirements indicated above.

New York State residents who live in other counties may be eligible for the resident tuition rate. To qualify, they must submit a Certificate of Residence from their home county prior to registration. Applications are available at the college’s business office and online via MySCCC. Students must file their applications with their home county’s Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer no more than two months before the start date of the semester (no later than 30 days after the start of classes for some counties). A Certificate of Residence is valid for no more than one year and must be renewed every year. The Certificate of Residence must be returned to the College in person or by mail to any campus business/cashier’s office, or to the College’s Office of Business and Financial Services, Room 232, NFL Building, Ammerman Campus, 533 College Road, Selden, NY 11784 or by fax to 631-451-4444.

Non-Suffolk residents who do not comply with the Certificate of Residence requirement and non-Suffolk residents in the United States on a student visa who are ineligible for the Certificate of Residence are responsible for the full non-resident tuition.

For terms that begin after July 1, 2017, under the GI Bill®, a veteran who enrolls at the College within three years of discharge from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more will pay resident tuition. There are no longer any residency requirements, or non-resident tuition charges for veterans or their eligible dependents using the covered GI Bill® programs. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Full-Time Students

12 Credits or More per Semester

Tuition and fees are subject to change pending final action on the College budget.

Tuition, Residents
per semester

For tuition purposes, Residents are defined as students who have one year's legal residency in New York State and six months in Suffolk County. The legal residency of unmarried students under 21 is that of their parents. Students who are New York State residents in a county other than Suffolk may have the non-resident tuition rate waived by submitting a Certificate of Residency from their home county prior to registration.

Tuition, Non-Residents
per semester

For tuition purposes, Non-Residents are defined as non-New York State residents, or New York State residents who have not resided in Suffolk County for six months. Note that New York State residents of other counties may have the non-resident tuition rate waived by submitting a Certificate of Residency from their home county prior to registration.

Tuition Deposit

The Tuition Deposit is a non-refundable payment that is applied to tuition and required from students who are admitted to seat-restricted programs at the College. The deposit will be applied to the payment of tuition in the first semester that the student registers following the payment of the deposit. If the student does not register and attend classes within one year of paying the deposit, the deposit will be forfeited.

Tuition Payment Plan Enrollment Fee

Enrolling in a tuition payment plan (TPP) allows you to pay your tuition balance over time with affordable monthly payment. This fee is non-refundable.

Administrative Collection Fee

Covers a portion of the administrative costs of reinstating student accounts deemed uncollectible.

Application Processing Fee

The Processing Fee is a non-refundable fee that supports the cost of admission processing for full-time and part-time students.

Applied Music Fee
per semester

The Applied Music Fee supports supplies and equipment associated with Music program.

Challenge Examination Fee
per course

The Challenge Examination Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged for each examination that is taken. Challenge examinations are not available for all courses. Additional information is available in the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs on each campus.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee is a non-refundable fee that covers the cost of administering each examination. Successful performance on these standardized tests, which cover many of the subjects and courses offered at Suffolk, can result in the awarding of college credit. There is a service charge to students who reschedule CLEP examinations

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Late Fee

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee is a non-refundable fee that covers the cost of administering each examination. Successful performance on these standardized tests, which cover many of the subjects and courses offered at Suffolk, can result in the awarding of college credit. There is a service charge to students who reschedule CLEP examinations

Culinary Arts Program Fee
per credit

The Culinary Arts Program Fee is a non-refundable fee for instructional materials provided to students in culinary arts classes with lab-based activities. Applicable courses will be indicated in the current college catalog.

Equestrian Fee
per semester

Students enrolled in equestrian courses pay the Equestrian Fee to cover the cost of materials and supplies used in that course.

Failure to obtain College ID card

Health & Wellness Fee
per semester

The Health and Wellness fee provides students with access to resources such as health services, mental health counseling, health clubs and wellness programming. It is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session.

Laboratory/Equipment/Special Program Fee
per course

The Laboratory/Equipment/Special Program Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Late Payment Fee

The Late Payment Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged for payments received after the payment due date.

Late Registration Fee
per semester

Students who initiate their registration one week prior to the first day of a session (Day, Evening, Saturday/Sunday) are charged this fee. It is not charged to registered students who change an existing course schedule.

Liability Insurance Fee
per course

The Liability Insurance Fee is required of students in certain courses in nursing, health careers, cooperative educational programs, internships, and other experiential courses and is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Littering College Campus


Meal Plan
per semester

Students registered for nine or more credits in a semester on the Ammerman and/or Michael J. Grant Campuses will be enrolled in the College’s Meal Plan. A declining balance of $100 is available to be used at campus food service locations and vending machines. Students who drop below 9 credits after the second week of class will continue to be enrolled in the meal plan for the remainder of the semester. The meal plan is non-refundable on or after the first day of the semester.

Music Performance Lab Fee
per course

The Music Performance Lab Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Physical Education Fee
per course

The Physical Education Service Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Prior Learning Assessment: Basic Fee for Portfolio Evaluation

The Prior Learning Assessment Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged to cover the cost of evaluating a learning portfolio for possible college credit.

Prior Learning Assessment: Supplementary Fee
1/3 tuition

If college credit is granted, an additional Supplementary Fee that equals one-third the tuition of the credits granted is charged.

Records Maintenance Fee
per credit

The Records Maintenance Fee is a non-refundable fee that provides for the cost of managing and maintaining all student records. This fee is assessed on a per semester basis to students taking courses at the Ammerman, Eastern, and Grant campuses. Maximum $60 per semester.

Replacement of Lost ID Card Fee

The Replacement of Lost ID Card Fee is charged to replace an ID card that is lost or misplaced.

Returned Check/CC Dispute Fee

The Returned Check Fee is a non-refundable fee that provides for the collection and processing of checks that bounce (i.e., are returned unpaid by banks).

Smoking Policy Violation

Smoking is prohibited on College property, both indoors and outdoors, as well as in College and Association owned or leased vehicles. Individuals are prohibited from smoking in vehicles located on College Property.
This policy applies to all students, employees, visitors, vendors, and contractors.

Student Activity Fee
per credit

The Student Activity Fee provides for social, cultural, athletic, and related activities for full and part-time students and is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session. Maximum $105 per semester.

Technology Fee
per semester

The Technology Fee is a dedicated fee charged to students taking credit courses offered by the College. The fee is committed to fund technology and equipment; it is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session.

Transcript Fee

The Transcript Fee is charged for each academic transcript provided.

Electronic Handling

Hard Copy Handling (Paper)

Vehicle Registration Fee
per semester

The Vehicle Registration Fee is charged for the fall, spring and summer semesters. The fee is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session, and partly supports automobile registration, security, and plant maintenance activities. A separate parking sticker and fee are required for each car parked on campus.

Replacement of Lost Parking Sticker Fee

The Replacement of Lost Parking Sticker Fee is charged to replace a parking sticker that is lost or misplaced.

Traffic Fines

Traffic Fines will be charged to individuals who violate the College vehicle use and parking rules. Violators may be ticketed and assessed parking and other traffic fines.

Driving or Parking on Restricted Roads or Areas

Excessive Speed

Failure to Register/Renew Vehicle with College

Failure to stop, to obey signs or security personnel

Failure to yield to pedestrians

Obstruction of a trash container or crosswalk

Parking in a fire zone/lane, or 15 feet of a fire hydrant

Parking in a handicapped area

Parking in an area other than designated area

English as a Second Language (ESL) Non-credit Tuition


Cat. #s IEP074, IEP084
$2,200 per semester

Cat. #s IEP094 & either IEP092 or IEP093
$2,200 per semester

Cat. #s IEP092, IEP093
$260 per semester

RN Nursing Fee

This fee is non-refundable and is not to exceed the amount noted. Nursing students will be provided access to the associate degree nursing program Assessment Technologies Institute Essentials Supreme Bundle Package that provides students with comprehensive assessment driven learning resources, standardized testing and licensure examination preparation. Additionally, students will be provided a clinical skills practice kit and an official Suffolk County Community College nursing program clinical uniform.

PN Nursing Fee

This fee is non-refundable and is not to exceed the amount noted. Nursing students will be provided access to the practical nursing program Assessment Technologies Institute Essentials Supreme Bundle Package that provides students with comprehensive assessment driven learning resources, standardized testing and licensure examination preparation. Additionally, students will be provided with an official Suffolk County Community College nursing program clinical uniform and skills lab classroom scrubs.

Vet Tech Program Fee

The Veterinary Technologist program fee is non-refundable and due upon entry to the program. Not to exceed the amount specified. This covers 2 vaccinations.

Part-Time Students

Fewer Than 12 Credits per Semester

Tuition and fees are subject to change pending final action on the College budget.

Tuition, Residents
per credit

For tuition purposes, Residents are defined as students who have one year's legal residency in New York State and six months in Suffolk County. The legal residency of unmarried students under 21 is that of their parents. Students who are New York State residents in a county other than Suffolk may have the non-resident tuition rate waived by submitting a Certificate of Residency from their home county prior to registration.

Tuition, Non-Residents
per credit

For tuition purposes, Non-Residents are defined as non-New York State residents, or New York State residents who have not resided in Suffolk County for six months. Note that New York State residents of other counties may have the non-resident tuition rate waived by submitting a Certificate of Residency from their home county prior to registration.

Tuition Payment Plan Enrollment Fee

Enrolling in a tuition payment plan (TPP) allows you to pay your tuition balance over time with affordable monthly payment. This fee is non-refundable.

Administrative Collection Fee

Covers a portion of the administrative costs of reinstating student accounts deemed uncollectible.

Application Processing Fee

The Processing Fee is a non-refundable fee that supports the cost of admission processing for full-time and part-time students.

Applied Music Fee
per semester

The Applied Music Fee supports supplies and equipment associated with Music program.

Challenge Examination Fee
per course

The Challenge Examination Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged for each examination that is taken. Challenge examinations are not available for all courses. Additional information is available in the Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs on each campus.

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee is a non-refundable fee that covers the cost of administering each examination. Successful performance on these standardized tests, which cover many of the subjects and courses offered at Suffolk, can result in the awarding of college credit. There is a service charge to students who reschedule CLEP examinations

College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Late Fee

The College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Fee is a non-refundable fee that covers the cost of administering each examination. Successful performance on these standardized tests, which cover many of the subjects and courses offered at Suffolk, can result in the awarding of college credit. There is a service charge to students who reschedule CLEP examinations

Culinary Arts Program Fee
per credit

The Culinary Arts Program Fee is a non-refundable fee for instructional materials provided to students in culinary arts classes with lab-based activities. Applicable courses will be indicated in the current college catalog.

Equestrian Fee
per semester

Students enrolled in equestrian courses pay the Equestrian Fee to cover the cost of materials and supplies used in that course.

Failure to obtain College ID card

Health & Wellness Fee
per semester

The Health and Wellness fee provides students with access to resources such as health services, mental health counseling, health clubs and wellness programming. It is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session.

Laboratory/Equipment/Special Program Fee
per course

The Laboratory/Equipment/Special Program Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Late Payment Fee

The Late Payment Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged for payments received after the payment due date.

Late Registration Fee
per semester

Students who initiate their registration one week prior to the first day of a session (Day, Evening, Saturday/Sunday) are charged this fee. It is not charged to registered students who change an existing course schedule.

Liability Insurance Fee
per course

The Liability Insurance Fee is required of students in certain courses in nursing, health careers, cooperative educational programs, internships, and other experiential courses and is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Littering College Campus


Music Performance Lab Fee
per course

The Music Performance Lab Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Physical Education Fee
per course

The Physical Education Service Fee partially provides for the extra costs of special supplies, equipment and services associated with certain courses. Course sections as outlined in the Class Schedule Search are marked to show what fees are applicable for a particular section.

Prior Learning Assessment: Basic Fee for Portfolio Evaluation

The Prior Learning Assessment Fee is a non-refundable fee that is charged to cover the cost of evaluating a learning portfolio for possible college credit.

Prior Learning Assessment: Supplementary Fee
1/3 tuition

If college credit is granted, an additional Supplementary Fee that equals one-third the tuition of the credits granted is charged.

Records Maintenance Fee
per credit

The Records Maintenance Fee is a non-refundable fee that provides for the cost of managing and maintaining all student records. This fee is assessed on a per semester basis to students taking courses at the Ammerman, Eastern, and Grant campuses. Maximum $60 per semester.

Replacement of Lost ID Card Fee

The Replacement of Lost ID Card Fee is charged to replace an ID card that is lost or misplaced.

Returned Check/CC Dispute Fee

The Returned Check Fee is a non-refundable fee that provides for the collection and processing of checks that bounce (i.e., are returned unpaid by banks).

Smoking Policy Violation

Smoking is prohibited on College property, both indoors and outdoors, as well as in College and Association owned or leased vehicles. Individuals are prohibited from smoking in vehicles located on College Property.
This policy applies to all students, employees, visitors, vendors, and contractors.

Student Activity Fee
per credit

The Student Activity Fee provides for social, cultural, athletic, and related activities for full and part-time students and is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session. Maximum $105 per semester.

Technology Fee (Fall, Summer, Spring)
per semester

The Technology Fee is a dedicated fee charged to students taking credit courses offered by the College. The fee is committed to fund technology and equipment; it is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session.

Technology Fee (Winter)
per semester

The Technology Fee is a dedicated fee charged to students taking credit courses offered by the College. The fee is committed to fund technology and equipment; it is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session.

Transcript Fee

The Transcript Fee is charged for each academic transcript provided.

Electronic Handling

Hard Copy Handling (Paper)

Vehicle Registration Fee
per semester

The Vehicle Registration Fee is charged for the fall, spring and summer semesters. The fee is non-refundable on or after the first day of the session, and partly supports automobile registration, security, and plant maintenance activities. A separate parking sticker and fee are required for each car parked on campus.

Replacement of Lost Parking Sticker Fee

The Replacement of Lost Parking Sticker Fee is charged to replace a parking sticker that is lost or misplaced.

Traffic Fines

Traffic Fines will be charged to individuals who violate the College vehicle use and parking rules. Violators may be ticketed and assessed parking and other traffic fines.

Driving or Parking on Restricted Roads or Areas

Excessive Speed

Failure to Register/Renew Vehicle with College

Failure to stop, to obey signs or security personnel

Failure to yield to pedestrians

Obstruction of a trash container or crosswalk

Parking in a fire zone/lane, or 15 feet of a fire hydrant

Parking in a handicapped area

Parking in an area other than designated area

English as a Second Language (ESL) Non-credit Tuition


Cat. #s ELL001, ELL010
$450 per semester

Cat. #s ELL003, ELL005, ELL007, ELL008
$225 per semester

Cat. #s ELL002, ELL004, ELL006, ELL009
$225 per semester

Cat. #s ELW001, ELW002, ELW003, ELW004, ELW005, ELW006, ELW007, ELW008, ELW009, ELW016
$190 per semester

Miscellaneous Fees

Fees, Fines, and Charges

Bookstore Charges

Students who authorize the College to set aside funds to pay for materials purchased from the College bookstore vendor, whether authorized by third party payees or as set-asides from their financial assistance and/or scholarship funds, may see these Bookstore Charges on their billing statements from the College.

Child Care Tuition and Fees

Students who authorize the College to set aside funds to cover Child Care Tuition and Fees, whether authorized by third party payees or as set-asides from their financial assistance and/or scholarship funds, may see these charges on their billing statements from the College.

Corporate Training-Program Charges

Corporations, organizations, and other entities that contract for the services and instructional programs of the College Corporate Training Center pay Corporate Training-Program Charges to recover the cost of program-related expenses, instructional materials, curriculum development, and other costs associated with the center's operation.

Emergency Student Loan Charges

Students who receive emergency student loans that need to be paid back to the College will see these Emergency Student Loan Charges included on their billing statements from the College.

Library Fines

Students and others who return books and other instructional materials late to the lending services at the College, including its libraries and audio-visual services, pay Library Fines or lost-item replacement charges. Lost-item replacement charges will be refunded if the items are returned within one year.

Non-Credit Tuition and Fee Charges

Students, individuals and organizations that enroll members or employees in non-credit programs of the College are charged Non-Credit Tuition and Fees to recover cost of the programs they take.

Sports Center Membership Fees

Students, College staff, faculty, senior citizens, police officers and recruits, high school students, family groups, Suffolk County residents, and residents of other counties who renew their membership at the College Health Club may receive bills for Sports Center Membership Fees from the College.

Sports and Convention Center Charges

Companies and other parties who contract for the use of the trade show facilities at the Suffolk Federal Credit Union Arena must pay an initial installment for their use of the facility. Subsequently, they will be billed for any additional amounts due to reflect their final Sports and Convention Center Charges.

Third-Party Charges

The College may make provisions for students to take its courses in certain situations where other entities (e.g., governmental agencies, financial aid or scholarship programs, other private or non-profit groups, etc.) commit to paying all or part of their tuition and fees. The College bills such firms for the amounts due. However, in some instances, third party payment is contingent on the student completing the course, or is limited to certain pre-authorized and or set amounts, or may vary (for whatever reason) from the amount initially anticipated. When this occurs, the student is liable for the unpaid amount and will be billed accordingly by the College. These Third-Party Charges, like all other liabilities to the College, must be paid in full upon notice by the College.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Non-Credit Tuition 2023-2024

Course Cost Schedule
IEP074, IEP084 $2,200 per semester
IEP094 & either IEP092 or IEP093 $2,200 per semester
IEP092, IEP093 $260 per semester
ELL001, ELL010 $450 per semester
ELL003, ELL005, ELL007, ELL008 $225 per semester
ELL002, ELL004, ELL006, ELL009 $225 per semester
ELW001, ELW002, ELW003, ELW004, ELW005,
ELW006, ELW007, ELW008, ELW009, ELW016
$190 per semester

Deferral of Tuition

Financial Aid Deferral

Students who qualify for financial assistance or loans from state, federal or private agencies may be permitted, on a case-by-case basis, to defer payment of tuition and fees until receipt of such financial aid, but in no case beyond the end of the semester.

Third-Party Deferral

A tuition payment deferral is a privilege extended to a student by the College and can be withdrawn at the discretion of the College. In addition, if third party payment is not received, the College reserves the right to demand payment from the student. Funds from any source may be used by the College for payment of any and all deferred or outstanding charges. It is the student’s responsibility to follow through on all financial aid paperwork to ensure timely completion of the process.

Tuition Payment Plan

Make College Easier to Pay for with a Tuition Payment Plan.

Make college more affordable by paying for tuition and fees over time. Tuition payment plans break down your tuition balance into affordable monthly payments. There's no interest, payment options are flexible, setup fees are affordable, and it's easy to enroll!

More Information

Refund Policy

Refund Policy Overview

Suffolk County Community College has a refund policy that conforms to the State University of New York's policy for community colleges. Generally speaking, students who drop a course during the College official drop/refund period may be entitled to a partial refund of their tuition and any refundable fees. The date the course is dropped will determine the percentage of tuition and fees refunded. Students who wish to drop a class should go to Add or Drop a class and follow the instructions given.

Important Information about the Refund Policy

  • Failure to attend classes, informing the instructor of withdrawal, or stopping payment on a check does not constitute either official notification to the college or withdrawal from your courses.
  • Refunds are based on the length of classes and the date of the start of the semester by day or evening sessions in which the classes were taken.

For classes more than eight weeks in length or longer, the percentage of tuition and fees refunded is:

  1. 100% - prior to the first day of the semester
  2.   75% - during the first week of classes
  3.   50% - during the second week of classes
  4.   25% - during the third week of classes
  5.     0% - after the third week of classes

For classes that last eight weeks or less, the percentage of tuition and fees refunded is:

  1. 100% - prior to the first day of the session
  2.   25% - during the first week of classes
  3.     0% - after the first week of classes

The above schedules apply to credit and non-credit courses and programs given by the college.

  • If you paid your bill by cash, check, or credit card, you will receive a check from the college after the three-week refund period for any refund for which you are entitled (i.e., after any debts to the college have been satisfied).
  • If you deferred payment of your tuition and fees through financial aid, loans, or another third party, then your 'refund' will actually be in the form of a reduction in your liability to the college.
  • Certain fees are not refundable at any time. These include the Application Fee, Tuition Deposit, Placement Testing/Advisement Fee, Late Registration Fee, Returned Check Fee, Records Management Fee, Web Access Fee, and all Tuition Payment Plan Fees.
  • Fees that are non-refundable on or after the first day of the session (semester) include the Technology Fee, Vehicle Registration Fee, Graduation Review Fee, and Liability Insurance Fee.
  • Fees that are partially refundable, according to the date of official withdrawal, include the Laboratory / Equipment / Special Program / Distance Education / Physical Education Service Fees.

Exceptions to the Refund Policy

Under very limited circumstances, students may request refunds after the end of the refund periods. Requests are not considered for students who attended beyond the midpoint of the semester, nor are they considered if they are submitted more than thirty days following the end of the semester affected. If these time frames are met, the College may make exceptions to the refund policies for students affected by serious illness, who experience death in their immediate family, or are called to military service. To be considered under these circumstances, students may submit the Request for a Refund/Adjustment of Financial Liability form. The form is available on the student portal at MySCCC and must be submitted to the office of the Associate Dean of Student Services on the campus of attendance. Circumstances such as minor illness, general financial difficulties, job changes or conflicts, and transportation issues, or complaints about course content or instructional methodology are not sufficient to justify exceptions to the general refund policy.

Special Refund Provisions for Federal Financial Aid Recipients

Federal financial aid, including loans, is recalculated for students who totally withdraw before sixty (60) percent of the semester is complete to reflect the period of actual attendance. For example, a student who attends for only thirty (30) percent of a semester is entitled to only thirty (30) percent of the aid and/or loans awarded. As a result, students whose accounts were credited with more than their adjusted aid award and/or loan can owe the college money. When this occurs, students are billed and liable for the amounts due. This process is known as Return of Title IV and is compliant by the Department of Education.

In those cases where a student does not meet their financial obligation, the College employs the service of collection agencies. If an account is sent to collections, the student is responsible for all associated costs including interest, contingency fees, legal fees, and administrative fees if the account is returned uncollected. Fees associated with collection of a delinquent account can be as much as one-third of the balance in default at the time of collection. Students with accounts in collection will not be able to register for a future semester until their account is paid in full.

Financial Aid

Applying for Aid

We offer remote financial aid workshops and welcome all students, parents, and guidance counselors who would like to learn more.

  • Funding Your Future: A Guide to Financial Aid provides participants with a general overview of the financial aid process, basic eligibility requirements, types of aid programs available, and additional resources for students.
  • How to Complete Your FAFSA takes participants step-by-step through all parts of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

Register for Financial Aid Workshops

FAFSA Changes for 2024-2025

There are a number of changes in terminology, the application process, and the determination of eligibility for federal aid programs.

Key Changes:

  • The Expected Family Contribution (EFC) is being replaced by the Student Aid Index (SAI).
  • The term Contributor is anyone who is asked to provide information on the FAFSA - student, student spouse, parent(s), and stepparent(s) for example.  All contributors will need to have an FSA ID.
  • All contributors are required to provide consent to have their 2022 IRS tax data imported directly into the FAFSA.  Consent is required even if a contributor did not file a 2022 federal tax return.  If any contributor does not provide consent, the SAI will not be calculated and financial aid eligibility cannot be determined.
  • In the case of divorced or separated parents, the contributor will be the parent who provided the most financial support in the 12 months prior to completing the FAFSA.

For additional details on the upcoming changes and steps you can complete now, visit the Federal Student Aid website Launch of the 2024-25 FAFSA Form.

To receive full consideration for all financial aid programs, we urge you to apply by April 15 for the fall semester and by November 15 if you are entering in the spring semester. For all the major financial aid programs, including PELL, SEOG, TAP, APTS, loans, etc., follow these steps to apply:

  1. All aid applicants must be matriculated in a degree or certificate program. Only courses that are required for your degree program are eligible for financial aid.
  2. You and your parent must obtain a FSA ID and password. The FSA ID serves as a legal signature and should not be shared with anyone. 

    If you are creating a FSA ID for the first time, information must be verified with the Social Security Administration, which can take up to three days. Once your information is verified with Social Security Administration you will be able to use your FSA ID to complete the FAFSA.

    Visit to create your FSA ID. Users without a Social Security Number should review important instructions here.
  3. Complete the FAFSA:
    File electronically at FAFSA on the web. Federal Student Aid has a number of Pro Tips available to guide you through the process. Our Title IV School Codes are:
    • 002878 - Ammerman Campus
    • 014153 - Eastern Campus
    • 013204 - Grant Campus
  4. If you are requesting a loan and you are a first time borrower at Suffolk County Community College, you must complete an Entrance Interview either by using online loan counseling at or in person at your campus Financial Aid Office.
  5. After you submit the FAFSA, apply for the New York State (NYS) aid at
  6. To apply for a NYS Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) award, you must complete an APTS Application in addition to the FAFSA. Return the application and a signed copy of your NY State Tax Return to your campus Financial Aid Office. If you are a dependent, please also include your parent's return.

The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY Net Price Cost Calculator  and select Suffolk County Community College from the dropdown. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site. 

The SUNY Financial Aid Plan (FAP) will provide a more in-depth analysis and accurate picture of student cost once the student has filed their FAFSA, completed a SUNY application, and has been accepted by a campus.

Withdrawal or Change of Status

Students who wish to withdraw from the College or change their status from full time to part time must complete the Course Withdrawal form. All financial aid recipients are encouraged to contact their campus Financial Aid office to discuss any potential impacts of enrollment changes on their financial aid eligibility.

Students earn their federal financial aid throughout their period of enrollment.  Federal financial aid, including loans, is recalculated for students who withdraw from all courses before the sixty (60) percent point of the semester.  For example, a student who attends for only thirty (30) percent of a semester is entitled to only thirty (30) percent of the aid and/or loans awarded.  If a faculty member reports that a student did not attend their class(es) federal financial aid is withdrawn for those courses.

A student who does not complete at least one course (grade of A, B, C, D, F, S, or U), the student is considered an unofficial withdrawal for Title IV aid purposes.  SCCC will use the last date of attendance reported by the faculty; if no last date of attendance is reported, the mid-point of the semester is used as the withdrawal date.  As this often results in a balance, the students are notified by USPS and sent a revised bill.

Rights and Responsibilities

General Academic Requirements for Financial Aid (Full-time and Part-time Students)

To receive financial aid from the student aid programs you must meet the following conditions:
  1. Have financial need (i.e., except for some loan programs)
  2. Have a high school diploma or hold a NYS High School Equivalency Diploma (HSE - formerly known as GED). As of July 1, 2012, students admitted under the Ability to Benefit (ATB) are no longer eligible for Federal Aid
  3. Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a degree or certificate program (i.e., matriculated and taking courses applicable for that degree or certificate)
  4. Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen
  5. Have a valid Social Security Number
  6. Have filed and signed a statement on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) certifying that you will use federal student aid only for educational purposes
  7. Neither be in default on a federal student loan nor owe money back on a federal student grant
  8. Meet the federal and state standards for satisfactory academic progress. Please click the Maintaining Eligibility tab above.
Your eligibility also may be verified by government agencies as follows:
  • Social Security Administration for verification of social security numbers, correct name, and U.S. citizenship status
  • Department of Homeland Security (Immigration and Naturalization Service) for verification of eligible non-citizenship status, when applicable
  • Veterans Administration for verification of veteran's status, when applicable, to determine dependent/independent status and discharge status
  • Department of Education to validate accuracy of financial information for all students identified by U.S. Department of Education.
  1. Students must be enrolled in a degree or certificate program (matriculated) to receive financial aid.
  2. To qualify for TAP, you must be halt-time (6 or more credits). First time recipients who require remedial coursework must take at least three (3) college level credits, and six (6) college level credits in all subsequent terms.
  3. To qualify for APTS, students must enroll in at least three (3) college level credits each semester.
  4. State financial aid is not awarded for repeated courses for which you have received a passing grade.
  5. Financial aid is not awarded for courses that are being "audited."
  6. Financial aid is awarded only for courses that are required for the student's degree or certificate program. Financial aid does not cover prerequisites.
  7. Students are expected to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards to maintain financial aid eligibility. Refer to progress standards for Academic Progress charts.
Repeat Coursework

Federal financial aid will pay for only one repeat if you have previously earned credit in a course with a passing grade (A, B, C, D, etc.). You are only eligible to receive financial aid the first time the course is repeated. For example, if you are registered for 12 credits, and one of your 3-credit courses is a third attempt (after receiving a passing grade in an earlier attempt) your financial aid will be based on 9 credits and you will not be able to receive aid based on full-time enrollment. A second repeat is counted even if you received an incomplete grade.

State financial aid will not pay for repeated courses if you have previously earned credit with a grade of A, B, C, D, etc.

Federal Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress

To receive federal aid programs (Pell, SEOG, Work Study, Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized student loans, and parent PLUS loans), students must achieve minimum progress standards. Suffolk County Community College evaluates both qualitative and quantitative standards at the conclusion of each payment period (i.e. fall, spring, summer). Students who are not meeting the minimum progress standards are notified by email and their status is displayed in the student portal. Students may appeal the determination. Refer to the appeal information below the progress chart.

Qualitative Standards

The qualitative measurement is the student’s cumulative grade point average.  SCCC uses a graduated progression based on the number of credits attempted.  Students must achieve and maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 once they have attempted 46 credits.  Refer to the progress chart below for additional information.

Quantitative Standards

The quantitative measurement evaluates the student’s completion rate.  Students are expected to successfully pass 67% of their cumulative coursework.  This completion rate is measured by dividing the student’s cumulative credits passed by total attempted credits.

Example 1: Student A has attempted 42 credits and earned 36. Student A's completion rate is calculated using the following formula: 36 / 42 = 85.7%. Student A is meeting the minimum requirement.

Example 2: Student B has attempted 24 credits and earned 15. Student B's completion rate is calculated using the following formula: 15 / 24 = 62.5%. Student B is not meeting the minimum 67% completion rate.

In addition to achieving a minimum completion rate of 67%, students are expected to complete their degree requirements within a maximum time frame.  Per federal regulations, the maximum time frame is defined as 150% of the credits required for the degree program.

Example:  Student C is enrolled in the Veterinary Science Technology program which requires completion of 64 credits.  The maximum time frame for student C is 96 attempted credits (64 x 1.5 = 96).

The chart below outlines the number of credits a student must generally pass based on the number of credits they have attempted. Please note, transfer credits accepted to a student's current degree program are counted as both attempted and earned.

All withdrawals, after the add/drop (refund) period, including "unofficial withdrawals" (no longer attending class), will be counted as attempts.

Students are allowed to receive financial aid for up 30 credit hours of remedial coursework. The successful completion of remedial coursework is not counted toward the 150% completion rule.


*Total Successful Grade   *Total Successful Grade
Course Hours Accrued Point   Course Hours Accrued Point
Attempted Credits Average   Attempted Credit Average
8 – 9 6 1.6   53 – 54 36 2.0
10 7 1.6   55 37 2.0
11 – 12 8 1.6   56 – 57 38 2.0
13 9 1.6   58 39 2.0
14 – 15 10 1.6   59 – 60 40 2.0
16 11 1.7   61 41 2.0
17 – 18 12 1.7   62 – 63 42 2.0
19 13 1.7   64 43 2.0
20 – 21 14 1.7   65 – 66 44 2.0
22 15 1.7   67 45 2.0
23 – 24 16 1.7   68 – 69 46 2.0
25 17 1.7   70 47 2.0
26 – 27 18 1.7   71 – 72 48 2.0
28 19 1.7   73 49 2.0
29 – 30 20 1.7   74 – 75 50 2.0
31 21 1.8   76 51 2.0
32 – 33 22 1.8   77 – 78 52 2.0
34 23 1.8   79 53 2.0
35 – 36 24 1.8   80 – 81 54 2.0
37 25 1.8   82 55 2.0
38 – 39 26 1.8   83 – 84 56 2.0
40 27 1.8   85 57 2.0
41 – 42 28 1.8   86 – 87 58 2.0
43 29 1.8   88 59 2.0
44 – 45 30 1.8   89 – 90 60 2.0
46 31 2.0   91  61  2.0
47 – 48  32 2.0    92 – 93 62 2.0
49  33 2.0    94 63 2.0
 50 – 51 34 2.0    95 64 2.0
52  35 2.0    96+ No longer eligible - max time limit



Students not meeting minimum progress standards due to extenuating circumstances may submit an appeal.  Examples of extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • Student illness, injury, or other medical issue
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Domestic violence or victim of a crime

Students may also appeal the maximum time frame.  For example, a student may choose to return for a second-degree program which often results in a student exceeding the maximum time frame.

Students wishing to appeal the loss of financial aid, may submit the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form (available under Printable Forms) to their campus financial aid office.  While SCCC makes every effort to review appeals in a timely fashion, during peak processing times, it may take up to 30 days.  Therefore, students are encouraged to submit their appeal when they are notified about the loss of eligibility.

NYS Requirements for Satisfactory Academic Progress

NYS aid programs require students achieve minimum progress standards. There are different progress standards depending on the NYS aid program the student received. The information below is specific to the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP). For details about other NYS aid programs, such as Aid for Part-time Study (APTS) or Excelsior, students are encouraged to contact their campus financial aid office.

To be eligible for subsequent TAP payments, students must achieve a minimum completion rate, or pursuit of program, in the semester for which they receive a TAP payment. The assessment of a student’s completion rate includes courses with grades of A through F, S, U, and R. Grades of W, FN, and UN indicate the student did not complete the course and is therefore excluded from the calculation.

The charts below display the minimum pursuit of program requirements. Students who enrolled full-time and receiving TAP, the percentage applies to the minimum full-time requirement (12 credits). Students enrolled part-time and receiving TAP, the percentage applies to the minimum part-time requirement (6 credits).

In addition to pursuit of program requirements, students must accrue a minimum number of college level credits based on the number of TAP payments received and maintain a specific cumulative GPA. Students receiving part-time TAP awards are required to maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA after their first payment.

Chart A: Students not enrolled in the EOP program who received their first NY State Award in fall 2010 or thereafter
Before Being Certified for This Payment Minimum Cumulative College Level Credits Accrued Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average Minimum Credits Completed in the Prior Term Percentage of Courses Completed in the Prior Term
Second payment 6 1.3 6 50%
Third payment 15 1.5 6 50%
Fourth payment 27 1.8 9 75%
Fifth payment 39 2.0 9 75%
Sixth payment 51 2.0 12 100%


Chart B: Students who first received TAP in 2007 through 2009, remedial students taking or having already taken six (6) remedial credits in their first semester, and EOP students.

Note: Only EOP students are eligible to receive a seventh or eighth payment at the community college level.

Before Being Certified for This Payment Minimum Cumulative College Level Credits Accrued Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average Minimum Credits Completed in the Prior Term Percentage of Courses Completed in the Prior Term
Second payment 3 .5 6 50%
Third payment 9 .75 6 50%
Fourth payment 18 1.3 9 75%
Fifth payment 30 2.0 9 75%
Sixth payment 45 2.0 12 100%
Seventh payment 60 2.0 12 100%
Eighth payment 75 2.0 12 100%



Students not meeting minimum progress standards due to extenuating circumstances may submit an appeal.  Examples of extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to:

  • Student illness, injury, or other medical issue
  • Death of an immediate family member
  • Domestic violence or victim of a crime

When there are documentable extenuating circumstances, NYS allows for a one-time waiver.  If it is determined the student cannot meet the minimum requirements for the next payment. the appeal will be denied.

Students wishing to appeal the loss of financial aid, may submit the Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal form (available under Printable Forms) to their campus financial aid office.  While SCCC makes every effort to review appeals in a timely fashion, during peak processing times, it may take up to 30 days.  Therefore, students are encouraged to submit their appeal when they are notified about the loss of eligibility.

Sources of Aid

Need Help Paying for College?

There are many sources of aid available to students attending Suffolk. Federal Title IV Financial Aid includes; Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Work Student and William D. Ford Direct Loans. Financial Aid can also include scholarships and other employment opportunities. New York State aid includes, but is not limited to, the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP), Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) and the Excelsior Scholarship.  Please visit the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) website for more scholarship and grant opportunities.

Also, do not forget about the various federal and state tax deductions and saving incentives available for attending college; and the benefits available if you are a veteran.

For more information see below:


Pell Grant
  • Range from $767 to $7,395 for the 2023-2024 academic year
  • Must demonstrate financial need
  • Amount of grant based on income, assets, family size, family members in college and enrollment status
  • Available to students taking at least one credit in degree or certificate program
  • There is a lifetime limit of 12 semesters of Pell Grant eligibility
  • Disbursements for Books and Supplies: Students who receive a Pell Grant in excess of tuition and fees may utilize a school credit in the campus bookstore. If a student does not utilize the school credit a refund will be sent directly to the student. A student can opt out of this credit by notifying the campus Financial Aid Office in writing. 
Excelsior Scholarship

New York State tuition free degree program, the Excelsior Scholarship is intended to supplement all current aid programs, including but not limited to TAP, PELL and other scholarships. Students can receive up to $5,500 from the scholarship, minus any amounts received from TAP, PELL, or other scholarships. It will provide assistance to students to cover any tuition gaps and make college tuition free. The scholarship makes college possible for students across the state and helps to alleviate the crushing burden of student debt. Students apply through New York State and applications will be available in late May. For additional information, visit the HESC website. Students are responsible for paying fees.

Applicants must:

  • Be resident of New York State;
  • Plan to attend a SUNY or CUNY two- or four-year degree program;
  • Take 30 credits per year and make progress toward graduation;
  • Maintain good academic standing;
  • Be on track to graduate on time with an Associate Degree in two years or a Bachelor’s Degree in four years; and
  • Be a New York State resident whose family household adjusted gross income (as filed on your federal tax return) does not exceed $125,000.
Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
  • Annual awards range to $5,665 per year
  • Students must be taking at least 6 credits per semester.
  • Eligibility is determined by the family's New York State Net Taxable Income of the prior year (up to $80,000)
Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
  • Awards range from $100 to $2,000 per academic year
  • Students must demonstrate exceptional financial need
Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS)
  • Awards range from $100 to $1,000 per semester
  • Students must be enrolled for between 3-11 credits, and must take at least one 3-credit college level course
  • Eligibility is determined by the family's New York State Net Taxable Income for the prior year
Part-time Scholarship (PTS) Award Program

The New York State Part-time Scholarship award provides tuition awards to students attending SUNY or CUNY community colleges who are enrolled part-time each semester. Recipients of the PTS award will receive an award that covers the cost of six credit hours or $1,500 per term, whichever is less. An award recipient is entitled to award payments for not more than four consecutive academic semesters. Students apply through New York State. For additional information, visit the HESC website.

Applicants must:

  • Be resident of New York State;
  • Plan to attend a SUNY or CUNY college;
  • Be enrolled in at least six but less than 12 credits per term; and
  • Maintain cumulative grade point average of 2.0 or higher.


Federal Work Study
  • Hourly wage ranges from $15.00 to $15.50 per hour
  • Provides part-time employment during the academic year
  • Jobs may be on campus or at off-campus locations that provide public service to our community
  • Students may tutor in elementary schools through the America Reads or America Counts Programs.


William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program

The Federal Direct Loan Programs (subsidized/unsubsidized) enable students (or parents) to borrow funds from the federal government to help with educational costs. Under the subsidized loan program, the federal government pays the interest while the student is enrolled and during their grace period. Unsubsidized loans are available regardless of financial need. Interest begins to accrue on the day the loan is disbursed, and the student is responsible for interest accrued during in school and grace periods. Interest payments can be paid monthly, quarterly, or be capitalized by the lender and added to the loan principal.

Students may apply for a loan if they are enrolled in at least a half-time status (6 credits or more) in their program of study.

  • Dependent freshman may borrow up to a maximum of $5,500 per year, the maximum increases to $6,500 for sophomores (must have completed at least 32 credits at Suffolk County Community College). The maximum subsidized loan amounts are $3,500 and $4,500 respectively, additional funds would be unsubsidized.
  • Independent freshman may borrow up to a maximum of $9,500 per year, the maximum increases to $10,500 for sophomores (must have completed at least 32 credits at Suffolk County Community College). The maximum subsidized loan amounts are $3,500 and $4,500 respectively, additional funds would be unsubsidized.
  • Loans proceeds are disbursed in two installments, generally one in the Fall term and one in the Spring term.
  • Loan repayment begins six months after a borrower graduates, withdraws or ceases attending half time.
  • For more information regarding loan repayment and an estimate of your estimated monthly payments, visit
  • Students who are not automatically offered a student loan may still request one by completing the Student Loan Request/Adjustment from on our website and submitting to their campus financial aid office for eligibility determination
  • First time borrowers must complete an entrance interview and a Master Promissory Note at
  • The Department of Education will send borrowers a loan disclosure notice which indicates your loan approval and/or denial as well as the type and amounts of your loans.
Federal Parent Loan (PLUS)
  • Parents of a dependent student enrolled at least half-time can borrow the cost of the student’s education less any financial aid awarded
  • Interest accrues when the loan is received
  • Repayment begins within 60 days of the loan disbursement
  • Parents and student must file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine what other types of federal aid may be available
  • After student has received the results of the FAFSA, student must file the PLUS Loan Request
  • Students must be in good academic standing and maintaining Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards.
Exit Interview

Upon completing your studies or ceasing half-time enrollment, you must complete an exit interview. This may be done at or in person at your campus financial aid office. The exit interview covers:

  • average anticipated monthly repayment amounts
  • repayment plan options
  • options to prepay or pay on shorter schedule
  • the seriousness and importance of the student’s repayment obligation
  • terms and conditions for forgiveness or cancellation
  • rights and responsibilities of students under Title IV, HEA loan programs
  • terms and conditions for deferment or forbearance
  • consequences of default
  • options and consequences of loan consolidation
  • tax benefits available to borrowers

If you encounter a problem in loan collection or other matters, please be aware that the U.S. Department of Education has established the FSA Ombudsman for student loan borrowers. This office may be contacted at:

U.S. Department of Education
FSA Ombudsman
830 First Street, N.E.
Fourth Floor
Washington, DC 20202-5144
Phone: (877) 557-2575
Fax: (202) 275-0549

Education Credits - 529 Savings Plan

American Opportunity Tax Credit (AOTC)

Under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), more parents and students will qualify for the American Opportunity Tax Credit to help pay for college expenses.

The American Opportunity Tax Credit is a modification of the existing Hope Credit. The AOTC makes credit available to a broader range of taxpayers, including many with higher incomes and those who owe no tax. It also adds required course materials to the list of qualifying expenses and allows the credit to be claimed for four post-secondary education years instead of two. Many of those eligible will qualify for the maximum annual credit of $2,500 per student.

The full credit is available to individuals, whose modified adjusted gross income is $80,000 or less, or $160,000 or less for married couples filing a joint return. The credit is phased out for taxpayers with incomes above these levels. Unlike the other education tax credits, the AOTC includes expenses for course-related books, supplies and equipment that are not necessarily paid to the educational institution. It also differs from the Hope scholarship credit because it allows the credit to be claimed for four years of post-secondary education instead of two.

It is a tax credit of up to $2,500 of the cost of tuition, fees and course materials paid during the taxable year. Also, 40% of the credit (up to $1,000) is refundable. This means you can get it even if you owe no tax. For the AOTC, qualified expenses have been expanded to include expenditures for course materials, as well as tuition and required fees. For this purpose, the term "course materials" means books, supplies and equipment needed for a course of study whether or not the materials are purchased from the educational institution as a condition of enrollment or attendance. The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 extended the AOTC for five years through December 2017. If you still have questions about the American Opportunity Tax Credit, these questions and answers might help.

Lifetime Learning Credit

The lifetime learning credit helps parents and students pay for post-secondary education.

For the tax year, you may be able to claim a lifetime learning credit of up to $2,000 for qualified education expenses paid for all students enrolled in eligible educational institutions. There is no limit on the number of years the lifetime learning credit can be claimed for each student. However, a taxpayer cannot claim both the American Opportunity Credit and Lifetime Learning Credits for the same student in one year. Thus, the Lifetime Learning Credit may be particularly helpful to graduate students, students who are only taking one course and those who are not pursuing a degree.

Generally, you can claim the lifetime learning credit if all three of the following requirements are met:

  1. You pay qualified education expenses of higher education.
  2. You pay the education expenses for an eligible student.
  3. The eligible student is yourself, your spouse or a dependent for which you claim an exemption on your tax return.

If you pay qualified education expenses for more than one student in the same year, you can choose to take credits on a per-student, per-year basis. This means that, for example, you can claim the American Opportunity Credit for one student and the Lifetime Learning Credit for another student in the same year.

529 Plan (New York Saves)

New York, like most states offers a 529 Plan which is designed to assist people in saving for college costs. The plan allows you to contribute funds to an account for a beneficiary for educational related expenses, including tuition and fees and certain room and board cost. The funds are managed by Vanguard, and the account owner can choose from a range of investment options.

There are numerous tax benefits available to plan participants. The earnings grow federally tax deferred. Qualified withdrawals are federally tax-free. New York State taxpayers may be eligible to deduct up to $5,000 in annual contributions ($10,000 for married filers) on their New Your State tax return. Additional information is available on their website at

Other Grants and Scholarships

Excelsior Scholarship

See Excelsior Scholarship for more information on the New York State tuition-free degree program.

Part-Time Scholarship (PTS) Award Program

See Part-time Scholarship for more information on the New York State PTS program.

Regents Awards for Children of Deceased or Disabled Veterans, Police Officers and Firefighters

There are awards for children of disabled veterans of the war periods 1941-46, 1950-55, 1961-75, and 1990-end of hostilities. There are also awards for children of servicemen who were prisoners of war or missing in action from those periods. The award is $450 a year for up to four years of full-time college study in New York State. Child of Police Officer-Firefighters Awards are for children of police officers or firefighters who died as a result of an on the job injury after June 30, 1982. The award is $450 a year for up to four years of undergraduate study. The following award / scholarship programs are available from New York State: 

  1. Children of Veteran Awards - for students whose parent(s) served in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified period of war or national emergency.
  2. Veterans Tuition Awards - Vietnam, Persian Gulf, or Afghanistan veterans matriculated for full or part-time study.
  3. NYS Memorial Scholarships – for families of deceased Firefighters, Volunteer Firefighters, Police Officers, Peace Officers and Emergency Medical Service Workers who died as the result of injuries sustained in the line of duty in service to the State of New York.
  4. World Trade Center Memorial Scholarships – for families and financial dependents of victims who died or were severely and permanently disabled as a result of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
  5. Volunteer Recruitment Service Scholarships – for fire and ambulance volunteers.

Students should contact New York State Higher Education Corporation at 888-697-4372 for additional information on all programs above.

NYS Scholarship for Academic Excellence

NYS residents who are US citizens or eligible non-citizens enrolled (matriculated) for 12 credits or more. Cannot be in default on any NYS guaranteed student loan. Must attend a college in NYS. Awards are $1,500 to the top graduating senior of each high school in NYS, $500 to other academically gifted students for up to 4 years, or 5 years in certain programs. Scholarship must be used within 7 years. Contact the high school guidance office. To receive payment, complete the TAP application process.

Native American Education Student Aid

The Native American Education Student Aid is financial assistance for eligible Native American students for study in approved, undergraduate programs at New York State Institutions of higher education. It is not available for study at institutions located outside of New York State. Receiving New York State TAP does not affect a student's eligibility to receive Native American Education Student Aid.

For further information and to obtain the application to apply contact:
New York State Higher Education Services
Phone: (518) 474-0537
Fax:      (518) 474-3666

Educational Opportunity Grant (EOP)

A special program for New York State students who have been designated by the college as both academically and economically disadvantaged. For more information on this program please contact the EOP Office.

Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation(ACCES-VR, formerly VESID)

This program offers access to a full range of employment and independent living services that may be needed by persons with disabilities through their lives through its administration of vocational rehabilitation and independent living programs. For more information visit ACCES-VR.

Contact the District Office located at:

Hauppauge, New York
Phone: (631) 952-6357

Riverhead, New York
Phone: (631) 727-6496

Application Process

When to Apply

The federal financial aid application (FAFSA) is generally available on October 1st each year. Students enrolling for the 2024-25 award year may complete the FAFSA beginning early December 2023 and will use 2022 income information on the application. Students enrolling for the 2025-26 award year will be able to complete the FAFSA October 1, 2024 and will use 2023 income information on the application.  New York State residents may apply for most forms of New York State aid website beginning October 1st.

The Senator Jose Peralta New York State DREAM Act allows some undocumented students, commonly called "Dreamers", access to NYS aid programs such as the Excelsior Scholarship and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).  Students in this category do no need to complete a FAFSA form.  Instead, they apply directly via the HESC website.

To meet our priority deadline and to be considered for maximum financial aid, students should complete the filing process by April 15th for students enrolling in the Fall term and November 1st for the new Spring students. Financial aid is not automatically renewed, and must be applied for each academic year. In order to continue to receive federal and state financial aid, students must be in good academic standing and maintain satisfactory academic progress. The satisfactory progress standards for financial aid recipients are on the website under the “Eligibility Requirements” menu.

Potential students may apply for financial aid prior to admission, although financial aid awards are only offered to admitted students.

The federal government requires that the FAFSA application be processed by your last day of enrollment.

Federal Grants (PELL, SEOG) and Loans
  1. After filing the FAFSA, you will receive a Student Aid Report (SAR) from the government via email. The SAR will be mailed to you in the event you do not have a valid email address (i.e., in one week for electronic filing; four to six weeks for paper filing).
  2. If your SAR is incorrect or additional information is needed, go to to make corrections. Once you log in, you can select "Make FAFSA Corrections."
  3. If selected by the Department of Education for verification you must submit appropriate income tax transcripts from the IRS and download the appropriate . You may be required to verify such items as income, family size, high school graduation or equivalent, and identity.
  4. Access your financial aid on the student portal at Students offered federal work-study or a federal Direct Student loan must accept or decline on the student portal, Select "MySCCC" and then choose Financial Aid. There you will find your financial aid status. Select "Accept Award Offer."
  5. If your award offer does not include a student loan and you wish to borrow funds for your education, complete the Student Loan Request and Adjustment Form and submit to your campus financial aid office.
  6. First time borrowers must complete an entrance interview at
  7. If you were awarded a loan you must sign an electronic Master Promissory Note (e-MPN) at
  8. You must sign the e-MPN before the Department of Education can release your funds. You will need to sign the e-MPN using your Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID and password.
  9. The Department of Education will send you a loan disclosure notice which will include your loan approval and/or denial, the amount of your loans(s), and the type of loan borrowed.
  10. Loans will not be deducted from your tuition bill until the above steps are taken. It is recommended that you complete these steps before June 30th for the fall semester and December 10th for the spring semester.
  11. Financial aid may be reduced or cancelled if a student drops or withdraws from any course(s).
State Grants (TAP)

The New York State TAP program is for students enrolled at least half time (6+ credits per semester).

  1. After filing the FAFSA, visit to complete the TAP application.  The Suffolk County Community College school code is 2157.
  2. You will be able to check your TAP status on the HESC website.
  3. Your TAP funds will be disbursed to your college tuition account upon determination of eligibility.
State Grants (Excelsior Scholarship)

The New York State Excelsior Scholarship is for full time students (12+ college level credits per semester).  An exception is made for students with qualified disabilities under the Americans with Disabilities who attend less than full time and are registered with the College Disability Services office.

  1. Complete the FAFSA application as described above.
  2. Complete the NYS Higher Education TAP Application as described above.
  3. Complete the NYS Excelsior Application with Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).  Refer to the 'How to Apply' section of HESC's Excelsior Scholarship page for additional information.
  4. When you apply, you will need to upload a .pdf copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) and your unofficial transcript to the HESC website.  If you do not have a copy of your SAR, you can obtain one from  Your unofficial transcript can be obtained by logging into MySCCC and selecting Unofficial Transcript in the Self-Service Banner menu.
  5. Your Excelsior funds will be disbursed to your college tuition account upon receipt.
State Grants (APTS)

The APTS program is available to part time students (3-11 credits), which must include at least one 3-credit college-level course.

  1. After filing the FAFSA, download the Aid for Part-Time Study (APTS) application or obtain an application at your campus Financial Aid Office.
  2. Complete the APTS application and submit it to your campus Financial Aid Office along with a signed copy of your NY State Tax Return. If you are a dependent, please also submit a signed copy of your parent's NYS tax return.
  3. Your campus Financial Aid Office will notify you about your eligibility.
  4. APTS awards will be disbursed to your college account upon receipt.
  5. Note that your APTS award may be reduced for each course from which you withdraw.
State Grants (PTS)

The New York State Part-time Scholarship is available to students who are enrolled for at least 6 but less than 12 credits. 

  1. Complete the FAFSA application as described above.
  2. Complete the NYS Part-time Scholarship Application with Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC).  Refer to the 'How to Apply' section of HESC's Part-time Scholarship page for additional information.
  3. PTS awards will be disbursed to your college account upon receipt.

Paying for College as a Service Member

Did you know the Post 911 GI Bill® provides education benefits for service members who have served on Active Duty for 90 or more days after September 10, 2001? The Post 9/11 Gi Bill® can pay your full tuition and fees at school, provide you with a monthly housing allowance while you are going to school, (pay grade E-5 with dependent), and give you up to $1,000 a year to use for purchasing books and supplies. There are also benefits that may apply to military connected students still serving through their respective military branch up to $250 per credit as well as financial aid and scholarship options for military, veterans and their family members.

Veteran's Educational Benefits

The Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires educational institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA educational benefits. To view and print a copy of an estimated personalized cost of attendance you can visit the SUNY Net Price Cost Calculator  and select Suffolk County Community College from the dropdown. Additional financial information can be found at the NCES College Navigator site.

In accordance with Title 38 US Code 3679 subsection (e), this school adopts the following additional provisions for any students using U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Post 911 G.I. Bill ® (CH. 33) or Veteran Readiness and Employment (Ch. 31) benefits, while payment to the institution is pending from the VA. Suffolk County Community College will not:

  • Prevent nor delay the student’s enrollment
  • Assess a late penalty fee to the student
  • Require the student to secure alternative or additional funding

Deny the student access to any resources available to other student who have satisfied their tuition and fee bill to the institution, including but not limited to access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities. However, to qualify for this provision, such students will be required to:

  • Provide written request to be certified via the Military/Veteran Registration Certification form and submit to the campus Veterans Resource Center
  • Provide additional information needed to properly certify the enrollment as described in other institutional policies, as listed here: proof of application of VA Educational Benefits (E- benefits or print out or Certificate of Eligibility COE)

Military/Tuition Assistance

Please visit the contacts below to apply for Military Tuition Assistance.
Before enrolling with us, be sure to contact your Educational Services Officer (ESO) or counselor within your military service.

Financial Aid for Eligible Veterans, Spouses and Dependents

Veteran Dependent Education Benefits
Spouses and Dependents

Additional Assistance

Suffolk County Community College Foundation Scholarships

Suffolk Community College Foundation Scholarships

Scholarships at SUNY Suffolk County Community College (SCCC) are made possible through the generosity of various individuals, student organizations, college faculty and staff, local and community groups, business firms, and through the fund-raising activities of the Suffolk Community College Foundation.

You CAN receive a scholarship even if:

  • Your tuition is already covered by financial aid or other resources.
  • You are not eligible for financial aid or did not file a FAFSA.
  • You are not a straight A student.
  • Your are not a U.S. Citizen.
  • You are a U.S. veteran or active in the military and attend college for free.

SUNY Suffolk offers hundreds of scholarships for new and continuing students. Most scholarships are awarded for the fall semester, but some scholarships are renewable for up to four semesters. Criteria for each scholarship is established by the scholarship donors, and there is no limit to the number of scholarships a student may apply for, as long as they meet the criteria. Students are advised to apply early before the scholarship application deadlines. Deadlines are listed next to each scholarship and can be found by visiting the Online Scholarship System.

Getting Started

  • Visit the Online Scholarship System.
  • Select the Sign In With Your Institution box to log in with your MySCCC username and password.
  • Choose whether you are a New Student or Continuing Student.
  • Click Finish and Submit.
  • Continue your application to view and apply for possible scholarships.
  • Visit the Opportunities tab and select Ours to browse through our scholarship inventory. Scholarship opportunities listed on the Recommended tab are scholarships matched to your student record.
  • Utilize the Search by Keyword field and Show Filters box in order to find scholarships that align with your interests, program of study, campus, etc.
  • Complete supplemental questions/essays/requests for letters of recommendation for each scholarship if applicable. 
  • Applications can be saved and edited up until the deadline. 


Q. I am not eligible for financial aid. Can I still receive a scholarship?
A. Yes! 

Q. My tuition is already covered by financial aid or other resources. Can I still receive a scholarship?
A. Yes! 

Q. Will I be notified if I win a scholarship or award?
A. You will receive an email notification through your college email account. Be sure to check your college email frequently. 

Q: If awarded, how will I receive my scholarship? 
A: Your award will be posted to your student account.

Contact Us

For questions regarding scholarships, please email or call (631) 451-4026.

If you would like to become a donor, please email the SCC Foundation at or call (631) 451-4846.

If you need to update your personal information in your student record, please fill out a Records Change Form with your campus Registrar's office.

Get There From Here Scholarship Program

In 2008, the Suffolk Community College Foundation received the largest gift in its history. Given by an anonymous donor, the scholarship contribution was expressly directed toward supporting women and members of Suffolk County's diverse populations in order to help them achieve their highest academic, personal, and professional potential through the benefit of higher education. Thanks to additional contributions from community-based organizations and funding from the County, the Foundation is able to extend the opportunity to apply for this scholarship to all residents of Suffolk County.

As a result, a select number of Suffolk County residents who meet the scholarship's eligibility requirements and complete the application process, will receive scholarships that enable them to benefit from the College mission:

"To promote intellectual discovery, physical development, social and ethical awareness, and economic opportunities for all through an education that transforms lives, builds communities and improves society."

For the 2025 funding cycle, approximately 15 scholarships will be awarded to students enrolled for the Fall 2025 semester. The maximum annual award may be as much as $6,500. Get There From Here Scholarship funds will be allocated toward tuition and fees. Any unspent funds remaining at the end of each semester will be returned to the Foundation.

Scholarship award amounts can fluctuate from year to year based upon a number of factors, including student enrollment status, total amount of the student's financial aid package and other scholarships received. Once selected as a Get There From Here Scholar, the amount of the Get There From Here Scholarship will be recalculated each semester.

Get There From Here Brochure

Stay On Long Island Initiative (SoLII)

Full Tuition Scholarships for Suffolk County Community College Graduating Students

The Stay on Long Island Initiative (SoLII) is a program created by Dr. Shaun L. McKay, former President of Suffolk County Community College. It seeks to ensure that Long Island's brightest and most talented students consider the merits of continuing their education at a Long Island-based college or university.


As a result of this initiative, Suffolk County Community College is working in partnership with a select group of four-year educational institutions on Long Island. This past academic year more than $1,000,000 in merit scholarships were awarded to Suffolk County Community College's graduates. Many of these awards were for full-tuition scholarships. Other students were offered significant SoLII Merit Awards. Some of the partial awards were as large as $20,000. Awards are renewable if grades are maintained.

The Stay on Long Island Initiative (SoLII) provides full- and partial-tuition scholarships to Suffolk County Community College's top graduates. This scholarship ensures that high achieving students from Suffolk can pursue their educational dreams locally, through scholarships offered by Long Island's top quality four-year colleges and universities.

If you have questions about SoLII, please call (631) 851-6847 or email us.

See the SoLII Brochure for more information.

New York State Presidential Transfer Scholarship

What began as a way to ensure that Suffolk's most talented graduating students would remain on Long Island to complete their educations at a partnering college or university, is now a network of 19 institutions across New York State.  Through this program, we are successfully keeping top students in New York State whose talents can transform the region by awarding students full-tuition scholarships to partner four-year colleges in New York State.

The NYSPT Scholarship Brochure provides additional information.

Empire State Diversity Program Honors Scholarship

Empire State Diversity Program Honors Scholarship

The Empire State Diversity Honors Scholarship (ESDHS) Program is a scholarship of direct aid to attract and retain undergraduate students to State University of New York campuses who have demonstrated high academic achievement and can demonstrate that they will contribute to the diversity of the student body. The program is for students from a broad range of backgrounds who will contribute to the diversity of the student body in their chosen program or school.

Learn More

Senior Citizens

Suffolk County residents 60 years of age or older are invited to attend credit-bearing courses on a space-available basis without paying tuition. Please note, however, that senior citizens are expected to pay required college fees. In addition, senior citizens enrolling in a physical education, internship, cooperative education or field placement course/program are required to pay a non-refundable accident insurance fee.

Those who attend courses through this program do not receive academic credit but have an opportunity to develop their personal and professional interests by attending the classes as “audit” students. Though not paying tuition, senior citizens are subject to the audit conditions outlined under "Grading System" of the Academic Policies webpage. It should be understood that no grades can be earned or recorded for participation in these courses.

Unfortunately, the College cannot extend this opportunity to attend courses on a space-available basis to senior citizens registering for Continuing Education/non-credit courses, since the latter must be financially self-supporting and therefore, tuition must be paid.

Each semester a special registration time is set aside for senior citizens who wish to avail themselves of this program. Additional information may be obtained by calling the Campus Registrar’s Office.

Senior citizens are also invited to attend the theatre productions, concerts, art exhibits and lectures sponsored by the College.

Student Affairs

Introduction and Services

College Mission Statement

Suffolk County Community College promotes intellectual discovery, physical development, social and ethical awareness, and economic opportunities for all through an education that transforms lives, builds communities, and improves society.

Division Mission Statement

The Division of Student Affairs promotes learning through quality programs and services that empower individuals to realize their educational goals in accordance with the mission of the college.

Division Vision Statement

The Division of Student Affairs is committed to a shared responsibility for transformative student learning that fully supports students in their pursuit of their educational and career goals. The philosophical approach is grounded in the seminal text, Learning Reconsidered 2, a student affairs, peer reviewed document adapted internationally as the standard for the profession. Student learning occurs as they connect social, academic and through institutional contexts. Through intentional education, students are exposed to cognitive thinking, global awareness, interpersonal communication and intrapersonal well-being. The Division of Student Affairs views all student interactions as an opportunity for growth and development by encouraging and creating opportunities to partner with students as they navigate their educational goals.

Division Assessment Plan

In alignment with the Division Mission and Vision statement, each unit within the Division of Student Affairs has developed area specific goals with outcomes which are measured using annual assessment plans. The Division of Student Affairs also conducts unit reviews on a seven year cycle to holistically review the goals, outcomes and assessments. All assessments and unit reviews align to the Comprehensive Assessment Plan for Institutional Effectiveness (CAPIE) and are included as part of the Administrative Educational Support (AES) units

Counseling and Advising

Counseling Centers

The Counseling Centers at Suffolk County Community College assist all students in defining and accomplishing personal, academic, and career goals. The staff is guided by a belief in the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual. By providing a confidential atmosphere conducive to openness, self-exploration, and change, counselors work with students to foster growth, independence, and self-esteem. All of our efforts are ultimately to assist students in realizing their fullest potential.
Specific counseling services for students include:

  • Academic and Educational Counseling
  • Career Counseling
  • Transfer Counseling
  • Mental Health Counseling and Support

Career Services

About Career Services

The Career Services office supports the mission, academic programs, and the advancement of Suffolk County Community College. The office of Career Services assists students and alumni in understanding the career development process. It offers opportunities for students to enhance their educational and career goals through experiential learning and relevant work experience. In addition, students are provided with assistance in developing effective job search skills, for the ultimate purpose of pursuing meaningful careers.

Programs/Services Offered

  • Career Counseling
  • Career Assessments
  • Career/Job/Internship Fairs
  • Career Workshops
  • Internships/Cooperative Education
  • Interviewing Preparation
  • Job Search/Employment Opportunities
  • Résumé/Cover Letter Assistance
  • Suffolk's College Central
    • This free, web-based tool is designed to help students, alumni, and community residents connect with employers looking to fill a wide range of employment opportunities.

Mental Health and Wellness Services


Mental Health and Wellness Services strives to provide access to exemplary, culturally sensitive mental health and wellness services and programming for all students. We hope to foster a sense of warmth, acceptance, and safety through kind and compassionate care. We work diligently to create a space where our diverse student body can feel seen, heard, and understood; a space where diversity is supported, fostered, nurtured, and celebrated. We do this through active listening, empathy, and gaining a deep understanding of each student as an individual. With this knowledge, we then tailor our approach in order to support each student’s goals within their own unique circumstances and cultural context. The mission of our work is to support success and encourage academic, personal, emotional, intellectual, and relational growth.


For students who may be experiencing psychological, emotional, social and/or behavioral issues or who want or need additional support during their time at Suffolk County Community College, we offer short term individual counseling, group counseling and mental health and wellness programming by licensed mental health professionals. For students who may need psychiatric or other specialized services, counselors can help coordinate referral to appropriate community providers. Students can call or email to schedule an appointment or to get information about group and other programming. You can also follow us on Instagram @scccmentalhealth.

In addition to counseling support, students are also seen for crisis intervention services. However, if a student is experiencing a psychological emergency that is life threatening or involves imminent danger (risk of harm to self or others), contact the Department of Public Safety at (631) 451-4242 and/or 9-1-1 for immediate assistance.

For wellness resources and upcoming events, please visit our SCCC CARES: Promoting Mindfulness and Well-being Libguide.

The tree featured in this photo is a Yoshino Cherry Tree, named the "Tree of 
Hope," which was planted on the Ammerman Campus as part of the 2020 Tunnel of Oppression & Hope Event. It stands as a testament to the resilience, truth, and hope that connects us all.

Accessing Services

Accessing Services

Appointments can be scheduled by phone, through an online request on the MHWS website, by email, or by walking into MHWS. Generally, services are offered by appointment. However, if a student is experiencing a mental health emergency they can walk into MHWS and request a walk-in crisis appointment.


Ammerman Campus
(631) 451-4040

Eastern Campus
(631) 548-2650

Grant Campus
(631) 851-6876

Community Resources

Suffolk is also partnered with the North Shore LIJ's Behavioral Health College Partnership (BHCP) program, which works closely with the college to address behavioral health issues impacting students. BHCP collaborates to provide state-of-the-art evaluation and evidence-based treatment for psychiatric crises and aftermath, as well as diverse challenges ranging from adjustment problems to major disorders emerging during the transition to college life.

To find out more information on this program, visit BHCP Website.

Suffolk County Directory of Behavioral Health Resources

24-Hour Crisis Counseling
(631) 751-7500

DASH Care Center
24-Hour Crisis Community-Based Site
90 Adams Avenue, Hauppauge, NY 11788
(631) 952-3333

988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988

The JED Foundation
Emotional health and suicide prevention for teens and young adults

Crime Victims Center
Rape Crisis Center 24 Hour Hotline - (631) 332-9234
Domestic Violence 24 Hour Hotline - (631) 624-1084

Long Island Against Domestic Violence
24 Hour Hotline - (631) 666-8833

The Retreat (East End)
Dating/Domestic Abuse Hotline
(631) 329-2200

U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration

2-1-1 Long Island
Database for local health and human services agencies and programs

National Alliance on Mental Illness


SCCC CARES is a college-wide initiative geared toward Creating Awareness and Readiness to End Stigma related to mental health issues in our campus communities. We are focused on educating our campus communities about brain health and wellness and the resources available on and off campus for support and treatment.  Outreach programming, workshops and other opportunities that promote wellness are available on each campus as part of this initiative.  You can also inquire on your individual campus about an SCCC CARES Club.

Transfer Counseling

Transfer Resources

An up-to-date database of catalogs for four-year colleges, two-year colleges and vocational schools is available in the reference area of each campus library and on the library webpage. Further transfer assistance and related materials, including information about transfer scholarships at many of Long Island’s private and public colleges, may be obtained from the Career and Transfer Center at each campus. 

Every semester, Transfer Days are held on each campus so that students can meet with representatives from dozens of four-year colleges and universities in order to obtain information about admission requirements and program offerings. Further information about these programs can be obtained from any campus admissions office, campus counseling center, or Central Admissions Office.

Assistance in evaluating educational options and identifying transfer institutions include:

  • Advice concerning the admissions process
  • On-site transfer advising with specific colleges on a certain day
  • Opportunities to meet with college representatives throughout the year
  • College Transfer Day

Veterans Services

You Served. We Honor.

At Suffolk County Community College, we proudly serve close to 600 military-connected students each year and have a long history of assisting veterans not only in maximizing their benefits, but also in supporting a successful transition to college life and achieving their educational and personal goals. The transition from military service to civilian life can be a critical period in the life of student veterans and their families and Suffolk embraces the leadership skills and many other unique qualities military service members bring to our institution. The combination of resources, institutional support, student community and personalized attention you will receive while enrolled at Suffolk makes it an excellent place to begin your academic career or continue your studies.

“Transitioning from the military into civilian life can be difficult. I always felt the staff, faculty and student organizations had my six and prepared me for my next mission at Syracuse University.” 

Janina Rios, Specialist , U. S. Army  

“With Suffolk’s affordable tuition, I was able to use the NYS Veterans Tuition Award to cover my tuition and save my GI Bill® to transfer to Fordham University.” 

Christopher Mustakas, Corporal, U. S. Marine Corps.


Why Suffolk?

What makes Suffolk County Community College military friendly?

  • A quality higher education, accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, with a small class setting, offering online and on-campus as well as on-base courses to fit your busy schedule.
  • Offering affordable tuition, which is covered by the GI Bill® and military tuition assistance, most times resulting in little to no out-of-pocket expenses. The application fee is also waived for military-connected students.
  • More than 100 degrees and certificate programs, including nursing, EMT, and criminal justice as well as a variety of highly skilled workforce training fields – such as welding and CNC machine operations
  • SUNY Suffolk is designated as a VetSuccess on-campus program through the Department of Veterans Affairs, one of 104 schools across the country with this designation.
  • A Veterans Resource Center with dedicated professionals is available on each campus to assist you with the process of transitioning from military to college life and beyond along with a veterans' lounge so veterans have a quiet space on campus to study and connect with fellow student veterans
  • A vibrant Student Veterans of America chapter on each campus will help connect you with other service members and veterans who want to support you as well as a chapter of the SALUTE national honor society for military and veterans.
  • SUNY Suffolk partners with outside community organizations that serve military and veterans, bringing a wide variety of resources to the College veteran community.
  • SUNY Suffolk offers priority registration for military-connected students, helping you secure the classes and schedules you need.
  • SUNY Suffolk proudly accepts military training credits that are recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE), which helps service members and veterans obtain college credit for their military training and experience. At SUNY Suffolk, credit is also awarded for CLEP and DSST exams.

Disability Services

Philosophy, Goals and Accessibility

Disability Services Mission

The Office of Disability Services supports the mission, academic programs and the advancement of Suffolk County Community College by ensuring that qualified individuals with disabilities are afforded an equal opportunity to participate in the programs, services and activities at Suffolk County Community College through the identification and enactment of reasonable accommodations to institutional policies and procedures, the provision of effective auxiliary aides and services and other support services while cultivating a campus culture that is sensitive and responsive to the needs of students.

Goals and Objectives

The goal of Suffolk County Community College with regard to students with disabilities is to equalize educational opportunities by minimizing physical, psychological and learning barriers. We attempt to provide as typical a college experience as is possible, encouraging students to achieve academically through the provision of special services, auxiliary aids, or reasonable program modifications. The main objectives are to:

  • insure that students with disabilities have equal access to all programs and services of the institution;
  • promote independence and preparation for entry into a competitive society;
  • facilitate the development of self-advocacy skills; and
  • assist students to transfer skills learned in the classroom to the world at large.


All major buildings on the three campuses are physically accessible. It should be noted that the Ammerman Campus is hilly, and as a result, wheelchair attendants may be needed during the winter months. Automatic doors have been installed in all major campus buildings. Adequate handicapped parking is available on all three campuses.

Voter Registration Information

National Voter Registration Act (NVRA)

Suffolk County Community College encourages all students to vote in local, state and national elections.

Suffolk County Community College’s Disability Services Offices are approved as National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) voter registration sites.

The National Voter Registration Act allows individuals to register to vote at numerous New York State agencies. This component of the National Voter Registration Act is called the "Agency-Based Voter Registration Program", and it provides registration opportunities when applying for services or assistance at state agencies.

The College’s Disability Services Offices have voter registration forms available. Information may be obtained by calling, 1 800 FOR-VOTE (1 (800) 367-8673) or, by filling out the on-line voter application request form;
National Voter Registration Act.

How to Obtain Disability Services

Documentation Guidelines:
The following guidelines apply to requests for academic reasonable accommodations (also referred to as academic adjustments). Students must self-identify to the Office of Disability Services and supply appropriate documentation prior to the approval or use of accommodations. Accommodations are available to students in face-to-face, combined online and online courses. Students are encouraged to submit documentation as soon as possible; accommodations are not retroactive. No student should delay in contacting Disability Services out of concern for not having the appropriate documentation. Determinations on individual documentation needs can be discussed by contacting the Office.

Appropriate documentation will establish a current disability and enough supporting information to allow for a determination of what is an appropriate accommodation. Generally, documentation should be no more than three years old.

Types of Documentation
All documentation information students can share is helpful. Documentation can include:

  • Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 Plans* AND
  • Recent psychological or psychoeducation evaluations OR
  • Letters from appropriate medical doctors or psychologists

*IEPs and 504 Plans may be helpful in identifying services that have been effective for you previously but are generally not sufficient documentation to support the existence of a disability and the need for an accommodation in the College setting, standing alone, because of the differences between high school education and college education. What you need to meet the new demands of postsecondary education may be different from what worked for you in high school (see the US Department of Education Office for Civil Rights transition guidance.) Also, in some cases, the nature of a disability may change.

All documentation provided by a third party must be prepared by a person (not a family member of the student) who is qualified by professional training and practice to diagnose and treat the impairment leading to the disability. Documentation should be on letterhead of the practitioner or agency employing the practitioner.

Additional documentation may be required depending on the range and variability of functional limitations within any given disability or when additional/new accommodations are requested.

Content of Documentation

As appropriate to the disability, documentation should include:

Diagnostic Statement: A diagnostic statement identifying the specific disability, including identification of how the condition substantially limits a major life activity, the date of the current evaluation, and the date of original diagnosis. Psychiatric diagnoses, including ADHD, must include the DSM diagnosis and a summary of current symptoms. Clear identification of a disability is necessary. Language indicating individual learning styles or difficulties, or the possibility of a disability or diagnosis is not sufficient.

Diagnostic Criteria and Tests: A description of the diagnostic criteria or diagnostic tests used. All test and subtest scores must be included as standard scores and the norming population identified. Diagnosis of a Learning Disability may include comprehensive psychoeducational assessment of aptitude, academic achievement, and information processing. Where appropriate and relevant, psychoeducational or neuropsychological testing measures may also be required to support requests based on limitations of cognitive or perceptual functioning such as ADHD, psychiatric, and some medical disabilities. Evaluations must be of sufficiently recent occurrence to allow determination of the current impact of the disability in the college academic environment.

Functional Impact: A description of the functional impact of the disability is needed. The current functional impact on physical, perceptual, and/or cognitive functioning should be described.

Treatments: Currently prescribed treatments, medications, assistive devices, and auxiliary aids or services may be described. Description should include all currently in use and their estimated effectiveness in ameliorating the impact of the disability. Significant side effects that may affect physical, perceptual, or cognitive functioning should be identified and described.

Recommendations: Recommendations for modifications, auxiliary aids and/or services and accommodations should be supported by objective evidence of a substantial limitation to learning, living, or working in a postsecondary academic environment (as appropriate). Prior use of academic adjustments and level of benefit should be identified. If no academic adjustments have been used in the past, a rationale for current use is helpful. Subjective evidence (student report) of the efficacy of academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids or services, or accommodations will also be considered. Not all accommodations recommended in an IEP or medical documentation are appropriate in a College setting. All approved accommodations will be reviewed with the student during their meeting with the Disability Counselor.


Disability documentation is considered confidential information and does not become part of a student's permanent educational record. In accordance with federal and state law, the College shall maintain confidentiality of student records. For example, this documentation and information is not shared with the faculty members of courses in which the student is enrolled. All documentation and records will be maintained in the Office of the Disability Services and may include electronic records.

Documentation can be emailed to your home campus:

Ammerman Campus:


Michael J. Grant

Office of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development

Get Involved on Campus!

Here at the Office of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development, we create opportunities for students to get involved. Our goal is to create environments, events and activities on campus that inspire students as they become active members of the college community.

Working in collaboration with faculty and staff, the Office of Campus Activities offers a wide array of educational, cultural, leadership, social and recreational programs that promote and enhance student learning and personal development.


We assist students to:

  • develop life skills
  • foster critical thinking skills
  • develop a pluralistic perspective  
  • proactively embrace inclusion
  • form and express conclusions
  • learn and practice leadership skills
  • explore personal values
  • become good citizens


The staff members at the Office of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development are here to serve our students! We serve as advocates for students in their environments as they navigate the learning process. In order to help promote student learning and success, we:

  • encourage the holistic development of all students
  • cultivate a sense of community among all students, faculty and staff at the campus and college
  • celebrate and affirm the diversity of our campus and college community
  • recognize diversity as a central tool for student learning and development
  • assist students in making an effective transition into the campus environment
  • seek innovative and creative solutions to issues and concerns
  • seek to work collaboratively with students and faculty
  • understand that our primary goal is to enhance student learning and student success


Ammerman Campus

Babylon Student Center
533 College Rd., Suite 100
Selden, NY 11784-2899
Main #: (631) 451-4376
Fax #: (631) 732-4330
For an appointment, please email us.

Eastern Campus

Peconic Building Room 122
121 Speonk Riverhead Rd.
Riverhead, NY 11901-3499
Main #: (631) 548-2522
Fax #: (631) 548-3613
For an appointment, please email us.

Grant Campus

Captree Commons #110
1001 Crooked Hill Rd.
Brentwood, NY 11717-1062
Main #: (631) 851-6702
Fax #: (631) 851-6302
For an appointment, please email us.

Multicultural Affairs


Our mission is to enhance, accentuate, inspire and support the cultural and intellectual diversity at Suffolk County Community College. This is essential for a continual progression toward excellence.

We are committed to:

  • exploring ideas from our colleagues, from national resources including other colleges and institutions of learning, and from our local communities;
  • organizing this information and insight into useful initiatives, programs and community events;
  • maintaining an open-access resource file;
  • collaborating with academic departments/divisions to develop creative ways to further infuse diversity into the curriculum;
  • modifying our grounds and buildings to reflect the rich multicultural composition of our college and community; and
  • realizing our vision through our attitudes and practices.


We envision a college environment that recognizes and celebrates the vital richness and necessity of diversity; a curriculum that continues to progress toward broader cultural awareness and competence; and a community that demonstrates inherent sensitivity, appreciation and respect for individuals and groups of difference.


  • To foster an understanding and appreciation of diversity within the college community, and to provide opportunities for the community to understand and celebrate diversity.
  • To promote the cultural, personal, social, leadership, and intellectual development of all students.
  • To ensure the inclusion of underrepresented and/or underserved populations in the entitlements, benefits, and opportunities provided to the general student population.


The Athletic Program is a vital component of the College’s co-curricular offerings. Suffolk County Community College is a member of Region 15 of the National Junior College Athletic Association.

In order to compete in athletics, a student must be enrolled for a minimum of 12 credits. (See Athletic Director for exact details of eligibility).

The College also offers an intramural program for both men and women which is coordinated by the Athletic Director, who should be contact for specific information on the intramural sports offered.

About the Michael J. Grant Campus Health Club

Our health club strives to make our community healthier by giving everyone the opportunity to incorporate fitness into their daily routine. We want our members to relax, get in shape, and have fun in a clean and safe environment. Our staff is dedicated to helping you reach and exceed your fitness goals.

Each yearly membership includes the following:

  • 25 Meter/ 8 Lane Pool
  • Water "Aquarobic" classes Monday through Friday at 11 a.m.
  • Free Weights
  • Cybex Strength Assisted Lifting Systems
  • Cybex Cardiovascular Equipment
  • Locker rooms/Saunas/Showers

About the Eastern Campus Health Club

Our health club strives to make our community healthier by giving everyone the opportunity to incorporate fitness into their daily routine. We want our members to relax, get in shape, and have fun in a clean and safe environment. Our staff is dedicated to helping you reach and exceed your fitness goals.

Each yearly membership includes the following:

  • 25 Yard Multi-Lane Pool
  • Free Weights
  • Full Fitness Suite
  • Locker rooms/Showers


The College offers a wide variety of musical activities and events for student participation, including being an active member in a music club, attending music concerts and/or performing in any of seven music groups listed below. These groups are offered through the College Music Program and provide a solid and comprehensive foundation for both music majors who intend to pursue music as a career and non-majors who are interested in performing. Each group is attached to a specific music course as indicated. These courses may have prerequisites and may require an audition. Concerts are normally given once a semester in December and May unless otherwise noted. Check the Arts and Entertainment Schedule for specific details. All events are free and open to the public.

All Suffolk County Community College students, faculty, and staff, as well as members of the community, are welcome to participate in a music ensemble.

Symphonic Band (MUS133)
Instrumentation: woodwinds, brass and percussion
Music: standard wind band literature
No audition required: Open to all students and community members
Rehearsal time: Tuesday/Thursday 3:30-4:45 p.m.
Contact Professor: Vickie Henson
College Choir (MUS135)
Personnel: mixed voices
Music: standard choral literature
Open to all student and community members
Rehearsal time: Tue/Thur 11:00-12:15
Contact Professor: Alice Cavanaugh
Suffolk Singers (MUS136)
Personnel: mixed voices
Music: chamber music literature
Prerequisite: audition
Corequisite: College Choir (MUS135
Rehearsal time: Tue/Thur 12:30-1:45
Contact Professor Alice Cavanaugh
Jazz Ensemble (MUS134)
Instrumentation: rhythm section, trumpets, trombones, and saxophones
Music: Swing, Latin, Funk, Be-bop, and Fusion
Prerequisite: audition
Rehearsal time: Tue/Thur 5:00-6:15
Contact Professor: Vickie Henson


Guitar Ensemble (MUS131)
Instrumentation: acoustic guitar/electric bass
Music: standard classical guitar literature
Open to music majors and non-majors
Prerequisite: Fret-board Theory/Harmony (MUS113) or audition
Concerts: to be announced
Rehearsal time: Mon/Wed 2:00-3:15
Contact Professor James Erickson
Contemporary Music Ensemble (MUS138)
Instrumentation: open to all
Music: performance of music composed during the 20th Century with emphasis on works composed during last half of the century. The ensemble will also preview new commissioned works.
Prerequisite: Music Theory I (MUS122) and audition or permission of instructor
Rehearsal time: Mon/Wed 12:30-1:45 
Contact Professor Alexander Nohai-Seaman


College Orchestra (MUS132)
Instrumentation: strings, woodwind, brass, and percussion
Music: master works from the Baroque through 20th Century
Open to music majors, non-majors, and community members
Prerequisite: informal individual audition
Rehearsal time: Mon/Wed 4:00-5:15
Contact Professor Richard W. Wright



Theatre Performances

Mainstage Performances are offered on the Ammerman Campus and occasionally on the Michael J. Grant and Eastern Campuses. Students are encouraged to get involved regardless of home campus or major. Audition notices are sent to students Suffolk email address. Students can earn academic credit for
work through THR151.

The Michael J. Grant Campus offers the Lively Arts Series which brings professional performances to the Van Nostrand Theatre.

Students receive one ticket to any performance with their College ID.

Health Services

About Health Services

Each campus has a Health Services Office staffed by registered nurses who work under the direction of a consulting physician. The college embraces a philosophy of preventative health practices as a sound approach for the campus community.  Specific services offered include the following:

  • emergency first aid and referral for injuries
  • treatment and referral for acute illnesses
  • personal health counseling
  • referrals to community services and agencies
  • accident and health insurance information
  • preventative health care brochures and information
  • immunization information, certification, and free clinics
  • special parking requests
  • medical clearance for students in health careers programs

Health Education Programs and Services

  • smoking cessation
  • drug and alcohol education
  • eating disorders
  • blood pressure screening
  • health fairs
  • Information and referrals for matters relating to sexual health, birth control, pregnancy, and other reproductive health decisions, including information and referrals to providers of prenatal care and medication abortion, as required by NYS Education Law § 6438-b

For a listing of upcoming programs, visit the Calendar of Events.

The County of Suffolk, its officers, agents and employees assume no liability, expressed or implied, for the result of sickness or accidents involving personal injury to any student, whether in connection with the College instructional program wherever conducted or incidental to other activities on college properties or elsewhere. Filing of an application carries with it approval and consent with respect to the College policy governing accidents or illness as herein set forth.

Children’s Learning Centers

The Children's Learning Centers at Suffolk:

  • Provide a comprehensive, developmentally appropriate child care program for children between the ages of six weeks and five years.
  • Are licensed by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
  • Are open to children of Suffolk students, faculty, and staff; Suffolk County employees; and community residents.
  • Offer affordable rates, a sliding fee schedule, and a variety of child care tuition assistance programs.
  • Provide a warm, safe, healthy, caring and stimulating environment.
  • Provide flexible scheduling options that allows parents to work or attend college with the knowledge that their children will be nearby.
  • Welcome parents to visit their children whenever they choose.
  • Carefully select staff for their educational background, early childhood training, teaching experience, and their sensitivity to the individual needs of young children.
  • Maintain adult to child ratios that meet or exceed the requirements set by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services.
  • Serve breakfast, lunch and snacks according to New York State Department of Health nutritional requirements.

Ages served: Six weeks through five years.

For further information:

Campus Kids (Ammerman Campus): (631) 451-4388

Suffolk Kids Cottage (Michael J. Grant Campus): (631) 851-6517

Accredited by: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).

Dining Services

Fresh Food To Go

For many years, the college has collaborated with Aramark Dining Services to offer a variety of fresh, healthy food choices. These choices include Kosher, vegetarian, vegan, and Halal, as well as salads and grab-and-go items. The dining plan permits students to purchase items at food service locations on the Michael J. Grant and Ammerman campuses, and to utilize vending machines at all facilities, college-wide.

Dining Locations

Ammerman Campus

The Babylon Center Café

  • B+F (Burgers + Fries): Fresh grilled burgers and French fries will be available at this station. We also offer a full breakfast menu at this station.
  • Convenience and Quick Eats: Look for a variety of pre-packaged sandwiches, salads, hand-rolled sushi and seafood salads, fruit cups, parfaits, snacks, candy and beverages. Kosher, Halal, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options are available.
  • Also located in the Bablon Center Café: Moe's Southwest Grill and Bene Pizzeria.

Southampton POD

Whether you’re looking for a quick snack, afternoon pick-me-up, or some basic essentials, the POD has got you covered. Here you will find everything from bottled beverages to lip balm without having to leave campus.


Starbucks is located in the Babylon Student Center next to the Babylon Center Café. It is a full Starbucks store, offering the same delicious menu and world-famous service experience. We provide drink specials and weekly promotions, as well as soft seating and a true coffee house vibe.

Michael J. Grant Campus

The Captree Commons Café

Enjoy your favorites, whether dining with friends or eating on the run. The café features B+F (Burgers + Fries), Subway, Bene Pizzeria, grab n’ go salads and sandwiches, sushi, Kosher and Halal options, beverages and snacks.

The Shark Bites Café located in the Suffolk Credit Union Arena

Offering a full grill menu with burgers, chicken tenders and fries, as well as convenience items, snacks, beverages and Quick Eats grab n’ goKosher, Halal, vegan, vegetarian, and gluten-free options are also available.

More Information

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for more specifics about the dining plan, or visit

Good food is essential to a healthy life. Learn more about CampusDish and your meal plan.



📱 Mobile Ordering is Now Available!

Avoid the line and save time! Mobile ordering is available at select college dining locations through Grubhub.

Download the GrubHub app and save $3 on your first order of $7 or more. Use the promo code “NOMS” when placing your order.

Get the GrubHub App


Purchasing Guidelines

To ensure you are prepared for the first day of classes, we are encouraging all students to purchase their course materials and textbooks in advance.

Go to the campus specific website for your course. Refer to your schedule to see which campus your class is being held on. Even if you are enrolled in an online course, it is still campus specific.

Please note orders will take 24 to 48 hours to process and can take a little longer if the product is being sourced from another location. You will receive an order confirmation once you place the order. Another email will be sent when your order is ready to pick up. Once you receive the “ready to pick-up” email, you select “schedule my pick-up” to schedule a time and day to pick up your order. If you placed the order to ship to your home, the second email will contain tracking information. We suggest ordering all your materials in one order.

Financial aid will be available, for eligible students. These funds can be used for course materials, supplies, technology, and anything you may need to start your semester (with the exception of gift cards). At the point of checkout, select to pay using financial aid. If you have a question regarding financial aid availability, please contact the financial aid office directly.

Refund Policy

Do not open or use your materials until you are positive you are staying in the course. Please refer to your receipt for the last day for refunds. In order to receive a refund, the item must be unopened, unused, and with the original receipt. Access codes are not returnable once opened, scratched, or accessed in any way. Digital/eBooks can be refunded within 14 days of purchase, with less than 10 percent of the material accessed/read. When mailing back an order for a refund, keep the tracking information for your records.

Ammerman Campus

Location: Babylon Student Center
Phone: (631) 451-4379

Email the Bookstore
Ammerman Bookstore Website

Eastern Campus

Location: Peconic Building
Phone: (631) 548-2554

Email the Bookstore
Eastern Bookstore Website

Michael J. Grant Campus

Location: Captree Commons
Phone: (631) 851-6768

Email the Bookstore
Michael J. Grant Bookstore Website

Academic and Student Policies

Academic Policies

Matriculation Status and Change of Major


Matriculation Status

Matriculated status is granted to every student who is admitted into a degree or certificate program at Suffolk County Community College. Matriculation assures a student that the requirements for a particular program which are in effect at the time of matriculation will remain in effect until that student graduates.

Matriculated students may attend classes on a part-time (1-11.5 credits per semester) or full-time (12 or more credits per semester) basis and may schedule their classes during the days, evenings, weekends, or online on any of the college's three campuses. Students must request permission from the Campus Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to enroll in more than 18 credits. To be eligible for financial aid, students must be matriculated and taking courses required for or applicable to their current degree program.

Loss of matriculation occurs if the student:

  • applied and was accepted to the College, but never attended.
  • was matriculated in a program with limited seat availability (e.g., Automotive Service Specialist, Automotive Business, Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair, Emergency Medical Technician: Paramedic, Nursing, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, Practical Nursing, Toyota T-TEN Automotive Service, and Veterinary Science Technology) and did not attend during the semester of acceptance (excluding wintersession and summer session).
  • did not enroll in credit-bearing courses at the College for two or more consecutive semesters (excluding wintersession and summer session).
  • was academically dismissed or if the student's matriculation status was rescinded for academic reasons.
  • graduated from Suffolk and is not subsequently pursuing an additional degree or certificate.

Non-Matriculated Status

Non-matriculated status is assigned to any student who wishes to take classes at Suffolk County Community College but who has not been admitted into a degree or certificate program or for a student who has lost matriculation status. Non-matriculated students can register for up to 18 credits per semester within the College's credit limit policies, such as limitations within academic warning, academic dismissal, developmental education, and part-time only programs. Students who have been dismissed can enroll in 1 through 11.5 credits per semester. Non-matriculated students are not eligible for financial aid.

Non-matriculated students must apply for admission or readmission to continue in a program and are required to follow the curriculum requirements for the term of application. Some programs may no longer be offered by the time of readmittance. Students who have previously attended Suffolk, but were academically dismissed, must see a Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for evaluation of readmitting into a program.

Change of Degree, Certificate or Option
A matriculated student changes his/her curriculum for the forthcoming semester by submitting a Records Change Form to the Campus Registrar's Office. Students who want to change to a restricted curriculum should consult the catalog for admission criteria and submit an admission application through
Leave of Absence
Students enrolled in a restricted program with limited seat availability should follow the program's Leave of Absence procedures if they are planning to leave Suffolk for one or more semesters. While an approved leave does not guarantee a student a seat in the program upon returning, it does maintain the student's date of matriculation and give the student preference ahead of any new students if a seat is available. Contact the appropriate academic department for further information.
Students in "good academic standing" who have previously attended Suffolk County Community College and wish to return should contact the Campus Admissions Office for additional information at least several weeks prior to the beginning of the expected semester of re-entry. There is no guarantee of readmission to a specific program for a student who has withdrawn or been dropped from that program. Students who have previously attended Suffolk, but are not in good academic standing, must see a Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

Course Registration and Prerequisite Policies

Registration and Records
The Campus Registrar's Offices assist students with all activities related to their registration for classes, including adding and dropping classes and withdrawal from classes during the semester. Additional services include verifying student enrollment and academic status for insurance, financial aid and veteran benefits, and student class schedules. The Central Records Office maintains academic records for all students, verifies degree status for employment, evaluates eligibility for graduation, and certifies and mails official college transcripts.
Prerequisite Policy

All course prerequisite requirements must be met and verified by students prior to registration. This condition will be considered provisionally satisfied for registration purposes when it is assumed that these courses will be successfully completed prior to the start of courses that require the in-progress courses as prerequisites and with the provision that students will be deregistered if these courses are not successfully completed.

Matriculated students who have submitted documentation of prior high school and college experience will automatically be allowed or disallowed registration based on the presence or absence of prerequisite requirements in their histories. Whenever a student's history could include transfer courses or examination scores (such as Advanced Placement test scores) that would fulfill prerequisite requirements, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that this information is entered into his or her history by requesting a transfer evaluation in advance of registration.

Non-matriculated students, or other students who have not submitted documentation of prior high school and college experience, must submit a Prerequisite Waiver Request Form to an Academic Dean who has been identified by an Executive Dean as having responsibility for reviewing such requests. Students seeking prerequisite waivers must verify that they have met prerequisites by submitting high school or college transcripts, taking and passing proficiency examinations, or providing other documentation that may be deemed relevant, such as, SAT, ACT, and NYS Regents Examination scores. Students who do not have these documents will be given the Computerized Placement Test (CPT) to provide guidelines for placement.

Non-matriculated students registering for courses online are directed to email or fax the Prerequisite Waiver Request Form and copies of high school and college transcripts and other relevant documentation to an appropriate academic dean. Based on the evidence provided and the course placement guidelines, the Academic Dean will approve or reject the requested prerequisite waiver.

Grading Policies

Grading System

Semester grades are available to students on the student portal (MySCCC) at the close of each semester. The instructor’s analysis of each student’s academic achievement will be in accordance with the following grading system:
A 90%-100%
B+ 85%-89%
B 80%-84%
C+ 75%-79%
C 70%-74%
D+ 65%-69%
D 60%-64%
F 59% or below

Students receiving grades of U/UN/R/INC/F/FN or a W (withdrawal) may affect a student's academic progress and can result in a student being placed on academic warning, dismissal, and/or losing financial aid. Students will be deregistered from courses where a prerequisite was not successfully completed due to a U/UN/R/INC/F/FN/W, or other grade as required by the course.

Suffolk County Community College does not offer pass/fail grades as part of the grading system.

FN (Failure Due to Attendance)
The FN grade is given at the discretion of faculty and indicates a failing grade due to lack of attendance. The FN is equivalent to an F in grade point average computations.

INC (Incomplete)
Students who are ill or are unable for other valid reasons to complete the semesters work may at the discretion of the instructor receive an INC on their transcript. All work must be completed within the first four weeks of the subsequent semester; otherwise the INC will automatically become an F or will become a U for students in a remedial course.

S (Satisfactory)
This grade is given only for developmental courses, which do not satisfy degree requirements: RDG096, RDG098, RDG099, ENG009, ENG010, ENG011, ENG012, ESL011, ESL012, ESL013, ESL014, ESL015, ESL016, ESL017, ESL018, MAT001 and MAT001L. The S grade indicates successful completion of the course, but is not used in grade point average computation.
These grades are used for MAT006, MAT007, MAT007L, and MAT009 only, which are developmental courses and do not satisfy degree requirements.
SA = 90%-100%
SB = 80%-89%
SC = 70%-79%
S grades are not used in grade point average computations.

U (Unsatisfactory)
This grade is given only for developmental courses, which do not satisfy degree requirements: MAT001, MAT001L, MAT006, MAT007, MAT007L, MAT009, RDG096, RDG098, RDG099, ENG009, ENG010, ENG011, ENG012, ESL011, ESL012, ESL013, ESL014, ESL015, ESL016, ESL017, and ESL018. The U grade indicates the course was not successfully completed and is not used in grade point average computations.

UN (Unsatisfactory Due To Attendance)
This grade is given only for developmental courses, which do not satisfy degree requirements: MAT001, MAT001L, MAT006, MAT007, MAT007L, MAT009, RDG096, RDG098, RDG099, ENG009, ENG010, ENG011, ENG012, ESL011, ESL012, ESL013, ESL014, ESL015, ESL016, ESL017, and ESL018. The UN grade is given at the discretion of faculty and indicates an unsatisfactory grade due to lack of attendance for a developmental course. The UN grade indicates the course was not successfully completed and is not used in grade point average computations.

R (Repeat)
This grade is given only for developmental courses, which do not satisfy degree requirements: MAT001, MAT001L, MAT006, MAT007, MAT007L, MAT009, RDG096, RDG098, RDG099, ENG009, ENG010, ENG011, ENG012, ESL011, ESL012, ESL013, ESL014, ESL015, ESL016, ESL017, and ESL018. The R grade indicates the need for a student to re-register for the same course in a subsequent semester, usually because the student, while making progress in that course, has not yet completed all the course requirements. The R grade is not used in grade point average computations.

W (Withdrawal)
A student may withdraw from a course and receive a W any time up to the withdrawal deadline, which is the end of two-thirds of the semester or term. After this deadline, a student may appeal to the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for a course withdrawal if the student has experienced unforeseen or extenuating circumstances. The W is not considered a grade and is not used in grade point average computations.

AUD (Audit)
To audit a course, a student must notify the Campus Registrar while registering and paying for that course in accord with normal registration procedures. When a student audits a course, a grade of “AUD” will be recorded and no academic credit will be given. An auditor, by definition, is not required to take tests, write term papers or submit homework assignments, but is expected to participate in class to the extent deemed reasonable and necessary by the instructor. A student must inform the instructor at the first class meeting of his or her intention to take the course on an audit basis. Once this intention is stated, the student may not change from audit to credit status. Because some courses may be inappropriate for auditing, students should consult with the appropriate academic administrator before registering.

NOTE: Audited courses are not eligible for financial aid. Seniors: Suffolk County residents 60 years of age or older pay fees but no tuition.

Grade Change/Grade Grievance

Students who believe they have received an incorrect grade should first discuss this matter with their instructor. If he or she agrees with the student's request, the instructor will submit a change of grade form to the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. All faculty approved requests for grade changes must be made within two years of completion of the course. Changes submitted beyond two years require Executive Dean review.

A student may appeal an instructor's decision not to change a grade through the Course Grade Grievance Procedure, which must be initiated within the first three weeks of the semester following the semester in which the student took the course. This four-step procedure, which is outlined in the student handbook, continues, if necessary, through ascending levels of administrative authority. If this grievance is not resolved at the faculty, academic chair, or associate dean levels, the student may present his or her case in writing to the Executive Dean. Within ten calendar days of receipt of the student's written request, the Executive Dean may convene a committee to hear the grievance and to provide written recommendations. Students who have questions about the Grade Grievance Procedure should consult with the appropriate departmental office or dean.

Academic Standing

Grade Point Averages

A system of points is used to assess the quality of each students work for a semester or more and is computed as a cumulative grade point average. Grades earned by students have a numerical quality value as follows:

Quality Points Grade Per Credit Hour
A 4.0
B+ 3.5
B 3.0
C+ 2.5
C 2.0
D+ 1.5
D 1.0
F 0

A cumulative grade point average is computed by dividing the total number of quality points received by the number of credit hours earned. For example, a student who has earned 30 credit hours and has received a total of 60 quality points has a cumulative grade point average of 2.0. The following factors must also be taken into consideration:

a. When transfer credits are granted for courses completed at another college, no quality points or grades are awarded; hence, such credits do not affect the cumulative grade point average at Suffolk County Community College.

b. A college-level course may be repeated one time. All course grades are retained on the student's transcript. For repeated courses, only the highest grade will count toward the cumulative grade point average and credit hours received by the student. A withdrawal is not considered a course attempt for this policy, however, the "W" grade will remain on the transcript. Contact the campus Office of Financial Aid to determine if the repeated course is covered by financial aid.

Academic Review

a. Following a change of curriculum or option, those courses with grades of D+, D, FN and F that are specific to the old curriculum and not applicable to the new curriculum or applicable only as unrestricted electives, will be excluded in calculating the new cumulative grade point average, although all courses for which a student registers will appear on the transcript. It is the student's responsibility to petition the Campus Office of Academic Affairs to have his/her average computed. A student may have this rule applied to only one change of curriculum or option at the College.

b. A student who is readmitted to Suffolk County Community College after an absence of two or more consecutive semesters and has successfully completed 12 credits after readmission with a 2.0 average, may petition the Campus Office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for a review of his/her previous Suffolk County Community College transcript. The transcript will be reviewed and grades of D+, D, FN and F will be eliminated from computation of the grade point average, although all such courses will continue to appear on the transcript. This readmission review will be permitted only once before graduation.

Note: Once a student has authorized an academic review as described as an option above, he/she indicates an understanding and acceptance of the principle that when courses with D and D+ are excluded from calculation of the grade point average, the excluded courses and credits do not count toward graduation. An academic review includes ALL grades of D+, D and F. Once implemented, the actions taken pursuant to this policy are not revocable.

Academic Standing
Students are considered to be in good academic standing unless they have been academically dismissed and their matriculation status has been rescinded.
Academic Warning (effective Fall 2022)

The previous Academic Probation policy will apply to student performance in Spring 2022. This policy can be found under the 2020-2022 College Catalog

Once a student attempts 12 resident credits, the College may place students on Academic Warning subject to academic dismissal if they fail to maintain a minimum grade point average.

Both full-time and part-time students will be placed on Academic Warning according to the standards outlined in this section. Students placed on Academic Warning do not lose their good academic standing. However, they must raise their cumulative grade point average sufficiently to remove themselves from Academic Warning.

Any full-time student who is placed on Academic Warning for two consecutive semesters will be dismissed at the end of the second semester. Any part-time student placed on Academic Warning for three consecutive semesters will be academically dismissed at the end of the third semester. Dismissed students lose their matriculation status and can enroll in no more than 11.5 credits.

These standards may be waived when such action is deemed by the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs to be in the best interest of the student. Students who are academically dismissed may appeal as indicated under "Academic Dismissal."

Any student will automatically be placed on Academic Warning if he/she fails to meet the grade point average as outlined in the following criteria:

Credit Hours Attempted Minimum Cumulative GPA
(Grade Point Average)
12-15 1.6
16-30 1.7
31-45 1.8
46 or more 2.0

A student will remain on academic warning unless subsequent academic performance removes him/her from Academic Warning status or if they are academically dismissed. Full-time students on Academic Warning may not register for more than 14 credits. Students on Academic Warning are required to see an academic advisor or counselor. Academic Warning is noted on the student’s unofficial transcript.

Academic Dismissal (effective Fall 2022)

Any full-time student who is placed on Academic Warning for two consecutive semesters will be dismissed at the end of the second semester. Any part-time student placed on Academic Warning for three consecutive semesters will be academically dismissed at the end of the third semester. Dismissed students lose their matriculation status, and can enroll in no more than 11.5 credits. A student who is academically dismissed may still take classes at SCCC on a part time, non-matriculated basis. Academic Dismissal will be noted on the student’s unofficial and official transcript. Students who are dismissed have the right to appeal if they feel an error has been made or other extenuating circumstances exist. Appeal for reinstatement is made in writing to the Campus Office of Academic Affairs. Appeals for reinstatement are considered by the campus Academic Appeals Board and/or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Should the appeal be granted, the student shall be reinstated with Academic Warning status. A student thus readmitted will be “in good academic standing” with Academic Warning status.

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance is considered essential for academic success. Students are expected to attend every class session, no matter the modality, of each course for which they are registered. Excessive absences may have a negative impact on a student’s academic performance and/or eligibility for financial aid.

Each instructor must provide an attendance policy in the course syllabus, allowing for a minimum of one week’s worth of absences including absences due to illness or other unforeseen circumstances. For example, if a class meets twice a week in a 15-week term, a student must be entitled to at least two absences. The equivalent of one week may differ depending on the length of the term.

The College defines attendance in online courses as regular participation in course-related activities, which may include, but is not limited to: contributing to online discussion, engaging in virtual live instruction (when applicable), submitting an assignment, taking a quiz or exam, viewing and/or completing a tutorial, or communicating with a faculty member regarding course content. Logging into an online class is not sufficient, by itself, to demonstrate attendance or participation by the student.

Students absent from a class for any reason are responsible for any missed work and any other relevant requirements stated in the course syllabus. In the event that a student is absent, it is always recommended that the student contact the instructor to discuss missed work and class content.

Federal financial aid regulations require the College to report a student’s last date of attendance for each course; in most cases faculty will be asked to confirm this date. Consequently, faculty must take attendance at each class meeting.

In accordance with New York State Education Law, Section 224-a, any student who is unable, because of religious beliefs, to register or attend classes on a particular day or days will be excused from any examination, study, or work requirements [scheduled on that day]. It is the responsibility of the faculty to make available [to the student] an equivalent opportunity to make up any examination, study, or work requirements within a reasonable amount of time of the religious observance. It is the responsibility of students to notify their professor at least one week prior to the religious observance, via their College email accounts or otherwise in writing, of their intention to be absent from class.

Religious Observance Policy and Procedures

Beginning in the fall of 2018, the College implemented a secular calendar in order to treat all religious observances equitably and to minimize disruptions to class schedules. The College adopted a Religious Observance Policy and Procedures to complement the implementation of a secular calendar.

As provided for in New York State Education Law § 224-a, student absences from class necessitated by religious observance will be deemed an excused absence, with no academic consequences. Students must notify their professor in advance of their religious observance, via their College email accounts or otherwise in writing, of their intention to be absent from a particular class due to a religious observance; notification should occur at least one week prior to the religious observance. Observing students shall be granted reasonable arrangements and/or be permitted a reasonable amount of time to make up missed quizzes, tests, assignments, and activities covered in their absence.

Please refer to the College’s Religious Observance Policy and Procedures, which are available on the College Academic Calendar webpage, for additional information. Religious Observance FAQs are also available online for additional information.

New York State Education Law § 224-A

  1. No person shall be expelled from or be refused admission as a student to an institution of higher education for the reason that he or she is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to register or attend classes or to participate in any examination, study or work requirements on a particular day or days.
  2. Any student in an institution of higher education who is unable, because of his or her religious beliefs, to attend classes on a particular day or days shall, because of such absence on the particular day or days, be excused from any examination or any study or work requirements.
  3. It shall be the responsibility of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to make available to each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to the said student such equivalent opportunity.
  4. If registration, classes, examinations, study or work requirements are held on Friday after four o’clock post meridian or on Saturday, similar or makeup classes, examinations, study or work requirements or opportunity to register shall be made available on other days, where it is possible and practicable to do so. No special fees shall be charged to the student for these classes, examinations, study or work requirements or registration held on other days.
  5. In effectuating the provisions of this section, it shall be the duty of the faculty and of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to exercise the fullest measure of good faith. No adverse or prejudicial effects shall result to any student because of his or her availing himself or herself of the provisions of this section.
  6. Any student, who is aggrieved by the alleged failure of any faculty or administrative officials to comply in good faith with the provisions of this section, shall be entitled to maintain an action or proceeding in the supreme court of the county in which such institution of higher education is located for the enforcement of his or her rights under this section.

    6-a It shall be the responsibility of the administrative officials of each institution of higher education to give written notice to students of their rights under this section, informing that each student who is absent from school, because of his or her religious beliefs, must be given an equivalent opportunity to register for classes or make up any examination, study or work requirements which he or she may have missed because of such absence on any particular day or days. No fees of any kind shall be charged by the institution for making available to such student such equivalent opportunity.

  7. As used in this section, the term "institution of higher education" shall mean any institution of higher education, recognized and approved by the Regents of the University of the State of New York, which provides a course of study leading to the granting of a post-secondary degree or diploma. Such term shall not include any institution which is operated, supervised or controlled by a church or by a religious or denominational organization whose educational programs are principally designed for the purpose of training ministers or other religious functionaries or for the purpose of propagating religious doctrines. As used in this section, the term "religious belief" shall mean beliefs associated with any corporation organized and operated exclusively for religious purposes, which is not disqualified for tax exemption under section 501 of the United States Code.
Withdrawal Policy

A student may withdraw from a course and receive a W any time between the end of the add/drop period and the withdrawal deadline, which is the end of two-thirds of the part of term.

After this deadline, a student may appeal to the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs for a course withdrawal if the student has experienced unforeseen or extenuating circumstances. The student must obtain an acknowledgment from the faculty via signature and then submit the Appeal for Course Withdrawal form to the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs no later than:

  • For the 15week-term, seven business days before end of term.
  • For the 10-week term, five business days before the end of term.
  • For terms less than 10 weeks, three business days before the end of term.

If a student drops a course(s) prior to the end of the add/drop period, the student’s academic record will not reflect these courses. After the end of the add/drop period, if a student is officially withdrawn from a course, a “W” will be reflected for that course on their academic record. Withdrawal from a course is considered an “unsuccessful course attempt” and may negatively impact financial aid and satisfactory progress requirements.

Official withdrawal from the College means that a student voluntarily separates from the College by dropping all courses at any time during the academic term.

Withdrawal forms can be found on the college website or in OneLogin.

NOTE: An exception to the Withdrawal Policy is when a student is seeking a . This action is managed exclusively through the Campus Associate Dean of Student Affairs office and requires medical documentation for consideration.

Academic Integrity

The SCCC Student Code of Conduct includes integrity as a core value and expects ethical decision-making by students in college and in their future professions. The Code prohibits academic misconduct, which includes any action that results in students giving or receiving unauthorized assistance in an academic exercise. Academic exercises include all forms of work submitted for credit. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to:


Dishonesty in an academic exercise, including unauthorized use of textbooks, notes, mobile devices, or other sources.


Using another’s words or ideas without crediting the source; or presenting another’s work as your own.


Intentionally helping a student(s) to commit an act of academic misconduct.

Misrepresentation and Forgery

The forgery of information or documents, or the misrepresentation of a student identity to affect an academic exercise, grade, etc.

Most academic misconduct incidents are resolved directly between the faculty member and the student. When appropriate, academic misconduct may be addressed by the Campus Associate Dean of Student Affairs. The Student Code of Conduct provides detailed information and possible consequences for academic misconduct. If students believe they have been wrongly accused of academic misconduct, they may pursue the matter through the Course Grade Grievance Procedure after the final grade for the course has been recorded on the transcript.

Degree Requirements

Graduation Requirements

All candidates for degrees from Suffolk County Community College must meet the following general requirements. They must:

  1. Attain a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0.
  2. Attain a grade point average of not less than 2.0 in their major field of study. The courses constituting the major in each curriculum are designated with a ♦ symbol.
  3. Complete the Suffolk County Community College Core Education Graduation Requirements.
  4. Satisfactorily complete any developmental courses (or course sequences) into which they were placed.
  5. Complete the course requirements with 60 credits or more in their curriculum as specified in the Curricula.
  6. Complete at least 30 resident credit hours of the required course work offered by Suffolk County Community College. Resident credits specifically exclude Advanced Placement, challenge examination, CLEP, portfolio, and all categories of transfer credit.
  7. Not use extra credits from courses already taken in lieu of any individual course requirement in any curriculum.
  8. Pay or satisfactorily adjust all college fees and meet all other obligations.
  9. As a matriculated student, file an Application for Graduation online. Application deadlines are December 1 for January graduation, April 1 for May graduation and May 1 for August graduation.

A graduate who wishes to obtain a second degree in a different curriculum must complete a minimum of 30 additional credits, including the special course requirements of the second curriculum.

Candidates for the certificate must complete all curriculum requirements, in which at least half of the coursework is resident credit hours offered by Suffolk County Community College, with a cumulative grade point average of not less than 2.0, both cumulatively and in their major field of study. Resident credits specifically exclude advanced placement, challenge examination, CLEP, portfolio, and all categories of transfer credit.

NOTE: Wide opportunities are available for student advising both through the academic departments and through the Office of Student Services. However, each student is ultimately responsible for selecting courses which satisfy graduation requirements for specific degree and certificate programs.

College Seminar Requirement

Full-time day students in all programs must successfully complete COL101: College Seminar or equivalent. See Course Descriptions for a list of equivalent courses. Students are expected to enroll in this class in their first semester. Students who have taken a college seminar course are not required to enroll in an additional one, even if it is specific to their program. The College Seminar requirement may be waived for students who complete 12 credit hours of transferable college-level work on a college campus prior to enrolling at Suffolk County Community College. Students who complete at least half of their work as part-time students or full-time evening students may also waive the college seminar requirement.

Substitution/Waiver of Degree Requirement

On a limited basis, students may submit substitution/waiver forms to the appropriate academic chair for their review and approval. These are then sent for approval to the appropriate Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs. Requests for substitutions will be evaluated based on the equivalence of the proposed substitution to the curriculum requirement. The necessary forms for requesting a waiver or substitution of a course to meet degree requirements can be obtained from the campus academic departments and/or the Campus Office of the Associate Dean of Academic Affairs.

Honor Designations/Societies

Dean's List

Outstanding scholastic achievement at Suffolk County Community College is recognized each semester by the compilation of the Dean’s List. Full-time matriculated students who have completed a minimum of 12 credit hours during the semester with no incompletes and a semester grade point average of 3.5 or higher qualify for the Dean's List. This academic achievement is noted on the student's permanent record.

NOTE: Developmental courses do not qualify because they do not carry credit towards the GPA.

Graduation "With Distinction" and "With Highest Distinction"

Students of the graduating class who have attained at least a 3.5 cumulative grade point average are graduated "with distinction". Those students who have attained at least a 3.8 cumulative grade point average are graduated "with highest distinction". An academic achievement of "with distinction" or "with highest distinction" is noted on the student's permanent record. Furthermore, students who graduate having completed either the Honors Program Diploma Sequence or Recognition Sequence have this academic honor noted on their permanent record.

Pi Alpha Sigma

Pi Alpha Sigma is a college honors designation. Students who have achieved a 3.5 cumulative grade point average, with no incomplete grades, and have completed at least 36 credits at Suffolk County Community College receive this designation. This academic designation is also noted on the student's permanent record.

Honor Societies

Student Policies

Electronic Devices

Students' use of cell phones, computers and other electronic devices during classes may be regulated according to course policies established by individual instructors. Misuse of such devices may subject students to provisions of the Student Code of Conduct relating to disruptive classroom behavior. Unsanctioned use of such devices may carry serious penalties, including but not limited to course failure or dismissal from the College. Exceptions may apply to students with documented disabilities who may need to use a device as an approved accommodation.

Student Identification Card

All students are required to obtain and carry a College photo identification card. The ID card is needed to access library and computer center services, and for use with the College’s meal plan. It must be presented in College offices in order to receive services. Schedule and locations of ID card stations can be found on the College website. Replacement cards are available for a cost of $15, effective fall 2023. Once the semester begins, registered students without a Suffolk County Community College ID card will be billed a $30 non-compliance fee and will be denied services until the card is obtained. Photographs for ID cards are taken in the following locations:

Ammerman Campus
Registrar's Office, Ammerman Building
Campus Activities, Babylon Student Center
Public Safety, Kreiling Hall

Eastern Campus
Information Desk, Peconic Building

Michael J. Grant Campus
Registrar's Office - Caumsett Hall
Public Safety, North Cottage

Student Code of Conduct

The college community is committed to fostering a campus environment that is conducive to academic inquiry, a productive campus life and thoughtful study and discourse. The student conduct program within the Division of Student Affairs is committed to an educational and developmental process that balances the interests of individual students with the interests of the college community.

For additional information, the Student Code of Conduct can be viewed online.

Information Technology Policies and Guidelines

The Student Code of Conduct prohibits certain behavior related to the use of the College technology resources and requires compliance with College policies. The full policy can be obtained from the Associate Dean of Student Services office on each campus, or in the Information Technology Policies and Guidelines.

The policy obligates users to respect the rights of others, avoid uses that burden system resources or introduce viruses, and protect the secrecy of passwords. Users are also prohibited from engaging in a variety of listed activities. The policy includes provisions on privacy rights, monitoring of use and sanctions for violations. All users are responsible for knowing the college's policy and are deemed to have accepted the restrictions by utilizing the technology resources.

Student Online Services, Student Portal, Email Accounts

Suffolk County Community College official web-based student portal (MySCCC) and student email accounts are an official means of communication to all full- and part-time students enrolled in credit-bearing classes. All such students are required to activate their student portal and email accounts. Official College communications may include, but are not limited to, registration information, financial aid information and other financial statements, student health compliance information and academic progress notifications.

The College expects that students shall receive and read their electronic communications on a frequent and timely basis. Failure to do so shall not absolve the student from knowing of and complying with the contents of all electronic communications, some of which will be time-critical.

The College has established policies for the acceptable use of computing resources. The Information Technology Policies and Guidelines provides additional information.

Medical Leave

A Medical Leave may be granted, upon request, to any matriculated student who is unable to attend classes for an extended period of time due to a documented illness, injury, or medical or psychological condition. Under the aforementioned circumstances, a Medical Leave may be granted to a student who is forced to withdraw during a semester as well as to a student who is unable to enroll in a subsequent semester. To request a Medical Leave, students should follow the procedure outlined below.

  1. Request a Medical Leave, in writing during the semester they withdraw, from the Campus Associate Dean of Student Services. The request must indicate the medical reason and the period of the leave. Documentation by a physician or other appropriate health care provider is required.
  2. In the event that a student is incapable of requesting a leave himself/herself, the request may be submitted by a parent, spouse, or other appropriate individual. In such cases, documentation of the student’s incapacity must be provided by the appropriate health care provider.
  3. The Campus Associate Dean of Student Services shall have the final authority to determine whether the request for a Medical Leave is granted. All such determinations shall be made in writing.
  4. In the event that a Medical Leave is granted, the Associate Dean shall: complete the class withdrawal process for the student (i.e., if initiated and not previously completed); and authorize a leave of absence for the student from the Admissions Office (i.e., if the student is enrolled in a restricted curriculum with limited seat availability). This leave maintains the date of matriculation and, if a seat is available, gives the student preference for readmission into the program ahead of any new student.
  5. Being granted a Medical Leave during a semester does not mean that a student’s grades or financial aid will not be negatively impacted, nor does it mean that the student will be entitled to a tuition refund. Accordingly, students should be aware that existing policies will be followed in making these determinations. Whenever possible, students are strongly encouraged to determine the consequences of withdrawing during a semester before requesting a Medical Leave.
Medical Suspension

Suffolk County Community College strives to promote the health and safety of all members of the college community by providing services in the areas of student health, counseling, and public safety and by enforcing student conduct regulations. In accordance with law, and in order to ensure that the institution and its members may carry out their proper activities without substantial interference or danger of physical harm, the College has implemented its policy and procedures for the medical suspension of students. A student may be subject to medical suspension if it is determined that the student is suffering from a physical, emotional, or psychological condition, and, as a result of this condition, engages, threatens to engage, or may engage in behavior that:

  1. Reasonably poses a danger or threat of causing physical harm to others; and/or
  2. Substantially impedes the lawful activities of other members of the campus community, or the educational processes, activities or functions of the College or its personnel.

For additional information, the Medical Suspension Policycan be viewed online.

Tobacco Products

On August 27, 2015, Suffolk County Community College officially became tobacco-free. In order to provide a clean and healthy environment for all students, employees and visitors, the College implemented a tobacco-free policy that will:

    • Protect Suffolk students, faculty, staff and visitors from unwanted and involuntary exposure to tobacco and passive smoke;
    • Prohibit the use of all tobacco and tobacco-derived products on all College grounds;
    • Provide resources for tobacco users to get the help they need to quit for good.

We encourage all individuals who use tobacco and tobacco-derived products to access smoking cessation programs and services at the College Health Services Offices. We invite tobacco users to review the Smoke Free Policy. This policy shall be strictly enforced and violators will be subject to conduct procedures outlined in the Student Code of Conduct and/or fines.

Accommodations for Pregnant and Parenting Students

Suffolk County Community College is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students.

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities including academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of schools. This prohibition includes discrimination against pregnant and parenting students. Pregnant and parenting students at the College will not be excluded from any class, activity, or program (including career and technical education) on the basis of sex, pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination or pregnancy or recovery therefrom.

What types of accommodations may I request?

Pregnant or parenting students may request reasonable accommodations when necessary because of pregnancy or parenting status, which, depending on the student’s individual needs and circumstances, may include:

    • A larger desk
    • Breaks during class, as needed
    • Permitting temporary access to elevators
    • Rescheduling tests or exams
    • Excusing absences due to pregnancy or related conditions
    • Submitting work after a deadline missed due to pregnancy or childbirth
    • Providing alternatives to make up missed work
    • Allowing excused absences for parenting students (both male and female) who need to take their children to doctors’ appointments or to take care of their sick children

How do I request accommodations?

Accommodation requests should be directed to one of the College Title IX Coordinators. The Title IX Coordinator will discuss the pregnant or parenting individual’s needs, and will ask for documentation that supports the requested accommodations.

Requests from students should be directed to the Associate Deans of Student Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Ammerman Campus - Phone: (631) 451-4176
Michael J. Grant Campus - Phone: (631) 851-6521
Eastern Campus - Phone: (631) 548-2515

Request from faculty and staff should be directed to:
Civil Rights Compliance Officer
Christina Vargas
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784
(631) 451-4950

Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment and Title IX

Suffolk County Community College prohibits sexual misconduct, harassment and sex discrimination including sexual violence, domestic violence, dating and intimate partner violence, stalking, sexual coercion or other threats of violence or intimidation. These can be verbal, non-verbal, physical, written or electronic (i.e. text or social media). The College is committed to providing options, support and assistance to victims/survivors to ensure they can continue to participate in college-wide and campus programs, activities and employment. The College has prevention, training and educational programs in place to protect all members of the college community. These include information about how to report, on- and off-campus resources, rights and responsibilities. Students have rights, regardless of whether the crime or violation occurs on campus, off campus, or while studying abroad. For additional information on the Student's Bill of Rights and the College Sexual Violence Policy see Sexual Harassment and Title IX.

Options for Reporting Sexual Violence

All students have the right to make a report to Public Safety, local law enforcement and/or State Police or choose not to report; to report the incident to the College; to be protected by the College from retaliation for reporting an incident, and to receive assistance from the College. Contact Public Safety at any time by calling 631-451-4242 or dialing 311 from any college phone. In case of emergency, call 911 to contact local law enforcement. To contact the New York State Police 24-hour hotline call 1-844-845-7269. State wide resources are available at every SUNY campus online.

See Student's Bill of Rights for additional information.

If you have an alleged claim of sexual harassment or sex discrimination/sexual violence by a student, complaints should be submitted to the Office of the Associate Dean of Student Services/Deputy Title IX Coordinator for the campus at which the alleged harassment occurred:

Ammerman Campus
Dr. Edward Martinez
Ammerman Building, Room 200C
Selden, NY 11784
(631) 451-4790

Michael J. Grant Campus
Dr. Meryl Rogers
Caumsett Hall, Room 106
Brentwood, NY 11717
(631) 851-6521

Eastern Campus
Dr. Mary Reese
Peconic Building, Room 228E
Riverhead, NY 11901
(631) 548-2515

If you have an alleged claim of sexual harassment or sex discrimination/sexual violence by a contractor, visitor or guest, faculty member, administrator or employee at any campus, complaints should be submitted to the Civil Rights Compliance Officers:

Christina Vargas, Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road,
Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4950

Dr. Dionne Walker-Belgrave, Affirmative Action Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road,
Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4051

If you are a victim of sexual violence, the College has a trained team from Student Affairs, Public Safety, and the Title IX Coordinator and Deputy Coordinators. This team provides information to you about your rights, notifies you about resources, and offers reasonable interim measures, such as a change in schedule, a no-contact order or other actions. Anyone who experiences, observes, or hears about an incident should report it to the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator oversees the complaint process, answers questions, and offers assistance and services to anyone experiencing harassment, discrimination or sexual violence. Mental Health Services coordinators and Student Health Services are privileged and confidential resources that will not report crimes to law enforcement or College officials without your permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.

Mental Health and Wellness Services coordinators and Student Health Services are privileged and confidential resources that will not report crimes to law enforcement or College officials without your permission, except for extreme circumstances, such as a health and/or safety emergency.

Sexual Violence and the Law

New York State Law contains legal provisions defining the crimes related to sexual violence. The College Annual Security report is updated annually according to federal law and lists important definitions related to these and other crimes. To review them, visit the Public Safety website.

SUNY Felony Convictions Policy

State University of New York (SUNY) policy prohibits Suffolk County Community College admission applications from inquiring into an applicant’s prior criminal history. After acceptance, the College shall inquire if the student previously has been convicted of a felony if such individual seeks participation in clinical or field experiences, internships or study abroad programs. The information required to be disclosed under SUNY policy regarding such felony convictions shall be reviewed by a standing College committee consistent with the legal standards articulated in the New York State Correction Law.

Students who have previously been convicted of a felony are advised that their prior criminal history may impede their ability to complete the requirements of certain academic programs and/or to meet licensure requirements for certain professions, including, but not limited to:

  • Sitting for the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) required for certification and employment as a physical therapist assistant in New York State;
  • Becoming certified in New York as a physical therapist assistant;
  • Sitting for the national certification examination for occupational therapy assistant administered by the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT);
  • Attaining licensure in New York State as an occupational therapy assistant;
  • Taking the licensing examination for licensure as a practical nurse or registered nurse;
  • Obtaining New York State licensure as a practical nurse or registered nurse;
  • Obtaining certification as a pharmacy technician from the national Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB);
  • Obtaining certification from the American Board of Opticianry & National Contact Lens Examiners (ABO-NCLE); and
  • Obtaining certification as an ophthalmic assistant technician or ophthalmic technician from the Joint Commission on Allied Health Personnel in Ophthalmology (JCAHPO).

Students who have concerns about such matters are advised to contact the department chair of their intended academic program. Applicants and students with criminal convictions who are interested in pursuing a program leading to professional licensure or certification are also encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensing/certification authority. Students with criminal convictions who are considering transfer to or subsequent enrollment in a program at another institution that will lead to professional licensure or certification are also encouraged to consult with the appropriate licensing/certification authority.

Non-Discrimination Notice

Suffolk County Community College does not discriminate and prohibits discrimination on the basis of actual or perceived race, color, religion, creed, sex, age, marital status, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, familial status, pregnancy (and pregnancy-related conditions), predisposing genetic characteristics, equal pay compensation-sex, national origin (including shared ancestry or ethnic characteristics), military or veteran status, domestic violence victim status, criminal conviction or disability in its admissions, programs and activities, or employment. This applies to all employees, students, applicants or other members of the College community (including, but not limited to, vendors and visitors). Grievance procedures are available to interested persons by contacting either of the Civil Rights Compliance Officers/Coordinators listed below. Retaliation against a person who files a complaint, serves as a witness, or assists or participates in the investigation of a complaint in any manner is strictly prohibited.

Equal Opportunity and Anti-Discrimination Policy

Discrimination / Harassment / Retaliation Complaint Form

The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the application of non-discrimination requirements at the College and the College’s non-discrimination policies and grievance procedures, receive reports about conduct that may constitute discrimination, and receive complaints of discrimination:

Civil Rights Compliance Officers

Christina Vargas
Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4950


Dionne Walker-Belgrave
Affirmative Action Officer/Deputy Title IX Coordinator
Ammerman Campus, NFL Bldg., Suite 230
533 College Road, Selden, New York 11784-2899
(631) 451-4051

In an emergency, contact Public Safety to make a report. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week by calling (631) 451-4242 or dialing 311 from any College phone.

Inquiries or complaints concerning alleged discrimination in the College education admissions, programs, and activities may also be directed to:

Office for Civil Rights (OCR) – Enforcement Office
U.S. Department of Education
32 Old Slip, 26th Floor
New York, NY 10005-2500
Telephone: (646) 428-3800
Fax: (646) 428-3843
TDD:  (877) 521-2172 Email:
Also refer to:

NYS Division of Human Rights
Long Island (Suffolk)
New York State Office Building
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 2B-49
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: (631) 952-6434
TDD: (718) 741-8300
Also refer to:

Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination in employment practices may also be directed to:

NYS Division of Human Rights
Long Island (Suffolk)
New York State Office Building
250 Veterans Memorial Highway, Suite 2B-49
Hauppauge, NY 11788
Telephone: (631) 952-6434
TDD: (718) 741-8300
Also refer to:

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
New York District Office
33 Whitehall Street, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Telephone: (800) 669-4000
Fax: (212) 336-3790
TTY: (800) 669-6820
ASL Video Phone: (844) 234-5122
Also refer to:

Suffolk County Community College is committed to fostering a diverse community of outstanding faculty, staff, and students, as well as ensuring equal opportunity and non-discrimination in employment, education, access to services, programs, and activities, including career and technical education opportunities.

A copy of the postsecondary career and technical education courses offered by the College is available and may be obtained on our website at: or by calling the Office of Admissions at (631) 451-4000 to request a mailing.

If you think that you have been subjected to discrimination under a WIOA Title I-financially assisted program or activity, you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation with either: 

Suffolk County Community College’s Civil Rights Compliance Officers listed above or with: 
The Director, Civil Rights Center (CRC), U.S. Department of Labor, 200 Constitution Avenue NW., Room N-4123, Washington, DC 20210 or electronically as directed on the CRC website at
If you file your complaint with Suffolk County Community College, you must wait either until the college issues a written Notice of Final Action, or until 90 days have passed (whichever is sooner), before filing with the Civil Rights Center (see address above). 
If the college does not give you a written Notice of Final Action within 90 days of the day on which you filed your complaint, you may file a complaint with CRC before receiving that Notice. However, you must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the 90-day deadline (in other words, within 120 days after the day on which you filed your complaint with the college). 
If the college does give you a written Notice of Final Action on your complaint, but you are dissatisfied with the decision or resolution, you may file a complaint with CRC. You must file your CRC complaint within 30 days of the date on which you received the Notice of Final Action. 

Mandatory Student Immunizations: Measles, Mumps and Rubella / Meningitis

In accordance with New York State Public Health Law Section 2165, all students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours, or the equivalent, at Suffolk County Community College, who were born on or after January 1, 1957, must provide acceptable written proof of immunity against measles, mumps, and rubella in accordance with standards approved by the New York State Department of Health.

Acceptable proof of immunity consists of a Certificate of Immunization signed and stamped by a physician or licensed health care provider which documents measles, mumps, and rubella immunity. Students must submit this certificate or equivalent to the Health Services Offices on their home campus and document at least partial compliance with the immunization requirements before they will be permitted to register for classes. Partial compliance shall be defined as one dose of measles, mumps, and rubella immunization.

In addition, proof of an honorable discharge from the armed services within 10 years prior to the date of application to Suffolk County Community College shall also qualify as a certificate enabling a student to attend classes pending actual receipt of immunization records from the armed services.

Students who are in partial compliance will be notified by the Vice President of Student Affairs that they will be suspended from their classes if they do not fully comply with the immunization requirements within the first 30 days of the semester (45 days for students transferring from another state or county). Students who are suspended and who subsequently fail to comply with the immunization requirements will be administratively withdrawn from their classes and prevented from registering for subsequent semesters.

Immunization records shall be maintained on each campus at the Health Services Office, which shall consider such information as confidential and subject to the College Records Policy. The Vice President of Student Affairs shall be responsible for the completion and timely submission to the Commissioner of Health of the annual survey of immunization levels of students attending Suffolk County Community College.

Students who cannot afford a private physician will be directed to the County Health Department for information regarding free immunizations. Persons may be exempt from any or all of these requirements if a physician certifies in writing that the immunizations may be detrimental to their health. In addition, persons who hold genuine and sincere religious beliefs which are contrary to immunization may be exempt after submitting a statement to that effect to the Associate Dean of Student Services on their home campus.

Students who are registered solely for online courses that do not require any campus presence are exempt from these requirements.

Should a suspected case of measles, mumps, or rubella occur on a campus, the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs will evaluate the case in conjunction with the County Health Department and the Health Services Office and consulting physician. While awaiting serological confirmation, immunization records will be reviewed and susceptible individuals identified. If the suspected case is confirmed, the office of the Vice President of Student Affairs will notify all susceptible students and staff to be immunized. Susceptible students who are unable to be immunized may be required to remain off-campus until the Health Department deems it safe for such individuals to return.

This Mandatory Student Immunization Policy will be included in the College Catalog and the campus Student Handbooks.

Required Acknowledgement of Meningitis Information: In accordance with New York State Public Health Law Section 2167, all students enrolled for at least six (6) semester hours, or the equivalent, at Suffolk County Community College, are required to acknowledge that they have received information about meningococcal disease and vaccination. In addition, such students are required to indicate that they either have received the appropriate vaccination within the past 10 years or have decided not to obtain immunization again the disease. Students who fail to submit the required acknowledgement will be blocked from registration activity and subject to withdrawal.

Please refer to the College Legal Affairs website to review the Student Immunization Requirements Policy.


Suffolk County Community College’s policies and procedures for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic have been and will continue to be governed by the principle that the safety of our students and employees is paramount, while continuing the College’s mission of education.

Please refer to your course syllabi for specific instructions regarding illness.

Our knowledge and understanding of the COVID-19 virus continues to evolve; as more information becomes available, the College’s policies and guidelines may be updated or changed.

Notification Of Student Rights Under The Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords eligible students certain rights with respect to their education records. (An eligible student under FERPA is a student who is 18 years of age or older or who attends a postsecondary institution at any age.) These rights include:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student's education records within 45 days after the day Suffolk County Community College receives a request for access. A student should submit to the Chief Campus Student Affairs Officer on their home campus (the Associate Dean of Student Services) a written request that identifies the record(s) the student wishes to inspect. A meeting will be scheduled within a reasonable period of time, at which time the records may be reviewed.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student's education records that the student believes is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy rights under FERPA. A student who wishes to ask the College to amend a record should first bring this request to the Chief Campus Student Affairs Officer on their home campus (the Associate Dean of Student Services), who will discuss the matter with the student and attempt to arrive at a mutually acceptable resolution. If an agreement cannot be reached, the student will be notified of the decision and their right to a hearing. The student may then request a hearing to challenge the contents of the record. Additional information regarding the hearing procedures is outlined in the College Student Records Policy and will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing.
  3. The right to provide written consent before the College discloses personally identifiable information (PII) from the student's education records, except to the extent FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. The following is a partial list of disclosures which are permitted without a student’s prior written consent:  
    • to College officials with legitimate educational interests. A College official is a person employed by the College in an administrative, supervisory, academic, research or support staff position; a person retained as a contractor, consultant, volunteer, or other party to whom the College has outsourced services or functions authorized by, or under contract to the College, to perform a special task, such as an attorney or auditor; a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving in an official capacity, such as membership on a disciplinary or grievance committee.
      A College official has a legitimate educational interest if the College official needs to review the education record in order to fulfil their professional responsibilities for the College. 
    • Upon request, the College also discloses education records without consent to officials of another institution in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.
    • To appropriate parties (such as law enforcement, SCCC Public Safety officers, etc.) in connection with a health and safety emergency.
    • To certain officials of the U.S. Department of Education, Office of the Comptroller and U.S. Attorney General, and state and county educational authorities in connection with certain audits.
    • To appropriate officials in connection with a student’s request for or receipt of financial aid.
    • To organizations conducting studies on behalf of the College, or to accrediting organizations; 
    • To comply with a judicial order or a lawfully issued subpoena.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the College to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Student Privacy Policy Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20202. 

College’s Student Records Policy explains in detail the procedures used by the College for FERPA compliance. The Student Records Policy is posted on the College’s website. Copies of the College’s Student Records Policy may also be found in the following offices: Campus Registrar and Associate Dean of Student Services on the Ammerman, Eastern and Michael J. Grant campuses, as well as the offices of the College Registrar, Vice President for Student Affairs, and the Office of Legal Affairs in the Norman F. Lechtrecker Building on the Ammerman Campus. Questions concerning FERPA may be referred to the Associate Dean of Student Services on each campus or the College Registrar or the Vice President for Student Affairs in the Norman F. Lechtrecker Building on the Ammerman Campus.

Directory Information Notice

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), a Federal law, requires that Suffolk County Community College, with certain exceptions, require your written consent prior to the disclosure of personally identifiable information from your education records. However, the College may disclose appropriately designated "Directory Information" without written consent if considered appropriate by College officials, unless you have advised the College to the contrary in accordance with College procedures.

The College hereby designates the following items of student information as public or "Directory Information". 

  • Name 
  • Address (permanent, local and email)
  • Telephone number (permanent and local) 
  • Photograph 
  • Dates and status of enrollment 
  • Major field of study 
  • Honors, awards or special recognition 
  • Weight and height, if a member of an athletic team 
  • Prior schools attended and degrees awarded 
  • Participation in officially recognized sports and activities

This does not mean, however, that the College will indiscriminately release such information about students. Requests for Directory Information on all Suffolk County Community College students or categories of students will generally not be honored. The College specifically excludes lists or compilations of data on all students or categories of students from its designation of Directory Information under FERPA, even if such list or compilation of data consists only of information which, if related to an individual student, would otherwise constitute Directory Information. Release will generally be restricted to information on individual students only, and each request will be considered on an individual basis by the Vice President of Student Affairs, the College Registrar, the Campus Associate Dean of Student Services, or the Office of Legal Affairs.

Opting Out of Directory Information: Currently enrolled students may request that the College not release their Directory Information under any circumstances by completing the "Request to Prevent Disclosure of Directory Information" form. This form must be submitted to the campus Registrar's Office, and will be in effect until the student revokes the request in writing. The College assumes that failure on the part of any student to specifically request the withholding of "Directory Information" by filling out the form indicates individual approval for disclosure.

Campus Crime Statistics

Suffolk County Community College hereby informs students that information on campus crime statistics, safety awareness, crime prevention, alcohol and drug laws and substance abuse education, and policies and programs concerning sexual assault and sexual harassment are available on the College website at Crime statistics for Suffolk County Community College, as well as other colleges throughout the United States, are also available online through the U.S. Department of Education. For additional information, contact the College Director of Public Safety at 631-451-4212.

Special Academic Programs

Honors Program

Program Overview

The Honors Program offers interdisciplinary learning opportunities for academically talented and highly motivated students. It is grounded in the traditions of the liberal arts and stresses the connections among various disciplines and the tools of artistic and intellectual creativity.  The Honors Program is an enrichment program for academically talented and highly motivated students designed to augment and complement a student's program of study.

Admission Process:

  1. An Honors Program application, which is separate from and in addition to the application for admission to the college.
    Download the application here.
  2. A letter of recommendation from a person familiar with the applicant's academic performance or potential. In particular the letter should address the candidate's verbal skills, intellectual ability, and academic motivation.
  3. An essay of approximately 500 words that gives a perspective on the applicant both as a student and a person. The topic is open, but it should reflect the applicant’s best writing ability.
  4. For applicants from high school only, a copy of the student’s high school transcript, previous college transcript(s) and, if taken, ACT or SAT scores.
  5. New and continuing students may apply for admission to the Honors Program. Part-time and full-time students in all curricula are welcome to apply.

Minimum Requirements:

For entering students:

  • 85 un-weighted high school average 
  • strong writing skills
  • currently, the Honors Program is standardized test (ACT or SAT) optional. However, if a student has taken either or both of these tests, the applicant is encouraged to submit them, as they are helpful in determining scholarship awards.

For students already enrolled at Suffolk:

  • 3.3 cumulative grade point average

In all instances, alternative evidence of academic ability may also be considered.

Diploma Sequence

Qualified students may enroll in the Honors Program Diploma Sequence while engaged in a curriculum of their choice. A minimum of twenty-two credits distributed throughout the social sciences, humanities, mathematics and sciences satisfies the diverse requirements for this sequence. Honors enhanced course requirements are met by substituting Honors-level sections for regular courses. Graduates who complete the Honors Program Diploma Sequence will have that distinction noted on their official academic transcript and on their diploma.

Recognition Sequence

Alternatively, qualified students may enroll in the Honors Program Recognition Sequence as part of their chosen curriculum. The Recognition Sequence is accomplished by successfully completing a minimum of twelve credits of honors courses. Graduates who complete the Honors Program Recognition Sequence will have that distinction noted on their official academic transcript and on their diploma.

Honors Requirements and Graduation

To be in good standing, students must take a minimum of six Honors credits and maintain a GPA of at least 3.3 each semester. To graduate from Honors, they must complete one of the above sequences and have a minimum 3.3 cumulative GPA.

Individual Honors Courses

Individual honors courses are open to qualified students on a space-available basis. Interested students should contact the College Honors Coordinator for permissions.

Contact Information

For additional information, please contact the College Honors office at or (631) 451-4391.

Study Abroad Program

All Suffolk students can study abroad with other SUNY institutions that have active programs as part of SUNY Study Abroad Consortium.  To explore your options, please, visit

Please, contact us at if you would like to schedule an advising session to plan your Study Abroad trip.

The Study Abroad Program allows students to receive an immersive educational experience in their subjects of choice abroad, meet their peers from other countries, experience different cultural contexts, languages and traditions, and learn how to adapt to them. While studying in foreign countries, students also learn more about themselves, their home country and culture through the lens of the global community, and acquire intercultural competencies for future employment in the global workforce.

SUNY Study Abroad Consortium offers 1000+ Study Abroad programs to Suffolk County Community College students. The most curious and forward-thinking students at Suffolk every year take an opportunity to explore their interests in education abroad by enrolling into semester-long, summer, winter and other short-term programs abroad. Please, visit for more information.

Applied Learning

Students have the opportunity to incorporate classroom and applied learning into their degree programs through a variety of methods. Many programs require experiential learning experiences as integral to the degree and other programs provide optional credit-bearing opportunities. The College is committed to experiences that are structured, begin with appropriate orientation and training, are monitored, and include learner reflection, activity assessment and evaluation.

Among the applied learning experiences are practicums in clinical settings; internships in local businesses or agencies; cooperative work experiences; field study; student-faculty research; study abroad; service learning; and opportunities to engage in independent creative expression. Types of experiences and the number offered vary by degree program. The purpose is to ensure that there is integration between classroom theory and practical experience. Often these experiences include a seminar or capstone class which helps students to make that important connection between theory and practice. Through experiential course offerings students can explore a career and prepare for future employment or advanced studies.

Many applied learning experiences have entrance requirements, involve the purchase of student liability insurance, and may have limited enrollment. All interested students are encouraged to contact their academic department or campus career office and they will be assisted or referred as appropriate. In programs where an applied learning experience is required to complete the curriculum, it is recommended that students begin the application process prior to registration. Applied learning opportunities may be offered within several programs including Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies.

In addition to those credit-bearing experiences, the College provides many applied learning opportunities that do not involve the awarding of academic credit. Students should consult the Student Life section of this catalog for some of these offerings. Lastly, each campus can provide guidance to students on the scores of opportunities related to community service and engagement, creative expression, leadership development, and campus employment.

Automotive Technology

General Motors Automotive Service Educational Program (ASEP)

The GM ASEP training program combines academic coursework with exciting state of the art automotive service training.  Real world internship experiences give students the best possible preparation for automotive careers with GM products. 

The program teaches exclusively on current GM products and incorporates advanced automotive technical training with a strong academic foundation of math, reading, and electronics. 

Students in the program will alternate between the classroom and hands on work experience at sponsoring GM dealerships.  This unique combination of both analytical and technical skills results in a solid education combined with invaluable work experience.

Learn more at

Honda Professional Automotive Career Training (PACT)

The Professional Automotive Career Training (PACT) program promotes lifelong learning by providing the right training for the right people at the right time for Honda dealerships. The purpose of this program is to prepare students for entry-level employment as a Honda or Acura automotive technician. PACT provides the factory certification and education needed to begin or advance your automotive career. PACT students earn certifications that qualify them to work and earn money in an entry-level position, these positions such as Express-Level Tech or Express Service Advisor are the building blocks of the dealer service department. Our program reflects this building-block approach and includes theory, diagnosis, repair and maintenance of late model Honda and Acura vehicles with complex advance electronic systems. Emphasis is also placed on operational theory, practical skills and accepted shop procedures.

Learn more at

Toyota Technical Education Network (T-TEN)

T-TEN is a world-renowned technical training program partnership with Toyota.  With its proven record of placing thousands of Toyota and Lexus certified technicians in well-paid dealership positions, the program assists aspiring technicians to get the training they need to qualify for interesting and rewarding careers.

Together, Suffolk Community College and T-TEN provide state-of-the-art automotive training in both classroom and workshop settings. T-TEN students learn and earn in a supportive environment while receiving instruction from factory-trained teachers and guidance from dealership mentors, graduating from the program with the confidence, skills, and certifications needed to launch a challenging and profitable career. 

Learn more at

Subaru University

Subaru-U is designed to create a unique partnership between Subaru of America, the retailer, and high performing post-secondary institutions. By infusing Subaru's Web-Based Training (WBT) into the existing curriculum, students have the ability to take most of the entry-level training that is required of all Subaru technicians. Students can even opt to take a Subaru Level 2 Instructor Led Training Test-out and advance their training even further. Students at participating Subaru-U partner schools can gain valuable knowledge of Subaru vehicle systems that can better prepare them for possible employment in any one of approximately 600 Subaru retailers nationwide.

Learn more at

Fiat Chrysler – MOPAR Career Automotive Program (MCAP)

The Mopar® Career Automotive Program (MCAP) provides students the benefit of learning the latest FCA US LLC diagnostic technologies and service information which can immediately be applied through opportunities to work at a Chrysler, Jeep®, Dodge, Ram and FIAT® dealers. This industry-leading training puts MCAP grads in higher demand than technicians with a generic certificate or degree, which could mean higher job-placement and earning potential.

Learn more at

Nissan Technician Training Academy – Infiniti

NISSAN Technician Training Academy (NTTA) prepares students for a career as a factory-trained technician at NISSAN and INFINITI dealerships nationwide. Students gain hands-on automotive diagnosis and repair experience, qualifying them to step into one of the estimated additional 6,000 technician jobs NISSAN and INFINITI dealerships expect to offer over the next 5 years.

NTTA Program benefits include factory-specific training, NISSAN & ASE certification and apprenticeship Opportunities.

Learn more at

Mercedes Benz Campus

Take your skills to the next level with the leading instruction, equipment, and tools essential for success from Mercedes-Benz.

MB Campus opens your pathway to become a Mercedes-Benz Registered Technician by providing:

  • Exposure to innovative Mercedes-Benz technologies and products
  • Skill set for success as a Mercedes-Benz Registered Technician, and beyond
  • Potential internship opportunity at a Mercedes-Benz dealership

Working on a vehicle as sophisticated as a Mercedes-Benz requires a thorough understanding of cutting-edge technology. From engine diagnostics to electrical systems, the courses combine online and real-world teachings to prepare you with the skills you'll need as a technician. Better yet, since these courses are a collaboration between dealerships and your school, vou'll eniov the convenience of studying at your own campus while you:

  • Gain experience on the latest equipment in the industry
  • Receive basic to intermediate technical training from campus instructors
  • Complete the online courses) and in-dealer internship to earn your Mercedes-Benz Registered Technician certification

Learn more here

Ford ACE

Ford Automotive Career Exploration is a partnership program between Ford Motor Company, Ford/Lincoln dealerships, and secondary and post-secondary educational intuitions. The intent of the program is to raise awareness and increase interest in career opportunities within the automotive industry, ultimately as a service technician.

Students attending a Ford ACE partnership school can obtain valuable knowledge of Ford/Lincoln vehicle systems by completing Web-Based Training (WBT) via our Learning Management System (LMS). These courses are a subset of the same courses taken by our current dealership technicians. By completing these WBT courses, the students are one step closer towards a career in the automotive industry, beginning as an entry level automotive service technician at a Ford/Lincoln dealership

Learn more at

ASE Education Foundation

The ASE Education Foundation is a non-profit organization that evaluates and accredits entry-level automotive technology education programs against standards developed by the automotive service industry. It also develops career-readiness education for students which fuse local partnerships, rigorous standard-based education, workplace experience, and mentorship together.

The mission of the foundation is to improve the quality of automotive technician training programs nationwide at secondary and post-secondary, public and proprietary schools. To accomplish this mission ASE examines the structure, resources and quality of training programs and evaluates them against standards established by the industry.  These standards reflect the skills that students must master to be successful in the industry.

The automotive service and repair industry have changed tremendously in the last decade.  Working on today’s cars requires a deeper understanding of the technology that goes into the modern, more sophisticated automobile.  This increased sophistication means schools need to stay current to properly educate students to meet industry standards.  That is why accreditation for automotive programs is so important.

Suffolk County Community College automotive training programs have earned ASE Education Foundation accreditation.  This ensures our training meets the highest standards, bringing credibility, prestige, and industry recognition to our top-notch programs. 

Learn more at

The National Coalition of Certification Centers (NC3)

NC3 was established to help build a workforce prepared to meet the needs of today’s and tomorrow’s industries by connecting employers and educational institutions in synergistic partnerships that foster effective training, elevation of skilled careers, and employment opportunities. In fulfilling its mission, NC3 builds deep industry-educational partnerships and develops, implements and sustains industry-recognized portable certifications built on national skills standards. We envision an industrial labor market where all workers have jobs they need to thrive and all companies have well-trained employees they need to operate and grow. Through NC3 partnership, Suffolk is able to grant industry certifications through industry partners such as Snap-On Tools.

Learn more at

Snap-On Tools Student Educational Program

The Student Education Program (SEP) program offers technical students the opportunity to purchase professional quality Snap-on tools at a discount. Students get the TOOLS FOR LIFE they need for classroom training, and they can carry those same tools into their professional careers.

All full-time students enrolled in a Suffolk Automotive program and currently fulfilling their curriculum requirements are eligible for the Student Excellence Program.

All of the tool sets, hand tools, torque tools, diagnostics and tool storage found in the SEP catalog are available at student pricing.

While enrolled, a full-time student may purchase up to $11,000 worth of tools (at list price value) and may also purchase one roll cart or roll cab, and one top chest.

Learn more at


BioPREP: Biology Partnership in Research and Education Program

An NIH-funded program to encourage underrepresented community college students who wish to further their education and pursue careers in biomedical sciences. An opportunity to spend 10 weeks at Stony Brook University in a biotechnology laboratory learning molecular biology techniques and performing a mentored research project. For more information contact Rosa Gambier, at the Ammerman Campus Biology Department.

Beacon Program

Concurrent Enrollment at Suffolk County Community College

The Beacon Program, Illuminating the Pathway to College and Career for High School Students!

Suffolk's Beacon Program is a concurrent enrollment program that allows high school juniors and seniors to take the College courses at their high school campus during their regular school hours, while simultaneously working toward high school graduation. College credits earned through the Beacon Program can be applied toward high school graduation and accepted at the College or transferred to a multitude of other colleges and universities. Enrollment in a course offered through the Beacon Program generates an official college academic transcript for each student. Acceptance of credit for college-level course work is under the domain of the receiving colleges and universities.

The program is designed to provide curricular opportunity and enhancement of the college experience, but not its replacement. Therefore, students may enroll in no more than 30 college credits earned through the Beacon Program.  

Education provides the pathway toward building strong families, vibrant communities and skilled workers. As a comprehensive community college, Suffolk County Community College sees its primary purpose as providing access to high quality, cost-effective educational experiences that are designed to improve career prospects and enhance the quality of life here on Long Island.

Early College Program

Suffolk County Community College Early College Program (ECP) is an opportunity for high school juniors and seniors who attend our partner school districts to earn college credits while having an experience of college life. Students enroll in college classes and interact with college faculty, staff and other students. ECP students can earn college-level credits while continuing to complete high school.

All classes are taught by college professors, and ECP students are integrated into classes with college students. Each program participant is assigned an ECP counselor. With guidance from the College’s Program staff, students select classes from the general education program or take a sequence of courses in a particular curriculum.

Enrollment in courses through Suffolk’s Early College Program generates an official Suffolk academic transcript for each student. Successfully earned credits are accepted at Suffolk or can be transferred to a multitude of other colleges and universities. Acceptance of credit for college-level course work is under the domain of the receiving colleges and universities with general acceptance within State University of New York (SUNY) institutions. Graduates of the program have gone on to notable two and four-year institutions, including Suffolk County Community College and are strong candidates for their Honor’s Program.

Corporate Training

The Mission of the Corporate Training Center at Suffolk County Community College is to provide companies with cost effective training solutions that support their goals and objectives, fosters employee potential and growth and improves the overall well-being of their business.

Success and growth in today's economy are dependent on an organizations ability to attract, hire and retain a highly skilled, motivated and flexible workforce. The Corporate Training Center partners with local business and industry to provide workforce training and development solutions, tailored to meet organizational goals. We work with client companies of all sizes to assess learning needs, discuss training options and determine the best training solutions to achieve their business objectives.

The College’s Corporate Training Center, located in the Sally Ann Slacke building on the Michael J. Grant Campus in Brentwood, offers a broad array of workforce and professional development training programs designed to meet the needs of the region's business and industry sectors. The courses offered range from soft skill programs, such as Customer Service Excellence, Supervisory Skills, and Business Writing through computer skill courses in Microsoft™ Office applications as well as other specialized software. These courses are designed to upgrade and improve the performance of current employees, while adding value to a company by improving their efficiency. The Corporate Training Center also offers special seminars and conferences focused on relevant topics of importance to the business community. Companies can benefit from doing business with the Corporate Training Center, in that they offer flexible delivery options and schedules as well as provide training programs tailored to a company’s specific needs. Businesses from many different market segments have participated in these cost-effective programs, including manufacturing, health care, communications and retail among many. More than 400 companies have received training through the Corporate Training Center at Suffolk County Community College through both contract training and grant-funded programs.


In addition to offering a number of cutting-edge programs designed to keep pace with the rapidly changing technological and training needs of business and industry, the Corporate Training Center provides the ability for upfront consultation, which assures that course offerings will meet the unique needs of a specific company. This personalized approach assures satisfaction and tangible results for companies participating in their programs. In response to the needs of Long Island companies, the Corporate Training Center has met the challenge of providing cost effective, quality training through contract and grant-funded training programs.

Examples of such programs follow:

  • Computer Applications: training in areas such as Microsoft™ Office, including Word, Access, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint as well as other software programs such as AutoCAD, MS Project and Publisher.
  • Business Training: through contracts and grants, businesses can take advantage of a wide range of training courses to help improve their operations. Customer Service, Communications, Leadership, Time Management and Business Writing are only a few of the many courses offered.
  • Professional Development: owners of businesses have utilized the Corporate Training Center's services to improve the managerial and supervisory skills of their staff. It has also aided businesses in defining specific training programs for their employees and management personnel.
  • Specialized and Customized Skills Training: training courses may be customized based on client requirements. This customization allows for a more focused approach to training designed to address the unique needs, issues or problems faced by a company in today's business environment.

Apprenticeship Program

A Solution to Meeting Growing Workforce Needs

To meet the growing need for a skilled workforce, New York State has provided funding for community colleges to develop one of the largest statewide public/private partnership apprenticeship programs in the country. The SUNY Apprenticeship Program will assist in developing Registered Apprenticeships in Advanced Manufacturing, Cybersecurity, Artificial Intelligence and other high-needs fields.

As an approved apprenticeship related-instruction (RI) provider, Suffolk County Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Training Center is ready to support trade titles with related instruction in Advanced Manufacturing for the following trades:

  • CNC Machinist
  • Electro Mechanical Technician
  • Industrial Manufacturing Technician
  • Maintenance Mechanic (Automation Equipment)
  • Quality Assurance Auditor

The Apprenticeship Program is an employer-driven program through the New York State Department of Labor (NYSDOL), where companies may be eligible to get a related-instruction portion of an apprenticeship covered.

To find out more about related-instruction training, becoming a sponsor, or if you are interested in being part of our roundtable discussion, contact Suffolk County Community College's Advanced Manufacturing Training Center at 631-851-6200.

"Apprenticeship programs offer students the educational opportunities and hands-on experience they need to prepare them for the jobs of the future," Governor Cuomo said. See Press Release for more information.

The New York College Apprenticeship Network is paid for by a $7.9 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, administered by The Research Foundation for the State University of New York. and


Advanced Manufacturing Training

The Advanced Manufacturing Training Center offers many training opportunities to develop and upgrade skills necessary to begin a career in the manufacturing field.

The Center offers several programs such as CNC Operator, Welding, IPC certification, PLC/Industrial Automation, Mastercam, and Soldering and electronic assembly, among others. Each program offers a Completion Certificate upon successful completion, and offers the opportunity of National Certification in some areas. These courses are designed for the incumbent worker as well as those individuals interested in entering the manufacturing field. The AMTC provides students with a better understanding of what is required of those working in the manufacturing environment through both classroom and hands-on learning. Our location is a Certified Remote Testing Facility and provides associated testing in IPC, AWS, NATE, Certiport, and NIMS Certifications. Training is located at the Michael J. Grant Campus of Suffolk County Community College.

For more information and schedules, call (631) 851-6200, email or visit the website

Workforce Technology Career Pathways - This career can be yours, view the YouTube video: Workforce Development/Advanced Manufacturing

Business Outsourcing Opportunity

The Advanced Manufacturing Training Center also offers customized and onsite training. Call 631-851-6200 for details.

Entrepreneurial Assistance Center

Take Your Business to the Next Level

The mission of the Entrepreneurial Assistance Center (EAC) is to increase business ownership of Suffolk County residents by providing an intensive program of classroom training, technical assistance and ongoing business support during enterprise formation, operation, and expansion.

EAC has been an important part of the College’s mission and the economic development of Suffolk County since inception in 1995, with an operational focus on servicing English- and Spanish-speaking business owners, exposing youth to entrepreneurship and financial literacy, assisting current and future business owners with technical assistance, and helping them secure Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Certification (MWBE), government contracts and financing.

The Entrepreneurial Assistance Program (EAP) is the flagship component of the Entrepreneurial Assistance Center. It is a 60-hour entrepreneurial training course. held each semester, that teaches the basic business model of marketing, management, taxes, finances and legal issues to assist in the development of a business strategy and a business plan.

For additional information call EAC at 631 851-6214 or visit the website,

Grant-Funded Training Programs

The Corporate Training Center at Suffolk County Community College has worked with companies to help secure training grants from federal, state and county agencies.

Many grants provide a level of funding for specific training programs with matching funds required from the company that is participating in the grant. The participating company is also responsible for meeting specific eligibility guidelines of the grant awarded. This arrangement provides an opportunity to upgrade workforce skills at an affordable cost to the company.

The Corporate Training Center has secured specific grants for incumbent workers in the areas of Advanced Manufacturing, Workplace English, and other programs. These programs have allowed the training of displaced workers, economically disadvantaged adults, persons with disabilities, and veterans to receive vocational training. Many of these students have successfully completed their training, obtained full- or part-time employment, and have become self-sufficient, productive members of the community.

These programs also allow many to further their education and obtain degrees at Suffolk County Community College in Manufacturing Technology and other fields, or to obtain four-year degrees at other institutions.

In addition, this training has helped businesses and enabled companies to be more competitive in the global marketplace. It has allowed firms to upgrade the skills of their incumbent workers, increase retention rates, and remain an economic resource for Long Island.

Programs for College Students

The Office for Continuing Education offers a wide variety of College Course Review classes and Special Programs for college students.

  • Chemistry Review For Biology Students
  • Preparation For Introductory Science Courses
  • Math Review For Introductory Science Courses

Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP)

The Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) at Suffolk County Community College provides academic support services to underrepresented and economically disadvantaged students pursuing careers in mathematics, science, technology, health-related fields, and the licensed professions. CSTEP is funded by the New York State Education Department.

Learn more about CSTEP.

Science Education Opportunities

United States Department of Energy Office of Science Education Opportunities

Community College Institute (CCI) - The Summer Institute for Community Colleges is designed to provide educational training and research experience during ten weeks in the summer at a Department of Energy (DOE) national laboratory for highly motivated community college students.

Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) Mini-Course - The Mini-Course offers New York State CSTEP students an opportunity to participate in a four day introductory mini-course in Bioinformatics to be held at Brookhaven National Laboratory (BNL) during the school winter break. CSTEP also partners with BNL for an educational training and research experience during the summer, similar to the CCI program described above.

K-12 Programs (STEP and LPP)

Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP)

Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) at Suffolk County Community College is offered to students in 7th through 12th grades in selected school districts.

STEP is designed to motivate and prepare financially disadvantaged and underrepresented minority students for careers in science, technology and mathematics-related disciplines, along with licensed professions such as nursing and accountancy.

Learn more about STEP.

Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP)

The Liberty Partnerships Program (LPP) at Suffolk County Community College represents a cooperative effort between the College, the Longwood Central School District, governmental agencies and business and industry to provide a unique, comprehensive and supportive environment for students who may be at risk of dropping out of school. Its purpose is to serve those students who may not be reaching their academic potential by providing academic services that will improve their ability to complete high school and successfully enter postsecondary education or the workforce. LPP is funded by a grant from the New York State Education Department.

Learn more about LPP.

Driver and Traffic Safety Education Course

Suffolk County Community College offers high school students its highly regarded New York State-Certified Driver and Traffic Safety Education Course.

Suffolk County Community College offers high school students a non-credit, state-certified Driver and Traffic Safety Education program. Those who successfully complete the program will receive the MV-285 Student Certificate of Completion, issued by the NYS Department of Motor Vehicles. The MV-285 allows students with a NYS Junior Permit to schedule a road test, receive their senior license at the age of 17 instead of 18.

Programs are offered throughout the year.

Learn more about Drivers Education.

If you have any questions, contact the Office for Continuing Education by email at or by phone at (631) 451-4399.


Degree Types

Suffolk County Community College offers a variety of two-year curricula leading to the associate degree as well as several certificate programs. There are three different associate degrees, each having a specific purpose and differing credit distributions.

A.A. Degree (Associate in Arts)

This is a liberal arts and sciences-based degree for which the objective is preparation for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program, generally in a liberal arts major (i.e., English, history, philosophy, psychology, sociology, etc.).

View A.A. Programs

A.S. Degree (Associate in Science)

This is a liberal arts and sciences-based degree for which the objective is preparation for transfer to a baccalaureate degree program, generally in a professional field of endeavor (i.e., chemistry, engineering, computer science, etc.).

View A.S. Programs

A.A.S. Degree (Associate in Applied Science)

This is an occupation-based degree for which the primary objective is preparation for job entry immediately upon completion of the degree program (i.e., occupational therapy assistant, paralegal, etc.). While the emphasis is on providing particular occupational skills, each curriculum includes courses in the humanities, social sciences and mathematics.

Some graduates of these programs may also transfer to four-year colleges. The acceptance of courses for transfer are subject to the discretion of the receiving baccalaureate institution.

View A.A.S. Programs

Certificate Programs

A certificate may include some liberal arts and sciences courses, but are designed to provide students with practical knowledge and skills that lead to employment. Certificates vary in length but can generally be completed in one calendar year. All the certificate programs can be used as the first stage in an educational program leading eventually to an associate or bachelor's degree.

View Certificate Programs

Online and Evening Programs

Online Education Programs

Fully online programs provide opportunities for students to complete all course requirements without needing to attend any classes on campus. Course requirements and content for online degrees are equivalent to the College’s requirements for traditional campus-based (i.e., face-to-face) curricula.

View Online Programs

Evening Courses

Half the College’s student body is comprised of students enrolled in classes scheduled during the late afternoons and evenings, Monday through Friday, and in weekend course offerings. Most evening students are enrolled in one of the degree or certificate programs, but some students simply take a few courses to meet specific job requirements, prepare for advancement to better positions, promote self-development, or broaden their understanding of contemporary cultural and social phenomena.

Evening and weekend classes are offered on all three campuses. These courses are identical in content to those offered during the day session. Unless otherwise noted, all academic and administrative guidelines and regulations which pertain to full-time students also apply to part-time students. Students have access to the complete classroom, laboratory and library facilities of the campuses and are provided with academic advisement, counseling and other services.

Individuals who plan to work toward a degree or certificate should apply as a matriculated student through the Admissions Office. Those interested in taking credit courses for personal or vocational enrichment and not pursuing a degree or certificate, should contact the Campus Registrar's Office. For those interested in taking non-credit courses, please see Continuing Education.

Insufficient enrollment in a course or program, or in a given semester, may make it necessary for students to enroll in a day class, at another campus, or to attend extra semesters in order to complete specific required courses. Please consult with the campus Office of Academic Affairs on any campus for further information.

Visit Class Schedule for course availability.

Summer Sessions and Wintersession

The College operates summer sessions at all three campuses. This may consist of two consecutive six-week day and evening sessions, as well as an overlapping eight-week session for selected courses. Nine to 12 credits may be completed by enrolling in a combination of these sessions. Any matriculated student wishing to enroll for more than 12 credits must receive permission from the campus Academic Dean.

A three-week wintersession offering only day classes is scheduled each year in late December and January before the spring semester begins. Three to four credits may be completed during the wintersession.

In addition to the College’s own students, the summer sessions and the wintersession are popular with students visiting from other colleges and universities who wish either to make up or accelerate coursework in their own programs. Students not admitted into a degree or certificate program at Suffolk County Community College are considered non-matriculated and can only register for 1-11.5 credits. Visiting students need to refer to the Non-Degree Seeking Student Application.

Visit Class Schedule for course availability.

Duration of Study

Students can complete the A.A., A.S. or the A.A.S. degree in two years of successful full-time study, while most certificate programs are designed for one year of full-time study. Students working toward the degree or certificate on a part-time or minimum full-time basis should understand that completion of the program will take longer. Placement into developmental courses may also extend duration of study.

Increasingly, students find it difficult to complete the major in the suggested time because of family obligations, work hours or other responsibilities. The College understands these circumstances and encourages students to consult with the College’s counselors or academic departments for assistance in determining the optimum course load and time frame for pursuing their program of study.

Unless otherwise stated, there is no academic penalty for taking longer than the one or two years outlined in the curricula that follow. Some students find that attending the summer sessions and/or the wintersession provides an opportunity to expedite their progress in their program of study.

View All Programs

Curricula Descriptions and Requirements


State University of New York General Education Framework (SUNY-GE)

SUNY General Education Knowledge and Skills Areas, and Core Competencies

All students enrolled in programs leading to A.A., A.S., and baccalaureate degrees are required by the State University of New York to complete 30 credits of SUNY General Education Framework (SUNY-GE) in a minimum of seven of 10 areas. All students enrolled in A.A.S. degrees are required to complete 20 credits of SUNY-GE in four specified areas. Students must take the following:

1. Knowledge and Skills Areas 

The following four are required for all undergraduate-degree programs:

    • Communication – written and oral
    • Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice
    • Mathematics (and quantitative reasoning)
    • Natural Sciences (and scientific reasoning)

In addition, a minimum of three of the following six are required for A.A., A.S., and all baccalaureate-degree programs:

    • Humanities
    • Social Sciences
    • The Arts
    • U.S. History and Civic Engagement
    • World History and Global Awareness
    • World Languages

2. Core Competencies (infused throughout the General Education program)

    • Critical Thinking and Reasoning
    • Information Literacy

See below for the courses at Suffolk County Community College that fulfill the SUNY General Education Framework.

 PREVIEW: Academic Areas data will be output in Preview or Edit view

Communication – writtenGECW

Communication – oralGECO

Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social JusticeGEDI

U.S. History and Civic EngagementGEUS

World History and Global AwarenessGEWH

Transfer Paths

SUNY Transfer Paths

The State University of New York (SUNY) has implemented the Seamless Transfer Initiative to assist students, who have obtained an A.A. or A.S. degree at Suffolk County Community College, to transfer to a SUNY four-year institution with junior status. Seamless transfer is achieved by completing seven of the 10 SUNY General Education Framework areas and passing the required Transfer Path courses within the intended major with a minimum of a “C.”

Transfer Paths include lower division course requirements that are common to all SUNY campuses with the similar major. Transfer Paths exist for many degrees at Suffolk County Community College. Visit SUNY Transfer Paths to determine the courses that should be completed before transferring to the SUNY four-year institution.

Program Requirements

Core Education Graduation Requirement

As a condition of graduation, students in all Suffolk County Community College degree programs must satisfy core education requirements.

Students in A.A. degree programs must satisfy the following minimum requirements:

ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition - 3 credits
ENG102: Introduction to Literature - 3 credits
Humanities Electives (only one course may be English) - 9 credits
Social Science Electives - 6 credits
History Elective - 3 credits
Mathematics Elective - 3-4 credits
Laboratory Science Elective - 4 credits
Physical Education Electives - 2 credits
College Seminar - 1 credit
34-35 credits

Students in A.S. degree programs must satisfy the following minimum requirements:

ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition - 3 credits
English Elective - 3 credits
Humanities Elective (other than English) - 3 credits
History Elective - 3 credits
Social Science Elective (other than History) - 3 credits
Mathematics Elective - 3-4 credits
Laboratory Science Elective - 4 credits
Physical Education Elective - 1-2 credits
College Seminar - 1 credit
24-26 credits

Students in A.A.S. degree programs must satisfy the following minimum requirements:

ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition - 3 credits
English Elective - 3 credits
Humanities Elective (other than English) - 3 credits
Social Science Elective - 3 credits
Mathematics Elective - 3-4 credits
Laboratory Science Elective - 4 credits
Physical Education Elective - 1-2 credits
College Seminar - 1 credit
21-23 credits

* Currently, some programs exist with exceptions to one or more of these requirements.

Minimum Credits and GPA for Graduation

In order to graduate from any curriculum, students must complete a minimum of 60 credits for a degree and complete all curriculum requirements for a certificate while attaining a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0, both cumulatively and in their major courses. The courses constituting the major in each curriculum are designated with a ♦ symbol. Only the Adolescence Education programs, Childhood Education Studies and the Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies curricula do not designate major courses.

Two 2-credit courses may be used to fulfill a 3-credit unrestricted elective. All of the credits required for an unrestricted elective must be satisfied.

Program Requirements

Academic program requirements are subject to change. Students, enrolled in a program that has been revised, have the option to follow the program requirements in place when they were accepted into the program or they can opt to switch into the new program requirements. For further information regarding any curriculum, students should seek advice from the academic counselors, the Admissions Office, or the academic departments on any of the three campuses.

Majors and Programs

Getting the latest
Getting the latest


Course Guidelines

All course descriptions and learning outcomes are discipline-specific and must be followed.

Each course description includes one or more of these designations: A, E, G. The letters indicate whether the course can be offered on or by the Ammerman (A), Eastern (E) and Michael J. Grant (G) campuses, respectively.

Many courses are offered both day and evening every semester. However, certain courses are offered only in the day (or only in the eve­ning), and some courses are not offered each semester. As course offerings are subject to change, please consult the class schedule available online, for a complete listing of all courses to be offered in a particular fall, wintersession, spring or summer term for each campus.

Certain courses have prerequisites, and the College expects students to have successfully completed all prerequisites before registering for such courses. It is the student’s responsibil­ity to make sure that all course prerequisites are completed before registering for a course. Ques­tions concerning course prerequisites should be directed to an appropriate academic chairper­son, counselor, or academic dean. The College re­serves the right to prohibit a student from attending a class when it feels the course prerequisite(s) have not been met.

Depending upon their curriculum, students may have considerable freedom to choose courses according to their interests. However, enrollment in certain courses is restricted to students matriculated in particular programs (e.g., only nursing students may enroll in NUR courses). In some other courses, enrollment priority is given to students matriculated in particular programs, but if room is available, other students may be admitted (e.g., students in the health careers programs have priority in the HSC101 course, but others may take it as an elective if space is available).

Course descriptions are grouped according to subject or discipline, which are arranged alphabetically.

Some curriculum outlines, in addition to designating specif‍ic courses which must be completed, stipulate a “Humanities Elective,” “Social Sciences Elective,” “Science or Math­ematics Elective,” “Business Elective,” etc. In the list which follows, subjects or disciplines are grouped into these broad areas. A “Liberal Arts and Sciences Elec­tive” includes most courses in any subject area under the humanities, social sciences, science or mathematics areas, and some computer science courses.

Scheduling Suggestions

Generally, courses meet one clock hour each week during the semester for every credit hour stipulated in the course description. Thus, a "3 cr. hr." course meets three hours each week during a 15-week semester. However, two or three hours (or more) of laboratory, studio or other learning activities will count the same as one hour of lecture. Students should understand that one hour in class normally requires two hours of preparation, reading or outside work. Thus, a full-time student enrolled for 15 credits should be prepared to devote as much as 30 hours to out-of-class learning activities, in addition to time spent in the classroom.

While the College recognizes that most students must work at least part-time in order to meet their expenses during the academic year, studies have indicated that students' grades fall off significantly if they must work more than 20 hours per week while taking 12 credits or more in any given semester.

Distance Education

Welcome to Online Education

Online education is a type of learning where the student and the instructor are not physically in the same room, but instead use the internet and a learning management system (LMS) to interact with course material. At Suffolk, the LMS used is Brightspace.

Online learning works best for students who are organized, self-directed, strong in reading, writing, and in communicating through technology. Having access to a computer, printer, and reliable internet service is also necessary. You should have time and space where you can do your work uninterrupted. Lastly, you will need to dedicate 10 or more hours each week to an online course. 

There are different modalities for online education. To see a description of each, please see Online Modalities.



Independent Study

A student wishing to carry out a learning project that incorporates content and depth not available through regular course offerings may submit a proposal to do so through an independent study course. Application for independent study should be made in advance of the semester during which the course activities will be carried out and must be made in consultation with a faculty member who will serve as instructor for the course. A proposal for independent study must include a rationale for the course, a statement of objectives to be achieved, and a description of activities to be carried out in order to achieve those objectives. Approval by the Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs is required. Interested students are advised to consult the academic chair prior to preparing a proposal.

Independent study courses require, as a pre­requisite, matriculated status at Suffolk County Community College and six credit hours in the respective area of study with a grade of B or better.

All Independent Study courses are designated 297 according to academic discipline. 

Academic Areas, Disciplines and Codes Chart


  • AccountingACC
  • Business AdministrationBUS
  • Business: MarketingMKT

Engineering Science and Technology8

  • Automotive TechnologyAUT
  • Construction TechnologyCOT
  • CybersecurityCYB
  • DraftingDRF
  • Electrical Engineering TechnologyELT
  • Engineering ScienceENS
  • Fire Protection TechnologyFPT
  • Toyota Automotive ServiceTYT


  • ChineseCHI
  • Cinema StudiesCIN
  • Communication StudiesCOM
  • DanceDNC
  • Digital ArtDIA
  • Digital Media & AnimationDMA
  • English/JournalismENG
  • FrenchFRE
  • GermanGER
  • Graphic DesignGRD
  • HumanitiesHUM
  • Interior DesignINT
  • ItalianITL
  • JapaneseJPN
  • LatinLAT
  • MusicMUS
  • Musical TheatreMTR
  • PhilosophyPHL
  • SpanishSPN
  • Theatre ArtsTHR
  • Visual Arts/PhotographyART
  • Women's and Gender StudiesWST

Nursing, Health and Physical Education15

  • Addiction StudiesADS
  • American Sign LanguageASL
  • Dietetic TechnicianDTE
  • Exercise ScienceEXS
  • Health CareersHSC
  • Health Information Technology / Medical RecordsHIT
  • Human ServicesHUS
  • NursingNUR
  • Occupational Therapy AssistantOTA
  • ParamedicPAR
  • Physical EducationPED
  • Physical Therapy AssistantPTA
  • Practical Nursing (LPN)PNU
  • Sport ManagementSPM
  • Surgical TechnologySTC

Science and Mathematics9

  • AstronomyAST
  • BiologyBIO
  • ChemistryCHE
  • Earth Science/GeologyESC
  • Environmental ScienceENV
  • Marine Biology/OceanographyMAR
  • MathematicsMAT
  • MeteorologyMET
  • PhysicsPHY

Social Sciences7

  • AnthropologyANT
  • EconomicsECO
  • GeographyGEO
  • HistoryHIS
  • Political SciencePOL
  • PsychologyPSY
  • SociologySOC

Special Areas14

  • College SeminarCOL
  • Computer ScienceCSE
  • Criminal JusticeCRJ
  • Culinary ArtsCUL
  • Education/Early ChildhoodEDU
  • English as a Second LanguageESL
  • Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R)HVA
  • Information TechnologyCST
  • Interdisciplinary StudiesIND
  • Law/ParalegalLAW
  • Library ResearchLIB
  • Radio/TV ProductionRTV
  • ReadingRDG
  • Veterinary Science TechnologyVST

Course Descriptions


ACC101: Financial Accounting I

Computer lab-enhanced instruction examines nature and purposes of financial accounting theory, procedures and reporting for economic entities including financial statements and valuation. This course develops foundation knowledge for additional learning in subsequent courses. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ACC102: Financial Accounting II

An introduction to accounting concepts for partnerships, corporations, and manufacturing entities. The course focuses on long-term liabilities, financial statement analysis, statement of cash flow, managerial concepts and principles, job order casting, process costing, cost behavior, and cost-value profit analysis. Designed primarily for students anticipating careers in accounting or business or who otherwise require detailed understanding of financial and managerial accounting practices. Prerequisite: ACC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC115: Managerial Accounting

Emphasis on attention-directing and problem-solving functions of accounting with respect to management planning and controlling fiscal activities. Recommended for all students outside accounting emphasis. Prerequisite: ACC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ACC116: Practical Accounting

Includes three practice sets specially designed to provide students opportunity to prepare federal and state tax forms relating to depreciation, payroll, sales tax, corporate income, and franchise taxes. Also covers the one-write system, bank reconciliations and physical inventory procedures. Prerequisite: ACC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ACC137: Computer Accounting Principles

Introductory course providing students with hands-on use of typical computer applications software for accounting. General ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory and payroll systems set-up and utilization for service and merchandising business entities will be included. Note: Students need access to a Windows PC desktop/laptop computer to use the required QuickBooks Accounting (QBA) software at home. Prerequisite: ACC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC140: Financial Aspects for Small Businesses

Computerized enhanced instruction develops understanding and application of accounting software, such as QuickBooks, financial and managerial accounting principles and procedures as applied to small businesses. Designed primarily for students seeking an Entrepreneurial Certificate in anticipation of starting their own businesses. Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC201: Intermediate Accounting I

Stresses theoretical and analytical aspects of financial accounting. Topics include the Balance Sheet and Income Statement with particular emphasis on current assets, fixed assets and current liabilities. Pertinent pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: ACC102. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC202: Intermediate Accounting II

Involves same theoretical and analytical approach of ACC102 but topical emphasis is on corporate capital, long-term liabilities, investments, fund flow, analysis, and reconstruction of financial statements. Pertinent pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) are an integral part of the course. Prerequisite: ACC201. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC210: Cost Accounting

Basic principles and procedures of cost accounting and cost control in a manufacturing organization through study of job order, process and standard cost procedures, budgeting, predetermined cost, variance and decision analysis. Prerequisite: ACC102 or ACC115. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC212: Electronic Spreadsheet Applications for Accounting

Concentrates on financial and managerial accounting applications with particular emphasis on using advanced spreadsheet financial functions related to recording business transactions; developing adjusted trial balance; preparing financial statements; analyzing and presenting accounts receivable; analyzing inventory; accounting for property, plant, and equipment; examining bonds payable and time value of money; evaluating performance; understanding cost-volume-profit relationships; and capital budgeting supported by spreadsheet graphics, database and macro capabilities. Prerequisite: ACC101 and (ACC137, BUS112, or CST101). Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ACC214: Corporate Finance

Introductory course in business financial management. Deals with need for funds within the firm and alternative institutions and financial instruments available. Prerequisite: ACC102. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ACC218: Federal Income Taxation

History of income taxation, gross income and exclusions therefrom; deductions; credits; exemptions; capital gains; depreciation, inventory and accounting methods; accounting records; preparation and filing of tax returns, with special emphasis on small business and individual taxpayers. Prerequisite: ACC102 or ACC115. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ACC297: Independent Study: Accounting

Independent study courses in accounting may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Addiction Studies

ADS111: Addiction in American Society

Comprehensive exploration of historical, pharmacological, social and psychological aspects of abuse of and addiction to substances by society. Explores society's attitudes and misconceptions about substance use and reviews current theories of addiction treatment and prevention for both addicts and significant others. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS115: Dynamics of Addiction

In-depth exploration of biological, psychological and social theories of substance use disorder and addiction with emphasis on their implications for prevention and treatment. Related addictive behaviors including concept of co-dependence are studied. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: ADS111 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS120: Family Systems and Addiction

Comprehensive exploration of effects of addiction and dysfunction on nuclear and extended family systems. Focuses on identification, education and treatment of "significant others" who may be affected by a person's substance abuse or addiction. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: ADS111 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS225: Criminal Justice System and Addiction

Exploration of formal and informal responses of criminal justice system to crimes and social disorder related to alcohol/substance abuse. Includes analysis of effectiveness of both law enforcement and diversionary strategies to combat endemic problems of controlled substances and alcohol. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ADS111 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS230: Professional Documentation: Data Collection, Assessment, Treatment Planning

Comprehensive examination of all documentation utilized in various health system agencies, with particular attention to those agencies specializing in alcohol and substance use disorder treatment. This course includes actual preparation of various professional materials, i.e., psychosocial data and assessments, treatment plans, clinical reports, progress notes and other specialized material. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ADS111 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS235: Techniques for Counseling in Addiction Services

In-depth examination of basic precepts of helping relationships. The student studies and practices client interviewing, goal setting, development and implementation of a client action plan, and how to promote client motivation. Emphasizes working with the chemically dependent client. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ADS115 and ADS120 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS242: Vocational Counseling and Addiction Prevention Programs

Development and implementation of the Vocational and Educational Treatment Plan with an individual with a substance use disorder. Exploration of the history of substance abuse prevention efforts with emphasis on various approaches to the problem and evaluation of their effectiveness. Includes evaluation of needs of special populations within the larger community. Current theory and practice are reviewed through a study of several actual prevention programs. Students expected to develop and present a prevention lesson in the class. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: ADS111 with a C or higher or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS246: Advanced Techniques for Counseling Substance Use Disorder

Advanced counseling and therapy concepts and techniques that apply to assessment, diagnosis and treatment modalities for addictions and for psychosocial conditions that may coexist with the substance use disorder condition. Also addresses collateral treatment concerns for "significant other" persons involved with the client who has a substance use disorder as well as appropriate uses of supervision, peer support, professional affiliations, and continuing professional education for the practitioner. Working with health professionals on the treatment team emphasized. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: ADS235 with a C or higher. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS252: Professional Ethics and Cultural Competence in Addiction Services

This course will include the OASAS required hours specific to Ethics and Cultural Competence for addiction professionals, including the required child abuse and maltreatment mandated reporter NYS Education Department approved training. Coursework will include education on, but not limited to, understanding the ethics and professional responsibilities of the counselor-client relationship, the CASAC Canon of Ethical Principles, ethical decision making and conduct, critical thinking skills, counselor self-disclosure, confidentiality laws and regulations (HIPPA and 42CFR part 2), responsibility to seek out and utilize clinical supervision and the importance of counselor wellness and self-evaluation. The course will also address counseling special populations/cultural competency/diversity/equity/inclusion. It will provide knowledge of the specific substance use disorder prevention/treatment needs of particular populations and development of the skills necessary to effectively counsel individuals in those populations as well as training to develop the ability to understand, communicate with and effectively interact with people across diverse cultures. (offered spring semester only) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: ADS230 and ADS235 with a C or higher. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ADS255: Field Practicum or Cooperative Education in Addiction Services

Integrates theory with actual practice in a clinical setting. Students perform intake interviews and assessments; develop treatment plans, do counseling and present intervention and education approaches, all within the context of the legal, ethical and professional responsibilities of the addictions counselor. Involves off-campus fieldwork, a minimum of 270 hours of clinical experience and 30 hours of supervision. Students attend two-hour, weekly on-campus supervision seminars. Internship placements must be in a NYSOASAS licensed treatment program and be supervised by a qualified health professional. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (18 hrs. clinical, 2 hrs. seminar) Prerequisite: ADS120, ADS225 and ADS235 with a C or higher. Corequisite: ADS246. Offered on: G / 7 cr. hrs.

American Sign Language

ASL101: American Sign Language I

Introduces American Sign Language, the visual-gestural language of the deaf. Incorporates nonverbal communication techniques, basic vocabulary, grammar principles and conversational skills. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ASL103: Deaf Culture and Contemporary Issues

Introduces culture and heritage of deaf Americans and recent developments in fields of sign language and deafness. Covers causes of deafness, degrees of hearing impairment; educational, linguistic and social needs of deaf individuals; diverse philosophies of deaf education, and roles of professionals working with deaf people. Familiarizes students with contemporary issues and current trends. Presents future employment opportunities for persons with American Sign Language skills. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ASL105: American Sign Language II

Expands skills in American Sign Language. Emphasis placed on expressive and receptive conversational skills including vocabulary expansion, deaf idioms and creative use of visual vernacular. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ASL101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ASL201: American Sign Language III

Further development of manual fluency in American Sign Language. Stress placed on conversational regulators, facilitating behaviors, morphological process, subtle non-manual cues, sign fluidity and casual vs. citation sign formations. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ASL105. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ASL203: Fingerspelling

Introduces manual representation of words of a spoken language. Emphasis on development of hand configuration, basic word patterns, rhythm and fluidity. Additional focus placed on fingerspelled loan signs. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ASL105. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

ASL210: Comparative Linguistics: ASL and English

Emphasizes importance of the student understanding the two languages: American Sign Language and English, and working between the two languages as an interpreter or worker in the deaf community. Provides in-depth study of phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics of American Sign Language in comparison with those of English. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: ASL201. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ASL220: American Sign Language IV

Integrates well-developed American Sign Language communicative skills with interactive opportunities within the community of language users, i.e., the deaf community. Emphasis on cultural aspects inherent in the language: literature, values and attitudes, regional and social variations. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ASL201. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ASL297: Independent Study: American Sign Language

Independent study courses in American Sign Language may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


ANT101: Cultural Anthropology

This course aims to introduce students to a broad range of cultural similarities and differences found among human populations. Focus will be on understanding the interconnectedness of different cultural elements such as subsistence, family, economics, political systems, and religion. Students will also be challenged to look at the inequalities found within culture based on social class, gender, race and ethnicity. Notes: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences, SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ANT103: Physical Anthropology

Explores fields of paleontology, primatology and human physical variation as they relate to human evolution. Change and stability, adaptation and extinction are major themes. Findings from evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, and the hominid fossil record are integrated in order to understand the transition from ape to human. Where do we come from? Why do we behave the way we do? Where are we going? Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ANT105: Introduction to Archaeology

Explores basic concepts and methods of archaeological research, including nature of the archaeological record and how archaeologists generate and analyze data. Excavation, analysis and interpretation of material remains from well-known Old World and New World prehistoric and historic sites are examined. Cultural variation and culture change are major themes. Emphasizes application of these concepts to our own culture. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.


AST101: Astronomy of the Solar System

Introduction to fundamental aspects of planetary science. Topics include historical development of astronomy; basic concepts of celestial coordinates and motions; properties and individual characteristics of planets and their moons, asteroids, comets and meteoroids; and origin and evolution of the solar system. Students also learn to identify celestial objects (constellations, prominent stars, planets, etc.) utilizing planetarium, telescopes and unaided eye. Occasional evening observations required. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

AST102: Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies

Introduction to fundamental aspects of universe beyond our solar system. Topics include properties of electromagnetic radiation and its relation to study of celestial objects; structure, classification and evolution of stars, nebulae, star clusters, galaxies, and material between stars. Age, origin and evolution of universe studied in terms of modern cosmology. Occasional evening observations required. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory.) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

AST201: Observational Astronomy

One-semester course devoted to systematic observations of the sun, moon, transits, eclipses, occultations and meteor showers. Various telescope design such as radio, infra-red, X-ray and UV used for astronomical measurement and for further study of planets, deep sky objects, binary stars, variable stars and asteroids will be discussed. In addition, the various techniques such as photometry and spectroscopy will be mentioned. To best complete the coursework, irregular hours of observations, planetarium sessions and field trips are required. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AST101 or AST102. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

AST202: Einstein's Universe--High-Energy Astronomy

This course seeks to introduce the student to those topics that students are traditionally fascinated with, but are only briefly mentioned in AST102: Astronomy of Stars and Galaxies, such as Einstein's theories of relativity, the possibility and limits of time travel, exotic star death, the origin and nature of black holes and where they reside, the origins and possible scenarios for the death of the universe and the speculative evidence for the existence of the multiverse, and show how these ideas have come about from the work of Albert Einstein. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

AST203: Search for Life in the Universe

This course explores the question of whether or not life exists elsewhere in the Universe. An interdisciplinary approach will be taken using concepts from astronomy, physics, chemistry, and biology to explore the likelihood of life developing beyond Earth. In addition, the course will focus on recent/current developments concerning space expeditions designed to seek out possible forms of life on other worlds in our solar system. Sociological and philosophical viewpoints on the topic of life forming in other parts of the Universe will be discussed. Students will be expected to perform elementary mathematics, think critically, acquire and interpret data, present original thoughts/opinions in both oral and written form. The scientific method will be the cornerstone of the course's endeavors to demonstrate how to use scientifically established facts as the basis for the search for life beyond Earth. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

AST204: Exoplanets

Since 1995, thousands of exoplanets have been observed orbiting stars beyond our solar system. This course explores the methods astronomers use to discover exoplanets and determine their properties and how that information has furthered our understanding of our own solar system and what their existence means for the renewed hope that life may exist elsewhere in the cosmos. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

AST297: Independent Study: Astronomy

Independent study courses in astronomy may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Automotive Technology

Enrollment in AUT courses is limited to students officially admitted to the program. Students not in an Automotive program interested in taking AUT111 should contact the department.

AUT101: Automotive College and Workplace Skills Seminar

The course facilitates students' transition to and success at Suffolk County Community College. Students gain understanding of the primary workplace skills required by the automotive industry, including time management, goal setting, teamwork, conflict resolution and diversity in the workplace. Through discussions, readings, critical thinking and information literacy, students will develop academic skills, a connection with the College, and a familiarity with college resources and services as they prepare to begin a career in the automotive industry. Students are expected to enroll in this class in their first semester. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

AUT105: Automotive Portfolio I

The four units of A-Port will provide students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help students with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio I is job preparation and readiness and is designed to prepare the student for the work-based learning experience that begins in semester II. Students in the Automotive Service Specialist, A.A.S. degree must successfully complete all four portfolio classes and one summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. (offered fall semester only) (1.5 contact hrs.) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

AUT111: Automotive Maintenance and Light Repair

This course will cover the fundamentals of automotive maintenance and light repair and is designed for students who are preparing for entry into an automotive program of study, preparing for an entry-level position in the automotive service or for those who may simply wish to learn more about their own vehicles. This course covers a broad range of topics related to automotive technology. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT112: Integrated Automotive Systems

This course is designed to prepare the student for entry into the workforce as an automotive maintenance and light repair technician. The course will cover the theory, inspection and maintenance of vehicle systems and subsystems found on modem automobiles and light trucks. Major topics covered include: Shop safety, tool and equipment identification, component identification and vehicle service procedures. The lab portion of this class focuses on the hands-on skills and competencies required of an entry-level automotive technician. Students will be required to pass a final hands-on skills evaluation that will include performing entry level tasks required by the automotive industry. Students will be required to achieve a 70% or higher on the final skills assessment in order to register for Automotive Portfolio II. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT113: Automotive Electricity and Electronics I

Automotive Electricity and Electronics I will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of vehicle electrical and electronic systems. Major topics include electrical and electronic theory and diagnostic tools and resources. This course will introduce the student to the competencies required to take the ASE "A6" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Electricity and Electronics will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation. This is the first of two electrical classes designed to prepare the student for the ASE A6 Electricity and Electronics certification exam. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT117: Automotive Braking Systems

This course will cover the theory, maintenance, repair, and diagnosis of modem automotive braking systems. Laboratory procedures will include an in-depth study of the removal, disassembly, inspection, rebuilding, overhauling, installation, adjustment and the diagnosis of the automotive brake components and related assemblies. Major topics to include: hydraulic, pneumatic and mechanical, electrical and electronic components of the brakes of an automobile. The use of appropriate service information, tools and equipment will be emphasized. This course provides basic theory and hands-on experiences required for successful completion of the ASE area (A5) Brakes certification exam. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT118: Computer Systems and Fuel Delivery

Theory and operation of onboard computer systems employed on vehicles. Topics include introduction to Engine Control Module computer operation, input sensor operation and actuator output operation. Computer diagnostics and scan tool interface covered in detail. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT123: Automotive Steering and Suspension Systems

This course will cover the theory, maintenance, repair and diagnosis of automotive Steering and Suspension Systems. Laboratory procedures will include hands-on study of above lecture topics. Major topics will include: Wheels, tires, steering and suspension components, and wheel alignment. The use of appropriate service information, tools and equipment will be emphasized. This course provides basic theory and hands-on experience required for successful completion of ASE area A4: Suspension and Steering. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT124: Automotive Electricity and Electronics II

Automotive Electricity and Electronics II will explore the diagnosis and repair of advanced level vehicle electrical and electronic systems. Major topics include: Electrical and electronic control devices, test equipment, diagnostic procedures, electrical wiring schematics and electronic service information. This course will continue to prepare the student for the ASE "A6" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Electricity and electronics will be covered in detail. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A6 Electricity and Electronics examination at the end of AUT124. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT125: Automotive Portfolio II

The four units of A-Port will provide students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio II is continued development of job place skills. The work based learning experience will begin in early January before the start of the formal 15 week semester. Students will be required to complete 80 hours of supervised work based learning during this course. Students in the Automotive Service Specialist, A.A.S. degree must successfully complete all four portfolio classes and one summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Students will be required to achieve a 70% or higher on the final skills assessment in order to register for Automotive Portfolio II. (offered spring semester only) (1.5 hrs. practicum) Prerequisite: AUT105, AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

AUT150: Automotive Cooperative

The summer co-op experience will provide the students the opportunity to build on the skills required to be successful in the workplace. This course is designed to reinforce classroom learning through a supervised hands on experience at the worksite. Students will be required to complete 400 hours of co-op time during the summer co-op. Students must successfully complete all four portfolio classes and one summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered summer semester only) (3 hrs. practicum) Prerequisite: AUT105, AUT112, and AUT125. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

AUT205: Automotive Portfolio III

The four units of A-Port will provide students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio III is continued development of job place skills. Students will be required to complete 80 hours of supervised work based learning during this course. Students in the Automotive Service Specialist, A.A.S. degree must successfully complete all four portfolio classes and one summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (offered fall semester only) (1.5 hrs. practicum) Prerequisite: AUT150. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

AUT222: Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning

Theory and operation of auto heating, air conditioning and ventilation systems. Training focuses on diagnosing and repairing systems and control equipment. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT225: Automotive Portfolio IV

The four units of A-Port will provide students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio IV is the completion of the automotive portfolio and required work based learning hours. Students will be required to complete 80 hours of supervised work based learning during this course. Students in the Automotive Service Specialist, A.A.S. degree must successfully complete all four portfolio classes and one summer co-op experience for a total of 640 Hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (offered fall semester only) (1.5 hrs. practicum) Prerequisite: AUT205. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

AUT226: Fuel Injection and Engine Emission Systems

Combustion by-products contained in gasoline engine exhaust: carbon monoxide, oxides of nitrogen, unburned hydrocarbons, oxygen. Focus on systems used in vehicles to control these emissions. Students learn procedures and accurate specifications necessary to achieve desired vehicle emissions, including driveability diagnosis. Environmental rules and regulations and their impact on automotive repair industry discussed. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112, AUT113, and AUT118. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT234: Engine Theory and Overhaul

Begins with principles of internal combustion engine. Components and functions of gasoline engines studied. Engines are properly disassembled, parts identified, inspected, measured and reassembled. Engine break-in and proper testing demonstrated. Emphasis on troubleshooting, diagnosis and proper service procedures. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112, AUT113, and AUT118. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT236: Automotive Service Productivity and Efficiency

Different theories related to running productive service department. Students study ways to improve productivity which increase their performance, evaluation of specialized tools vs. their cost, costs of purchasing tools on time, evaluation of repair procedures for safety, and timesaving steps. Students conduct time study as part of course. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: AUT125. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT241: Manual Transmissions and Drivetrain Systems

Manual Transmission and Drivetrain will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of manual transmission I transaxle and drivetrain related concerns. Major topics include transmission removal and overhaul. This course will prepare the student for the ASE A3 technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Engine Repair will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for formal hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A3 Manual Transmission and Drivetrain examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT243: Automatic Transmission and Transaxle Systems

This course will cover the theoretical understanding of the principles, maintenance, diagnostics and adjustments required by today's electronically controlled automatic transmissions and transaxles. Laboratory procedures will include an in-depth study of the removal, disassembly, inspection, reassembly, installation, adjustment and the diagnosis of automatic transmissions/transaxle assemblies. Topics to include: hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical/electronic controls of modern automatic transmissions and transaxles. The use of appropriate service information, tools and equipment will be emphasized. This course provides basic theory and experience required for successful completion of ASE area A2: Automatic Transmission/Transaxle. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: AUT112 and AUT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT246: Automotive Dealership Structure and Functions

Various aspects of service management as typically found in automotive dealership. Topics include theory of service supremacy or other divisional equivalent, federal and state regulation, insurance, purchasing procedures, facility planning, lease and purchase agreements, customer relations, labor relations, and consumer group organizations. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT248: Introduction to Automotive Fixed Operations

Course will cover automotive service consulting and management operational procedures for different types of service facilities. Emphasis will focus on the tasks and duties of each member of the service team including the service consultant, technicians, and parts specialists. Topics will include customer relations from the initial contact to the presentation of the invoice, real-world work environment challenges, feature-benefit selling strategies, legal issues, warranties, campaigns and recalls. Job performance systems most commonly used by service teams in today's automotive facilities will be studied. The course is aligned to the tasks identified by the Automotive Service Excellence (ASE C1) for the Automotive Service Consultant Certification. (3 hrs. lecture) Prerequisite: AUT105. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

AUT255: Automotive Marketing

In this course students will learn the importance of automotive marketing and its related components. Students will learn to combine creative thinking with analytical findings to form an effective marketing strategy that will promote success and continuous growth. Emphasis will be placed on applying practices and techniques including detail oriented planning that result in an understanding of the importance of this fundamental skillset. Prerequisite: AUT105. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.


BIO100-129: Courses specifically designed for non-science majors. No science prerequisite.

BIO130-149: Introductory level courses primarily for health career students.

BIO150-159: Introductory courses for science majors.

BIO200-229: Intermediate courses primarily for non-science majors. All have prerequisites.

BIO230-250: Second level courses primarily for health career students.

BIO260-269: Courses for both science and non-science majors. All have prerequisites.

BIO270-280: For science majors who have completed the introductory science courses.

BIO295-296: Special Topics and Honors Special Topics Courses.

See “Environmental Science” or “Marine Science” for related courses.

BIO101: Principles of Biology

A one-semester survey course for non-biology majors. Key concepts include biological chemistry, cell structure and function, energy and metabolism, organization of multicellular organisms, genetics, evolution and ecology. Notes: (1) Course specifically designed for non-science majors. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO103: Human Ecology

The course explores the dynamic balance within the ecosphere. The flow of energy and mineral resources is examined in natural and human systems, and human impacts on this natural balance and flow of resources are studied. Social causes and solutions to ecological insults are also investigated. The laboratory examines, either through experiments or field study, characteristics of different ecosystems, stresses and impacts on different ecosystems, and current human actions to solve or prevent ecological problems. Notes: (1) Course specifically designed for non-science majors. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO105: Survey of the Human Body

Survey of biological chemistry, cell structure and function, tissues and organ systems of the human body, and genetics. Notes: (1) Course specifically designed for non-science majors. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO109: Plants and People

Through lectures, labs and field trips, plants are studied from three different points of view: historical, biological and ecological. From a historical point of view, the course emphasizes the role of plants in human development and their importance in history and discovery, investigating how plants are used by humanity in nutrition, housing, medicine and cultural practices. From the biological point of view, the course includes basic plant biology: plant structure and function, including cell morphology, plant anatomy and elementary plant physiology. Main groups of plants are studied with emphasis on flowering plants. Emphasizes hands-on learning. Notes: (1) Course specifically designed for non-science majors. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (offered spring semester and sometimes summer semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO111: Botany

A study of the principles of structure and function of plants. Plant cells, tissues, roots, stems, leaves and flowers are discussed in detail. Plant classification, ecology, growth and development, photosynthesis, respiration, genetics and reproduction are among topics covered. Emphasis on flowering plants, although other groups are treated in their evolutionary context. Activities in the campus greenhouse are an integral part of the course. Notes: (1) Course specifically designed for non-science majors. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO130: Anatomy and Physiology I

Anatomy and Physiology I is the first part of a two-course sequence in which the basic principles of the structure and function of the human body are discussed in depth. The topics covered include the study of human body plan and organization, homeostasis, chemistry and cell biology, histology, the integumentary system, the skeletal system and articulations, the muscular system, the nervous system and special senses. An emphasis is placed on the interrelationships among the body systems and the regulation of the physiology involved in maintaining homeostasis. Special attention is given to the application of these principles and concepts to health-related areas. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent and AP Biology (3 or higher within last 5 years), high school biology (85 or higher within the last 5 years) or BIO101, BIO105 or BIO150, with a minimum grade of C or permission by department. Recommended: CHE100 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO132: Anatomy and Physiology II

Anatomy and Physiology II is the second part of a two-course sequence in which the basic principles of the structure and function of the human body are discussed in depth. The topics covered include the endocrine system, the cardiovascular system, the lymphatic system and immunity, the respiratory system, the digestive system, metabolism, the urinary system, fluid/electrolyte and acid/base balance, the reproductive system, and development and genetics. An emphasis is placed on the interrelationships among the body systems and the regulation of the physiological functions involved in maintaining homeostasis. Special attention is given to the application of these principles and concepts to health-related areas. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO130 grade of C or better. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO144: Forensic Biology

This course introduces biological concepts and relates them to their application in forensic investigation and analyses of biological evidence from various crime scenes. The biological knowledge of molecular, cellular and tissue processes and their application in DNA analyses, fingerprinting, serological analyses of body fluids and other biological materials will be presented both in lecture and laboratory exercises. In addition, the role of the environment on body decomposition, the role of anthropology, entomology and plant materials in crime investigation will provide the foundation for application of organism interactions to specific forensic techniques. This course is designed for non-science and science majors. Note: Fulfils SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO150: College Biology: Cellular and Molecular Biology

This course is a comprehensive study of the basic processes in living systems at the cellular and molecular levels of organization. Basic chemistry, aspects of cell structure, metabolism, cell energetics, and elements of classical and molecular genetics serve as the foundation for subsequent investigation of living systems. The principles of evolution underlie all discussions in the course. This course is the first semester of a three-semester sequence designed for science majors. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory.) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: High school chemistry (B or better within 3 years), or CHE100 or equivalent; and MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO155: College Biology: Organisms and Ecosystems

This course is an introductory study of the basic processes leading to the biodiversity of life from the organismal to ecosystem level of organization. An in-depth study of natural selection and evolution will serve as the context for the study of the biodiversity of major groups of living organisms and their phylogenetic relationships. The course will also cover central themes in ecology from population and community structure to geochemical cycling in the biosphere. Designed for science majors. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Note: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Science. (2) BIO155 was previously BIO252. Prerequisite: BIO150 with a C or better. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO195: Special Topics: Biology

Special and current topics in Biology may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

BIO210: Field Biology and Ecology

The course considers the functional aspects of natural communities and ecosystems. The relation of ecology to evolutionary ideas is stressed and the natural population in its community serves as the basic study unit. Examples largely drawn from communities of North America, Long Island in particular. Field trips emphasize identification of local life forms and their role in natural communities. Lab work investigates general ecological principles. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO101, BIO150, MAR105 or ENV101. Offered on: A-E / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO244: General Microbiology

Introduction to microbiology by a survey of methods, tools and techniques used in studying main groups of bacteria and other medically significant microorganisms as well as the application of this knowledge to their physical and chemical control. In addition, the relationship of microorganisms to biotechnology and disease is discussed. This course is recommended for students interested in nursing and other health sciences. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO132 with a C or better OR BIO130 with a B+ or better and corequisite of BIO132. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO245: Kinesiology

This course explores human movement through anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics, focusing on sports applications. Students will study musculoskeletal anatomy, neuromuscular physiology, and exercise science, covering joint structure, muscle actions, and movement patterns. Key topics include energy systems and biomechanical analysis of sport movements. Through labs and movement analysis exercises, students will apply concepts to real-world scenarios in athletics, fitness, and rehabilitation. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: BIO130. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO246: Anatomy and Physiology of Human Movement

A comprehensive anatomy and physiology course that focuses on all aspects related to human movement. The course is designed for the Physical Therapist Assistant Program. In depth discussions on the myofascial, musculoskeletal, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and digestive systems will help give students a greater understanding of how the systems work synergistically to allow for human movement. Concepts involving the reproductive, urinary, and immune systems will be also be covered to create a holistic picture of how the 10 major organ systems relate to human function. Common pathologies that relate to the systems will be covered. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO130 with C+ or better. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO250: College Biology: Structure and Function of Organisms

This course is an introduction to the structure, development and the physiological processes of plants and animals. All levels of biological organization from the cellular to the organism are assessed. It includes the comparative study of major organismal systems including nutrition, transport and gas exchange systems, regulation of the internal environment, the nervous system, and reproduction. Special attention is placed on the phylogenetic origins and ecological placement of different taxonomic groups as their anatomy and physiologies are discussed. Designed for science majors. Note: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences (2) BIO250 was previously BIO151. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO150 and CHE133 with C or better. Prerequisite/corequisite: MAT141 with a C or better. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO262: Genetics

The study of classical and molecular models of inheritance with emphasis on advanced topics related to cellular, organismal and population genetics. Laboratory experiments using living organisms illustrate genetic principles and techniques. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO150 with minimum grade of C in the past 3 years. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO272: Microbiology

An introduction to the study of microorganisms and their environments. Introduces students to microbial physiology, microbial genetics (including recombinant DNA technology), immunology, microbial ecology and evolution. Designed for science majors. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite/corequisite: BIO250 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BIO297: Independent Study: Biology

Independent study courses in biology may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Business Administration

BUS101: Introduction to Business

Delves into the most significant activities in business. Topics include ownership, organization, marketing, purchasing, production, business finance, personnel, labor relations and government regulation. Recommended as background for further studies in business. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS102: Money and Finance

Basic coverage of money and credit creation, financial markets and financial decision-making. No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS107: Business Mathematics

Use of mathematics in various business applications. All problem solving is accomplished through arithmetic methods. Topics include percentages, simple and compound interest, discount interest, marketing computations, insurance, basic taxes and investment problems. Note: Does not satisfy mathematics/science elective requirements. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS109: Supervision: Concepts and Practices

Study of supervisory functions from viewpoint of the first-line supervisor. Emphasis on concepts of supervision and practices used by first-line supervisors in putting them into effect. Gives students actual practice through discussions of case problems arising from work situations. For students enrolled in certificate or A.A.S. business programs who plan to enter the business world immediately upon graduation. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS112: Computing for Business

State-of-the-art computer skills related to business major. Emphasis on integrated problem-solving approach. Trains students to make bottom-line decisions using "what if" models and decision trees. Business presentation skills presented using PowerPoint. Current technological business research skills emphasized. Students required to construct a one-page business website. Note: Credit given for CST101 or BUS112, but not both. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

BUS115: College/Workplace Skills Seminar

Introduces business student to general skills needed for success in workplace. Connects the college experience and its impact on students' skills necessary to compete in world of work. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirement for students in accounting, business-related and paralegal curricula. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

BUS117: Business Communications

Principles of business communication as they relate to the contemporary business organization. Emphasis on management approaches and solutions to communication problems unique to the business community. Topics include word/information processing, employment communication, and effective preparation of business correspondence and reports. Resume writing and marketing oneself for the job search is explored. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communications (Oral). Prerequisite: ENG101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS121: Office Management

Introduces scope and responsibilities of administrative office management. Topics include planning, organizing, operating and controlling office operations; leadership and human relations factors; and an overview of the effect office technology has had on the business world including telecommunications, reprographics, office systems, records management, data processing, word processing and voice processing. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS123: Entrepreneurship

Study of environment of small business and functions and philosophy of entrepreneur. Topics include problems in initiating and achieving success in new small business, including financing, marketing, management and legal governmental relationships involved. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS127: Organizational Behavior

Study of the nature of people in a business environment, significance of work, and the human resource. Topics include job satisfaction and motivation, formal and informal work groups, organization and authority, employee relations with the public, decision making and problem solving, the needs and goals of both people and the business environment. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS129: Human Resources Management

Study of purposes, objectives and techniques of personnel administration. The role of personnel administration, human relations, procurement, interviewing, selection and training of personnel, labor relations, research and control of the personnel functions. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS130: Retail Principles

Study of the retail organization, its structure, its personnel and merchandising policies, including introduction to various careers in retailing. Fundamental principles of locating, establishing and operating a retail store are developed. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS132: Retail Buying and Merchandising

Presents basic knowledge of the buyer's role in department store and chain operation. Involves a study of resources, buying techniques, and relationships with resident buying offices. Attention given to such merchandising data as prices, markdowns, stock turnover, markups and planning of stocks and purchases. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: BUS130. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS134: Introduction to Fashion Business

Surveys types of business enterprises, activities, operational processes, and their varied interrelationships in the fashion business. Concentration placed on developments and trends of major sectors of the marketing of fashion: primary market, secondary market and retailing. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS140: Law for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners

This course is designed to help students become familiar with common legal issues that impact the starting and running of entrepreneurial and small businesses. By understanding these basic issues, entrepreneurs and small business owners will avoid mistakes that can get them into legal trouble, as well as plan ahead to strategically take advantage of laws that can help their business run smoothly and grow. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS141: Fundamentals of International Business

Familiarizes business students with international business concepts and practices. Special attention given to organizational structure of international business; letters of credit; bills of exchange; foreign drafts; technical procedures; documentation; foreign, consular, and domestic regulations; foreign credits; insuring and financing; and exports. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS150: Cooperative Education in Business

Cooperative Education is supervised on-the-job training directly related to a student's academic major and career interest. Co-op students integrate classroom theory with practical work experience. Through a required weekly seminar, students receive instruction in employment communications and discuss work station learning experiences. Students must be available to work a minimum of 8 hours per week. Interested students should contact appropriate program coordinator on their campus for more information. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 24 credit hours (12 credits being in the business area, with the exception of CST students), minimum overall GPA of 2.5, and permission of the Academic Chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS160: Introduction to Business Analytics

This course introduces the basic concepts of business analytics. The course gives students an overview and exposure to key business analytics concepts with hands-on exercises in data visualization and mining, business statistical and predictive modeling, optimization and stimulation. Offered during the fall and spring semesters. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS201: Management Principles and Practices

Study of basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, direction and control. Emphasis on theory of management, organization and executive leadership. Case studies of actual business situations present problems requiring executive decisions for solution. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS208: Case Studies in Business Administration

Advanced capstone course for Business Administration (A.S.) majors taken final semester before graduation. Working individually and in teams, students integrate, strengthen, expand, apply and document business administration skills and competencies. Through solution of case studies, students demonstrate abilities to think critically, solve managerial, quantitative, and ethical business problems, and utilize contemporary business-related technology. Other active learning assignments may be included as students exercise effective business management and leadership skills and develop global business mindset. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 45 credits in the Business Administration A.S. degree curriculum, including ACC102 or ACC115, BUS201, ENG101, MKT101 and LAW111. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

BUS209: Issues in Contemporary Business

Advanced capstone course for Business Administration (A.A.S.) majors taken final semester before graduation. Working individually and in teams, students demonstrate abilities to think critically, solve managerial, quantitative and ethical business problems, utilize business-related technology, and exhibit effective leadership in response to current business events and case studies. Through variety of learner-centered activities, students assemble portfolios documenting effective communication skills, understanding, and practical knowledge of business administration. Prerequisite: Completion of at least 45 credits in the Business Administration A.A.S. degree curriculum, including ACC101, BUS101, LAW111, MKT101, and a business elective. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS230: Retail Store Operations and Administration

Study of day-to-day management of the store and its component departments. Emphasis given to functions commonly performed by retail managers during their first years following graduation from college. Major topics include management of personnel, inventory and equipment; store security; and administration of merchandising plans. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: BUS130. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

BUS295: Special Topics: Business: Management

Special and current topics in Business may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

BUS297: Independent Study: Business: Management

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Business: Marketing

MKT101: Marketing

Introduction to fundamental marketing theories, practices and problems. Attention directed to marketing strategies including distribution, pricing, promotion and product. In addition, consumer behavior and government regulation are examined in a marketing context. Current events and case problems are integrated with standard course material for discussion. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT107: Consumer Behavior

Examination of theories and research findings relating to consumer motivation and behavior. Employs an interdisciplinary approach by utilizing disciplines of anthropology, psychology, economics and sociology to understand consumers, their preferences, decisions and spending behavior, role of motivation, and use of such information as applied in marketing. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT201: Marketing Management

Advanced course in marketing management which focuses on major types of decisions facing the marketing executive in attempts to harmonize objectives and resources of the firm with opportunities found in the marketplace. Strengthens student's ability to analyze these complex marketing situations and to further define and select optimum alternatives through proper application of current marketing theory. Extensive use made of published marketing management case studies and marketing simulations. Prerequisite: MKT101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT213: Advertising

Study of procedures and techniques of advertising. Special attention given to purposes of advertising, creating advertising ideas, writing copy, trademarks, fundamentals of advertising layout, selecting and using media, market research, and the advertising agency. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT216: Principles of Sales

Study of basic principles of successful selling. Consideration of place of the salesperson in our competitive economy, developing a sales-winning personality, and the 'selling cycle' from prospecting through closing the sale. Films and practice sales presentations by students are included. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT218: Marketing Research

Techniques of doing market research, its application, methods of gathering information, sampling methods, analysis and final report writing. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: MKT101 and MAT103. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT220: International Marketing

Examines the marketing process and changing global environment. Focuses on problems, policies and strategies involved in marketing products in foreign markets. Prerequisite: MKT101. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT230: Sports Marketing

Exposes students to the sports industry as it focuses on the marketing of sports in the professional leagues, teams and events, amateur sports, sporting goods, sports media and the promotion of college sports. It also looks at marketing of non-sports products through sports with an introduction to sponsorship, licensing, branding and athlete endorsement. Students will apply marketing concepts and strategies to the sports industry through the development of sports marketing and promotion strategies and plans. Prerequisite: MKT101 or SPM101. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MKT297: Independent Study: Business: Marketing

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


Safety goggles and lab coat/apron must be worn in all chemistry laboratories.

CHE100: General Chemistry

A one-semester course introducing basic concepts of chemistry. Topics include atomic structure, bonding, chemical equations, changes in energy, gas laws, acid-base chemistry, solutions, and chemical equilibria. Laboratory techniques are introduced and followed by experiments which illustrate basic principles presented in lecture. Notes: (1) No prior knowledge in chemistry required. (2) Credit given for CHE100 or CHE122, but not both. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or high school Algebra I or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE105: Chemistry and Our Environment

A one-semester survey course for non-science majors, emphasizing chemical aspects of our human environment. It is designed to give students a general understanding of the basic concepts of introductory chemistry in relation to environmental and social chemical concerns, and focuses more on concepts than mathematics. Topics such as air quality, ozone layer destruction, greenhouse effect, global warming, water quality, acid rain, and present and future energy sources will be discussed. The laboratory will provide hands-on chemical experience and supplement chemistry principles presented in lecture. This course fulfills laboratory science elective requirement. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or high school Algebra I or equivalent. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE120: Introduction to General Organic and Biochemistry

One-semester course required for Veterinary Science Technology students. Basic principles of general, organic and biochemistry are presented with emphasis on applications to health science. Topics include measurement, states of matter, bonding theory, solutions, acids, buffers and pH, structure and function of carbohydrates, lipids, sterols, amino acids, proteins, molecular approach to enzymatic action, digestion, metabolism and nutrition. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (2) Restricted to VST students in the fall. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent and high school chemistry with laboratory. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE122: Foundations of College Chemistry

One-semester course presenting chemical principles, specifically designed for students enrolled in a science or engineering curriculum who plan to enroll in a one-year course in college chemistry (CHE133-134). Lectures provide introduction to general principles, laws of chemical combination, thermochemistry, electrochemistry and chemical equilibrium. Laboratory work illustrates basic principles presented in lectures. Notes: (1) When CHE122 is not available, CHE100 may be substituted with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) CHE122 may not be used as a substitute for CHE133. Neither CHE100 nor CHE122 may be taken after a student has completed CHE133 or its equivalent. (3) Credit given for CHE122 or CHE100, but not both. (4) Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or high school Algebra I or equivalent. Corequisite: MAT111 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE133: College Chemistry I

Two-semester sequence for students whose emphasis is chemistry, biology, engineering, physics, geology, meteorology, environmental science, medicine or dentistry. Includes study of general principles, laws of chemical combination, thermodynamics, electrochemistry and chemical equilibrium. Laboratory work is basically quantitative in nature and emphasizes experimental techniques and study through observation. Second semester places emphasis on equilibrium through study of inorganic qualitative analysis. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CHE100 or CHE122 or equivalent or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean and MAT120 or MAT124. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE134: College Chemistry II

Two-semester sequence for students whose emphasis is chemistry, biology, engineering, physics, geology, meteorology, environmental science, medicine or dentistry. Laboratory work is basically quantitative in nature and emphasizes experimental techniques and study through observation. Second semester places emphasis on equilibrium through study of inorganic qualitative analysis. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CHE133 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean and MAT120 or MAT124. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE200: Principles of Organic and Biochemistry

Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry is a comprehensive course tailored for students interested in health science and related professions. It delves into the fundamental principles of organic chemistry and the chemistry of physiologically significant compounds. The course provides an in-depth exploration of carbon-based compounds, emphasizing biologically important ones such as proteins, carbohydrates, and vitamins. Students are also introduced to biochemistry, including the metabolism of these key compounds. Furthermore, the course explores the bonding and naming of different classes of organic compounds and biomolecules, highlighting their cellular, medicinal, and industrial importance. The laboratory component reinforces basic techniques and procedures encountered in these fields. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CHE100, CHE122 or CHE133, or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

CHE250: Organic Chemistry I

Two-semester sequence presenting theory, nomenclature, preparation, fundamental reactions and reaction mechanisms of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds, including behavior of the major functional groups. Both chemical and instrumental methods of organic analysis, including separation and structure elucidation techniques, are developed. Basic laboratory techniques are taught and representative compounds are prepared. Some products prepared in the laboratory are characterized utilizing chromatographic and instrumental techniques. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CHE134 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 5 cr. hrs.

CHE251: Organic Chemistry II

Two-semester sequence presenting theory, nomenclature, preparation, fundamental reactions and reaction mechanisms of both aliphatic and aromatic compounds, including behavior of the major functional groups. Both chemical and instrumental methods of organic analysis, including separation and structure elucidation techniques, are developed. Basic laboratory techniques are taught and representative compounds are prepared. Some products prepared in the laboratory are characterized utilizing chromatographic and instrumental techniques. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CHE250. Offered on: A-E-G / 5 cr. hrs.


CHI101: Elementary Chinese I

First half of the introductory sequence in Chinese which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Integrated teaching methodology combines best of grammatical and functional approaches to language acquisition. Basic concepts of Chinese culture are introduced. Required online lab component. This course is for students with little or no prior knowledge of Chinese. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CHI102: Elementary Chinese II

Second half of the introductory sequence in Chinese which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Integrated teaching methodology combines best of grammatical and functional approaches to language acquisition. Basic concepts of Chinese culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: CHI101 or fulfillment of equivalent high school requirement. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

Cinema Studies

CIN111: Cinema Studies I: From Kinetoscopes to Kane

Traces origin and development of motion pictures from early Lumiere films to pre-WWII era. Includes screenings, analysis and discussion of significant films representing such topics as evolution of film grammar, German Expressionism, Soviet montage and American studio system. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN112: Cinema Studies II: From Noir to Now

Traces development of motion pictures from WWII era to the present. Includes screenings, analysis and discussion of significant films representing such topics as Film Noir, Italian Neorealism, French New Wave, emergence of national cinema, and American independent film. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisites. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN113: American Cinema

Introductory in film studies that surveys American film industry as an art form, an industry and a system of representation and communication. Explores how Hollywood films work technically, aesthetically and culturally to reinforce and challenge America's national self-image. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN114: Introduction to Film Analysis

This course introduces and provides a foundation in the language of filmic expression and the methods of film study through analysis of significant cinematic work. Emphasis is on ways of looking at film, the major concepts of theory, the various forms of film, and the techniques that determine visual styles. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN117: Digital Filmmaking I

Introduction to filmmaking technology and industry practices, including techniques of pre-production, production and post-production in creating digital films. Includes an overview of hardware components and software utilized in the production of digital filmmaking including cameras, lighting, lenses, audio recorders and computers. Emphasis on the principles of narrative filmmaking. Digital camcorders, computer-based non-linear editing and other equipment available in lab. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN118: Digital Filmmaking II

Builds on the fundamental skills of digital filmmaking introduced in CIN117: Digital Filmmaking I. Students will practice advanced filmmaking techniques including multiple-subject staging, split-editing of sound and picture, continuity and voice-over narration. Digital camcorders, computer-based non-linear editing and other equipment available in lab. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. Prerequisite: CIN117 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN156: The Documentary Film

Traces development of documentary film through viewing films, reading critical essays, and discussing and writing about the films. Students analyze films focusing on cinematic elements such as style, point of view and narrative. Students examine films as statements by individuals living within a particular cultural framework, as instruments of propaganda, as entertainment, and as devices which expand our perspectives of world around us. Notes: (1) Credit given for CIN156 or ENG208, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CIN242: Selected Genres in Cinema

Analysis of themes and their stylistic interpretation in notable films of a particular genre (i.e. science fiction, comedy, the Western, etc.). Through critical examination of historically significant films, with comparisons with original literary works, when appropriate, students will work toward a definition of the selected genre for the class. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE for the Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

College Seminar

The following courses may fulfill the college seminar requirement: ART105, ART144, AUT101, BUS115, COL100, COL101, COL105, COL110, COT101, CSE110, CUL101, CYB101, DIA100, INT115, LIB101, MUS115, OTA100, THR100, WST112. The College Seminar requirement may be waived for students who complete 12 credit hours of transferable college-level work on a college campus prior to enrolling at Suffolk County Community College. Students who complete at least half of their work as part-time students or full-time evening students may also waive the college seminar requirement.

COL100: The College Experience

This is a thematic College Seminar course in which the standard learning outcomes for COL101 will be taught within the framework of the selected theme. It is a rotating course, its content varying from semester to semester. Note: This course satisfies the College Seminar graduation requirement. No prerequisite. Offered on A-E-G / 1-2 cr. hrs.

COL101: College Seminar

The course facilitates students' transition to and success at Suffolk County Community College. Through discussions, readings, critical thinking and information literacy, students will develop academic skills, a connection with the College, and a familiarity with College resources and services. Students are expected to enroll in this class in their first semester. Note: This course cannot be used to fulfill an unrestricted elective. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

COL105: Personal Growth and College Life

Intensified version of COL101 intended primarily for students in developmental programs. In addition to teaching specific techniques for student success such as study skills, library use, test-taking strategies, goal setting and time management, this seminar specifically addresses non-academic student needs upon which academic survival may depend. Note: This course satisfies the College Seminar graduation requirement. It cannot be used to fulfill liberal arts or unrestricted elective credits in any degree or certificate program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COL110: Service Learning through College Seminar

The course facilitates students' transition to and success at Suffolk County Community College. Through discussions, classroom exercises, information literacy, and a campus project students will develop academic survival skills and a familiarity with college resources while fostering civic responsibility within their college community. No prerequisite. Note: This course satisfies the College Seminar graduation requirement. Offered on G / 3 cr. hrs.

COL297: Independent Study: College Studies

Independent study courses in freshman seminar may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Communication Studies

COM101: Introduction to Human Communication

Introduces field of communication studies. Through lecture, discussion, and practice, students study areas such as public speaking, small group problem solving, verbal and nonverbal communication, interpersonal communication, critical listening, and related areas. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communication-Oral and SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM102: Interpersonal Communication

Stresses development of interpersonal skills necessary for building and maintaining productive and positive relationships in a variety of work and social settings. Topics include interpersonal trust, self-disclosure, assertiveness, conflict and conflict management. Students study various theories of interpersonal communication and practice interpersonal skills in class. Note: Fulfills SUNY- GE Communication-Oral. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM105: Public Speaking

Introduction to essential steps in preparing and presenting speeches. Structured exercises and presentations are used to help students master each phase, including topic selection, audience analysis, research content, organization, style and delivery. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communication-Oral and SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM107: Small Group Communication

Application of communication skills to problem solving in small group context. Emphasis placed on dynamics, interaction, team building and related skills. Recommended for general studies and other non-nursing and health career-oriented students. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE Communication-Oral. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM114: Communication in the Digital Age

This course explores the history, social effects and possible future implications of digital communication. Topics include the formation of new communicative behaviors and actions, advantages and challenges of the new mode, and practical knowledge and skills for conducting digital communication. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM121: Oral Interpretation

Beginning course in oral reading stressing development of understanding of the meaning of literature and the ability to communicate this meaning to others orally. Included is study of recorded readings, and analysis, adaptation and oral presentation of representative literary forms. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM131: Theories of Persuasion

Study of theories used to create verbal and visual strategies designed to influence thinking and behaviors of individuals and groups. Also examines application of these theories to advertising, marketing, community affairs, political campaigns and public relations. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE Communication (Oral). No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM195: Special Topics: Communication

Special and current topics in Communication may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

COM202: Intercultural Communication

Explores how cultural differences influence communication. Emphasis on theories, concepts, research findings and practice in intercultural settings. Activities are designed to promote cultural sensitivity, enabling students to confront their own assumptions and cultural biases, and increase their intercultural communication competence. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Diversity, SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, and SUNY-GE Oral Communication. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

COM297: Independent Study: Communications

Independent study courses in communications may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Community Residence Service

CRS100: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities

This course will provide an introduction to the field of developmental disabilities. The coursework will familiarize students with various disabilities, and their impact on abilities, from conception through adulthood. Examination of disability culture, the law and how families and others are impacted will be addressed. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRS125: Community Residence Management I

This course will provide an overview of the historical perspectives, philosophies and operations of a community based residential or day program for the developmentally disabled population. Among the various topics will be a practical look at the care and treatment of the disabled, as well as skills necessary to ensure a quality program. Ancillary readings, in addition to the textbook will be provided. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRS297: Independent Study: Community Residence Services

This is an independent study class and topics will vary.

Computer Science

CSE110: Computer Science College Seminar

Methods and techniques students can adopt to promote their perseverance and success at the College in general and in the Computer Science and Information Technology fields in particular. Specific topics include college procedures and resources, academic advisement, time management, goal-setting, test and note taking, health issues and other areas related to student success in a computer related fields in college. Students are expected to enroll in this class in their first semester. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

CSE118: Fundamentals of Programming

An introductory programming course for the Computer Science major. Topics include basic computer and programming concepts such as hardware, software, numbering systems, identifiers, variables, constants, data types, and operations, standard input and output, selections, loops, functions and methods, single and multidimensional arrays, and objects and classes. The course consists of 100-minute face-to-face lecture and 100-minute instructor-led lab each week for 15 weeks. Weekly homework programming projects and a final project of at least 100 lines of source code are expected. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT111 or higher. Corequisite: MAT 120 or MAT124 or higher. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

CSE148: Object-Oriented Programming

An intermediate programming course for the Computer Science major. Topics include class abstraction and encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, exception handling and text IO, abstract classes and interfaces, graphical user interface, event-driven programming, binary I/0, and recursion. The course consists of 200-minute face-to-face lecture with some instructor-led lab practice each week. Weekly programming homework projects and a final project of at least 500 lines of source code are required. Prerequisites: MAT 120 or MAT124 or higher, CSE118 with a C or higher. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

CSE218: Data Structures and Algorithms

An extension of programming methodology to cover data storage and manipulation on complex data sets. Topics include: programming and applications of data structures; stacks, queues, lists, binary trees, heaps, priority queues, balanced trees and graphs. Recursive programming is heavily utilized. Fundamental sorting and searching algorithms are examined along with informal efficiency comparisons. Students expected to be proficient with a professional IDE for coding and debugging. The course consists of 100-minute face-to-face lecture and 100-minute instructor-led lab each week. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CSE148 with a C or higher. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

CSE222: Computer Architecture and Organization

This course covers fundamentals of computer architecture and organization. Topics include classical von Neumann machine, major functional units, primary memory, representations of numerical (integer and floating point) and non-numerical data, CPU architecture, instruction encoding, fetch, decode, and execute cycle, instruction formats, addressing modes, symbolic assembler, assembly language programming, handling of subprogram calls at assembly level, mapping between high-level language patterns and assembly/machine language, interrupts and I/0 operations, virtual memory management, and data access from a magnetic disk. A number of other programming topics such as C programming language constructs (control and data structures, pointers, arrays and functions) and their relationship to the underlying architecture are introduced. Instructor-led laboratory work involves programming and debugging using machine language, assembly language and C. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CSE148 with a C or higher. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

CSE248: Advanced Object-Oriented Programming

Development of the basic concepts and techniques learned in CSE148 and CSE218 into practical programming skills that include a systematic approach to program design, coding, testing, and debugging. Application of these skills to the construction of robust programs of 1000 to 2000 lines of source code. Use of programming environments and tools to aid in the software development process. The course consists of 100-minute face-to-face lecture and 100-minute instructor-led lab each week. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CSE218 with a C or higher. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Construction Technology

COT101: College Seminar for Technology

Introduces Construction Technology/Architectural Technology students to general skills needed for success at college and in the workplace. Connects the college experience and its impact on students' skills necessary to compete in world of work. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirement for students in the Construction Technology/Architectural Technology program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

COT110: Surveying I

Care and use of surveying instruments. Taping and taping corrections, differential leveling, traverse and area computation, stadia topography and construction surveys. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: MAT111 or MAT112. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT114: Construction Methods

Methods of residential and commercial construction including site preparation, concrete placement, timber and steel framing techniques, moisture control and finishing. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT115: Print Reading for Construction

This course teaches the student how to interpret and visualize construction drawings which are essential skills for the success of any construction design or project. Students will learn how to "take-off" estimated quantities of materials, understand the relationship between details, elevations, and plan sheets. Students will work through multiple projects learning how each of the prints interrelate in the construction document set. (2 hr. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: COT114. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT137: Architectural History

This course introduces students to basic theories of planning, design, structural innovations and materials of historically, socially and culturally significant architectural buildings from the Ancient Egyptian and Greek architecture to the present. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT166: Statics

One-semester course in statics. Includes vector concept of force, equilibrium, centroids, moments of inertia, analysis of structures, and fluid statics. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT 111 or MAT112 with a C or better. Corequisite: MAT120. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT233: Strength of Materials

Study of relationships existing between externally applied forces and internally induced stresses and strains in various types of mechanical or structural components such as welds, bolts, rivets, shafts pressure vessels, beams and columns. This is accomplished using principles of stress and strain, Poisson's ratio and thermally introduced loading. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: COT166 and MAT 120 or MAT124. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT236: Green Building Principles

Principles of Green Building Methods of residential and commercial construction that incorporate Green Building principles and technologies in support of the US Green Building Council LEED Program. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: COT114. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT240: Construction Estimating and Scheduling

Interpretations of plans and specifications, preparation of construction estimates, resource requirements in building systems, including large-scale Civil Engineering works such as highways, bridges and utility projects. Estimating databases, labor pricing, cost analysis from small-scale projects to heavy civil infrastructure are developed. Introduces the most accepted methods for scheduling construction project from start to finish. Typical projects are heavy civil infrastructure types, such as highways, bridges and utility projects. Students create and filter schedules based upon plans, manage schedules, compute critical path, and create reports and PERT charts. Students also work with various aspects of scheduling creation, with emphasis on maintenance of schedules. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: COT114. Offer on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

COT243: Professional Practices in the Construction Industry

Day-to-day operation of a construction contracting business is presented. Information presented includes practical matters such as business ownership, cost estimating and bidding, contract bonds, required types of insurance, construction business methods, labor law and labor relations. Codes and specification are presented as they apply to the previous subjects. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: COT240. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Criminal Justice

Although Criminal Justice courses cannot be used to fulfill social sciences requirements at SCCC, several are transferable as social sciences electives at various four-year SUNY colleges. See Criminal Justice Department for details.

CRJ101: Introduction to Criminal Justice

Introductory survey of federal, state and local criminal justice systems including police, courts, prosecutor, Grand Jury, trial jury, probation, parole, and correctional system. Gives beginning students broad overview of role of criminal justice in a free society and provides foundation for all other courses in the program. Emphasizes importance of ethics in the criminal justice system. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ103: Substantive Criminal Law

Study of prescriptive and proscriptive substantive criminal law. Considers in detail role of law in a free society, provisions of Uniform Penal Code as well as other state and local substantive laws, case illustrations of these laws, and impact of federal and state court decisions on enforcement of substantive laws by police. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ105: Police Operations

Introduction to philosophy, role and operations of police and other law enforcement agencies in our society. Includes historical analysis of policing, its culture, and its relationship to law and community. Examines complex problems police face in their mission to enforce the law while providing services in democratic society. Impact of computer and other technological advances on policing also examined. Emphasis on police ethics throughout course. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ107: Evidence and Procedural Law

Study of rules of evidence and Uniform Criminal Procedure Law as they apply to criminal court cases. Considers relationship of rules of evidence and fair procedural laws to justice in a democratic society, effect of federal and state court decisions on procedural law, evidentiary and procedural requirements for proper presentation of cases in court, and role of the police officer as a witness in court. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ109: Introduction to Corrections

Analysis of role of the correctional sub-system within the criminal justice system with an examination of the history and philosophy of corrections; nature and problems of the institutional system; probation, parole and other community-based alternatives to institutionalization; legal and ethical problems of the system; and an evaluation of the effectiveness of the system in reducing crime through deterrence and rehabilitation. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ111: Criminalistics

Applications of forensic science to investigation of crime. Studies in detail supportive role of the criminalist in assisting the investigator and proper collection and processing of a variety of physical evidence and its preparation for presentation at the criminal trial. Cases from federal, state and local police laboratories are used to illustrate basic principles. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ201: Human Relations and Criminal Justice

Study of complex relationship between criminal justice system and people in the community. Considers constitutional liberties of all citizens and role of agencies of criminal justice in respecting and protecting those liberties; behavioral manifestations of economic, social and political problems in the community and criminal justice response to such activities; and need for and methods of developing a constructive community relations program in the criminal justice agency. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ202: Introduction to Probation and Parole

Introduction to the theory and practice of probation and parole as alternatives to incarceration. Examines the roots of current social and political controversies in these fields. It includes an analysis of the processes and procedures of probation and parole. Also analyzes involvement of specialized private agencies and factors that impact on the imposition and revocation of probation and parole. Various career options are assessed. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ203: Introduction to Private Security

Provides overview of private security in U.S. Examines principles, methods and techniques used by the industry. Also focuses on internal security, proprietary policy, civil liability, risk management and analysis, legal powers and limitations, loss prevention and security surveys. Special emphasis on ethics in private security throughout course. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ204: Introduction to Computer Crime

Study of nature and extent of computer-related crime, laws affecting computer use, computer security and access, techniques used to uncover and prevent computer- related fraud, and current and future role of law enforcement in this area. Overview of emerging issues of privacy and Electronic Communications Privacy Act as it pertains to activities of law enforcement in area of evidence recovery. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ205: Introduction to Criminal Investigations

Introduction to procedures and techniques of criminal investigations. Provides overview of history of investigations, role of investigators and rules of evidence. Examines techniques for crime scene preservation, processing of evidence, surveillance, and undercover operations. Students identify and discuss information and research sources, write reports and learn case management skills. Role of computers and other advanced technology in criminal investigations also explored. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ206: Organized Crime

Overview of organized criminal activity in United States. Examines history of organized crime and various activities, both legal and illegal, in which organized criminal enterprises become involved. Analyzes role of law enforcement in combating organized crime as well as reciprocal influence organized crime has on politicians, media and public perception. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ207: Juvenile Justice

Study of nature and causes of juvenile delinquency and methods and techniques of police and other community agencies in dealing with juvenile misconduct. Also deals with role of substantive and procedural law and nature of the court and correctional system as they relate to the younger offender, as well as role of police in preventing and reducing crime through management of an effective juvenile aid program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ208: Terrorism and Law Enforcement

This course provides a basic understanding of terrorism and how it affects us as a country and as individuals. More specifically, the course creates a foundation for students seeking information concerning why and how terrorists function, methods for combating terrorism and the fear associated with it, homeland protection, prevention strategies, and the effects of terrorism on the balance between collective and individual rights. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ209: Criminal Justice Capstone Course

Forum for graduating Criminal Justice majors to synthesize and display knowledge expected after completing all core courses in program. Limited to twelve to fifteen students, seminar focuses on discussion of individual research assignments documented with written and oral report. Includes multiple choice examination based on Criminal Justice program's student learning outcomes. Note: All Criminal Justice students enrolling in Suffolk County Community College beginning September 2004 must take the Capstone course prior to graduation. Prerequisite or corequisite: CRJ101, CRJ103, CRJ105, CRJ107, and CRJ109 (15 credits). Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

CRJ215: Criminal Justice Internship

Integrates criminal justice theory with practical application. Provides opportunity to participate in observational and work assignments with governmental agencies and private businesses. Requires minimum of 90 hours of fieldwork, attendance at weekly seminar for one hour and fifteen minutes, and individual conferences between student and instructor. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. Prerequisite: CRJ101 and 2.5 GPA or better. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

CRJ297: Independent Study: Criminal Justice

Independent study courses in criminal justice may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Culinary Arts

CUL101: Hospitality College Seminar

Explores career opportunities and challenges that exist in many areas of the hospitality industry. Discusses contemporary management issues including diversity, retention, harassment and TQM leadership. Develops an appreciation for self-awareness, problem solving, critical thinking and time management techniques that will aid the student both in the classroom and in the workplace. No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

CUL105: Culinary Concepts and Sanitation

Food safety and sanitation are the foundations of all professional cooking. In this course, students learn professional standards and emerging issues related to safe food production. Sanitation lectures focus on issues of contamination and foodborne illness, establishing food safety system, the HACCP food safety system, cleaning and sanitizing, accident prevention, sanitation regulations and food protection. Students are exposed to concepts including managing workplace safety; tools and equipment; culinary and baking terminology; ingredient functions; recipe conversions; measurements; food costing; basic principles of cooking and baking; planning and organizing production as it applies to the professional bakeshop and culinary kitchen. Students are required to pass the Suffolk County Food Manager's Certificate or the National Restaurant Association ServSafe Food Manager's Certification. Prerequisites: RDG098, ENG010, MAT001. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL112: Hospitality Cost Controls

For any restaurant the key to profits is control. Course presents accounting procedures necessary to maintain profitable business. Topics include control areas of purchasing, receiving, storing, production, serving and appropriate computer application. Upon completion students are able to use these procedures to produce faculty-instructed restaurant projects. Prerequisite: MAT006 or MAT007 or MAT009 or equivalent; MAT009 recommended. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL113: Wine and Beverage Management

Provides complete understanding of setting up successful beverage operation, from layout and design to practical hands-on application and formulation of making wide selection of drink recipes. Examines differences among fermented beverages, distilled spirits, great wines and beers, and proper storage procedures. Culminates in development of successful beverage marketing program. Prerequisite: RDG098. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL114: Culinary Fundamentals

Introduces techniques to produce a wide variety of savory dishes in the professional kitchen. Flow of food through commercial food service operation including purchasing, receiving, storing, fabrication, production and service is examined. Upon successful completion of course, students are able to understand basic cooking principles and apply them through standardized recipes and menus. (6 hrs. lab) Prerequisite: RDG098, ENG010, MAT001. Corequisite: CUL105. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs

CUL115: Baking Fundamentals

Introduces techniques necessary to produce a wide variety of baked goods including basic breads. Lecture combined with hands-on application enables students to develop necessary skills to produce specialty baked products that incorporate proper texture, flavor, and presentation. Certification. (6 hours laboratory) Prerequisites: RDG098, ENG010, MAT001, Corequisite: CUL105. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL116: Dining Room Management

Service aspect of food service management. History and styles of service used in hotel and restaurant industry, determination of customer needs, and control and service of beverages are examined. Students are required to work special functions to gain practical service experience. Prerequisite: RDG098. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL120: Hospitality Marketing

The hotel/restaurant/tourism business is marketing. It is essential to determine what customers want and provide it to them when they want it. Furthermore, it must be all wrapped up in a beautiful package at a reasonable price. Students will learn the intangible nature of hospitality products and the importance of positioning, targeting, and image development. Prerequisite RDG098. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL132: Hospitality Supervision

Management's role in leadership is ongoing in a hospitality operation. Introduces students to current management techniques, including employee empowerment, cultural diversity, high-performance teams, service strategies, conflict management, and strategic career planning. Prerequisite: RDG098. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL215: Cultures and Cuisines

Presents the development of cuisine in a variety of cultural contexts, and explores the influences that regional differences in climate, history, and cultural expectations have on seasonings, ingredients, and preparation methods typical to an area. Exposes students to the preparation of meats, vegetables, a variety of typical dishes, and service styles for regional American, classical French, Mediterranean, and Asian cuisines. Hands-on course includes recipe production, menu review, and cultural terminology. Through recipe production and class discussions students gain working knowledge of multicultural influences on food ways from around the world. (6 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CUL105 and CUL114. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL217: Artisan Breads and Baking Trends

This course teaches students the proper use of yeasts, starters and mixing methods. Students will develop and understand proper proofing procedures, shaping and baking, ensuring the production of fresh quality bread. Students will produce a variety of artisan breads, specialty breads, enriched and laminated doughs. Properties and characteristics of alternative and gluten free baking are explored. (6 hours laboratory) Prerequisite: CUL105, CUL115. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL218: Decorative Cakes and Tortes

This course provides students with the knowledge and skills required to produce a wide variety of cakes using the proper mixing method. Various fillings such as curds, cremeux, creams and mousse are explored and utilized. Students assemble, ice and finish using different techniques to include buttercream, glazing and rolled fondant. They develop skills in making a variety of flowers and ornaments using a range of mediums such as buttercream, modeling chocolate and gum paste. Prerequisite: CUL105, CUL115. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL219: Plated Desserts and Confections

This course covers the preparation and presentation of individual hot and cold plated desserts using various plating techniques. Plate design, flavor and textural development are highlighted. In addition, this course provides students with an understanding of chocolate tempering, molded bonbons, truffles and a variety of confections. Prerequisite: CUL105, CUL115. Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs.

CUL228: Garde Manger

Explores the art and craft of the cold kitchen, where buffet platter decoration and presentation take center stage. Learn hands-on techniques for preparing smoked meat and fish platters, pates, terrines, mousses, galantines, and the making of great sausage or charcuterie. (6 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CUL105 and CUL114. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL240: Culinary Arts Internship/Cooperative Education

Supervised on-the-job training in establishment representative of hospitality industry. Students work 200 hours in their placement, attend on-campus weekly seminars and maintain journal. Taken during summer semester after completion of first and second semester program requirements. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite or corequisite: CUL215 or CUL219. Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs.

CUL241: Café Operations Internship/Cooperative Education

This course provides real-life hands-on experience in the setting of an actual on-campus bakery café. Students prepare and serve a variety of savory items to include house made soups, salads and sandwiches. In addition, students will prepare and serve an assortment of cookies, breakfast pastries, breads, individual desserts, cakes, tortes and gelato. Implementing front of house responsibilities which includes customer service, POS knowledge and hot and cold beverage service. (120 hours/semester) Prerequisite: CUL105, CUL114, and CUL115. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

CUL250: Culinary Capstone Course

Capstone course requiring students to apply theoretical and practical knowledge under an individualized faculty-supervised hospitality project. Project incorporates students specific areas of expertise, including culinary arts, recipe development, concept development, marketing strategies, beverage management and profitability analysis. Completed project to be thoroughly researched, written and presented orally both to faculty and students. Prerequisite: CUL112, CUL116, CUL120, CUL132 and (CUL215 or CUL217). Offered on: E / 2 cr. hrs.

CUL297: Independent Study: Culinary Arts

Independent study courses in culinary arts may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


Enrollment of CYB courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Cybersecurity and Information Assurance program. Students in Information Technology: Network Design and Administration may enroll in CYB111 and CYB121.

CYB101: College Seminar for Cybersecurity

College Seminar for Cybersecurity Technology majors introduces first semester students to the college experience and cybersecurity program at SCCC. Students will gain skills that increase their level of preparedness and success in the college setting. Topics include academic advisement, time management, study skills, library research, and campus resources. In addition, the course will cover topics relevant to the major, such as professionalism, ethics, electricity and power fundamentals, and safety skills related to cybersecurity. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

CYB111: CCNA Introduction to Networks

The Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of networking; from fundamentals to advanced applications and services. This course emphasizes theoretical concepts and practical application, while providing opportunities for students to gain the skills and hands-on experience needed to design, install, operate, and maintain networks in small-to-medium businesses, as well as enterprise and service provider environments. Upon completion of this course, the student will have completed the first of two courses that prepare students to take the ICND1 Certification Exam at a certified testing center. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB112: Script Programming

This course introduces the script programming paradigm and introduces and compares a range of scripting languages used for Windows, Unix and web-based applications. This course introduces the principles of scripting, covers few selected scripting languages in depth, and illustrates the advanced use of scripting by extensive case studies in application areas such as system administration, web application development, graphical user interface development, and text processing. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: CYB111 and CYB115. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB115: Client Operating Systems

Client Operating Systems introduces the features, functions and configurations of user-based computers (clients) to familiarize the students with cybersecurity protection systems. The Windows and Linux operating systems are highlighted during hands-on labs to configure and troubleshoot network connections, anti-virus applications, firewalls, intrusion detection systems and operating system management. This course presents foundational material that is used within other courses of the cybersecurity program. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CYB121: CCNA Routing and Switching Essentials

The Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of networking; from fundamentals to advanced applications and services. The Routing and Switching Essentials component describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in simple networks. Students learn how to configure and troubleshoot routers and switches for basic functionality. Upon completion of this course, the student will have completed the second of two courses that prepare students to take the ICND1 Certification Exam at a certified testing center. Prerequisite: CYB111. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB125: Cybersecurity Fundamentals

Cybersecurity Fundamentals provides a comprehensive overview of basic cybersecurity issues within client and server environment. Students comprehend / demonstrate the importance of client, server, firewall security and learn how to investigate / secure against cyber threats and vulnerabilities. Utilize various tools to investigate / secure firewalls, IPS systems and enterprise network through remote diagnostics, investigation / forensic tools. Learn to install, configure and monitor cybersecurity principles to secure an enterprise network. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB126: Intranetworking and Infrastructure

Introduces the hardware and software tools necessary to understand, deploy, and maintain an SMB-to-enterprise network infrastructure, covering devices such as servers, routers, switches, and intrusion prevention systems. The course emphasizes how to allocate network services within the infrastructure. Configure and manage Access, Authorization and Accounting: IOS, AD, RADIUS, TACACS+. Students acquire a greater breadth of network systems and software implementation from multiple manufacturers and the best practices for deploying, managing and monitoring a network. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: CYB111 and CYB115. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB231: CCNA Scaling Networks and Energy Management

The Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching curriculum provides a comprehensive overview of networking; from fundamentals to advanced applications and services. The Scaling Networks component describes the architecture, components, and operations of routers and switches in larger and more complex networks. Students learn how to configure routers and switches for advanced functionality. By the end of this course, students will be able to configure and troubleshoot routers and switches and resolve common issues with OSPF, EIGRP, and STP in both IPv4 and IPv6 networks. Students will also develop the knowledge and skills needed to implement a WLAN in a small-to-medium network. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: CYB121. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB233: CCNA Security

This course provides an introduction to the core security concepts and skills needed for the installation, monitoring, and troubleshooting of network security features to maintain the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices. Various types of hands-on labs provide practical experience, including procedural and troubleshooting labs, skills integration challenges, and model building. In addition to learning the fundamentals of designing, building, and operating secure networks, students also develop problem solving, critical thinking, collaboration, teamwork, negotiation, and entrepreneurship workplace skills. Upon completion of this course, the student will be prepared to take the CCNA Security Certification Exam at a certified testing center. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CYB121. Corequisites: CYB231. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CYB242: Information Security Capstone

This capstone course provides a review of methods for identifying network vulnerabilities, implementing network defense and exploring network forensics. Students have opportunities to implement a layered defense on a practical network, including using tools to analyze the vulnerabilities of a network. Additionally, students will research products that could serve as countermeasures against potential attacks, implement security features of the network's operating systems and develop alternate solutions based upon cost and level of security required. The course also provides students with the practical skills necessary to enhance their network security background and prepare for Professional Security Certification(s). (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: CYB233. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB243: Penetration Testing

The focus of this course is to learn the methods, knowledge base and skills needed to successfully handle the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of an associate-level Penetration Tester/Auditor for an internal or external test team. In parallel the ethical standards and implementation associated with these methods. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: CYB126. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB244: Security Operations

Students will learn the knowledge and skills needed to successfully handle the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of an associate-level Security Analyst working in a Security Operations Center (SOC). This is an entry-level position that requires the combine knowledge of computer operating systems (Windows, Linux and Apple OS), network infrastructure (routers and switches) and security appliances (firewalls, intrusion prevention/detection systems, and authentication systems) and relate events and logged messages to malicious actions or network intrusions. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: CYB231 and CYB233. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB245: Digital Forensics

The course is designed for students to learn the introductory concepts of digital forensics, digital forensics tools / security, incidence response file and OS structure related to forensics. Topics include the digital forensics of file systems and partitioning, computer and mobile device forensics, as well as legal, ethical and professional issues related to forensics. Introduced to identify, access and develop a digital fingerprint utilizing forensics techniques of the digital network infrastructure, architectures, explain the role of cryptography, and analyze issues related to managing security related to forensics. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: minimum grade of C in CYB243 and CYB115. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

CYB297: Independent Study: Cybersecurity

Independent study courses in Cybersecurity may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.


DNC101: Dance in Popular Culture

Students will explore and perform the fundamentals of styles including modern, folk, jazz, hip hop, ballet, and contemporary. The course will allow students to build a foundation in dance movement while studying influential pieces of choreography. The course will culminate in a final public performance. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

DNC105: Broadway Dance

This class is designed to teach the fundamentals of dance and movement techniques developed for the Broadway musical stage. Students will learn and create dances from the 20th and 21st century Broadway canon, while investigating the dance theories of historically significant choreographers. The class will culminate in a final class performance and public dance program. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

Dietetic Technician

DTE101 is open to all students and can be taken as an unrestricted elective. Enrollment in all other DTE courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Dietetic Technician program.

DTE101: Introduction to Nutrition

This Introduction to Nutrition course explores the types of nutrients our body needs, and how the body uses nutrients. Students will apply these ideas and concepts to developing a healthy eating pattern. They will understand how food choices and physical activity contribute to overall health and wellness. Lab will allow students to apply the fundamentals and math skills to various aspects and current trends in nutrition in regard to food and its relationship to health and disease states. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Corequisite: DTE103. Minimum grade of C required to advance to next course in the program sequence. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs.

DTE103: Nutrition Education for Dietetic Practitioners

In order to educate clients and facilitate change in their eating behavior, dietetic practitioners must be effective communicators. This course helps students improve their success as dietetic technicians by focusing on communication skills, education principles, interviewing, counseling, behavior modification, and evaluating group and individual instruction. Consideration given to effects of socioeconomic and cultural factors in relation to making food choices. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Corequisite: DTE101. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DTE121: Introduction to Clinical Nutrition

Review of nutrients from perspective of their absorption, digestion, metabolism and interaction. In clinical, students apply principles of nutrition including diet history, food intake studies, national nutrition guidelines, and menu planning and modification. Requires purchase of liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 90 hrs. clinical) Prerequisites: BIO105, DTE101 and DTE103 with grades of C or higher. Corequisite: DTE122. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 5 cr. hrs.

DTE122: Nutrition Through the Life Cycle

As nutrition educators, dietetic technicians must be knowledgeable about nutritional needs of individuals of all ages, genders, cultural backgrounds and activity levels. Course conveys information to be used by students in their professional roles as nutrition educators. Consideration given to community programs which provide nutritional support to those in various age groups; special needs related to exercise, stress and energy balance; consumer concerns about foods; and issues of domestic and world hunger. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisites: DTE101 and DTE103 with grades of C or higher. Corequisite: DTE121. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DTE201: Introduction to Food Service

Survey course introducing the variety of foods available, menu planning, purchasing and preparation. Topics include food measurement, legislation, safety and sanitation, preparation techniques for nutritional adequacy, and food acceptability. Food labs held in kitchen. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: DTE101 and DTE103 with grades of C or higher. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DTE203: Dietetics Seminar

Capstone course for the Dietetic Technician Program. Orientation to the profession of dietetics with an emphasis on professional organizations, ethical issues related to dietetics practice, and career and educational opportunities. Legislative and policy making related to dietetics is explored. Application of evidence-based practice is discussed and demonstrated. (offered spring semester only) Corequisites: DTE211 and DTE213. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

DTE204: Advanced Nutrition in the Community Setting

This course will look at nutrition monitoring at the local and state level in the US and the fundamental components necessary to develop effective community-based programs and services to improve the nutrition and health of our society. The placement in the community fieldwork component of DTE204 will be in a designated fieldwork site to apply skills acquired during lecture and clinical of DTE205: Advanced Nutrition in the Clinical Setting. Students will identify and describe the work of inter-professional teams and the roles of others within the field site regarding the delivery of food and nutrition in the community setting. (offered summer and fall semesters) (48 hrs. fieldwork) Prerequisites: CHE100 and DTE121 with grades of C or higher. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

DTE205: Advanced Nutrition in the Clinical Setting

Considers rationale and characteristics of selected therapeutic diets, their application, planning, calculation and menu adjustment. Purchase of liability insurance through the College is required. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 132 hrs. clinical) Prerequisites: CHE100 and DTE121 with grades of C or higher. Corequisite: DTE204. Minimum grade of C is required to advance to next course in DTE sequence. Offered on: E / 6 cr. hrs.

DTE211: Food Service Management

Relates to functions of food service manager regarding policies and procedures; food procurement, preparation and service; sanitation and safety in quality food preparation; interaction and communication of food service personnel with others; personnel functions, cost control and budget implementation; layout and design of kitchen equipment; and use of computerized data processing systems. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: DTE201 and DTE205 with grade of C or higher. Corequisite: DTE203 and DTE213. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DTE213: Food Service Management Fieldwork

Under direction of fieldwork instructor, student has hands-on experience in all aspects of food service management at a local health care facility. Requires purchase of liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 180 hrs. fieldwork) Corequisite: DTE203 and DTE211. Offered on: E / 5 cr. hrs.

DTE297: Independent Study: Dietetic Technician

Independent study courses in dietetics may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Digital Art

DIA100: Digital Design College Seminar

Introduces first-semester Digital Art, Digital Media and Animation and Graphic Design students with college survival skills for these distinctive degree programs. No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

DIA115: Digital Illustration I

This course examines the fundamentals of digital illustration and use of computer as a medium. Emphasis on concept, creativity and communication in drawing and composing illustrations, realistic modeling and rendering skills, and manipulation of digital software tools such as pencil, pen, and brush. Other topics are the historical development of digital illustration and the preparation of illustrations for screen, prepress and exhibition. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

DIA201: Digital Illustration II

This course focuses on the exploration of advanced digital drawing techniques. Students will be challenged to combine their imagination and computer software tools to create artistic solutions that are real-world, professional, and visually engaging. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: DIA115. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DIA202: Digital Painting I

This course expands digital art experience using raster software for traditional painting techniques and producing art for visual communication, self-expression, and conceptual ideas. Incorporated will be theory and practice of digital painting media, exploration of traditional and new forms of art making along with expanding one's creativity. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisites: ART120, ART202 and ART116. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DIA203: Portfolio Development and Assessment

Concentrates on assembly and production of a professional portfolio for the Digital Art program. Must be taken in third semester in preparation for transferring to baccalaureate degree program. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: Enrollment in Digital Art program. Corequisite: DIA201 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

DIA297: Independent Study: Digital Art

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: E / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Digital Media & Animation

DMA102: 3D Animation I

This course introduces fundamental 3D theories and principles of digital modeling and animation. Utilizing modern professional 3D software, students will develop skills in modeling, lighting, shading, texturing, rendering, and basic animation. Emphasis will be on the 3D animation production process. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: C or better in ART116. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DMA201: 3D Animation II

Based on knowledge acquired in DMA102: 3D Animation I, students learn advanced applications of 3D software in imaging, modeling, scene building, and development of complex animation sequences. Students will be introduced to and implement the principles of 3D character creation and animation, as well as advanced techniques in 3D digital lighting and camera animation. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: C or better in DMA102. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DMA202: 3D Animation III

This course incorporates processes and skills previously learned in animation classes. With a combination of individual and team projects students will develop a completed 3D animation project utilizing storyboarding, digital character development, production and postproduction techniques using digital animation, non-linear editing and digital audio software and hardware. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: C or better in DMA201. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DMA203: Digital Media I

Focusing on the use of technology as a tool for the production of cartoon-style animation for use in multiple industries including mobile, web, television and film. Emphasis will be on computer software's tools and concepts, including drawing, image, text, storytelling for animation, creativity, experimentation, and critical thinking in the development of 2D digital animations. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: C or better in DIA115. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DMA204: Digital Media II

This course will introduce students to film and motion graphics as related to commercial, broadcast, animation, main title, music video and other industry applications. Projects will be focused on the production pipeline which includes storyboarding, animatic, sound development, and rendering. Students will be introduced to current industry standard applications. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: C or better in DMA203. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

DMA297: Independent Study: Digital Media & Animation

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: E / 1-4 cr. hrs.


DRF112: Technical Drawing/Basic CAD

This is an introductory course to basic and intermediate drafting practices that tests students' ability to produce, read and understand technical working drawings. Included are basic geometric drawing, multiview drawing, measuring to scale and dimensioning of technical drawings. Work includes two-dimensional and pictorial (engineering and architectural) drawings created by hand and with the use of CAD (Computer-Aided Drafting). Note: DRF112 and DRF114 are equivalent and credit will not be given for both. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

DRF114: Autocad I

Trains students in use of AUTOCAD system. Topics include edit and inquiry commands, display controls, system libraries, attribute utilization and customizing techniques. Notes: (1) DRF112 and DRF114 are equivalent and credit will not be given for both. (2) This course is restricted for Engineering Science, A.S. majors. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

DRF217: Architectural Drafting: Residential

Basic residential planning, including floor plans, elevations, sections and perspective drawings. Selected specific topics are produced using computer-assisted drafting system. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: DRF112 and COT114. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

DRF218: Architectural Drafting: Presentations

Aesthetic design of simple structures. Topics include site plans, perspective, modeling and rendering techniques, and use of computer-assisted drafting system. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: DRF112 and COT114. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

DRF219: Architectural Drafting: Structural

Design of industrial and commercial structures, including structural steel and reinforced concrete working drawings. Utilization of computer-assisted drafting system for preparation of drawings is included. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: DRF112 and COT114. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Earth Science/Geology

ESC101: Introduction to Geology

Study of Planet Earth, its origin, structure, composition and the forces which shape its surface. Plate tectonics provides framework for understanding processes of volcanism, mountain building and earthquakes. External forces such as glaciers, streams and ocean waves are examined in order to interpret the landscape. Laboratories include studies of minerals, rocks, maps, photographs and other materials used by geologists to study the earth. Some fieldwork required. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ESC102: Evolution of Earth and Life

Introduction to evolutionary aspects of geology, development of continents, mountains and basins through the ages, and the parallel evolution of plants and animals. Laboratory stresses fossil relationships and stratigraphic problems. May include field trips. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ESC125: Planetary Geology

This course will focus on the geology and geological history of the terrestrial planets, planetary satellites and minor bodies of the solar system as revealed by the most recent planetary missions. Topics will include the origin of terrestrial bodies, the internal structure of terrestrial planets, planetary tectonics and volcanism, and surface processes such as meteorite impacts and weathering. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ESC201: Environmental Geology

Topics include sustainability as it pertains to our local and worldwide geologic and hydrogeologic environment. Topics covered will include geologic hazards, land use planning and development, surface and subsurface water systems, solid waste disposal and management, energy sources and consumption. Students will become familiar with site investigation and remediation techniques. May include field trip(s) and attendance at town planning board meetings. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

ESC251: Geological Field Studies

Geological field studies on and near the SCCC campus. Familiarizes students interested in geology with field methods in various geologic environments. Labs emphasize mapping techniques and field studies of glacial and environmental geology and include geophysical and hydrological analyses and mapping. Note: Travel expenses are responsibility of the student. Prerequisite: ESC101 or ESC102. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ESC297: Independent Study: Earth and Space Science

Independent study courses in earth and space science may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


ECO101: Current Economic Issues

Introduces use of economic methods for understanding social and political events dominating news headlines. Crime, health care, poverty and taxes are issues important in our daily lives and may serve as topics in developing the course. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ECO111: Macroeconomics

Course begins with simplified description of a complex matter: how and how well does a national economy work? Over short periods of time, production and employment are known to be volatile, while over longer periods of time production and employment grow. Why is each of these observations true and what is role of government (if any) in the process? Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ECO112: Microeconomics

Introduces structure and operation of markets for goods, resources and financial instruments. How does a market determine the price for a good? Within a market, how does the firm determine its profit-maximizing production level of a good and employment level of labor? How does competitiveness of the market affect behavior of the firm? Under what circumstances (if any) should government alter decisions of the marketplace? Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ECO297: Independent Study: Economics

Independent study courses in economics may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

Education/Early Childhood

EDU101, EDU102, EDU103, and EDU113 are open to all students and can be taken as an unrestricted elective. Enrollment in EDU211 and EDU221 is limited to students officially admitted to Early Childhood A.S. or A.A.S. programs.

EDU101: Foundations of Early Childhood Education

Overview of early childhood education theory, history, philosophy and psychology. Current issues also examined and critiqued. Includes 10 hours of field visits to various early childhood programs. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Note: This course is open to all students and can be used as an unrestricted elective in the Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU102: Curriculum For Young Children I

This course covers curriculum development, including activity plans, with an emphasis on the curriculum areas of math, science, and social studies. Principles of developmentally appropriate practice will be presented and applied to building a curriculum which is integrated, child centered and process oriented. Includes 7 hours of field visits to various early childhood programs. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Note: This course is open to all students and can be used as an unrestricted elective in the Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Program. Prerequisite or corequisite: EDU101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU103: Curriculum For Young Children II

This course covers the practice of curriculum development, including activity plans, with a particular emphasis on the curriculum areas of visual arts, music, movement, and language arts. Principles of creativity and developmentally appropriate practice will be presented and applied to the question of how to build a curriculum which is integrated, child centered and process-oriented. Includes 3 hours of field visits to an early childhood program. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Note: This course is open to all students and can be used as an unrestricted elective in the Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Program. Prerequisite: EDU101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU113: Infants and Toddlers: Programs and Care

Study of programs, curriculum and care of children ages 6 weeks through the second year who are in group care settings. Appropriate techniques for fostering emotional, physical, social and cognitive development of the very young are examined. Field visits to infant and toddler programs required as in EDU101. Note: This course is open to all students and can be used as an unrestricted elective in the Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies Program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU201: Introduction to Education

Focuses on foundations of educational system in U.S. Students study the school in relation to historical and philosophical premises of education; analyze relationship among social and cultural influences on school and curriculum; examine role of teacher within cultural context; and study physical organization of schools and classrooms in relation to educational goals and curriculum. Prerequisite: Matriculation in the Education (Child Study) curriculum (EDCS-AA) or any Adolescence Education curriculum with successful completion of 30 or more credits or permission of appropriate administrator. Non-majors with 30 credits may enroll with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communication (Oral). Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU211: Early Childhood Seminar and Practicum I

Examination of the role of the early childhood professional in an educational setting and in relationships with children, parents, staff and teachers. Fosters development of observational skills and instructional techniques. Registration in course requires students to purchase liability insurance through the college. Fingerprint, health and background checks may be required at the student's expense. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. practicum) Students will be placed in their early childhood practicum site based on the campus through which the seminar is offered. Prerequisite: C or higher in EDU102. Prerequisite or corequisite: C or higher in EDU103. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

EDU221: Early Childhood Seminar and Practicum II

Study of the young child's development of self-image and his/her perception of life, death and family roles. Registration in this course requires students to purchase liability insurance through the college. Fingerprint, health and background checks may be required at the student's expense. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 6 hrs. practicum) Prerequisite: C or higher in EDU211. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

Electrical Engineering Technology

ELT112: Electricity I

Fundamental laws of electricity as applied to solution of resistive circuits with any excitation. Laboratory portion enables students to gain practical experience in use of test equipment and procedures while verifying principles learned in the lecture. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Corequisite: MAT111. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ELT113: Digital Electronics I

Introduction to digital electronics. Topics include number systems and codes, Boolean algebra, and combinatorial and synchronous circuits. Laboratory portion of course emphasizes implementation of concepts developed in the lecture and trouble-shooting techniques. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Admission to Electrical Technology program. Corequisites: MAT111, ELT112, and ELT115. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ELT115: Technical Problem Solving

Practical methods of solving technical problems are explored. Flowcharting and computer programming skills are developed as tools in the problem solving-process. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Admission to Electrical Technology program. Corequisites: MAT111, ELT112, and ELT113. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

ELT221: Electronic Applications of Mathematics

Explores mathematical theory applied to electronic circuits. Creation of sinusoidal functions through filtering, exponential waveforms in R-C and R-L circuits, phase shifting, wave-shaping and function analysis via diode and transistor circuits. Application of complex numbers in R-L-C circuits. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

ELT222: Electronics I

Operation and application of diodes, bipolar and field effect transistors and thyristors. Laboratory portion illustrates use of electronic equipment to test ideas presented in the lecture. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT111, ELT112, and ELT115. Corequisites: MAT120 and ELT224. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ELT224: Electricity II

The understanding of network analysis techniques learned in Electricity I is reinforced and extended to solution of networks with AC excitations. Topics emphasized include impedance, admittance, resonance and frequency response, transformers, power relations and 3-phase systems. Computers used as a problem-solving tool. Objective of the laboratory is to illustrate use of appropriate electronic equipment for testing of principles presented in the lecture. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT112, ELT115, and MAT111. Corequisite: MAT120. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ELT227: Electronic Construction

Introduction to general principles and practices of troubleshooting. Topics include design and construction of printed circuit boards. Construction of electronic circuits and systems. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT112, ELT113, and ELT115. Corequisite: ELT222, and ELT224. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

ELT228: Digital Electronics II

Microprocessors and associated circuitry are examined. Topics include architecture, peripheral devices and software. Laboratory portion deals with application of concepts learned in the lecture to practical working systems. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT112, ELT113, ELT115, and MAT111. Corequisite: ELT222. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ELT231: Electricity III

Methods of applying mathematical techniques to electrical and electronic circuits. Topics include voltage and current in RLC circuits with various excitations, energy in electrical circuits, instantaneous and average power, etc. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ELT222, ELT224 and MAT120 or MAT124. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

ELT236: Electronics II

Develops a thorough understanding of electronic circuit analysis techniques. Topics include study of circuits with the following emphases: multi-stage cascaded systems, frequency response, voltage comparators, Schmitt Trigger circuits and saturated and cutoff transistors. Integrated circuits are analyzed. Laboratory portion investigates practical aspects of topics covered in the lecture. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT222 and ELT224. Corequisite: ELT231. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ELT238: Digital Electronics III

Microprocessor and computer interfacing and introduction to 16 bit microcomputers. Included are computer-controlled test equipment techniques. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT222 and ELT228. Corequisite: ELT236. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ELT243: Advanced Electronics

Capstone course where students are evaluated in equipment setup and usage, trouble-shooting skills, team building and communication skills. Students given projects to design, build and demonstrate, including amplifiers, wireless communication circuits/systems, and signal generation circuits. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT231, ELT236, and ELT238. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ELT244: Analogue/Digital Communications

Introduction to analogue and digital data communications techniques a systems design approach. Includes analogue/digital modulation techniques, ISDN, video, cellular ATM, synchronous/asynchronous and wireless techniques. Digital/data communication systems techniques such as multiplexing, coding, PSK and others. Covers systems, transmission media and techniques in the analogue/digital/data transmission. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ELT231 and ELT236. Corequisite: ELT243. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Engineering Science

ENS112: Introduction to Engineering Design

Explores basic electronic design principles and system design approaches through construction and measurement of a specific system. Projects incorporate various engineering disciplines with learning analysis techniques utilizing hands-on design and simulation software. Students learn basics of team building, problem solving, individual and group dynamic communication skills. Each project constructed, tested and presented by the group. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: MAT141. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

ENS114: Autocad I

Trains students in use of AUTOCAD system. Topics include edit and inquiry commands, display controls, system libraries, attribute utilization and customizing techniques. Notes: (1) DRF112 and ENS114 are equivalent and credit will not be given for both. (2) This course is restricted for Engineering Science, A.S. majors. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENS117: Engineering Computations

Introductory course in use of computers for solving engineering problems. Principle emphasis on formulation of problems and their solution within framework of the C programming language. Prerequisite: Admission to Engineering program. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENS118: Engineering Mechanics: Statics

Application of Newtonian mechanics to equilibrium of particles and rigid bodies, vector representation of forces in two and three dimensions, moment of a force about a point or axis; centroids and moment of inertia, laws of dry friction, and force analysis of simple structures. Prerequisite: MAT142 and PHY130. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENS119: Engineering Mechanics Dynamics

Continuation of application of Newtonian mechanics to particles and rigid bodies in motion; rectilinear and curvilinear motion of particles; time-rate of change of linear momentum; angular momentum work of a force and kinetic energy; kinematics and kinetics of rigid bodies; plane motion; rigid body dynamics; and mechanical vibrations. Prerequisite: ENS118. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENS233: Electrical Engineering Circuit Analysis

Introduction to electrical networks and devices in both DC and AC systems. Introduces analysis techniques such as Kirchhoff's current and voltage laws, Ohm's law, superposition reciprocity, Mesh and Nodal analysis, and Thevenin and Norton theorems. Components and circuits include resistors, capacitors, inductors, R-L, R-C and R-L-C circuits. Topics include sinusoidal steady-state response, resonance, positive real functions, power calculations, Fourier analysis, and transient analysis using Laplace Transforms. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT142 and PHY130. Corequisites: MAT204 and PHY230. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

English as a Second Language

No ESL course (ESL011-ESL018) awards credit toward a degree.

ESL011: ESL College Reading I

For students whose native language is not English, ESL011 is first of two courses which develop basic English reading skills necessary for content area study required in college. Concentrates on improving reading comprehension by focusing on main idea, vocabulary development, summary skills and critical thinking skills. In addition to class discussion on reading process, students also participate in independent book reading and small group activities. ESL011 and ESL012 each require a minimum of one hour per week on selected assignments in the Reading Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ESL012: ESL College Reading II

For students whose native language is not English. ESL012 further develops college-level reading and study skills and examines new concepts and their applications such as English textual patterns. Introduces selections from various academic areas. ESL011 and ESL012 each require a minimum of one hour per week on selected assignments in the Reading Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. Prerequisite: ESL011. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ESL013: ESL Intensive Grammar I

For students who are not native speakers of English, ESL013 introduces and/or reinforces basic and complex language structures by practicing grammar and syntax through exercises designed to increase language fluency and understanding. Students learn to recognize and effectively use the structures presented through intensive study and practice. ESL013 and ESL014 each require a minimum of one hour per week in the Language Lab/Academic Skills Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ESL014: ESL Intensive Grammar II

For students who are not native speakers of English. ESL014 builds on skills developed in ESL013 and also teaches and analyzes different types of phrases and sentences to determine their correctness and appropriateness. ESL013 and ESL014 each require a minimum of one hour per week in the Language Lab/Academic Skills Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. Prerequisite: ESL013. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ESL017: ESL College Composition I

Enhances second language academic writing skills to produce clearer and varied sentences and paragraphs for students whose native language is not English. ESL017 introduces essay writing and emphasizes spelling improvement, correct and appropriate use of vocabulary, idiomatic expressions and grammar in context that are often problematic for non-native speakers. ESL017 and ESL018 each require a minimum of one hour a week on selected assignments in the Language Lab/Academic Skills Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ESL018: ESL College Composition II

Enhances second language academic writing skills to produce clearer and varied sentences and paragraphs for students whose native language is not English. ESL018 builds on skills developed in ESL017 and introduces various types of academic essay writing. ESL017 and ESL018 each require a minimum of one hour a week on selected assignments in the Language Lab/Academic Skills Center. Graded on an S/W/U/R basis. Prerequisite: ESL017. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.



Incoming students are initially placed in ENG010, ENG012, ENG100 or ENG101 on the basis of high school records and/or test scores. Some incoming students with superior English grades, test scores or equivalent course credit may be given advanced placement into another English course.


Course Selection after the First Semester

  1. Students initially taking ENG010 should take ENG101 as their next course.
  2. Students taking ENG012 must take ENG101 as a corequisite.
  3. For courses after ENG100/ENG101, students should follow the degree requirements of their curriculum (as listed in the College Catalog.)
  4. Students who have additional questions about course selection should consult members of the English faculty.


Categories of English Courses

Note: Courses above ENG101 are numbered on the basis of subject matter, not according to degree of difficulty.

ENG010: Developmental Writing (Developmental)

ENG012: Emerging Writers Workshop (Developmental)

ENG100: Enhanced Freshman Composition

ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition

ENG102: Introduction to Literature

ENG121: Technical Writing

ENG170-177, 200: Journalism courses

ENG131, 203-204: Creative Writing courses

ENG107-226: Content and Survey courses

ENG295-296: Special Topics and Honors Special Topics


The campus writing centers offer students individual attention to their writing.


Emphasis and Degree Requirements

Note: The following are general guidelines. For specific degree requirements see the individual curriculum.

  1. Students in A.A. degree programs are required to take ENG100/ENG101 and ENG102.
  2. Students in A.S. and A.A.S. degree programs are required to take ENG100/ENG101 and at least an additional three credits of English.
  3. ENG010, ENG011, and ENG012 do not fulfill degree or certificate requirements.
  4. Any English course (ENG designation only) beyond ENG101 can be counted toward the six-credit minimum English requirement except where a particular emphasis (e.g., Humanities or Social Sciences) requires specific courses (see the individual curriculum.)
  5. Journalism courses satisfy English elective requirements.

ENG010: Developmental Writing

Emphasizes basic writing skills, outlining, development of ideas and reading comprehension. Specific topics in grammar, punctuation, spelling, vocabulary and rhetoric are assigned according to needs of the students. To complete the course, students are expected to write short expository papers which show an understanding of fundamentals of organization and effective sentence structure and which avoid gross errors in grammar and mechanics. By placement. To be taken in the first semester unless placed in ENG009. Graded on an S-R-U-W basis. Not applicable toward any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: ENG009 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG012: Emerging Writers Workshop

This course is for students interested in fulfilling the requirements of ENG010 and ENG101 in one semester. Focus on exploring a variety of written genres while learning to engage with the writing process in order to rework or reimagine the development of ideas. The course also introduces students to writing skills that include but are not limited to prewriting, drafting, editing, proofreading, reading comprehension, reflection, and analysis as they relate to essays written in the ENG101 class. This class is taken in conjunction with ENG101, and students must pass ENG012: Emerging Writers Workshop in order to receive a passing grade in ENG101. Graded on an S-R-U-W basis. Not applicable toward any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: ENG009 or placement in ENG010. Corequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG100: Enhanced Freshman Composition

Explores principles of rhetoric and stresses effective expository writing. Primarily a course in organization of ideas and development of these ideas through use of specific information. Also deals with matters of style, sentence structure, paragraph development, punctuation and vocabulary. Also introduces students to close reading of appropriate materials. By placement. To be taken prior to higher-numbered courses. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE Communication-Written. (2) ENG100 and ENG101 are equivalent and credit will not be given for both. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. laboratory) Prerequisite: ESL018, ENG011, or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG101: Standard Freshman Composition

Explores principles of rhetoric and stresses effective expository writing. Primarily a course in organization of ideas and development of these ideas through use of specific information. Also deals with matters of style, sentence structure, paragraph development, punctuation and vocabulary. Also introduces students to close reading of appropriate materials. By placement. To be taken prior to higher-numbered courses. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE Communication-Written. (2) ENG100 and ENG101 are equivalent and credit will not be given for both. Prerequisite: ESL018, ENG010, placement, or corequisite of ENG012. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG102: Introduction to Literature

Introduction to imaginative works of literature: the short story, novel, poem and drama. Close and analytical study of this literature introduces students to major literary themes and forms. Continues training in effective prose writing and requires students to demonstrate maturity in thought and style. Recommended for those who plan to continue their studies at a four-year institution. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG119: The Structure of English

Evolution of the English language and syntactical patterns from which English sentences are generated. Particular attention given to traditional, structuralist, and generative-transformational theories of grammar and to pedagogical and sociological assumptions underlying each. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG121: Technical Writing

Orientation in field of technical writing and editing. Introduces various forms of technical writing: reports, manuals, publication specifications and standards, proposals, training materials, brochures and technical articles. Mechanics of manuscript preparation and preparation of reproduction-ready copy are discussed in detail, as are activities of various publications departments - editing, layout, printing, quality control, etc. Prerequisite or corequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG130: Autobiographical Writing

For readers and writers of autobiography. Reading select memoir and autobiographical literature, students analyze composing techniques and write their own autobiographical pieces. Substantial writing practice includes approaches to memoir writing such as portraiture, landscape and memory, travel and history. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG131: Creative Writing

Develops control and style in creative writing, specifically of prose fiction, poetry and plays. Students pursue individual projects and assignments of established forms of creative writing. Discussions pay attention, as well, to development of stronger criteria for self-evaluation and particular needs of a creative writer to gauge his or her audience in order to market his or her work. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG140: Writing About Food and Travel

Through close reading of major works, students study literary trends particular to the writings of food and travel. Discussion covers techniques, themes, and cultural-historical context of these topics. Students apply and evaluate these ideas via written assignment. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG141: Introduction to the Novel

Through close reading of major works, students examine development of the novel from the 18th century to the present. Discussion covers techniques, themes and cultural-historical contexts of the works. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG142: Introduction to Dramatic Literature

Study of theme, structure, characterization and imagery in representative drama from the Greeks to the present day. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG170: Introduction to Journalism

This course is centered on the basic concepts of journalism, including reporting, writing, numeracy, research, diversity, ethics, news engagement, and understanding civic life. Students will be introduced to key values and skills of practicing journalists and will be provided with models and examples of various types of journalism. Students are expected to demonstrate an ongoing engagement with current events. Prerequisite or corequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG171: Advanced Newswriting

In-depth study of reporting news and writing features, with emphasis on developing sources of news, such as governmental bodies, police stations, courts and boards of education. Emphasis on covering events in municipalities in and around Suffolk County. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: ENG170. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG174: Literary Journalism

Current books of nonfiction are read and discussed. Includes selections from books of "New Journalism" as well as nonfiction novels of a narrative and documentary type by such writers as Truman Capote, Joan Didion, Hunter Thompson, Betty Friedan, Jimmy Breslin, Tom Wolfe, Norman Mailer, Gay Talese and Theodore White. Students will learn to use fiction-writing techniques to tell true stories. Prerequisite: ENG101. Recommended: ENG102. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG175: Journalism Practicum

For students who work 30 contact hours per semester on the student newspaper. Includes working on all phases of newspaper: editing, reporting, feature writing, photography, layout, advertising, and editorial and sports writing. Students meet weekly with instructor for evaluation of their work. Registration priority given to students working on student newspaper. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisites: ENG101 and ENG170 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Course restricted to journalism majors or newspaper staff members. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG177: Judging the News

This course is designed to teach students to exercise their power as citizens by becoming perceptive news consumers. Armed with critical-thinking skills, a firm grasp of relevant history and practical knowledge about the news media, students learn how to find the reliable information they need to make decisions, take action, make judgments and responsibly share information through social media. At a time when the digital revolution is spawning a flood of information and disinformation each day, the course seeks to help students recognize the differences between facts and rumor, news and promotion, news and opinion, bias and fairness, assertion and verification, and evidence and inference. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite or corequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG178: Introduction to Multimedia Journalism

In journalism, the ability to effectively use multimedia is essential. Students will produce digital photos, video and audio, and edit each with appropriate software using the tools most beginning journalists have available to them, their smart devices. Students may also work in teams using school-owned DSLR cameras. Additionally, students will learn the basics of writing crisp, accurate captions and blurbs. They will also put together a final project that packages multiple forms of content to complement a human-interest story. Prerequisite: ENG101. Recommended: ENG170. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG195: Special Topics: English and Journalism

Special and current topics in English may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term.

ENG201: Advanced Expository Writing

Advanced course in writing, emphasizing good organization and forceful expression. Treats various forms of exposition: the personal essay of opinion, introspection, retrospection and experience, and the descriptive essay of observation and analysis. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG202: Literature as Film

Examines some of principal elements shared by literature and film (narration, character development and motivation, choice of setting, symbols and theme) to develop understanding of common factors between the two genres and the realization that when literature is transformed into film it must undergo some fundamental changes which may ultimately alter the text's intent. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG203: Advanced Creative Writing/Fiction

Advanced workshop course devoted to writing fiction, with emphasis placed on development of craft, voice and editorial skills. Students submit short stories and/or novel excerpts for review and discussion. Prerequisite: ENG101 and ENG131. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG204: Advanced Creative Writing/Poetry

Advanced workshop course devoted to writing poetry, with emphasis on development of craft, voice and editorial skills. Students submit poems for review and discussion. Prerequisite: ENG101 and ENG131. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG205: Contemporary Literature

Study of significant contemporary works which illustrate important themes in modern thought with emphasis on contemporary insights. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG206: The Short Story

Explores origins and historical development of the short story, its unique characteristics and its relationship to other literary forms. Students read wide variety of short stories from different historical periods. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG207: Mass Media

Study of communication techniques used by mass media in American society: newspapers, periodicals, television, radio, films. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG209: The Literature of the Bible

Survey of historical, prophetic and poetic literature in the Old and New Testaments with attention paid to historical and cultural context. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG210: Science Fiction

Deals with the future as seen through literature of science fiction. Among themes covered are the effect of science and technology on human beings in a futuristic landscape and the modern mythological journey of the heroine/hero. Among writers included are H.G. Wells, Robert Heinlein, Arthur C. Clarke, Isaac Asimov, Frederick Pohl and Ursula LeGuin. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG211: African American Literature

Survey course focusing on major works by African American writers and social/historical contexts informing these works. The course emphasizes how issues of race, class, and gender have informed the themes of literary works produced by African American writers over time, situating the works within the context of the struggle for emancipation, equal rights, and social justice. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE for Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice and the Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG212: Contemporary Global Literature

Survey course focusing on major works by non-western writers and social/historical contexts informing these works. The course emphasizes how issues of race, class, and gender have informed the themes of literary works produced by non-western writers, situating the works within the context of the struggle for emancipation, equal rights, and social justice. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and Diversity. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG213: English Literature I

Study of major themes and styles in Middle Ages, Renaissance and Age of Reason as they appear in the works of such authors as Chaucer, Marlowe, Shakespeare, Donne, Milton, Swift and Pope. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG214: English Literature II

Study of works of such Romantic poets as Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelley, Keats and Byron; such major Victorian writers as Bronte and Tennyson; and such 20th century writers as Joyce, Thomas and Beckett. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG215: American Literature I

A study of primary trends and themes in literature of American writers from the Colonial Period through the Civil War. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG216: American Literature II

Study of American literature from end of the Civil War to the present. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG217: Environmental Literature

Focuses on literature that investigates humankind's relationships with natural world. Among writers whose works are considered are H.D. Thoreau, R. Carson, E. Abbey, A. Dillard, W. Berry, H. Beston, W. Heyen, A. Leopold and R. Nelson. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG218: Latina/o Literature

This course focuses on works of modern Latina/o writers, including such authors as Oscar Hijuelos, Maria Irene Fornes and Nilo Cruz (Cuban-American), Julia de Burgos, Miguel Algarin, and Sandra Maria Esteves (Puerto Rican/Nuyorican), Gloria Anzaldua and Luis Valdez (Chicana/o), and Junot Diaz and Julia Alvarez (Dominican-American). Such themes as language, alienation, identity, exile and assimilation, prejudice, cultural and ethnic pride, religion, and family are explored. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG219: Modern Literature

Study of British, European and American literature of the modern period (up to and including WW II) focusing on such literary developments as naturalism, impressionism, stream of consciousness and existentialism. An attempt is made to view the works in a psychological, historical and sociological context. Writers who may be included in discussion are Dostoevsky, Hesse, Conrad, Mann, Joyce, Kafka, Camus, Yeats, and Faulkner. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG220: Shakespeare

Critical study of representative Shakespearean comedies, tragedies and histories, including examination of the Elizabethan world picture. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG221: The Art of Poetry

Study of theme, form and imagery in traditional and contemporary poetry. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG223: The Art of Humor

The Art of Humor introduces students to different modes of humor and to the themes and techniques of the masters of humor writing. The course provides a theoretical framework for investigating the ethics of humor, including why humor is produced and consumed and what our laughter reveals about us. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG227: Multiethnic Literature of the United States

The course examines a variety of works of fiction and nonfiction by U.S.-American authors of various racial and ethnic origins. Through close reading and analysis of short stories, novels, plays, poetry, and essays by Black and African American, Asian American, Latino/a/x, Native American, and other ethnic-minority writers, this course explores the social and historical contexts of racial and ethnic identity and how these identities intersect with class, gender, sexuality, and other systems of power and privilege. Notes: Fulfills SUNY-GE for Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice and the Humanities. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG295: Special Topics: English and Journalism

Special and current topics in English may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Prerequisite: ENG101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ENG296: Special Topics Honors: English and Journalism

Honors special topics courses in English may be available for Honors students as well as those who have received permission from a campus Honors Program Coordinator. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA in 9 credits of English: ENG101, ENG102 and English elective. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

Environmental Science

ENV101: Introduction to Environmental Sciences

This course is an introductory level study of the Earth's environmental systems and the role of humans in those systems. Students will be introduced to key elements of ecology and ecosystem sciences, focusing on their function and importance for human societies, as well as the impact of human activity on these systems. The course stresses the roles of resource availability and use, biogeochemical cycling, and anthropogenic effects, both locally and globally. This course also addresses the importance of maintaining the natural functioning of environmental systems for the well-being of human society, culture, and survival. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

Exercise Science

Enrollment in EXS courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Exercise Science, A.S. or Personal Trainer, Certificate programs. Students outside the program who meet the prerequisites and corequisites may enroll into individual courses by the department when seats are available. In such case, these courses can fulfill unrestricted electives.

EXS100: Introduction to Exercise Science

This course is an overview of the professions in the field of exercise science. Career opportunities within exercise science and allied health will be investigated. Various aspects of careers, determining requirements for advanced study and learning what coursework would be appropriate for the different career paths. A practical understanding of how human movement assists individuals in their pursuit of good health, appropriate levels of physical activity and exercise, and successful sport and athletic performance will be established. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS102: Foundations of Fitness Programming

Using research-based components students will learn to design and implement safe, effective, and appropriate training programs for a variety of populations. Students will gain experience with a variety of training modalities, equipment, client needs/goals, training environments, and technology. (2 hrs. laboratory) (offered fall semester only) Corequisites: (EXS205 or EXS206) and EXS212. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

EXS114: Overview of Fitness and Facility Management

Provides students with knowledge and skill required for employment in fitness field. Topics include growth and development of fitness industry, job opportunities, evaluation criteria for all levels, program planning, space and facilities design, equipment evaluation and purchasing, liability issues and more. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS205: Fitness Assessment and Screening

Provides understanding of different components of fitness, various evaluation techniques, health screening of individuals, and their application to needs of clients and special populations in designing appropriate fitness program. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Corequisites: EXS212 or PED130. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

EXS206: Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription

This course provides an in-depth exploration of fitness assessment techniques and the principles underlying exercise prescription. Students will gain the knowledge and practical skills necessary to conduct comprehensive fitness assessments, interpret results, and design personalized exercise programs for diverse populations. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory). Prerequisite: BIO130 recommended. Corequisite: EXS212. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS211: Nutrition and Human Performance

Provides students in fitness field with nutritional information pertinent to enhancing human performance. Among subjects discussed are digestive system, food substances, minerals and vitamins; energy systems and their application to fitness and sports performance; supplemental and diet theories for sport enhancement and weight management; and relationship between food and exercise performance for special populations. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: BIO132. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS212: Injury Prevention and Management

Students study anatomy and biomechanics of human body discussing preventive and rehabilitative techniques for fitness and sport participation injuries. Stress reduction, over-training symptoms, and client's overall wellness included. (offered fall semester only) Corequisite: EXS205 or EXS206. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS215: Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning

This course serves as an introduction to the fundamental principles and practices of strength and conditioning, equipping students with the knowledge and skills necessary for designing effective training programs. The course integrates key concepts from exercise physiology, biomechanics, and sports science to provide a comprehensive understanding of strength development, athletic performance, and injury prevention. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO130 recommended. Corequisite: EXS102. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

EXS217: Fieldwork in Fitness

Provides fitness specialists with on-campus practical fieldwork experience in working with clients by providing fitness assessment, screening, program design and leadership techniques through participation in an exercise program under supervision of department faculty. Knowledge base, skill and behavioral components covered in curriculum are assessed through this experience. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 8 hrs. fieldwork) Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in EXS102, EXS212, EXS215, and EXS205 or EXS206. Corequisites: EXS211 or HSC104. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Fire Protection Technology

FPT111: Introduction to Fire Protection

Introductory survey of fire prevention, protection and suppression systems providing an overview of such elements as composition of fire, home fire safety, building construction, extinguishing agents, fire-fighting equipment, fire-fighting procedures, detection and protection systems, fire extinguishers and their utilization. Foundation for other courses in the program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT113: Hazardous Materials I

Chemical characteristics and behavior of various materials which burn and/or react violently when acted upon by various other substances or conditions. Emphasis on flammable liquids, solids, dusts and gases, and attendant fire extinguishment problems. Study includes matter and energy, chemical and physical changes, atoms, the nucleus and planetary electrons, nuclear reactions and isotopes, atomic weights, kinetic molecular theory of state, forms of energy, conservation of energy, conversion of units, Boyle's Law, heat and its effects, halons and extinguishing agents. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT124: Hazardous Materials II

Storage, handling, standards, explosives and firefighting techniques associated with chemicals, gases, flammable liquids, corrosives, poisons, rocket propellants and exotic fuel, and radioactive materials. Formation of toxic fumes and health hazards also stressed. Ignition and combustion characteristics of gases, liquids and solids related to free-burning fire, and explosion phenomena. Familiarization with radiological instruments, human exposure to radiation, decontamination procedures, common uses of radioactive materials and operational procedures. Prerequisite: FPT113. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT131: Building Construction and Facilities

Review of fire protection considerations in building construction and facilities, including the Building Exits Code, air conditioning and ventilating appliances, roof coverings, building construction operations and tests of building materials to determine their fire safety characteristics. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT140: Fire Protection Hydraulics

Principles of hydraulics, suction and drafting water, velocity and discharge, friction loss calculations, engine and nozzle pressures, fire hydrants and mains, fire streams, sprinkler system calculations and pumps. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT148: Fire Service Management and Leadership

Principles of management as related to fire service. Includes management functions, the management cycle behavioral sciences, leadership, communications, public relations, records and reports. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT149: Strategies and Tactics

Enables students to devise strategies and tactics needed to resolve problems at fires and emergency scenes. Students learn Incident Command System, fire company operations, firefighter safety and operational guidelines, and procedures for major building types. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT150: Arson and Fire Investigation

History, development and philosophy of detection and prosecutorial steps with respect to the crime of arson. Discussion of socio-economic conditions behind alarming rise in number of incendiary fires. Examination of investigatory skills, interrogation, record keeping, reports, court procedure. Study of federal, state and local arson laws. Study of chemistry of fire and explosions. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT171: Occupational Safety Engineering I

Fundamentals of industrial safety including history, safety, inspections, safety organization and committees, accident investigation records and injury rates. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

FPT172: Occupational Safety Engineering II

More detailed safety engineering considerations, such as principles of guarding and transmission guards, local exhaust systems, electrical hazards, industrial hygiene and chemical hazards. Prerequisite: FPT171. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Fitness Specialist

Enrollment in PFS courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Fitness Specialist program. Students outside the program who meet the prerequisites and corequisites may be admitted to individual courses by the department when seats are available. In such case, these courses fulfill their unrestricted electives. PFS special topics courses are open to all students and can be used as unrestricted electives, subject to minimum credit requirements.

PFS102: Foundations of Fitness Programming

Using research-based components students will learn to design and implement safe, effective, and appropriate training programs for a variety of populations. Students will gain experience with a variety of training modalities, equipment, client needs/goals, training environments, and technology. (2 hrs. laboratory) (Offered fall semester only) Co-requisite: PFS205 and PFS212. Offered on: A / 1

PFS113: Exercise Leadership and Concepts of Aerobic Conditioning

Physiological aspects of aerobic conditioning, principles of training, and biomechanics of appropriate movement patterns are covered. Exercise leadership techniques emphasized as students experience and learn design concepts for variety of aerobic conditioning programs: jog/walk, aerobic dance, bike, treadmill, rower, etc. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory.) Prerequisite: BIO132. Corequisite: PFS201, PFS205, PFS212 and BIO245. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

PFS114: Overview of Fitness and Facility Management

Provides students with knowledge and skill required for employment in fitness field. Topics include growth and development of fitness industry, job opportunities, evaluation criteria for all levels, program planning, space and facilities design, equipment evaluation and purchasing, liability issues and more. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PFS201: Exercise Leadership and Concepts of Muscle Conditioning

Covers physiological aspects of developing muscular strength and endurance, principles of training, exercise analysis and biomechanics of techniques. Exercise leadership techniques emphasized as students experience and learn design concepts for calisthenics, free weights, machines, etc., and their application for various programs and populations. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: BIO132. Corequisites: PFS113, PFS205, PFS212 and BIO245. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

PFS205: Fitness Assessment and Screening

Provides understanding of different components of fitness, various evaluation techniques, health screening of individuals, and their application to needs of clients and special populations in designing appropriate fitness program. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Corequisites: PFS212 or PED130. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

PFS211: Nutrition and Human Performance

Provides students in fitness field with nutritional information pertinent to enhancing human performance. Among subjects discussed are digestive system, food substances, minerals and vitamins; energy systems and their application to fitness and sports performance; supplemental and diet theories for sport enhancement and weight management; and relationship between food and exercise performance for special populations. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: BIO132. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PFS212: Injury Prevention and Management

Students study anatomy and biomechanics of human body discussing preventive and rehabilitative techniques for fitness and sport participation injuries. Stress reduction, over-training symptoms, and client's overall wellness included. (offered fall semester only) Corequisite: PFS205 Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PFS217: Fieldwork in Fitness

Provides fitness specialists with on-campus practical fieldwork experience in working with clients by providing fitness assessment, screening, program design and leadership techniques through participation in an exercise program under supervision of department faculty. Knowledge base, skill and behavioral components covered in curriculum are assessed through this experience. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 8 hrs. fieldwork) Prerequisite: C or higher in PFS102, PFS205 and PFS212. Corequisites: PFS211. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.


FRE101: Elementary French I

First half of the introductory sequence in French which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of French culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) This course is for students with little or no knowledge of French. More advanced students should see the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

FRE102: Elementary French II

Second half of the introductory sequence in French which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of French culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: FRE101 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

FRE201: Intermediate French I

Continuing study of structures of French with more intensive oral and writing practice. Cultural and literary selections will be introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: FRE102 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

FRE202: Intermediate French II

Structural review focusing on oral and written communication. Introduces social, political and cultural aspects of French world through analysis of wide range of authentic literary and cultural selections. Required online assignments and tutorials. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: FRE201 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

FRE297: Independent Study: French

Independent study courses in french may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


GEO101: World Regional Geography

General survey of fundamental geographic aspects of major world regions. Particular emphasis is placed on how human interaction with the physical landscape shapes spatial and ecological perceptions, impacts group and ethnic identity, and shapes patterns of opportunity or oppression, as well as the influence of regional histories on systems of equity and social justice. Note: Fulfills SUNY General Education Requirements for Social Sciences, World History and Global Awareness, and Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

GEO102: Culture and the Environment

Cultural geography focusing on variations among cultures as they differ, through time, from place to place. Deals with origins and diffusion of agriculture, race, religion, language, technology and settlement. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.


GER101: Elementary German I

First half of the introductory sequence in German which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of German culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) This course is for students with little or no knowledge of German. It is not appropriate for native/fluent speakers of German, for whom GER201 is recommended. More advanced students should see the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

GER102: Elementary German II

Second half of introductory sequence in German which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of German culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: GER101 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

GER297: Independent Study: German

Independent study courses in german may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Graphic Design

GRD101: Graphic Design I

Introduces the principles of graphic design and user experience with learning to research, creation of sketches and refinement into digital compositions for production projects. Students will focus on the relationship of design principles to produce work with emphasis on clarity, legibility and aesthetics. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Corequisite: GRD102 or GRD103. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD102: Graphic Design Technology

Introduces technical concepts for digital product development that includes pixel-based and vector imagery, coding, file management, and translating physical specifications into various digital, print, and device formats and file types. Emphasis will be on using software to solve problems related to GRD101 projects. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) Corequisites: GRD101 or GRD103 Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD103: Typography I

Examines information design through typographic manipulation of letter forms, type pairing, hierarchy, type styles, families, characteristics, color theory, and grid systems. Digital and print production techniques examined include raster, vector, HTML, CSS, presentation, and page layout software. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD203: Web Development I

Introduces concepts for building web pages and Websites that include introductory principles of coding, page structure, typography, image preparation, color, interactivity, and usability. Emphasis is on file management, linking, basic coding, interactivity, and usability for building and customizing Web-based products. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD207: History of Graphic Design

Survey of history and technology used to make visual communication from prehistoric times to the present. Lectures, presentations, written research and studio projects introduce students to important creative designers and innovations that have shaped visual communication. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD211: Graphic Design II

Emphasis on developing creative themes and visual solutions for digital and print products that communicate persuasively, effectively, and enhance user interaction through the integration color, type, and image. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD212: Publication Design

Emphasizes visual problem-solving and processing from research to pre-press to final production of print and digital publications. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: GRD211 with a grade of C or higher. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

GRD297: Independent Study: Graphic Design

Independent study courses in graphic design may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Health Careers

HSC100: Introduction to Healthcare and Health Professions

This course will provide an overview of the U.S. healthcare delivery system including healthcare facilities, healthcare reimbursement, the role of technology and the legal aspects. Healthcare roles and professions will be explored as well as a blueprint for planning a healthcare career. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G/3 cr. hrs.

HSC101: Health Concepts

Basic concepts, principles, attitudes and information regarding health for students within framework of their individual needs. Designed so that students can recognize and utilize those factors which contribute to creation and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HSC104: Nutrition Concepts and Controversies

Ideal for persons confused about nutritional claims advertised in media. Covers identification of reliable sources of nutrition information and overview of basic nutrition principles. Discusses popular and controversial nutrition topics such as immunity, megavitamin therapy, sports nutrition, antioxidants, weight control diets and vegetarianism. Note: May be substituted for DTE101 for students transferring into Dietetic Technician curriculum. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HSC110: Medical Terminology

Comprehensive knowledge of medical terminology increases student's knowledge of anatomy, physiology and disease. The principal method of building medical vocabulary is to identify prefixes, suffices and roots. Students learn to recognize Greek and Latin derivatives. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HSC112: Safety, First Aid and CPR

Prevention and treatment of common emergency situations. Advanced First Aid techniques are utilized. Successful completion of this course qualifies the student for an Advanced First Aid Certificate and a Professional Rescuer/ Healthcare Provider Certificate through the National Safety Council, AHA, ARC or equivalent national training program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HSC114: Group Dynamics

Introduction to concepts of behavior related to group activity and a study of sociometric techniques for the purpose of developing skill in interpersonal relationships within the health team. Recommended for students contemplating possibility of entering a health-oriented profession and/or students interested in health issues. Note: This course does not satisfy social sciences, humanities or liberal arts and sciences elective requirements. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HSC126: Emergency Medical Care I

Covers all techniques of emergency medical care presently considered within the responsibilities of the Emergency Medical Technician-Basic. Emphasizes development of student skills in recognition of symptoms of illnesses and injuries and proper procedures of emergency care. Successful completion of this course leads to New York State certification as an Emergency Medical Technician-Basic. Registration in HSC126 requires students to purchase liability insurance through the College and complete a thorough physical examination with their own physician at their own cost (including laboratory work) as required by the College health service. Notes: (1) The student must be at least 17 years of age prior to the last day of the month in which the course is scheduled to take the New York State Written Certification Examination. (2) All summer HSC126 sections may require full FRIDAY CLASSES. (5 hrs. lecture, 5 hrs. laboratory, 24 hrs. clinical rotation) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 7 cr. hrs.

HSC128: Crash Victim Extrication

Examines range of activities that may occur, and for which rescuers need to be prepared for effective response, at the scene of a vehicle accident where emergency extrication is necessary. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Health Information Technology / Medical Records

Enrollment in HIT courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Health Information Technology/Medical Records program.

HIT114: Introduction to Health Information Technology

This course will introduce students to the Health Care Delivery system, the role of electronic health record systems and health informatics as it relates to data content, format and management. Topics include: history and development of the Health Information Management profession, purposes and components of a patient health record, uses of health information and data sets, organizational structure of healthcare organizations, regulatory requirements and accreditation standards. (offered fall semester only). No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT117: Health Information Systems

HIT117: This course is designed to familiarize students with software tools and computer applications currently used in healthcare settings. An overview of the content and structure, maintenance, storage and security of the electronic health record and the personal health record will be examined. Emphasis will be made on interoperability standards and security, networks, health information exchanges, and consumer informatics. Students will gain hands-on experience working in common software applications (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.) as well as experience working in a simulated electronic medical record system. (offered fall semester only) Corequisite: HIT114. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT119: Legal Aspects in Healthcare

This course is designed to provide the student with an overview of the legal and regulatory requirements for the maintenance, retention, and dissemination of health information and the role of patient documentation in legal proceedings. Major topics include: federal and state regulations; accreditation standards; the federal and state legal system; authorizations and consents, release of information, concepts of liability; civil procedures; network security; interoperability; compliance and the role of risk management. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT220: Study of Disease

This course will provide students with knowledge of fundamental concepts of disease processes, by body system, including etiology, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis as documented by clinicians in the medical record. Basic pharmacology and the most used drugs will be discussed. Prerequisite: BIO105 and HSC110. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT226: Health Statistics and Data Management

This course is designed to introduce students to a study of methods for computing hospital and public health statistics. Topics will include data collection, data analytics, display and presentation of health data for quality assurance, utilization review, risk management, and reimbursement. (offered spring semester only). Prerequisite: HIT114 with C grade or higher. Corequisite: MAT103. Offered on G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT228: Healthcare Reimbursement and Revenue Cycle

The course will provide an overview of the complex US health plans including commercial, government sponsored, managed care, prospective payment systems, and other reimbursement methodologies in various healthcare settings. Current issues affecting reimbursement such as revenue cycle management, chargemaster maintenance, case-mix management, regulatory compliance, coding compliance, and the role of value-based purchasing and quality reporting will also be explored. Corequisite: HIT235. (offered fall semester only). Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT229: Healthcare Data Analytics

This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of how data analytics and data management relate to the healthcare delivery system. Students are introduced to key topics and techniques associated with database management. The design, development, deployment, and evaluation of database systems will be discussed, as well as query languages, and HIPAA privacy and security regulations. Students will have hands-on experience utilizing various database applications throughout the course. Skills developed will be reinforced using case studies across various healthcare settings. Prerequisite: HIT117. (offered spring semester only). Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT235: Coding and Classification Systems

Introduction to medical nomenclatures and diagnostic classification systems and relationship of coding to reimbursement. Emphasis will be on inpatient coding of diagnoses and procedures. Students code utilizing medical and practice exercises. (offered fall semester only) Corequisite: HSC110. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT236: Advanced Coding/CPT-4 and Reimburse Methodologies

Focuses on applying advanced coding techniques. Students are taught CPT-4 coding. Present forms of reimbursement and importance of new legislation emphasized. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: HIT235 with C grade or higher. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT238: Directed Clinical Practice

Develops skills through clinical experience in various affiliated health care settings. Students attend a weekly on-campus seminar during clinical experience to discuss clinical experience and review completed fieldwork. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) (1.5 hrs. seminar, 4.5 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: HIT235 with C grade or higher. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIT240: Quality and Management in Health Information Technology

Provides students with the management functions necessary in the Health Information Management profession. Topics include human resources management, training and development, change management, financial management, strategic and organizational management, risk management, utilization management, continuous quality and performance improvement, project management and ethics. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: HIT235 with C grade or higher. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration (HVAC/R)

HVA111, HVA121, HVA122, and HVA141 are open to all students and can be taken as unrestricted electives. Enrollment in all other HVA courses is limited to students officially admitted to the program.

HVA111: Computer Applications for Technology

Comprehensive computer course designed for technology students. Interactive laboratory and lecture sessions provide students with skills needed to analyze and present solutions to engineering design challenges. Emphasizes how word processing, presentation and spreadsheet tools are used for engineering, statistical and numeric applications. Uses meters, gauges, computer software and other diagnostic instruments to effectively and accurately identify system problems. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HVA121: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Systems

Teaches fundamental knowledge of air conditioning and refrigeration theory. Develops job-entry knowledge for installing, operating, troubleshooting and repairing refrigeration and air conditioning systems. As part of this course, students will learn to solder, braze, flare, swage, leak test, install, evacuate, charge service and evaluate air conditioning and refrigeration systems. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HVA122: Electricity for HVAC/R

Teaches fundamental knowledge of electricity as it relates to the HVAC/R industry. Lecture topics include electrical and workplace safety, Ohm's law, voltage, current, resistance, power, series and parallel circuits, circuit protection devices, electric motors and starting components, relays and switches, and circuit/component troubleshooting. In the laboratory portion of the course, students will construct basic circuits, learn to use various pieces of electrical testing instrumentation and learn the basics of electrical circuit and component troubleshooting. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

HVA141: Heating Systems

Covers operation, installation, servicing and maintenance of oil, gas and electric heating equipment, including water heaters. Emphasis placed on theory of operation of fossil fuel systems as well as electric and reverse-cycle refrigeration systems (heat pumps). In lab, students disassemble and evaluate component parts of oil burners, ignition systems, fan centers and other devices instrumental in operation of heating equipment. (2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

HVA222: HVAC/R Control Systems

Covers electrical and solid-state devices used to control operation of air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems. Students construct and evaluate circuits and their components to gain solid understanding of how components function together to provide desired system operation. Students troubleshoot components and design control systems based on projects assigned in class. Projects include control systems for air conditioning, oil heating, gas heating, and reverse-cycle refrigeration systems. Emphasis also on motor controls as well as pneumatics. (2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: HVA121, HVA122, HVA141 and matriculation in Heating, Ventilation, AC and Refrigeration curriculum. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

HVA232: HVAC/R Commercial System

Covers commercial air conditioning, heating and refrigeration systems. Emphasis on installation, service and troubleshooting, as well as air distribution systems, psychrometrics, water-cooled equipment, cooling towers and chillers. (3 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: HVA121, HVA122, HVA141 and matriculation in Heating, Ventilation, AC and Refrigeration curriculum. Offered on: G / 5 cr. hrs.

HVA242: HVAC/R Diagnostics and Servicing

Teaches skills needed to logically and accurately troubleshoot and diagnose HVAC/R systems as well as skills needed to perform successful service calls. Emphasis on customer service, professionalism and organization, while using prior HVAC/R knowledge to restore proper system operation. (3 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: HVA141 and matriculation in Heating, Ventilation, AC and Refrigeration curriculum. Offered on: G / 5 cr. hrs.

HVA252: HVAC/R System Design

Students complete necessary calculations, drawings and proposals to execute three major design projects which may include, but are not limited to, gas-fired forced air systems with air conditioning, oil and/or gas-fired hydronic or radiant heat systems, heat pump systems, commercial and residential split type air conditioning systems, and air distribution systems. Emphasis on use of manufacturer's literature and design aids, which include computer programs designed to facilitate system selection and performance parameters. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT112 and matriculation in Heating, Ventilation, AC and Refrigeration curriculum. Corequisite: HVA232. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HVA260: HVAC/R Internship/Cooperative Education

Provides supervised, real-world experience with carefully selected HVAC/R contractors. Through required weekly seminars, students receive instruction on topics related to employment environment while obtaining practical work experience. Students must perform minimum of 120 supervised, field-service hours. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: Completion of minimum of 24 credit hours in HVA courses and minimum GPA of 2.5, or permission from the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.


HIS101: Europe and the World from Antiquity to the Early Modern Era

Introduction to the principal forces that shaped Europe's past and its interactions with other parts of the world, from antiquity to the Early Modern Era. Students will engage with issues regarding political, economic, intellectual, social, and cultural changes over time as well as be introduced to methods and debates within the discipline of History. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS102: Europe and the World since the Early Modern Era

Introduction to the principal forces that shaped Europe's past and its interactions with other parts of the world, from the Early Modern Era to the present. Students will engage with issues regarding political, economic, intellectual, social, and cultural changes over time as well as be introduced to methods and debates within the discipline of History. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences, SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS103: Foundations of American History

Survey of American history from contact through 1865. Topics include: cross-cultural interactions and conflicts between Natives, Europeans, and Africans in North America; the establishment and development of colonial America; the American Revolution; the Constitution; westward expansion; social, cultural, political, and economic change and conflict in the 19th century; and enslavement, secession, and Civil War. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS104: Modern American History

Survey of American history from 1865 to the present. Topics include: westward migrations and the experiences of and consequences for Natives; industrialization, immigration, urbanization, and economic, social, and cultural incorporation and consolidation; the expanding role of the United States in the world, including during the imperialist age and through two world wars, the Cold War, and after; efforts to expand social justice and Civil Rights; globalization; and the present state of American politics, government, culture, and society. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences, SUNY-GE Diversity and SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS107: World History Since 1945

Survey of the major developments in world history from World War II to the present. Special attention is given to the various issues that have influenced the contemporary problems of the modern world. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE for World History and Global Awareness, SUNY-GE Social Sciences, and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS108: African American History to 1865

Survey of African American history from 1619 through 1865. Topics include: the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, slavery, abolition, free Black communities, Black resistance to slavery, African American involvement in the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, African American civic participation, African American contributions to the making of the United States. African American history will be considered through gender, disability, and region. Students will study United States politics and Supreme Court cases as related to African American history as well as the conflict of a Constitutional democracy dependent on slavery. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS118: Comparative World Cultures

A one-semester survey of two-to-three non-European major world cultures. Focus is on the development, history, spread, and influence of non-European intellectual and cultural achievements; on understanding cultures within a global and comparative context; on cross-cultural interactions, including cultural diversity and globalization; and on the beliefs, values, perspectives, structures and contributions that have given rise to our present-day world civilization. The non-European cultures covered each semester may vary. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS119: History of East Asia

Survey of the historical, geographic, cultural, and economic forces and features influencing the people and policies of East Asia, primarily China and Japan. Special emphasis on contemporary problems of East Asia. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Diversity. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS120: History of Religion

A one-semester survey tracing the historical origins, development, and influence of major world religions in shaping the contemporary world. The course analyzes the social, economic, political and cultural conditions that led to the rise of each religion and the populations that practice them today, as well as the main beliefs and practices of each faith. Special attention will be paid to cross-cultural interactions, globalization, and the role of each faith in the modern world as well as intersections with race, nationality, gender, and diversity. The five major religious faiths are covered: Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Additional religions, including Confucianism, Jainism, Shinto, Sikhism, Taoism, Zoroastrianism, native and indigenous faiths, and others may also be covered. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness and SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS201: Medieval Europe

Medieval Europe focuses on the history of Western Europe from late Antiquity to the Renaissance. It emphasizes the rise of kings and kingdoms, intellectual and philosophical movements, the development of technology, the lasting influence of religious persons, beliefs, and movements, as well as the political, social, and environmental changes that factored heavily into medieval life. Emphasis is on both historiographical debate and historical development which led to the creation of Western Europe as a distinct cultural entity. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. Prerequisite: Any history course successfully completed. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS205: Women in U.S. History

An analysis of the history of American women from the colonial period to the present. Special emphasis is placed on the following topics: patterns of women's paid and unpaid work, the interrelated issues of race and class and power, the Cult of Domesticity, sexuality and reproduction, and the development of movements for political, social, and cultural change. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement, SUNY-GE Social Sciences, and SUNY-GE Diversity. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS206: History of Long Island

This course will highlight the major events, personalities, factors, and forces that have shaped Long Island from its pre-columbian past to the present. It will trace Long Island's evolution from its more rural and agricultural beginnings through to its urban and suburban transformation(s) in the 19th and 20th Centuries. Topics covered will include, among others: Native Americans on Long Island; European Colonization; Slavery; the American Revolution; Immigration; urban and suburban growth and development; and the expansion and impact of social movement activity across Long Island. This course provides background for present and prospective teachers wishing to prepare themselves for the state education department's directive that elementary schools teach local history. Note: Fulfills SUNY General Education Requirement for Social Sciences, U.S. History and Civic Engagement, and Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS225: U.S. History Through Film

An examination of key events in United States History by analyzing historical representations in feature films and the way films often reflect the period they were made as much as they do the period they are representing. Topics may include Civil War and Reconstruction and efforts to expand social justice and racial equality; westward migrations and its consequences for Native Americans; the labor movement and attempts by working people to reform the U.S. political and social structure; the status of women's roles and rights in American society; the expanding role of the U.S. in the world during the World War II and Cold War eras; efforts to expand Civil Rights. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences, SUNY-GE Diversity and SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement. Prerequisite: Any 100-level HIS survey course including HIS101, HIS102, HIS103, or HIS104. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS295: Special Topics: History

Special and current topics in History may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HIS296: Special Topics Honors: History

Honors special topics in History may be available for Honors students as well as those who have received permission from a campus Honors Program Coordinator. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

HIS297: Independent Study: History

Independent study courses in history may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Human Services

Enrollment in HUS201 and above is limited to students officially admitted to the Human Services Program.

HUS101: Introduction to Social Welfare

Survey of historical, social, political and economic influences on social welfare system in United States. Includes examination of prevailing systematic social problems of concern to human service professionals and how individuals are disproportionately impacted by race, class and gender, descriptions and relevant history of current public welfare programs and an overview of fields of practice in social welfare. Requires 10 hours of volunteer service in local social service agency. Open to all students. Serves as unrestricted, liberal arts or social science elective for students not enrolled in the Human Services program. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Diversity. (offered day and evening in fall semester and evening in spring semester) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HUS103: Interviewing in Social Work Practice

Overview of theory and skills integral to the interview as part of the social work process of helping. Includes discussions and demonstrations of stages of the professional helping interview, impact of interviewer attitudes, cross-cultural interviewing, types of social work interviews and general principles of interviewing. Includes role-play assignments both in and outside of class for experiential learning. HUS101 must be completed prior to or simultaneously with this course to proceed in the program courses. (offered spring semester only) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communications (Oral). Prerequisite or corequisite: HUS101 with grade of C or better. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

HUS201: Human Services Seminar and Field Practicum I

Classroom study in seminar setting along with 140 hours of off-campus fieldwork. Students are placed in human service agency where they engage in intensive supervised work experience. Classroom work emphasizes discussions of field experiences and development of student's role as a human service professional. Explores issues relating to professional ethics and responsibilities, including boundaries and confidentiality along with application of theories of helping. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Fieldwork component is completed primarily during day hours. Enrollment requires permission of instructor and submission of preplacement forms and essay. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. seminar, 8 hrs. laboratory totaling 140 field hrs.) Prerequisite: Admission to Human Services curriculum and grade of C or better in HUS101 and HUS103. Corequisite: HUS205. Offered on: A-E / 5 cr. hrs.

HUS205: Theory and Methods of Helping in the Human Services

Teaches process of assessment and helping as collaborative endeavor focusing on consideration of person's strengths and ecosystem variables. Particular attention paid to professional ethics and cultural competence in empowerment-based practice. (offered online or days only in fall semester) Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in HUS101 and HUS103. Corequisite: HUS201. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

HUS211: Human Services Seminar and Field Practicum II

Classroom study in seminar setting along with 180 hours of off-campus fieldwork. Students continue intensive supervised experience working at human service agency that began in HUS201. Classroom work emphasizes discussions of field experiences, applications of theories of helping, a capstone assignment, and exploration of professional ending process. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Fieldwork component is completed primarily during day hours. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. seminar, 12 hrs. laboratory totaling 180 field hrs.) Prerequisite: HUS205 and HUS201 with grade of C or better. Offered on: A-E / 6 cr. hrs.

HUS297: Independent Study: Human Services

Independent study courses in human services may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


HUM111: The Holocaust

Literature and film emerge from the most profound of human experiences. In the 20th century, perhaps the most profound of those experiences was the Holocaust. The scope of hatred, deadlines of purpose, and organization of mass murder raise questions which have become more and more disturbing even as we move away from the event. This course examines not only the roots and nature of the Holocaust, but also how internationally known writers and filmmakers have reacted to the event. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HUM112: World Religions

This course will explore and develop an understanding of the distinctive belief systems of seven of the major religions in the world today: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Confucianism, and Taoism. This will occur primarily through an exploration of the foundational mythological stories, cosmologies, and worldviews that are unique to each of the traditions. The course will enable students to understand the defining, core beliefs that have emerged from those religious mythologies and cosmological perspectives and the resulting attitudes on the part of each religious tradition toward contemporary issues such as the role of women, exclusivist claims, spiritual practices and moral obligations. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

HUM114: Mythology

Analyzes nature of myth and explores dominant themes and archetypes, including gender-based images and roles in the myths of various cultures. These myths, studied in context of today's world, help students develop an increased awareness of the influence of myth on contemporary life. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HUM116: Gender and the Humanities

This course investigates the notion of gender within its cultural contexts and its relation to sex, sexualities, gender roles and gender identity. By studying women and men as well as their images and representations in the humanities (language, literature, art, music and popular media), this course analyzes various forms of sexism and explores the possibilities for a wide range of genders, sexualities and interpersonal relationships. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

HUM120: Effective Thinking: Problem Solving, Reason and Comprehension

Studies mental processes associated with sequential analytical thought. Focus of first part of course is thoughtful introspection. Classroom and text activities entailing verbal reasoning, analogical relationships, predicating patterns, and creative problem solving develop insight and understanding of one's own thought processes. Second part of course encourages thoughtful involvement with current controversy. Students learn analytical skills necessary for evaluation of controversial ideas presented from various perspectives in contemporary writing using journal articles, newspaper and magazine articles, editorials and essays. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

HUM149: Women and the Arts

Interdisciplinary rotating course, its content varying from semester to semester. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Information Technology

CST101: Introduction to Computing

Comprehensive introduction to use of personal computers for improving productivity and problem solving. Primarily for non-computer majors and liberal arts students (i.e., those majoring in areas such as humanities, arts, social and behavioral sciences.) Includes desktop configuration, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation graphics, basics of personal computer organization, directory structures and file management. Optional topics may include database concepts, web page creation, internet and IT resources, web browsers and use of internet for research. Course cannot be applied to satisfaction of graduation requirements in any computer-related degree program or certificate at SCCC. Note: Credit given for CST101 or BUS112, but not both. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST111: Introduction to Computer Science and Information Technology

This course provides a survey of the major areas in computer science and information technology. It examines the history, current status, and future prospects in areas such as software design and programming, operating systems and administration, database design and management, data security, privacy, networking, and digital communications. It provides an opportunity for students to learn the fundamental theories and practices in computer science and information technology and understand their respective expectations. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST112: Introduction to Programming

This course introduces fundamental programming principles to beginners. Emphasis is placed on algorithm development, structured programming techniques, flowcharting, coding, debugging and libraries. It discusses programming concepts such as variables, conditionals, loops, functions, objects, and arrays. Program output may include graphical elements with images, animation and visualization. The course is designed as a place where many ideas and techniques can mix and is therefore appropriate for a wide audience that includes programmers, as well as people interested in graphical design or analytic fields (science, mathematics, economics, etc.). Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Prior computing experience or completion of CST101 is recommended. Offered on A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST125: Installing, Configuring and Administering Microsoft Windows Operating Systems

Comprehensive introduction to implementing, administering and troubleshooting information systems that incorporate Microsoft Windows. Major topics include attended/unattended installation; upgrading from a previous version; deploying service packs; resource administration; installation and troubleshooting of device drivers; monitoring and optimizing system performance and reliability; configuring and troubleshooting the desktop environment; implementing, managing and troubleshooting network protocols and services; and implementing, monitoring and troubleshooting security. Prerequisite: Any CST course or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST126: Operating Systems: Unix/Linux

Familiarizes students with Unix operating system by using one of many versions of Unix, such as Linux, on personal computer in lab. Covers concepts as well as practical use of Unix. Topics include most commonly used Unix commands plus others. Also covers similarities and conceptual differences between Unix and Windows operating systems. Prerequisite: Any CST course or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST141: Principles of Computing with Java

Introduces concepts needed to lay solid foundation for understanding object-oriented software development via problem specification, analysis, design, implementation and testing. Topics include methods, decisions, looping, arrays, code reusability, top-down design and UML. With extensive laboratory exercises, course educates and trains students to develop programs that are easy to understand and maintain. Prerequisite: MAT111 or equivalent, and CST112 or equivalent, or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST161: Homepage and Website Development

Teaches web page creation and other aspects of web authoring, beginning with fundamentals of HTML tags by creating web pages utilizing text editor. Explores various professional website development, deployment and management software suites and importance of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). Focuses on theory, design and web construction, along with information architecture concepts. web project management, scenario development and performance evaluations. Enables students to create web pages containing text, graphics, hyper-links, tables, forms and frames. Prerequisite: Prior computing experience or CST101 or CST112 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST171: Relational Database Applications and Concepts

Use of a relational database model as problem-solving tool in business. Teaches techniques for adding, retrieving and modifying information within a database. Topics include files, records, query language, conversion-to-work processing format, indexes, sorting and customized reports. Prerequisite: Any CST course or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST227: Network Operating Systems and Network Infrastructure

Introduces implementation of Network Operating Systems in medium to very large computing environments. Explores connectivity issues such as connecting individual offices and users at remote locations to the corporate network and connecting corporate networks to the internet. Examines network services and applications such as file and print, database, messaging, proxy server or firewall, dial-in server, desktop management, and web hosting. Also examines skills required to manage, monitor and troubleshoot Network Address Translation and Certificate Services. Utilizing case studies, students learn how to install, manage, monitor, configure and troubleshoot DNS, DHCP, Remote Access, Network Protocols, IP routing and WINS. Prerequisite: CST125. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST242: Advanced Programming and Problem Solving with Java

Advanced course presenting problem-solving methodologies and emphasizing object-oriented principles and designs using Java. Several medium-to-large programs using this paradigm are assigned. Focuses on how to write complete program using one or more object classes. Discusses objects in general with special consideration given to string processing, arrays and collections of objects. Swing graphical user interface library discussed and compared to techniques used in Visual Basic. Prerequisite: CST141 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST272: Programming for Relational Database Management Systems

Capstone course training students to develop database applications. Implements full power of programming in database-oriented language. Emphasizes design, implementation and presentation of several large, real-time information system cases. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: CST112 and CST171 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Corequisite: CST242. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST288: Cooperative Education/Internships for Computing Technology

Fieldwork in information technology. Student obligations agreed upon in an internship contract. Supervising faculty hold periodic meetings with student interns and their supervisors to evaluate intern performance. In addition to eight to ten hours per week of fieldwork, students attend a 50-minute weekly seminar. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: Completion of sixteen or more CST credits (not including CST101) with an average of C or better. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

CST297: Independent Study: Information Technology

Independent study course in computer architecture offered at the Ammerman Campus. Content is the same as CST 222. Offered on: A / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Interior Design

INT101: Interior Design I

Introduction to aesthetic, cultural and functional considerations that shape the interior environment. Principles of design, space planning, color, textile, selection of furniture are explored as they relate to interior space. Studio sessions focus on residential spaces that introduce mechanical drawings skills, scaled floor plans and elevations. Presentations will emphasize the importance of verbal and graphic skills to communicate the design solution. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT102: Interior Textiles and Finishes

A survey of the history, science, and proper application of textiles and finishes in the interior environment. Examination and evaluation of textile identification, proper selection, methods of weaving, testing, and maintenance of textiles. Demonstration through case studies of specifications, estimating of textiles and finishes, green design and textile codes. Culminates with the psychological and physical advantages of textiles in today's interiors. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT103: Interior Design II

Continuation of Interior Design I in which more complex design problems are approached and drafting skills are refined. Through studio sessions, a series of residential spaces are evaluated, client needs assessed, and trade sources explored to develop the design process from an abstract concept to a designed solution. Floor plans and elevations are graphically supported by 1 pt. perspective drawings. Fundamentals of AutoCAD are introduced through classroom demonstration. An emphasis is placed on professional presentations and oral communication skills. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: INT101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT105: History of Interiors and Architecture

A comprehensive survey of the major historical styles of architecture, interiors, furniture and decorative arts from the ancient world through the 18th century. Lectures, readings and field trips focus on the development and recognition of styles: Antiquity, Renaissance, Baroque, Rococo, Neoclassic, and Empire. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT107: Color for Interiors

Focuses on the fundamentals of color through the exploration of how color and light relate to the world of interiors. Concentration will be on color theory and its application to interiors. Gouache paints will be utilized to demonstrate color harmony in interiors: walls, flooring, upholstery, and window treatments. The psychological and practical influences affecting the choice of color will be explored through studio projects. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: INT101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT115: Interior Design Careers Seminar

Interior Design Careers Seminar introduces first-year interior design students to career exploration with college survival skills needed to succeed in college and the field of professional interior design. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 1 cr. hr.

INT201: Interior Design III

An introduction to conceptual and practical methods of designing commercial projects of increasing levels of complexity and scope are used to enhance and expand design skills. Fundamentals of AutoCAD in addition to thumbnail sketching, rendering, one- and two- point perspective graphically support design solutions. Emphasis on connection between programming, bubble schematics, flow charts, color, texture and lighting to emphasize the power of design in public spaces. Creative presentation techniques and refined oral skills are emphasized. (offered fall semester only) (6 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: INT103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT205: Working Drawings

Foundation course in developing a complete set of interior design construction drawings. One interior space of approximately 2,000 square feet is designed based on program and space analysis, building codes, and architectural and structural constraints. AutoCAD is utilized to create the graphic means for problem-solving using two-dimensional working drawings such as floor, demolition, construction, furniture, and lighting plans, in addition to elevations. Three-dimensional drawings, axonometric and perspective, complete the design process. (offered fall semester only) (6 hrs. studio) Prerequisite INT103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT208: Professional Practice for Interior Designers

Introductory course which examines practical, financial, legal and business considerations of the practicing interior designer. Case studies provide the basis for formulation of contracts, cost and materials estimating, pricing, project development and letters of agreement. Professional ethics and interpersonal communication skills as they relate to the field and to client relationships are emphasized. Students required to participate in field trips that may exceed scheduled classroom hours. Prerequisite: INT103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT220: Materials and Construction Methods for Interior Designers

Synthesizing of product knowledge and finishes. Proper application and details stressed. Using AutoCAD, students develop a complete set of schedules for windows, doors, wall finishes, plumbing fixtures and lighting. Code requirements, barrier-free design, estimating and cost analysis are integrated into the series of drawings. (2 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: INT205 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT226: Kitchen and Bath Design

This course provides an in-depth introduction to residential kitchen and bath design, with the goal of developing expertise for planning and creating functional, efficient, and aesthetically pleasing kitchens and baths. From design concept to construction, emphasis is placed on floor plans, elevations, perspectives, specifications of materials and finishes, appliance selection, and cabinet design. Studio projects will analyze and apply National Kitchen and Bath standards. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: INT103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT227: Interior Design Portfolio and Assessment

This capstone course provides the skills and guidance for preparing an interior design portfolio in both manual and digital format. In a professional format, the portfolio illustrates an individual's skill level and knowledge of interior design through program course projects. The course also examines a comprehensive overview of the skills and content of the NCDIQ exam. Students taking this course must be in their final semester of the Interior Design program. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) Prerequisites: INT201 and INT205 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT230: Cooperative Education and Internships for Interior Designers

Supervised on-the-job training directly related to field of interior design. Integrates classroom theory with practical work experience. A weekly one-hour seminar held on campus and a minimum of 120 hours working in interior design field are required. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Note: BUS150 or IND140 may be substituted for INT230 with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. fieldwork) Prerequisite: INT201, INT205, INT208 and a minimum overall GPA of 2.80. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

INT297: Independent Study: Interior Design

Independent study courses in interior design may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


ITL101: Elementary Italian I

First half of the introductory sequence in Italian which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of Italian culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) This course is for students with little or no knowledge of Italian. It is not appropriate for native/fluent speakers of Italian, for whom ITL201 is recommended (see guidelines chart in the College Catalog under Foreign Language). (2) Credit given for (a) ITL101 and ITL102, or (b) ITL113, but not for both options. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL102: Elementary Italian II

Second half of introductory sequence in Italian which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of Italian culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) Credit given for (a) ITL101 and ITL102, or (b) ITL113, but not for both options. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ITL101 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL113: Intensive Elementary Italian I and II

Accelerated course covering elementary Italian sequence (ITL101 and ITL102) in one semester. Required online workbook/lab manual course component. Notes: (1) ITL113 is for students with little or no knowledge of Italian. This course is not appropriate for native/fluent speakers of Italian, for whom ITL201 is recommended (see guidelines chart in the College Catalog under Foreign Language. More advanced students should see Chair/Academic Dean. (2) May not be taken for credit after any other course in Italian. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 6 cr. hrs.

ITL201: Intermediate Italian I

Continuing study of structures of Italian with more intensive oral and writing practice. Cultural and literary selections will be introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ITL102 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL202: Intermediate Italian II

Structural review focusing on oral and written communication. Introduces social, political and cultural aspects of Italian world through analysis of wide range of authentic literary and cultural selections. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ITL201 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL220: Italian Conversation and Composition

Advanced-level Italian course focusing on development of oral and written communication skills within a wide range of contexts and situations. Reviews specific grammatical structures, broadens general vocabulary and enhances correct pronunciation techniques to strengthen accuracy and precision in oral and written Italian. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ITL202 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirements. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL223: Advanced Grammar and Composition

Develops higher levels of proficiency needed to communicate effectively in academic and professional settings where more complex writing skills are requested. The course focuses on expository writing techniques such as analysis, organization, editing, and revision. Attention is given to more detailed aspects of grammatical structure and expansion of more formal vocabulary. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: ITL202. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ITL297: Independent Study: Italian

Independent study courses in italian may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


JPN101: Elementary Japanese I

First half of the introductory sequence in Japanese which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on communicative proficiency. Basic concepts of Japanese culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) This course is for students with little or no prior knowledge of Japanese. More advanced students should see the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

JPN102: Elementary Japanese II

Second half of the introductory sequence in Japanese which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing with emphasis on communicative proficiency. Required online lab component. Basic concepts of Japanese culture are introduced. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: JPN101 or fulfillment of equivalent high school placement requirement. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.


LAT101: Elementary Latin I

First half of the introductory sequence in Latin which develops sentence structure including noun forms and verb usages of tense, mood and voice. Attention given to influence of Latin on English vocabulary. Readings of authentic cultural, literary and historical materials. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

LAT297: Independent Study: Latin

Independent study courses in italian may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


LAW101: Introduction to Law

Introduces an understanding of law through its forms, classifications and sources. Impact of law as influenced by political, social and economic needs; legal rights and their enforcement; federal and state court systems; and functions of administrative agencies. A study of the lawsuit, jurisdiction, pleadings, preparation of forms and role of the paralegal. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW103: Introduction to Paralegal Studies

Introduces roles that paralegals fill in the American legal system. Students examine ethical considerations of a paralegal and fundamental concepts a paralegal needs to understand. Includes materials designed to develop basic legal skills such as interviewing, investigation, research and writing as a foundation for the other courses in the paralegal program. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW105: Law Office Management and Practices

Serves as a basis for all types of law offices through a study of general management principles and practices applied to office operations. Includes billing practices, bookkeeping, filing, telephone techniques and correspondence. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW111: Business Law I

Introduction to law: law as a social institution, its origin, development and administration; law of contracts, agency, employment, insurance, government regulations of business. Emphasis on personal property, bailments and real property. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW202: Civil Litigation

In-depth study of all tools and procedures available to an attorney in preparing for and conducting civil litigation. Emphasis placed on preparing motions, subpoenas, gathering evidence, documentation and witnesses. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW212: Business Law II

Continuation of Business Law I. Commercial paper, creditors rights, secured transaction, partnerships, corporation, agency, wills and estates. Emphasis on Uniform Commercial Code. Prerequisite: LAW111. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW213: Paralegal Internship

An internship program conducted in various Suffolk County government departments, private business legal departments and private law offices. Students have opportunity to relate skills learned in the classroom to actual law office applications and to acquire experience in a law office setting. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. Internship hours: average of eight hours per week. Class meetings: a one-hour session per week. Prerequisite: LAW105 and LAW240. Students must also be Paralegal majors and receive permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW215: Law of Property

Study of property ownership, closings, property management, property financing, and instruments pertaining thereto including development of consumer rights. Students trained to assist in investigation, preparation and maintenance of records necessary to perform the above services in a corporate law department or law office. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW240: Legal Research

Provides an understanding of functions of the law library and develops research skills through use of digests, encyclopedias, reporter systems and practice manuals. Requires participation in drafting special research projects and preparation of pleadings. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Note: Enrollment open only to students in Paralegal curriculum. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW241: Legal Writing

This course focuses on the importance of legal communication; specifically the use of effective legal writing when communicating with clients, adversaries, and the courts. Specific writing assignments will include both interoffice and external written communications. Students will be required to prepare various legal documents including pleadings, motions, memoranda and legal briefs. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW244: Partnership and Corporation Law

Review of legal aspects information of business entities, including sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation, with a survey of fundamental principles of law applicable to each and preparation of documents necessary to organization and operation of each. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW246: Estates, Trusts and Wills

Study of wills and trusts and survey of fundamental principles of law applicable to each. Also, a study of organization and jurisdiction of surrogate's court, detailed analysis of administration of estates and review of estate and inheritance taxes applicable to such estates. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW251: International Law

The study of International Law as the normative representation of the system of values common to all societies. The framework of this course will recognize that states are the principal actors in the legal system. The topics addressed will include human rights, group rights, the treatment of aliens, and international crimes. Important areas of comparative law in the traditions of Romano-Germanic civil law and Anglo-American common law will be presented. The course examines recurring problems caused by private cross-border disputes and current emerging solutions for solving such disputes. Class direction may include treatment regarding laws and policies behind business practices of the European Union. Prerequisite: LAW101 and LAW103 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

LAW297: Independent Study: Bus: Law

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Library Research

LIB101: Introduction to College Research

This course provides students with fundamental skills for finding and using information. Through lectures, interactive discussions, demonstrations, and hands-on activities, students develop techniques for defining research topics, creating search strategies, gathering relevant sources from various formats, evaluating information, and using information ethically. Notes: (1) Can be used to fulfill College Seminar requirement. (2) Credit given for LIB101 or LIB103, but not both. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

Marine Biology/Oceanography

MAR105: Introduction to Oceanography

Life in the oceans is studied against a background of its interaction with the physical, chemical and geological environment. Lectures, laboratory and field trips explore fundamental properties which underlie oceanic phenomena. For liberal arts and general studies students. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAR111: Marine Biology

Populations of animals and plants inhabiting Long Island's intertidal and nearshore environments are studied. Special attention given to the biology and natural history of these organisms. Community relationships and effects of abiotic environment on coastal populations also emphasized. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAR255: Marine Ecology

This course will focus on the ecological processes that affect the abundance and distribution of marine organisms. Basic oceanographic, ecological and physiological principles will be introduced. Marine ecosystems ranging from open water to the deep sea to coastal systems will be surveyed. Human impacts on marine ecosystems, such as the effects of global climate change, overfishing, and pollution will be discussed. Designed for Marine Science majors. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: C or higher in BIO155 or MAR105. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.



Mathematics tutoring services are provided free through the following areas:

  • Math Learning Center (Ammerman Campus, Riverhead 235)
  • Math and Science Learn­ing Center (Eastern Campus, Shinnecock 120)
  • Academic Tutoring Center (Michael J. Grant Campus, Learning Resource Center 149)
  • Students can use any of the tutoring services regardless of the campus they take their coursework.


Students are initially placed into mathematics courses based on their mathematics background and placement test score. Students who have not studied mathematics within the past two years should discuss their competency with the counseling center or department of mathematics. Students who place into MAT001 must also complete MAT007 or MAT009 after passing MAT001 to complete the developmental sequence. Students placing into MAT006 are strongly encouraged to take the one semester (5 credit) course. However, students can meet the requirement by taking MAT001 followed by MAT007 or MAT009. Following the completion of MAT006, MAT007 or MAT009, refer to the “Guide to Mathematics Course Selection” and course descrip­tions listed below.

Guide to Mathematics Course Selection

The following diagram is presented to assist stu­dents in selecting mathematics courses based on their mathematics placement. The dotted line indicates that students can move from MAT009 to MAT111 with permission of the Academic Chair.

Students that complete MAT009 and are interested in taking MAT111 are encouraged to complete the “Bridge to MAT111 - Algebra II” learning area found under the Virtual Learning Commons within MySCCC.

Guide to Math Courses

MAT001: Developmental Mathematics Skills

For the student who needs to learn or strengthen basic arithmetic skills, introductory plane geometry concepts, and to prepare for entry into beginning algebra. Grading in this course determined by mastery of completed topics. Graded on an S-R-U-W basis. Does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. Students taking this course must also take MAT007 or MAT009 before enrolling in a college-level mathematics course. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT001L: Developmental Mathematics Skills Laboratory

Provides an opportunity to receive recognition for MAT001 and/or MAT007 in computer-enhanced non-traditional setting. Through a combination of computer-based lessons, collaborative learning and group instruction, students progress at their own pace to learn required materials for the course in which they are enrolled. Students beginning with MAT001L can seamlessly move into MAT007L and receive recognition for highest course completed during the semester. If objectives of course are not completed within the semester, students may register for MAT001L/MAT007L the following semester and continue from the level previously reached. MAT001L does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT006: Pre-Algebra and Algebra I

Review of arithmetic skills and introduction to the basic concepts of algebra. Topics include arithmetic skills, geometry, language of algebra, order of operations, signed numbers, linear equations, two equations in two unknowns, polynomials, solving quadratic equations by factoring, and selected verbal problems. Graded on an SA-SB-SC-R-U-W basis. Does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. Serves as a prerequisite for any course for which MAT007 is a prerequisite. Prerequisite: Placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 5 cr. hrs.

MAT007: Algebra I

Introduction to basic concepts of algebra. Equivalent to first-year high school algebra. Topics include language of algebra, order of operations, signed numbers, linear equations, simultaneous equations, factoring, solving quadratic equations by factoring, application of algebra to selected verbal problems. Graded on an SA-SB-SC-R-U-W basis. Does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: MAT001 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT007L: Algebra I Laboratory

Provides an opportunity to receive recognition for MAT007 in computer-enhanced non-traditional setting. Through a combination of computer-based lessons, collaborative learning and group instruction, students progress at their own pace to learn required materials for the course in which they are enrolled. If objectives of course are not completed within the semester, students may register again the following semester and continue from the level previously reached. MAT007L does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: MAT001 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT009: Mathematical Literacy

This course integrates fluency with numbers, proportional reasoning, data interpretation, probability, algebraic reasoning, graphing lines, modeling, and communicating quantitative information. Mathematical concepts are investigated through problem-solving and discussions in the context of real-life topics such as, personal finances, population growth and density, government, economics, and health related statistics. This course prepares students to take a college-level non-algebraic course in mathematics, such as MAT101, MAT102, or MAT103. Students placing at this level and needing MAT111 should take MAT006 or MAT007 instead of this course. Graded on an SA-SB-SC-R-U-W basis. Does not fulfill requirements for any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: MAT001 or placement, and RDG098. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT095: Developmental Special Topics: Mathematics

Special topics in developmental Mathematics may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

MAT101: A Survey of Mathematical Reasoning

Liberal arts mathematics course which provides insight into nature of mathematical reasoning by examining basic structures such as logic, sets, real numbers, numeration systems and inductive reasoning. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT101 or MAT107, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007, MAT009 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT102: A Survey of Contemporary Mathematical Topics

Liberal arts mathematics course providing an appreciation of contemporary mathematics by examining nontraditional topics such as probability and statistics; theories of games, groups and numbers; and finite differences. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007, MAT009 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT103: Statistics I

For students interested in social sciences, health sciences, business and industry. Theory of probability is used to develop methods of statistical inference, confidence intervals and decision theory. Topics include sample spaces, statistical models, binomial and normal distribution, t-distribution and chi-square distribution. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007, MAT009 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT104: Statistics II

For students interested in social sciences, health sciences, business and industry. Expands on statistical concepts and methods treated in MAT103 and provides opportunity to apply statistical methods to an actual survey. Teaches how to select a sample, interview respondents and analyze data. Additional topics include non-parametric statistics, correlation and regression, analysis of variance and decision making. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT103. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT106: Mathematics for Health Science

For students pursuing nursing, veterinary science technology and other health sciences degrees. Includes review of basic concepts such as proportions, exponents, and Cartesian coordinate system. Topics include scientific notation, dosage calculation, metrics, dimensional analysis, logarithms and logarithmic scales, vectors, basic statistical terms, simple biostatistics. Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007, MAT009 or equivalent. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT107: Computer Mathematics Concepts

For students pursuing a Computer Technology degree program. Stresses problem-solving and computer mathematics concepts. Taught with a computer lab component. Topics include number systems, computer arithmetic, sets, logic, functions, vectors, matrices, sequence, selection and repetition, and problem solving. Note: Credit given for MAT107 or MAT101, but not both. Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007, MAT009 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT111: Algebra II

Continuation of study of basic concepts of algebra. Topics include brief review of elementary algebra, solutions of second-degree equations, radicals, complex numbers, rational expressions, polynomial expressions, rational exponents and roots, systems of equations and inequalities. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT006 or MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT111L: Algebra II Laboratory

Continuation of study of basic concepts of algebra. Topics include brief review of elementary algebra, solutions of second-degree equations, radicals, complex numbers, rational expressions, polynomial expressions, rational exponents and roots, systems of equations and inequalities. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT006 or MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT112: Technical Mathematics for College Students

Review of elementary algebra, properties of exponents and radicals, scientific notation, use of a calculator, linear expressions, trigonometric expressions and right triangle trigonometry, solving linear and some restricted quadratic equations and systems of linear equations in two variables, vectors and some basic operations on vectors. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Emphasis will be on applied problems from technical disciplines. Prerequisite: MAT006 or MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT115: Mathematics: A Historical Perspective

Honors course showing how mathematical methods and thinking have changed through centuries and are evolving still. Emphasis placed on people and events that are understandable to students with ordinary mathematics backgrounds. Covers material from ancient to present times and attempts to trace impact that mathematics has had on modern culture. Prerequisite: Enrollment in Honors Program or permission of Mathematics Academic Chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT120: College Algebra and Trigonometry

A comprehensive analysis of fundamental algebraic concepts. Topics include factoring, equations and inequalities, polynomials, complex numbers, rational expressions, absolute value, and trigonometry. Careful development of functions and their properties, operations, and graphs. Study of various standard functions, along with one-to-one, inverse, exponential, logarithmic, and trigonometric functions. Techniques for solving equations, inequalities and systems of equations. Exploration of related applications and models. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT111 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT121: Finite Mathematics

For students interested in business, social and managerial sciences. Introduction to basic concepts and techniques of those areas in mathematics which deal with finite sets. Topics include linear programming, probability theory, matrix manipulations, Markov Chains, game theory and optimization problems. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT111 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT124: Fundamentals of Precalculus I

Concept of function introduced early and used throughout course. Topics include zeros and graphs of polynomial functions, graphs and asymptotes of rational functions, exponential and logarithmic functions, introduction to trigonometry, angle measurement, right triangle trigonometry, properties and graphs of trigonometric functions. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT124 or MAT126, but not both. Successful completion of both MAT124 and MAT125 is equivalent to MAT126 completion. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT111 or higher or successful completion of three years of college preparatory mathematics. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT125: Fundamentals of Precalculus II

Concept of function used throughout course. Topics include trigonometric functions and inverses, identities and equations, laws of sines and cosines, De Moivre's Theorem and complex numbers, polar and parametric equations, systems of linear equations and inequalities, partial fractions and the conics. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT125 or MAT126, but not both. Successful completion of both MAT124 and MAT125 is equivalent to MAT126 completion. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT124 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT126: Precalculus Mathematics

For students with strong mathematics backgrounds planning to enter calculus sequence. Topics include polynomial, rational, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions; conic sections; translation of axes; linear and nonlinear systems; trigonometric laws and formulas, and applications; De Moivre's Theorem and complex numbers; polar and parametric equations; and partial fractions. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT124 or MAT126, but not both. Credit given for MAT125 or MAT126, but not both. Successful completion of both MAT124 and MAT125 is equivalent to MAT126 completion. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. (5 contact hrs.) Prerequisite: 80 or higher on the high school Algebra II Regents Exam. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT129: College Precalculus

A comprehensive analysis of fundamental Precalculus concepts for students planning to enter the calculus sequence. Topics include a thorough presentation of functions with an emphasis on quadratic, polynomial, rational, trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions; solutions to equations and inequalities, trigonometric identities; conic sections; and applications. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT120 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT131: Calculus for Non-Science Majors

For students of accounting, business, economics, social sciences and general studies. Involves study of functions, derivatives and integrals. Strong emphasis placed on application of these concepts to problems from fields of business, social sciences and some life sciences. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT131 or MAT141, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT120 or MAT124 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT141: Calculus with Analytic Geometry I

Study of limits, continuity, theory and application of the derivative; related rate problems; maxima and minima; definite and indefinite integrals; areas under curves. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT141 or MAT131, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. (5 contact hrs.) Prerequisite: C or better in MAT125, MAT126, or MAT129. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT142: Calculus with Analytic Geometry II

Techniques of integration; trapezoidal rule and Simpson's rule; application of integration; polar coordinates; indeterminate forms; L'Hopital's rule; improper integrals; Taylor's formula and infinite series. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. (5 contact hrs.) Prerequisite: C or better in MAT141. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT195: Special Topics: Mathematics

Special and current topics in Mathematics may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

MAT198: Special Topics: Mathematics

Special and current topics in Mathematics may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

MAT200: Language, Logic and Proof

A basic course in the logic of mathematics, the construction of proofs and writing proofs. The mathematical content is primarily set theory, logic, number theory, introduction to basic analysis, and Euclidean Geometry. There is considerable focus on writing proofs. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT142. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT203: Calculus with Analytic Geometry III

Study of vectors and solid analytical geometry, vector calculus, partial derivatives, calculus of several variables, and multiple integration. Special topics may include Green's Theorem, Stoke's Theorem and other topics which may be of special interest to the class. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT142. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT204: Differential Equations

Introduction to differential equations and their applications. Topics include separable equations, autonomous equations, direction fields, mathematical modeling, homogeneous and nonhomogeneous linear equations, linear systems of differential equations, power series solution of differential equations, nonlinear systems of equations and numerical methods. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT142. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT205: Discrete Mathematics

Of special interest to students majoring in computer science and engineering as well as mathematics. Topics chosen from mathematical logic, set theory, an introduction to combinatorics, Boolean algebras with applications to circuit minimization, graph theory, difference equations, and algebraic structures with applications to coding theory. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT141. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT206: Linear Algebra

Study of vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, bases, dimension, linear transformations, matrices, diagonalization processes, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, determinants, Euclidean spaces and orthonormal bases. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT206 or MAT210, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: C or better in MAT142. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MAT210: Applied Linear Algebra

An introduction to the theory and use of vectors and matrices. Matrix theory including systems of linear equations. Theory of Euclidean and abstract vector spaces. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Linear transformations. Notes: (1) Credit given for MAT210 or MAT206, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Mathematics. Prerequisite: MAT141 with C or higher. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MAT297: Independent Study: Mathematics

Independent study courses in mathematics may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


MET101: Introduction to Weather

Introduction to elements and energies that are basic processes described as weather. Basic principles such as temperature, pressure, density, humidity and air movement are studied to provide basis for understanding long- and short-range forecasting, including severe weather phenomena such as hurricanes, tornadoes and storms. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

MET104: Extreme Weather

Students will investigate the causes of extreme weather around the world and how these extremes have changed over time. The influence of modern climate change on these events will be a key part of the course as well as how society is preparing for a future that is expected to experience increased frequency and intensity of many extreme weather events. Historical case studies as well as present data will be utilized to achieve these goals. Extreme events covered in this course will include tornados, hurricanes, blizzards, heat waves, drought, and floods, among others. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on A / 3 cr. hrs.

MET201: Global Climate Change

The impact of global climate change is far-reaching, both for humanity and the environment. This course will provide students with the scientific background to understand the role of natural and human-forced climate change so that they are better prepared to become involved in the discussion. Students will learn how past climates are determined and why humans are causing most of the observed modern day warming. The technical and political solutions to climate change will also be discussed. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.


The following courses are restricted to Music majors and cannot be used as a liberal arts and sciences elective in any program: MUS121, MUS122, MUS123, MUS124, MUS125, MUS126, MUS127, MUS128, MUS129, MUS203, MUS204, MUS205, MUS208, MUS209, and MUS211.

MUS101: Understanding Music

Introductory course which develops ability to listen to and understand music. Recorded and visual materials utilized in studying specific styles, forms and idioms of primarily Western music from Baroque to early 20th century. Required listening and required concerts. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS103: The History of Rock and Roll

Provides a broader experience in listening, analyzing and describing specific nomenclature of rock music. Covers aesthetic, political and social impact of rock music from its origins in 'Rhythm and Blues' to the rise of Elvis Presley and rockabilly, Chuck Berry and teenage rock, Bob Dylan and protest rock, British rock, psychedelic rock, art rock, soul and country rock. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS105: History of Jazz

Surveys evolution of jazz from its African and West Indian origins to major contemporary styles. Emphasis on harmonic, melodic and rhythmic development; techniques of improvisation and style analysis of major performers. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS113: Fret-Board Harmony

Enhances basic skills in entry-level guitar students. Emphasis on melodic and chordal sight-reading, rhythms, position playing, modes and music theory as applied to guitar. Prerequisite for participation in Guitar Ensemble (MUS131). No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS115: College Seminar for Music Majors

The course facilitates students' transition to and success in Suffolk County Community College's music program. Topics include academic advisement, time management, study skills, library research, and campus resources. In addition, the course will cover topics relevant to the major, such as music careers, transfer to four-year music schools, and performance. Students are expected to enroll in this class in their first semester in the music program. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirement for students in Music A.S. degree. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS117: Music Fundamentals

For students with little or no previous theoretical music training. Provides understanding of basic music reading, notation, scales, keys, rhythm, meter, and chords. Recommended for non-music major who would like to learn rudiments of music theory. Cannot be taken by music majors as a music elective. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS118: Introduction to Music Composition/Songwriting

This course, open to all students, will serve as an entry level composition/songwriting course. It will cover various concepts inherent in writing music (in any style), with an emphasis on exploration, creativity, and developing good work habits. This course aims to develop each student's compositional skill, insight, and creativity through a series of assignments structured around their individual interests, goals, and abilities. Although creating music will be the focus of the course, we will also explore the structure, technique, and language of music employed in various historic genres and styles through listening, class discussion, and analysis, as these are essential elements of the learning process. Class time will be divided into lecture, analysis, and students sharing their work with each other and receiving feedback. There will be a number of individual meetings with the professor during the semester. Notes: (1) Students should have basic ability to read music and/or proficiency using a digital audio workstation. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. Prerequisite: B or better in MUS117, MUS121, or MUS122 or permission of the Academic Chair. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS121: Basic Musicianship

For music majors. Students taking this course must be matriculated into the A.S. Music degree at Suffolk County Community College. Course provides the fundamental building blocks necessary to study music at the collegiate level. Topics covered include: music notation (pitch, harmony, rhythm, intervals, chords), and aural skills (melodic, harmonic, rhythmic dictation, solfeggio), and keyboard skills (melodies in both hands, chording, performance skills). A grade of C or better must be achieved by any music major wishing to be placed into MUS122: Music Theory I (Diatonicism). Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS122: Music Theory I (Diatonicism)

For students seeking a thorough understanding of music theory. Emphasis on all scales, keys, intervals, rhythm, chords, and their inversion. Study of species counterpoint. Introduction to four-part writing with figured bass. Analysis of examples from the repertoire. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUS121: Basic Musicianship or successful completion of the Music Theory Placement Test. Corequisites: MUS123 and MUS124. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS123: Aural Skills I

Introduction to basic skills of ear-training and sight-singing necessary for competent musicianship. Students learn to sing at sight and transcribe by ear all intervals, simple rhythms, and modal and diatonic melodies in simple and compound meters and in any mode or key. Sight-singing component conducted using the moveable "DO" system of Solfege. Parallels theoretical concepts covered in MUS122: Music Theory I. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUS121: Basic Musicianship or successful completion of the Music Theory Placement Test. Corequisites: MUS122 and MUS124. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS124: Piano I

Class instruction in fundamentals of piano playing, designed to enable those who have no piano background to play simple compositions and scales. Pianos available for additional practice. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in MUS121: Basic Musicianship or successful completion of the Music Theory Placement Test. Corequisites: MUS122 and MUS123. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS125: Applied Music I

Private instruction on the student's primary choice of a single instrument or voice. Instruments include standard woodwinds, brasses, percussion, piano and guitar. Students develop technical skills while preparing solo repertoire for a jury examination. One 45-minute lesson plus five hours of practice weekly and three required recitations. Applied Music fee. Prerequisite: Successful completion of a performance audition on the student's primary choice of instrument or voice. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS126: Music Theory II (Diatonicism Continued)

In-depth study of four-part writing using diatonic triads, seventh chords, and non-harmonic tones. Creation of a four-part musical phrase from a given melody or bass line. Continued study of species counterpoint. Study of cadences and phrasing, including periods and sentences. Analysis of examples from repertoire. (offered spring and summer only) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS122, MUS123 and MUS124. Corequisite: MUS127 and MUS128. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS127: Aural Skills II

Continuation of eartraining and sightsinging skills developed in MUS123: Aural Skills I. Students proceed with more diverse and challenging exercises in rhythm and meter, melody and harmony. Parallels theoretical concepts covered in MUS126: Music Theory II. (offered spring and summer only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS122, MUS123, MUS124. Corequisite: MUS126 and MUS128. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS128: Piano II

Continuation of MUS124 which concentrates on performance of easy, well-known selections and piano techniques. Pianos available for additional practice. (offered spring and summer only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS122, MUS123 and MUS124. Corequisites: MUS126 and MUS127. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS129: Applied Music II

Continued private instruction on the student's instrument of study or voice. Students develop technical skills while preparing solo repertoire for a jury examination. One 45-minute lesson plus five hours of practice weekly and three required recitations. Applied Music fee. (offered spring and summer only) Prerequisite: MUS125: Applied Music I and successful completion of Jury Examination I. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS131: Guitar Ensemble

Open to all music-reading guitarists. Classical, jazz, rock, country and folk music are played. Technical guitar skills and musical skills are improved through ensemble participation. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Notes: (1) May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Audition. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS132: College Orchestra

Open to student and community instrumentalists who wish to perform masterworks from the orchestral repertoire from Baroque through 20th Century. Emphasis on developing technical and musical skills in ensemble and solo playing. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Notes: (1) Since some musical works require specific instrumentation, certain instruments may not be needed in a particular term. (2) May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Informal individual audition for seating purposes only. May be taken without credit (audit basis) with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS133: Symphonic Band

Open to all woodwind, brass, and percussion instrumentalists with an interest in standard wind band literature. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Informal audition for part placement. Notes: (1) May be taken without credit (audit basis) with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Must be able to read music. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS134: Jazz Ensemble

Open to the following instrumentalists: saxophone, trumpet, trombone, piano, guitar, bass guitar, vibes and drum set, with an interest in the jazz idiom. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Informal audition for part placement Notes: (1) May be taken without credit (audit basis) with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. (2) May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Must be able to read music. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr. .

MUS135: College Choir

Provides participants with opportunity to study and perform standard choral literature for mixed voices. Open to all students. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Ability to match pitch. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

MUS136: Suffolk Singers

Structured study and performance of music with emphasis upon ensemble and analysis of stylistic practices. Some reading ability preferred. This ensemble is for experienced vocal musicians. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Note: May be taken for more than two semesters. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Audition. Corequisite: MUS135. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS138: Contemporary Music Ensemble

Focuses on study, rehearsal and performance of music composed during 20th and 21st centuries (inclusive of all styles-classical, rock, jazz, Broadway, etc.), with emphasis on works composed during last half of the century. In addition to the standard repertoire, new works are often premiered by the ensemble. During preparation of these new compositions, ensemble works closely with composer in discussing compositional processes utilized. Enables students to gain knowledge and understanding of 20th and 21st century repertoire, compositional procedures, theoretical practices, historical movements and performance techniques. All instruments and voices are welcome. Dress rehearsals and performances are part of the class and attendance is mandatory. Note: May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS122 or permission of instructor. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS203: Music Theory III (Form and Analysis)

In-depth study of modulation, secondary dominants, leading-tone chords, mode mixture, and chromatic harmony. Detailed form and analysis of examples from repertoire. Continued study of four-part harmony. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS126, MUS127 and MUS128. Corequisite: MUS204. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS204: Aural Skills III

Continuation of eartraining and sightsinging skills developed in MUS127: Aural Skills II, moving on to more complex rhythms, chromatic melodies and modulations to more distantly-related keys. Chromatic and borrowed harmonies in progressions are introduced. Parallels theoretical concepts covered in MUS203: Music Theory III. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS126, MUS127, and MUS128. Corequisite: MUS203. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS205: Applied Music III

Continued private instruction on the student's instrument of study or voice. Students develop technical skills while preparing solo repertoire for a jury examination. One 45-minute lesson plus five hours of practice weekly and three required recitations. Applied Music fee. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: MUS129: Applied Music II and successful completion of Jury Examination II. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS206: Music History in Western Civilization I

Examination of styles and genres of Western classical music from antiquity through 1750. Emphasis on style analysis, contributions of major composers, and relationship to social and cultural background. Required listening and score analysis. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: MUS122 or with permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS208: Music Theory IV (Form and Analysis Continuation)

Continuation of chromatic harmony, including augmented sixth chords and non-functional progressions. Detailed analysis of large forms, with examples from the repertoire. Introduction to 20th century techniques and materials, including modes, atonal and post-tonal analysis. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS203 and MUS204. Corequisite: MUS209. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS209: Aural Skills IV

Continuation of eartraining and sightsinging skills developed in MUS204: Aural Skills III, including complex rhythms, advanced chromatic melodies, ninth, eleventh and thirteenth chords, and non-triadic tonal harmonies. Aural skills sequence concludes with sightsinging and dictation of atonal and bi-tonal melodies. Parallels theoretical concepts covered in MUS208: Music Theory IV. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in MUS203 and MUS204. Corequisite: MUS208. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

MUS210: Music History in Western Civilization II

Examination of styles and genres of Western classical music from 1750 to the present. Emphasis on style analysis, contributions of major composers, and relationship to social and cultural background. Required listening and score analysis. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: MUS206. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

MUS211: Applied Music IV

Continued private instruction on the student's instrument of study or voice. Students develop technical skills while preparing solo repertoire for a public recital. One 45-minute lesson plus five hours of practice weekly and three required recitations. Applied Music fee. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisite: MUS205 and successful completion of Jury Examination III. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

MUS295: Special Topics: Music

Special and current topics in music may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

MUS297: Independent Study: Music

Independent study courses in music may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Musical Theatre

MTR105: Musical Theatre Workshop

This class is designed to teach techniques used during 20th and 21st century musical theatre auditions, rehearsals, and performances. Students will explore fundamentals of voice, acting, and stage movement through the utilization of the musical theatre repertoire. The course will culminate in a final public performance. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.


Nursing (NUR) clinical courses require that students travel for clinical experiences throughout Suffolk County. Students enrolling in NUR clinical courses are auto­matically charged the liability insurance fee. Enrollment in NUR courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Nursing program.

NUR102: Fundamentals of Nursing for Registered Nurses

This course focuses on the development of foundational knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the safe practice of nursing care of the adult patient in the acute and chronic health care setting. Included are concepts of the nursing process, patient-centered care, safety, evidence-based practice, diversity and cultural competence, health promotion and maintenance, teamwork and collaboration, interview and psychomotor skills of health assessment, and the use of library resources and information technology. Development of personal, professional, and ethical behaviors will be emphasized. Laboratory and clinical experiences apply foundational scientific principles, theory, skills and behaviors of nursing practice. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (4 hrs. lecture, 5 hrs. laboratory, 3 hrs. clinical) Corequisite: NUR116. Offered on: A-G / 7.5 cr. hrs.

NUR116: Nursing Success

This course facilitates transition into the nursing program with emphasis on qualities of professionalism in nursing, principles of evidence-based practice, and critical thinking. Includes techniques of study and time management, test-taking, and use of library resources to enhance success in the nursing program. Corequisite: NUR102. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

NUR125: LPN to RN Transition and Advanced Placement

The course facilitates transition from practical nursing to registered student nurse role. Integrates prior knowledge of the practical nurse to utilize the nursing process for the delivery of patient and family-centered care. Emphasizes critical thinking to plan and prioritize the adult individual's health care needs experiencing adult health and mental health acute and chronic conditions. Application of essential concepts in cultural and spiritual competence, safety, pharmacology, nursing process, caring, health promotion maintenance and self-health management, communication, documentation, teaching and learning, teamwork and collaboration, legal and ethical principles, and evidence-based practice are incorporated into this course. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (4 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 6 hrs. clinical) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 7.5 cr. hrs.

NUR126: LPN Role Transition to Mental Health Nursing

This course facilitates transition from practical nursing to the role of the registered nurse in a mental health care setting. Integrates prior knowledge of the practical nurse to utilize the nursing process for the delivery of patient and family-centered care. Emphasizes the registered nurse role in critical thinking to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients receiving treatment for acute and chronic mental health, behavioral, and/or cognitive conditions across the lifespan. Application of essential concepts in cultural and spiritual competence, safety, pharmacology, nursing process, caring, health promotion maintenance and self-health management, communication, documentation, teaching and learning, teamwork and collaboration, legal and ethical principles, and evidence-based practice are incorporated into this course. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. clinical) No prerequisite. Corequisite: NUR127. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

NUR127: LPN Role Transition to Adult Physical Health Nursing Care

This course facilitates transition from practical nursing to the role of the registered nurse in an acute care setting. Integrates prior knowledge of the practical nurse to utilize the nursing process for the delivery of patient and family-centered care. Emphasizes the registered nurse role in critical thinking to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients receiving treatment for adult patients in an acute care setting. Application of essential concepts in cultural and spiritual competence, safety, pharmacology, nursing process, caring, health promotion maintenance and self-health management, communication, documentation, teaching and learning, teamwork and collaboration, legal and ethical principles, and evidence-based practice are incorporated into this course. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 3 hrs. clinical) No prerequisite. Corequisite: NUR126. Offered on: A-G / 4.5 cr. hrs.

NUR133: Adult Physical Health Nursing I

This course focuses on the delivery of patient and family-centered care with an emphasis on critical thinking to plan and prioritize the adult individual's health care needs experiencing acute and chronic conditions. Application of essential concepts in cultural and spiritual competence, safety, pharmacology, nursing process, caring, health promotion maintenance and self-health management, communication, documentation, teaching and learning, teamwork and collaboration, legal and ethical principles, and evidence-based practice are incorporated into this course. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2.5 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory, 4.5 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: NUR102 and NUR116. Corequisite for Day Program: NUR136. Offered on: A-G / 5 cr. hrs.

NUR136: Adult Mental Health Nursing

This course focuses on the delivery of patient and family-centered care with an emphasis on critical thinking to plan and prioritize nursing care for patients receiving treatment for acute and chronic mental health, behavioral, and/or cognitive conditions across the lifespan. Advanced skills in therapeutic verbal and nonverbal communication and assessment in the provision of individual and group interventions to promote self-esteem, anxiety reduction, and coping. Clinical experiences advance the development and application of scientific principles, theory, and skills, of mental health nursing practice. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2.5 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: NUR102 and NUR116. Corequisite: NUR133. Offered on: A-G / 3.5 cr. hrs.

NUR236: Child Health Nursing Care

This course advances skills in patient and family-centered care focused on the child and family with consideration of growth and development, cultural, spiritual, and social variations. Study of expected processes and problems occurring during childhood is accomplished through emphasis on prioritization of care, use of evidenced based practice, application of scientific principles and theory, management of care and promotion of health maintenance behaviors in child health nursing practice. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2.5 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: (NUR133 and NUR136) or NUR125. Corequisite for Day and LPN-RN Program: NUR238. Offered on: A-G / 3.5 cr. hrs.

NUR238: Maternal/Child Health Nursing Care

The course advances skills in patient and family-centered care. Focus is on the childbearing woman and family along with consideration of cultural, spiritual, and social variations. Study is of expected processes and problems occurring during childbearing and care of the newborn. Emphasis is on prioritization of care, use of evidence-based practice, application of scientific principles and theory, and promotion of health maintenance behaviors in maternal health nursing practice. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2.5 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: (NUR133 and NUR136) or NUR125. Corequisite for Day and LPN-RN Program: NUR236. Offered on: A-G / 3.5 cr. hrs.

NUR240: Adult Physical Health Nursing II

This course focuses on the nursing care of acutely- and critically-ill adult patients with complex physical health needs in high acuity settings and also addresses management of adult patients with related chronic conditions. Students synthesize prior knowledge with new knowledge of nursing, pathophysiology, pharmacology, and the social determinants of health to make advanced clinical decisions, planning and prioritizing nursing care for diverse patient populations. Emphasis is placed on integrating concepts of collaboration, delegation, health promotion and maintenance, and evidence-based actions to develop clinical competence. Upon successful completion of the course, students approach transition into the role of a graduate nurse. Students enrolling in this course are automatically charged the liability insurance fee. (5 hrs. lecture, 9 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: NUR 236 and NUR 238 Prerequisite or corequisite: BIO244 Offered on: A-G / 8 cr. hrs.

NUR297: Independent Study: Nursing

Independent study courses in nursing may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

NURTRC: Advanced Nursing Credit for A.S. (8.5)

Upon completion of NUR125, students are awarded an additional 8.5 prior learning credits for advanced placement as LPN.

Occupational Therapy Assistant

Enrollment in OTA courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Occupational Therapy Assistant program.

OTA100: Seminar for Occupational Therapy Assistant Students

This course prepares occupational therapy assistant students for successful completion of the OTA program by introducing library skills; study, note-taking and test-taking strategies; time and stress management; group process; and critical thinking and connecting evidence-based practice and cultural competency with OT practice. Minimum grade of C is required. (offered fall semester only) Offered on: G / 1 cr. hr.

OTA101: Introduction to Occupational Therapy and Lifespan Occupations

In this course, students study the history, philosophy, ethics, theories, practice areas and function of occupational therapy and its place in contemporary health care service delivery. Normal physical, cognitive, and social development throughout the lifespan and within cultural context will be presented, as well as how occupation affects and is affected by development. Coursework introduces the concepts of occupation and communication skills. Activity analysis and principles of occupation-based intervention and occupational therapy media are practiced in laboratory sessions. This course includes 24 hours of Level I fieldwork. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by OTA program. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. fieldwork) Minimum grade of C is required. Corequisite: OTA100 and OTA102. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

OTA102: Clinical Conditions and Terminology

This course considers etiology, pathology, and clinical manifestations of conditions commonly referred for occupational therapy treatment. It also examines effects of disease and illness with respect to occupational performance. Medical terminology introduced, along with safety procedures and precautions. (offered fall semester only) Minimum grade of C is required. Corequisite: OTA100 and OTA101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

OTA118: Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Practice

Examines occupational therapy process of physical, psychosocial and developmental conditions commonly referred for occupational therapy for individuals from birth to adolescence. Teaches frames of reference, assessment/evaluation tools and intervention strategies specific to this period of development. Includes 24 hours of Level I fieldwork experience. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by OTA program. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. fieldwork) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA100, OTA101 and OTA102. Corequisite: OTA121 and OTA200. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

OTA121: Occupational Therapy in Adult Practice

This course teaches frames of reference, assessment/evaluation tools, standardized and non-standardized assessments, home assessment, intervention strategies and integrates occupational therapy theory and management of physical, cognitive, and psychosocial conditions including wellness for individuals from late adolescence to middle adulthood. The course emphasizes collaboration strategies to work effectively as part of rehabilitation team. Concepts of motor learning, physical agent modalities, and introduction to splinting are emphasized. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by OTA program. (offered spring semester only) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA100, OTA101 and OTA102. Corequisite: OTA118 and OTA200. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

OTA200: Kinesiology for the Occupational Therapy Assistant

This course prepares the student for therapeutic skill development by providing foundations in kinesiology, biomechanics, muscle flexibility, muscle strength, motor learning, and physical agent modalities. The course emphasizes functional anatomy as it relates to posture and human motion in context. Mechanisms of motor control are explored. Students demonstrate competency in practical skills including goniometry, measurement of functional ROM, manual muscle testing, vision, transfers, and bed mobility. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA100, OTA101 and OTA102. Corequisite: OTA118 and OTA121. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

OTA201: Occupational Therapy in Older Adult Practice

This course examines the occupational therapy processes for the physical, psychosocial, and developmental conditions commonly referred for occupational therapy services for individuals from middle to older adulthood. The course also teaches frames of reference, assessment/evaluation tools, and intervention strategies specific to occupational therapy process for geriatric clients. This course includes a 24 hour Level I fieldwork experience. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by the OTA program. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. fieldwork) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA118, OTA121 and OTA200. Corequisite: OTA202 and OTA203. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

OTA202: The Management Role of the Occupational Therapy Assistant

Application of principles of management and systems in provision of occupational therapy services. Addresses role and responsibilities of occupational therapy assistant as a whole, emphasizing service delivery models, profession and consumer advocacy, clinical management, supervision, program evaluation, professional responsibility, reimbursement mechanisms, time management, scheduling, inventory, and other skills required for management responsibilities in this field. Students integrate professional ethics, values and responsibilities with need to be autonomous while maintaining correct role delineation. (offered fall semester only) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA118, OTA121 and OTA200. Corequisite: OTA201 and OTA203. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

OTA203: Occupational Therapy Treatment Planning and Documentation

This course is designed to be a second-year, second semester course preparing students directly for Level II Fieldwork. Treatment planning is emphasized specific to age group, diagnoses and on an individual, case-study basis. Students will learn to document patient progress according to reimbursement and insurance practices. Students will utilize the electronic health record and other means to communicate with health care professionals and health care providers. Student learning aligns with expectations of performance while on Level II Fieldwork related to treatment planning and documentation. (offered fall semester only) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisite: C or higher in OTA118, OTA121 and OTA200. Corequisite: OTA201 and OTA202. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

OTA211: Clinical Practice I

Early-end, first of two supervised fieldwork placements. The placement is to be in a clinical setting where occupational therapy services are provided. Working under the supervision of qualified occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants, students are expected to apply knowledge from coursework and previous clinical experiences while implementing treatment programs. Students are expected to attend the setting on a full-time basis (approx. 35-40 hrs./week) with a 2 hr./week seminar. Seminar provides opportunities for students to discuss their overall clinical experience, and collaborate on treatment planning and student role performance. Clinical rotation may require a full-time, live-away situation. There may be some variation in time sequences of clinical placements. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by OTA program. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. seminar, 20 hrs. fieldwork) Minimum grade of C is required to advance to OTA212. Prerequisites: C or higher in OTA201, OTA202 and OTA203. Corequisite: OTA212. Offered on: G / 6 cr. hrs.

OTA212: Clinical Practice II

Late-start, second and final supervised fieldwork. The placement is to be in a clinical setting dealing with a practice environment different from students' experience in OTA211. Working under the supervision of qualified occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants, students are expected to apply knowledge from coursework and previous clinical practicum while implementing treatment programs. Students are expected to attend the setting on a full-time basis (approx. 35-40 hrs./week) with a 2 hr./week seminar. Seminar provides opportunities for students to discuss their clinical experience, and prepare for the national NBCOT Exam and future employment. Clinical rotation may require a full-time, live-away situation. There may be some variation in time sequences of clinical placements. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance as specified by OTA program. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. seminar, 20 hrs. fieldwork) Minimum grade of C is required. Prerequisites: C or higher in OTA201, OTA202 and OTA203. Corequisite: OTA211. Offered on: G / 6 cr. hrs.

OTA297: Independent Study: Occupational Therapy Assistant

Independent study courses in occupational therapy may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


Enrollment in PAR courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Emergency Technician: Paramedic program.

PAR101: Paramedic I

This course establishes the parameters by which a paramedic operates within the pre-hospital setting. Topics include the roles and responsibilities of a paramedic, medical and legal considerations, EMS communications and documentation. This course provides students with a general overview and principles of anatomy and pathology, along with life span development. Students will review basic life support airway assessment and management techniques, and they will develop mastery in the ability to establish and maintain a patient's airway, deliver oxygen and ventilate a patient at an advanced level. The paramedic student will be provided with the fundamentals of pharmacology, including routes of drug absorption, administration, distribution, biotransformation and elimination; dosage calculations; and packaging. Students will identify the anatomy, physiology, and pathophysiology of the heart. The identification of arrhythmias is presented, along with appropriate pre-hospital management modalities. Topics include twelve-lead ECG interpretations, pharmacotherapy, defibrillation, cardioversion, and pathophysiology of more common cardiovascular diseases. Also, students will be prepared for certification by the American Heart Association in Advanced Cardiac Life Support. Additionally, students will cover topics including abdominal, genitourinary, neurological, behavioral, and respiratory emergencies and the treatment thereof. Students will also cover topics covering such medical emergencies as altered mental status, syncope, and the assessment of a variety of painful conditions. (offered fall semester only) (12 hrs. lecture, 4.5 hrs. laboratory) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Communications (Oral). Prerequisites: Students must be accepted into the Paramedic Program. They must also hold a minimum certification of Basic EMT and maintain that certification throughout the entire program. It is recommended that students have a minimum of one year EMS field experience. Students must have completed BIO130 and BIO132 with a grade of C or better. Corequisite: PAR201. Offered on: A / 13 cr. hrs.

PAR102: Paramedic II

This course prepares students to provide advanced medical care to ill or injured individuals. Topics include neurology, gastroenterology, toxicology, trauma systems, mechanism of injury, hemorrhage, shock, burns, thoracic trauma, managing the multi-trauma patient, obstetrical emergencies, delivery and care of the newborn, emergency pharmacology for pediatric patients, intraosseous infusion, pediatric intubation and resuscitation, geriatrics, and patients with special challenges. This course, along with PAR101, PAR103, PAR201, and PAR202, prepares and qualifies the student to sit for the New York State Paramedic certification examination, providing all other certification requirements are met. (offered fall semester only) (12 hrs. lecture, 4.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: Acceptance into the Paramedic Program. EMT-Basic Certification. C+ or higher in PAR101. Offered on: A / 13 cr. hrs.

PAR103: Paramedic Operations III

This course enhances the understanding of operational parameters that a paramedic will perform within a pre-hospital setting. Students will study ambulance and rescue operations, along with the Medical Incident Command System. Students will be familiarized with specialized rescue operations such as aeromedical care, water rescue, law enforcement support, crime scene recognition, and mass casualty triage operations. Extensive reviews will be conducted during this course to prepare the student for State and National credentialing exams. This course, along with PAR101, 102, 201, and 202, prepares and qualifies the student to sit for the New York State Paramedic certification examination, providing all other certification requirements are met. (offered summer semester only) (2.5 hrs. lecture, 0.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Paramedic program. EMT-Basic Certification. C+ or higher in PAR101 and PAR102. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PAR201: Paramedic Clinical I

This clinical course is designed to accompany the Paramedic I (PAR101) course. Clinical rotations focus on the development of triage skills, recognition of pathology and disease progression, intravenous therapy, blood sampling, medication administration skills, airway management, and communication skills. Clinical rotations include Emergency Department, Phlebotomy, Fire Rescue Communications, Medical Examiner, Medical Control, Airway Simulation Lab, ICU/CCU, Mental Health Unit, Operating Room, Respiratory Care, and Ambulance Field Time (272 clinical hrs. for the semester). Registration in this course requires students to purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: Acceptance into the Paramedic program. EMT-Basic Certification and maintain that Certification throughout the entire program. Recommended: Minimum of one year EMS field experience. Corequisite: PAR101. Offered on: A / 3.5 cr. hrs.

PAR202: Paramedic Clinical II

This clinical course continues the paramedic student's clinical education. Clinical rotations focus on the development and integration of psychomotor skills, assessment base management, and affective behavior required by a practicing paramedic. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Clinical rotations include Emergency Department and Ambulance Field Internship (offered wintersession only) (72 clinical hrs. for the semester) Prerequisites: Students must be accepted into the Paramedic Program. PAR101 and PAR201 with a grade of C or better. EMT Basic Certification. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PAR203: Paramedic Clinical III

This clinical course continues the paramedic student's clinical education. Clinical rotations focus on the development and integration of psychomotor skills, assessment base management, and affective behavior required by a practicing paramedic. Clinical rotations include Emergency Department, CCU/ICU, Pediatrics, Labor and Delivery, Geriatric Care, Ambulance Field Internship, and a Summative Field Evaluation (258 clinical hrs. for the semester). Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisites: Students must be accepted into the Paramedic Program. PAR101 and PAR202 with a grade of C+ or better. EMT Basic Certification. Corequisite: PAR102. Offered on: A / 3.5 cr. hrs.


PHL101: Issues in Philosophy

Investigates traditional and contemporary philosophical issues such as problem of knowledge, nature of reality, question of freewill versus determinism, and existence of mind, soul and God. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL104: Critical Thinking

Develops methods of inquiry and analysis as core of a strategy of critical thinking. Students examine hypotheses according to evidence, role of necessary and sufficient conditions, concept of cause and effect, and treatment of alternative hypotheses. Includes use of these structures to formulate, evaluate, criticize and improve argument, judgment and interpretation. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL105: Logic

Nature and structure of the reasoning process as found in basic fields of thought. Emphasis on both formal and informal logic, including fallacies in reasoning. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL107: Ethics

Study of traditional and contemporary moral theories, along with consideration of some contemporary moral problems, designed to help develop student's ability to assess moral judgments. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL111: World Philosophy

Addresses, across cultural boundaries, the great questions of philosophy. Can we integrate into Western philosophic heritage the wisdom of ancient China and insights of Japan? What can we learn from the Vedic tradition of pain and suffering, from Arab and Jewish traditions of God and the evil we find in the world, from African traditions of mysteries of the universe, and from our own native peoples of human vision? Notes: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL113: Philosophies of Oppression and Social Justice

Using contemporary thinkers' critical reflections on classic political theories, the course will develop the philosophical analysis of concepts of power and oppression, and explore how those concepts operate, both socially and intellectually, in the formation of individual and group identities involving race, class, gender, and sexuality. It will be shown how concepts of rights, equity and freedom can inform the social justice responses of women, persons of color, different classes, and LGBTQ persons. Required for LAS: Women's and Gender Studies majors. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE Diversity: Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL149: Philosophy and Popular Culture

This is an interdisciplinary rotating course, its content varying from semester to semester, for example, Philosophy Through Film, Philosophy and Harry Potter, Philosophy and Contemporary Music. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL201: History of Ancient and Medieval Philosophy

Surveys contributions of principal figures in history of Western philosophy from early Greeks to Medieval thinkers. Emphasizes works of Plato and Aristotle as setting foundation of early Western thought. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL211: Biomedical Ethics

In-depth exploration of abortion, euthanasia, genetic engineering, cloning, human experimentation, allocation of scarce life-saving resources and other related ethical issues of current vital concern. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL212: Ethical Issues in Business

Within context of traditional and contemporary moral theory, investigates whether idea of business ethics makes sense, whether modern democratic social-welfare state - or any proposed alternative - is grounded in moral principle, whether corporations should have 'social conscience', whether principle of caveat emptor ('let the buyer beware') takes precedence in consumer society, and (among other issues) whether 'globalization' or 'protectionism' is a wave of the future. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL215: Philosophy of Religion

Critical analysis of nature of religion and major conclusions of religious thought. Class discussion concerns readings taken from works of traditional and contemporary philosophers, including Aquinas, Anselm, Hume, Kant, Russell, Ayer, Flew and Munitz. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHL297: Independent Study: Philosophy

Independent study courses in philosophy may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Physical Education

The physical education program is designed to provide students with a variety of fitness, lifetime sport and outdoor adventure activities. Two credit hours of activity courses fulfill a core graduation requirement. There are no medical waivers. Students with medical concerns should contact the Physical Education Academic Chair on their campus to discuss courses that will be appropriate for them. The same physical education class cannot be repeated for credit toward graduation. Three-credit PED offerings may not be used to fulfill PED graduation requirements, but they may be used to fulfill unrestricted elective requirements. Students may also elect to fulfill the unrestricted electives requirement of a program with up to two credits of one- and two-credit physical education courses.

PED112: Golf

Places heavy emphasis on basic fundamentals of grip, stance and swing as well as providing thorough understanding of the game, which is necessary for enjoyable participation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED113: Weight Training

Develops and maintains physical fitness through proper technique and progressions of weight training with use of supplementary apparatus. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED114: Beginning Tennis

Basic instruction includes forehand stroke, backhand stroke and serve. Provides basic understanding of game and rules. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED115: Hiking Long Island Trails

Covers basic skills needed for trail hiking at local parks. Emphasis on improving cardiovascular endurance and learning orienteering skills such as map reading, compass use, safety, etiquette and environmental awareness. Transportation to local parks and applicable fees provided by students as needed. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED116: Soccer

Covers basic fundamentals of soccer as well as provides opportunity to develop high level of aerobic fitness through vigorous participation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED119: Fitness Walking

Develops aerobic fitness in students through analysis and practice of three levels of walking intensity. Pre and post-fitness levels assessed. Self-monitoring of appropriate individualized intensity, frequency and duration of walking stressed utilizing a training journal in conjunction with class participation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED121: Jogging and Fitness

Promotes full body fitness through jogging and other related exercises. Techniques of running style stressed along with discussion of physiological aspects of total body fitness. Students encouraged to design a sound individualized jogging program based on proper training techniques. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED123: Basketball

Offers instruction in basic skills of basketball, including dribbling, passing, rebounding, shooting and defense. Discusses offensive and defensive schemes to develop appreciation for cognitive aspects of game. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED125: Indoor Rock Climbing

Covers fundamentals of indoor rock climbing. Students of all skill levels can challenge themselves on selection of climbing walls simulating rock formations of various degrees of difficulty. Requires development of strength, mobility, flexibility, coordination and agility. A fee is paid directly to the facility per session. Transportation required. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED126: Pilates

This course will introduce the fundamentals of Pilates mat work. Class will be composed of Pilates exercises designed to achieve optimal strength and flexibility. The class characteristics consist of developing and conditioning the muscular body, promoting correct breathing and good posture, while enhancing mental concentration and focus. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED129: Volleyball

Develops basic skills of volleyball. Students learn correct method of passing, spiking and serving as well as rules, scoring and teamwork. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED130: Lifetime Fitness

This course will provide students of any level of fitness or ability instruction about the roles that physical activity and lifestyle behaviors play in the well-being of the human body. The class will be interactive and include individualized active participation and instruction on topics such as cardiovascular and muscle fitness, flexibility, back health, exercise related injuries, body composition, nutrition and weight management. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED132: Adventure Fitness

Adventure based activities focus on health-related fitness components including cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, body composition, and muscular strength and endurance. Activities include group and individual challenges, problem solving initiatives, belaying and climbing challenges. This ten-week course includes one off-campus class session and culminates with a three hour Saturday event at an off-campus high ropes course. Transportation and fees will be provided by student. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED133: Social Dance

Instruction in basic steps of modern ballroom dancing. Dances taught might include cha cha, swing, foxtrot, meringue, etc. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED134: Spinning

Spinning, which is stationary indoor cycling, is a comprehensive mental and physical cardiovascular training program providing an individually paced, non-impact workout set to inspirational music in a non-competitive environment good for all fitness levels. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED137: Yoga Fusion

This course will introduce the fundamentals of various types of Hatha yoga and aerobic and anaerobic exercise combined together. The class will be composed of breath work, muscular endurance, flexibility and balancing exercises. Lectures will also include information on nutrition and meditation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED141: Club Dance

Introduction to the latest club dances including Salsa, Bachata, West Coast Swing, Hustle, Lindy Hop, Argentine Tango, etc. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED144: Body Toning

Improves overall fitness through use of exercises, resistance work and movement techniques which provide emphasis on toning, muscular endurance and flexibility. Nutrition and weight control activities included. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED145: Team Sports and Conditioning

For students who wish to improve their physical stamina through exercises, physical fitness testing, and participation in variety of team sports such as speedball, flag football, basketball, team handball and more. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED146: Badminton/Pickleball

Covers basic fundamentals of these two lifetime racquet activities. Students receive instruction on the essential strokes as well as rules and strategy necessary to participate in both singles and doubles play. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED147: Yoga

Develops total physical awareness through Hatha Yoga. Includes lectures and demonstrations on nutrition, meditation and relaxation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED148: Self-Defense

Basic techniques of self-defense. Instruction concentrated on teaching fundamentals of judo. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED150: Lifeguarding

The American Red Cross Lifeguard program provides lifeguards with skills and knowledge necessary to keep patrons of aquatic facilities safe in and around the water. This program includes a lifeguard training course with aquatic-specific first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) training. Prerequisite: must be able to swim. Check with instructor if unsure of swimming ability. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 1 cr. hr.

PED155: Introduction to Swimming

Introduces fundamentals of water safety, swimming and swimming for conditioning. Pre- and post-fitness levels assessed. Self-monitoring of appropriate individualized intensity, frequency and duration of swimming stressed utilizing training journal in conjunction with class participation. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED156: Swimming for Fitness

Uses swimming as activity to enhance cardiovascular fitness and muscle endurance. Pre- and post-fitness levels assessed. Self-monitoring of appropriate individualized intensity, frequency and duration of swimming stressed utilizing training journal in conjunction with class participation. Students need to swim 400 yards continuously at first session or have permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED157: Total Fitness

The course provides "total" fitness experience through use of muscle training exercises, a variety of aerobic conditioning activities and stretching techniques. Training varies from day to day. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PED161: Karate

Teaches an ancient and established art of the Orient using basic defensive and offensive techniques of Karate. First and second basic forms, called Katas, are introduced. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

PED174: Fitness, Wellness and Aerobic Conditioning

This course is designed for students to participate in a variety of activities emphasizing improvement in cardiovascular fitness. Activities include: Fitness Walking, Jogging, Cardio-Kickboxing, Spin, Step Aerobics and Interval Training. In addition, students will be introduced to basic fitness and wellness principles. Topics include the health-related aspects of physical fitness, proper nutrition, weight management, heart disease, cancer, stress, sexual health, addictive behaviors, and the influence of mental, emotional, and social factors on these aspects. This class is designed to help students define wellness, and to identify the behaviors that constitute a fit and well lifestyle. Note: Students may not take additional two-credit Physical Education courses for college credit. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 2 cr. hrs.

PED175: Fitness, Wellness and Resistance Training

Students will learn to recognize the benefits of maintaining a high level of wellness and how to live a healthy lifestyle through lecture and participation in lifetime activities. Covers the basic fundamentals of resistance training and the benefits of physical activity. Note: Students may not take additional two-credit Physical Education courses for college credit. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 2 cr. hrs.

PED190: Introduction to Physical Education, Fitness and Sport

This course is an introduction to the personal and professional challenges, and opportunities available in the field of physical education, fitness and sport. Its primary purpose is to help the student gain an insight into these disciplines; to acquaint the student, generally, with the organized body of knowledge embraced within Physical Education; and to show the proper relationship among related fields. This course can only be used as an unrestrictive elective and is open to all students. It does not satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PED191: Aspects of Coaching

This is an introductory course to the fundamentals of coaching. Classes are structured to provide students with the basic knowledge and skills required to develop an effective coaching program and create a personal coaching philosophy. Students will learn about the many aspects of coaching from designing and executing a session to handling administrative responsibilities. It does not satisfy the physical education graduation requirement. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PED192: Critical Sports Studies

This course will examine the influence of sport on our contemporary global society. It explores topics of sport from a critical perspective focusing especially on inequalities in gender, race, class, power and education. Prerequisite: RDG099 or ESL012 or equivalent (offered spring semester only) Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PED201: Methodology of Team Sports

This course is designed as a content knowledge course for the team sports of volleyball, soccer and basketball. The course will provide students experiences that will lead to skill acquisition, as well as, the ability to analyze and correct errors in skill performance. Students will be introduced to the various progressions of teaching these skills that are developmentally appropriate for a K-12 physical education setting. Note: Course is restricted to Physical Education majors. (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: PED190. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PED202: Methodology of Racket Sports

This course is designed as a content knowledge course for the racket sports of tennis, pickleball, and badminton. The course will provide students experiences that will lead to skill acquisition, as well as, the ability to analyze and correct errors in skill performance. Students will be introduced to the various progressions of teaching these skills that are developmentally appropriate for a K-12 physical education setting. Note: Course is restricted to Physical Education Majors. (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: PED190. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PED203: Methodology of Lifetime Activities

This course is designed as a content knowledge course for a variety of Lifetime Activities which will include golf, Frisbee golf and bowling. The course will provide students experiences that will lead to skill acquisition, as well as, the ability to analyze and correct errors in skill performance. Students will be introduced to the various progressions of teaching these skills that are developmentally appropriate for a K-12 Physical Education setting. Note: Course is restricted to Physical Education Majors. (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: PED190. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PED295: Special Topics: Physical Education

Special and current topics in Physical Education may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-3 cr. hrs.

Physical Therapy Assistant

Enrollment in PTA courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Physical Therapist Assistant program.

PTA103: Interventions I

Covers development of technical skill in delivery of physical therapy interventions including use of standard precautions, bed mobility, transfer training, gait training with assistive devices, and monitoring vital signs. Content addresses joint movements, bony prominences and joints of the extremities, adaptive and assistive devices, principles of body mechanics, and develops appreciation of architectural barriers and their impact on disability. (offered fall semester only) (0.5 hr. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1.5 cr. hr.

PTA105: Introduction to Physical Therapy

Covers concepts of practice of physical therapy including structure and function of the APTA, professionalism, professional and regulatory guidelines directing legal and ethical delivery of services by the physical therapist assistant, structure of the physical therapist's examination/evaluation and plan of care, documentation, therapeutic communication, patient interaction across diverse populations, and medical terminology. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

PTA106: Normal Movement and Development

Covers concepts of motor control, motor development and motor learning. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PTA107: Interventions II

Covers the basic principles of therapeutic exercise including instruction and practice in the progression of passive range of motion through resistive exercise, basic stretching principles, balance and coordination exercises, and gait activities. (offered fall semester only) (0.5 hr. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1.5 cr. hr.

PTA150: Clinical Practicum I

Covers principles of patient management. Provides opportunity to apply first year knowledge and skills in a clinical environment with a variety of patients. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: C or better in PTA103, PTA105 and PTA107. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PTA151: Clinical Kinesiology

Covers collection of data in physical therapy as it relates to joint range of motion, flexibility and muscle strength; anatomy as it relates to posture and human motion with an emphasis on muscle function and biomechanics and physical therapy management through therapeutic exercise. Skills will include goniometry, measurement of functional ROM, manual muscle testing using break testing, palpation of bony prominences, muscles and ligaments and stretching of specific muscles. (offered spring semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: C or better in PTA103 and PTA107. Corequisite: BIO246. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

PTA154: Biophysical Agents

Covers principles and techniques related to the usage of biophysical agents, mechanical modalities, and electrotherapeutic modalities in physical therapy (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PTA200: Clinical Practicum II

Seminar portion of the course will cover treatment-related duties and responsibilities of the PTA extending beyond the delivery of selective physical therapy interventions. Clinical component provides clinical practice in community physical therapy departments. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (offered summer semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 37.5 hrs. clinical for 4 weeks) Prerequisite: C+ or better in PTA150. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PTA221: Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy

Covers the potential impairments of body structure and function, activity limitations, and participation restrictions associated with common musculoskeletal pathologies across the lifespan, including orthotic and prosthetic assistive devices. Skills include the performance and instruction of specific strengthening exercises, the application of McConnell tape, and residual limb wrapping. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: C or higher in PTA151 and BIO246. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PTA223: Neuromuscular Physical Therapy

Covers the potential impairments of body structure and function, activity limitations, and participation restrictions associated with common neuromuscular disorders across the lifespan. Students will practice specific interventions related to remediation of problems in the neuromuscular system including developmental activities training, movement pattern training, neuromuscular re-education, and facilitation and inhibition strategies. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: C or better in PTA106, PTA107, PTA154 and BIO246. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PTA225: Cardiovascular/Pulmonary/Integumentary Physical Therapy

Covers the potential impairments of body structure and function, activity limitations, and participation restrictions associated with common disorders of the cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. Normal integumentary anatomy/physiology, burns, and wound care will be discussed. Students will practice specific interventions related to remediation of problems in these systems including aerobic capacity conditioning and reconditioning, endurance training, breathing and oxygenation strategies, coughing strategies, breathing exercises, postural drainage, Integumentary protection, edema management, sterile technique, and application and removal of dressings. (offered fall semester only) (0.5 HR. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or better in PTA154. Offered on: A / 1.5 cr. hr.

PTA226: Manual Therapy Interventions

Covers collection of data in physical therapy as it relates to soft tissue extensibility and joint mobility of the extremities. Skill development includes soft tissue mobilization / massage for the upper and lower quarters and grade I-II peripheral joint mobilization of the extremities. (offered fall semester only) (2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: C or higher in PTA151. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PTA229: Acute Care Physical Therapy

This course prepares the student for the clinical experience of working in an acute care setting. Covers medical terminology, specific pathologies of the body systems across the lifespan, basic concepts of pharmacology, common laboratory, medical and diagnostic tests, and types of medical-surgical equipment utilized in the acute care setting. (offered spring semester only) Prerequisites: C+ or higher in BIO130. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

PTA253: Data Collection and Clinical Practicum III

Classroom portion provides an overview of the scope of standardized tests and measures utilized in physical therapy emphasizing the PTA's role utilizing these tools, under the direction of the physical therapist, to monitor patient response to treatment and/or change in function. Students will integrate knowledge acquired over two years and be required to pass an online examination at the conclusion of this course. Seminar portion of the course will cover administrative, professional and non-treatment-related duties and responsibilities of the PTA in the health care system. Clinical component provides clinical practice in community physical therapy departments. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (offered spring semester only) (2 hr. lecture, 37.5 hrs. clinical for 11 weeks) Prerequisites: PTA150 and MAT103. Offered on: A / 7.5 cr. hrs.

PTA297: Independent Study: Physical Therapy Assistant

Independent study courses in physical therapy may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


PHY103: Designed for health careers students.

PHY105: Designed for students in technical careers.

PHY118-119: Non-calculus college physics courses primarily designed for pre-med, pre-dental, physical therapy, chiropractic, life science and liberal arts majors.

PHY121-122: Physics for the life sciences designed for biological science majors.

PHY130-132, 220-222, 230-232, 247-248: Calculus-based courses designed for physics and engineering students. Math, computer science, astronomy, chemistry, geology, and meteorology majors should take these courses UNLESS the institution they plan to transfer to accepts physics at a lower level.

PHY295-296: Special Topics and Honors Special Topics

PHY103: Technical Physics for Health Careers

For students pursuing careers in health technologies. Includes application of principles of equilibrium to the human muscular system; study of work, energy, temperature, heat, and properties of fluids; electricity and magnetism and their relation to medical equipment; properties of sound and light waves. Note: PHY103 does not satisfy prerequisite for PHY119. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hr. recitation, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT111 or equivalent. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY104: The Physics of Energy, Climate and Sustainability

A combined lecture/lab course designed to acquaint students with basic concepts of physics in the context of energy generation and the climate crisis, and sustainability. Topics covered include fossil fuels, renewable energy, the climate crisis, and how to satisfy our future energy needs with sustainability in mind. For any students looking to satisfy a natural science elective. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT006, MAT007 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY105: Technical Physics I

Acquaints students in technical fields with fundamental aspects of physics. Study of force concepts, Newton's Laws and their applications, statics, rotational motion, conservation laws, work, energy and power, temperature, heat, and heat transport, thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism, motors and generators, and dc and ac circuits. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT112. Offered on: A-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY118: College Physics I

First course of a two-semester algebra/trig-based college physics sequence for liberal arts, life science, and physical therapy majors designed to acquaint students with basic concepts of physics. Topics covered include linear and rotational kinematics, dynamics, conservation of energy and momentum. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: MAT120, MAT124 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY119: College Physics II

Second course of a two-semester algebra/trig-based college physics sequence for liberal arts, life science and physical therapy majors designed to acquaint students with basic concepts of physics. Topics covered include mechanics, sound, light, heat and electricity. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: PHY118. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY121: Physics for the Life Sciences I

First of a two-semester sequence of fast-paced introduction to physics with applications to biology, primarily for students majoring in biological sciences or pre-clinical programs. Topics include mechanics, fluid mechanics, and thermodynamics. Strong algebra skills and knowledge of the ideas of calculus are required. PHY121 may not be taken for credit in place of PHY118, PHY130 or PHY220. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. recitation) Corequisite: MAT141. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY122: Physics for the Life Sciences II

Second of a two-semester sequence of fast-paced introduction to physics with applications to biology, primarily for students majoring in biological sciences or pre-clinical programs. It focuses on electric circuit theory, electromagnetism, wave motion, optics, and radiation phenomena. Strong algebra skills and knowledge of the ideas of calculus are required. PHY122 may not be taken for credit in place of PHY119, PHY220 or PHY230. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (3 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory, 1 hr. recitation) Prerequisite: PHY121, MAT141. Offered on: A-E-G / 4 cr. hrs.

PHY130: Physics A: Mechanics

First in a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics offered to majors in STEM. It covers vectors, linear kinematics and dynamics, gravitation, mechanical energy, linear and angular momentum, rotational kinematics and dynamics. (4 hrs. lecture/recitation) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: MAT141. Corequisites: MAT142 and PHY132. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHY132: Physics A Lab

Laboratory experiments that reinforce concepts taught in corequisite PHY130. Topics include experiments illustrating kinematics, dynamics and laws of classical mechanics. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (2 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: PHY130. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PHY220: Physics B: Fluids, Oscillations, Waves, Optics, Thermodynamics

Second or third course in a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics offered to majors in STEM. It covers fluids, mechanical oscillations, waves, thermodynamics, and optics. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (4 hrs. lecture/recitation) Prerequisites: MAT142 and PHY130. Corequisite: PHY222. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHY222: Physics B Lab

Laboratory experiments that reinforce concepts taught in PHY220. Topics include experiments illustrating fluid mechanics, oscillations, waves, thermodynamics and optics. (2 hrs. laboratory) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Corequisite: PHY220. Offered on: A-G / 1 cr. hr.

PHY230: Physics C-Electricity and Magnetism

Second or third course in a three-semester sequence of calculus-based physics offered to majors in STEM. It focuses on electricity and magnetism including the laws of Coulomb, Gauss, Ampere, Biot-Savart, Faraday, Lenz, DC and AC circuits, and Maxwell's equations. (4 hrs. lecture/recitation) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. Prerequisites: MAT142, PHY130, PHY132. Corequisite: PHY232. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PHY232: Physics C Lab

Laboratory experiments that reinforce concepts taught in corequisite PHY230. Topics include experiments illustrating DC and AC circuits, electric and magnetic properties as force, fields, potential, energy and radiation. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Sciences. (2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Corequisite: PHY230. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

PHY247: Physics D: Modern Physics

A survey of the major physics theories of the 20th century (relativity and quantum mechanics) and their impact on most areas of physics. Topics include the special theory of relativity, blackbody radiation, Planck's constant, photoelectric effect, Bohr's atom, wave function, Schrodinger's equation, uncertainty principle, atomic spectra and structure, introduction to nuclear physics and particles. (4 hrs. lecture/recitation) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Natural Science. Prerequisite: PHY230. Corequisite: PHY248. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PHY248: Physics D Lab

Contains modern physics labs such as Michelson interferometer, photoelectric effect, measurement of e/m, radioactive decay and spectroscopy. (2 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: PHY247. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

PHY295: Special Topics: Physics

Special and current topics in physics may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

PHY297: Independent Study: Physics

Independent study courses in physics may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Political Science

POL103: State and Local Politics and Government

Introduction to state and local governments, their institutions, processes by which they govern and political environments in which they operate. Includes current challenges state and local governments face due to changes in their relationship with national government and shifting policy needs. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

POL105: American National Politics and Government

Introduction to the origins and development of American government, the concept of federalism, institutionalized safeguards, the framing of the Constitution and the political environment in which they operate. Interweaving history and current events, this course closely examines topics, including, but not limited to liberty, civic engagement, civil rights and race, political parties, special interest groups, public policy, and elections. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE U.S. History and Civic Engagement. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

POL107: World Politics

Survey of global politics from historical and contemporary perspectives. Explores theoretical frameworks that provide different perspectives on how the international system operates. Topics include: the behaviors of states, nongovernmental organizations, intergovernmental organizations, and decision makers, contemporary global issues and challenges, regional dynamics across diverse geographic areas and cultures including the Middle East, East Asia, and Africa. Key concepts include, but are not limited to, sovereignty, power, statehood, globalization, conflict, culture, diplomacy, and human rights. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY General Education Requirement for (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness, SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Diversity. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

POL111: Comparative Politics

This course will introduce students to different world regions and nation-states in comparison with one another and with the United States. The course will include an analysis/comparison of selected government and political institutions, individual and collective actors and processes in the contemporary world, emphasizing the interaction of political structures and processes in a variety of political settings. Historical and geographical factors will be examined to determine their effects on the contemporary political, economic and social patterns that exist in different nation states and regions. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. Prerequisite: RDG099, ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

POL201: Political Theory and Thought

Introduction to major issues in government, politics and society, including ethics, justice, freedom, race, equality, law and use of power. Selections from major political thinkers discussed and related to current political and social issues. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

POL297: Independent Study: Political Science

Independent study courses in political science may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Practical Nursing (LPN)

Enrollment in PNU courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Practical Nursing program.

PNU116: Foundations for Success in Practical Nursing

This course focuses on the introduction of foundational clinical knowledge, skills, and attitudes required for the safe practice of nursing care in acute and chronic health care settings across the lifespan. Included are concepts of patient-centered care, safety, diversity and cultural competence, professional, ethical, and legal considerations, health promotion and maintenance, interprofessional collaboration. Laboratory sessions provide the rehearsal and demonstration of a health history and the therapeutic nurse-patient relationship as well as the psychomotor skills to perform basic care, vital signs, and physical assessment. (3 hrs. lecture, 1 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: PNU119. Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs.

PNU119: Pharmacology Safety and Dosage Calculations

Fundamental principles of medication safety and patient safety-goal standards are discussed. Introduces the student to pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics critical to the concept of safe medication administration. The practical nurse's role in the prevention of medication errors is defined. Computations and measurements essential for the safe administration of medications by nurses are presented. Skill in solving dosage problems, calculating intravenous drip rates, and conversions between measurement systems is developed. No prerequisite. Offered on: E / 2 cr. hrs.

PNU120: Nursing Care of Adult Clients I

Further develops the role of the practical nurse in application of nursing concepts to patient centered care. College laboratory sessions are used to introduce students to nursing procedures, clinical skills, documentation, safe medication administration and use of equipment. Using the nursing process, clinical experiences offer students the ability to demonstrate critical thinking and clinical reasoning, and planning the implementation culturally competent, evidence-based care for the adult client with acute and chronic health care needs in diverse populations. Registration requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Additional expenses include clinical onboarding, uniforms, lab tote purchases for skills lab and clinical component (5 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory, 6 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: BIO105 or (BIO130 and BIO132) with a C or higher, ENG101 with a C or higher, PNU116 and PNU119 with a C+ or higher. Corequisite: PNU128 and PSY101. Offered on: E / 8 cr. hrs.

PNU128: Nursing Care of Adult Clients II

Further develops the role of the practical nurse in application of nursing concepts to care of the geriatric client and care of the client receiving treatment for acute and chronic mental health, behavioral, and/or cognitive conditions. Additionally reviews the role of the practical nurse in coordinating care with emphasis on collaborating with the health care team members to facilitate effective client care. Clinical experiences are utilized to develop and apply nursing theory and skills in these patient populations. Registration requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: BIO105 or (BIO130 and BIO132) with a C or higher, ENG101 with a C or higher, PNU116 and PNU119 with C+ or higher. Corequisite: PSY101 and PNU120. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

PNU133: Nursing Care of Adult Clients III

Continuation of nursing care of adult clients I/II by focusing on complex medical/surgical conditions of the higher acuity client. Students apply the nursing process utilizing advanced critical thinking, clinical reasoning, nursing judgement, information literacy skills and competent decision-making to create evidence-based nursing interventions to promote positive outcomes. Emphasis on prioritization of care, collaboration, patient-centered care, and collaboration with members of the interprofessional health care team. College laboratory sessions and clinical experiences advances students to more complex nursing procedures and clinical skills. Registration requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (5 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory, 6 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: PNU116, PNU119, PNU120 and PNU128. Corequisite: PNU135. Offered on: E / 8 cr. hrs.

PNU135: Nursing Care of Maternal-Child Clients

The study of family health begins with nursing care of clients during preconception, continuing through pregnancy, labor and birth and then care of the newborn. Continued study of the child’s expected growth and development as well as care of the child with acute and chronic health care needs. Clinical experiences integrate nursing theory and skills that include simulation as well as care in acute health care settings. Registration requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (2 hrs. lecture, 6 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: PNU116, PNU119, PNU120 and PNU128. Corequisite: PNU133. Offered on: E / 4 cr. hrs


PSY101: Introduction to Psychology

An introduction to the science of psychology and its history. Special emphasis placed on the field's foundations: research methods, biological bases of behavior, and laws of learning. These essential topics will lay the groundwork for students' critical examination of psychological theory and application as it relates to subjects that might include lifespan development, psychopathology, personality, therapies, cognition, sensation/perception, social psychology and others. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: RDG099 or ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY201: Brain and Behavior

Second semester of scientific study of human behavior. Stresses biological basis for behavior, physiological background of motivation, theories of learning, perception, behavior genetics, psychopathology, and recent research and developments in behavioral neuroscience. Recommended for students who plan to major in behavioral sciences at baccalaureate institutions. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101 Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY202: Sports Psychology

Explores issues and concepts related to sports from the perspective of individual athletes, coaches, sports psychologists, trainers, sports managers, and the larger society. Concepts include goal setting for peak performance, motivation, competitive stressors, visualization, burnout, drug abuse, race and gender, stereotyping, participation, and opportunity structure. (offered Fall semester only). Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY203: Child Psychology

An examination of growth and changes from conception through late childhood. The theories and methods of psychology will be applied to gain an understanding of the changes and continuity of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional processes in childhood. Topics include: Language and communication skills, motor development, parenting styles and challenges, bonding, family composition, and abnormal development. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs

PSY205: Health Psychology

Health psychology is an area within psychology devoted to understanding the influence psychological factors have on health maintenance, etiology of illness and how people react when they do become ill. Concerned with all psychological aspects of health and illness. Exposes students to such diverse topics as impact of life stress and life events on physical and psychological health status, stress management, health maintenance behaviors (e.g., diet and exercise), and how to get people to improve their health and change health-damaging behaviors such as smoking and alcoholism. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY210: Lifespan Development

An examination of growth and changes of human development across the lifespan. Psychological theories and research methods will be applied to gain an understanding of the changes and continuity of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional processes across the lifespan. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY213: The Exceptional Child

Introduces students to needs, abilities, and prognosis for children who are intellectually and developmentally disabled, hyperactive, emotionally disturbed, physically disabled, gifted and talented, learning disabled, or possess speech, hearing and visual impairments. Psychological, educational, parental, legal, and medical considerations are explored. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY215: Abnormal Psychology

Examines historical roots, theoretical orientations, empirical findings, and current controversies in psychopathologies. Emphasis on description, cause, assessment, and treatment of abnormal behavior. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY 101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY216: Social Psychology

Study of social interaction at several levels including personal perception and impression management, affiliation and attraction, aggression and prosocial behavior, attitude formation and change, group behavior, conformity and obedience, and social interaction in a changing society. Note: Fulfills SUNY Gen-Ed - Social Sciences and Diversity: Equity, Inclusion, and Social Justice. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY217: Adolescent Psychology

An examination of growth and changes from late childhood through emerging adulthood. The theories and research methods of psychology will be applied to gain an understanding of the changes and continuity of physical, cognitive, social, and emotional processes in adolescence. Emphasis will be placed on the physical, cognitive, social, and emotional changes as well as the influence of family, peers, and the broader culture. Topics include: Puberty and growth, identity formation, moral reasoning, value clarification, gender and intimacy issues, peer pressure, media influences, coping skills, and substance abuse. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY220: Educational Psychology

This course examines the application and psychological theories in learning situations. Provides a foundation for professional understanding of the contemporary classroom. Prerequisite: PSY101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

PSY297: Independent Study: Psychology

Independent study courses in psychology may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Radio/TV Production

RTV101: Introduction to Media Production

Studies social impact of broadcasting through historical examination of origins of radio, television, film, social media, and the FCC. Issues such as programming, audience measurement, advertising, and social media are analyzed in relation to their economic and cultural influences. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV102: Issues in Modern Media

Seminar dealing with crucial contemporary issues in modern media and other digital and electronic media. Relationship of these issues to past, present and future of industry discussed. Students are required to do oral debate projects. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV111: Audio/Radio Production

Production principles and technique for a wide variety of audio program formats are explored. Students learn operation of studio equipment, including digital audio consoles, digital audio workstations, audio processing, levels, balance, mixing, and editing. Projects will be produced in and out of class period. Note: Students in the Radio and Television Production program should take RTV111 in their first semester. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV125: Copy and Script Writing

Analysis and writing copy for media platforms including audio and video productions, television, internet, and social media. Scripts studied include news, public service announcements, commercials, documentaries, special events, drama, and social media formats. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV201: Electronic Media Management

This course studies the problems and responsibilities that practitioners in broadcast, cable, and digital media face every day. The structure of media organizations and regulatory concerns will be explored. Case studies are used to exemplify problems in management. Students will perform research tasks and do written and oral presentations. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV203: Electronic Field Production

Teaches skills involved in development of materials for television news and public affairs "magazine" programs. Hands-on experience provided in areas of production planning, on-location shooting and recording, and video tape editing. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: CIN117. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

RTV204: Video Editing

Technology, techniques and theory of television post-production. Students work with computer-based non-linear editing systems. Students work on a variety of projects designed to approximate industry editing requirements. All projects are done on an individual basis. (offered every other spring semester) Prerequisite: RTV203. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

RTV212: Advanced Audio/Radio Production Studies

This course builds upon previously acquired skills to give students a greater understanding of the audio/radio industries. Advanced work in audio production, editing, programming, promotion, marketing, station formats, and content development including music programming will prepare students for the day-to-day workings of a media facility, along with a greater understanding of ratings, announcing, station imaging and studio operational techniques. Students are required to produce weekly "professional quality" audio features of between two-and five-minutes including voice over, music, sound effects and actualities. These combined experiences will give students the knowledge necessary to work in a variety of departments within the media industries. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: RTV111. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV221: Television Production I

Production techniques of the director, producer and operational staff in execution of television program formats. Students learn skills of video switching, video playback, audio operations, graphics, and camera operation. RTV221 stresses equipment operations. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV222: Television Production II

Production techniques of the director, producer and operational staff in execution of television program formats. Students learn skills of video switching, video playback, audio operations, graphics, and camera operation. RTV222 stresses the role of the producer and director in overseeing an entire production. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: RTV221. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

RTV250: Internship in Media, Video and Sound

Fieldwork in media and other electronic and digital media environments. Student obligations to be agreed upon in internship contract. Supervising faculty hold periodic meetings with student interns and their supervisors to coordinate intern performance. Students have an obligation of 150 hours of fieldwork and periodic class/discussion meetings. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Note: May be taken for credit for more than one semester. Prerequisite: Successful completion of 6 or more RTV credits. Offered on: A / 4 cr. hrs.

RTV255: Remote Television Production

This course teaches skills related to multi-camera television productions which are produced on remote locations. Students serve as a production company throughout the semester in order to produce telecasts. Pre-production and production techniques are learned as students produce sports and special events telecasts from a variety of locations. These telecasts will be streamed onto the College social media. (1 hr. lecture, 1 hr. fieldwork). No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

RTV297: Independent Study: Radio/Television Production

Independent study courses in radio/television production may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.



Incoming students are initially placed in RDG098, RDG096, or RDG099 on the basis of the SCCC Computerized Placement Test (CPT) score and high school record.


Course Selection after the First Semester

  1. Students initially placed in RDG098 should enroll in RDG099 the following semester.
  2. Students initially placed in RDG099 should follow the degree requirements of their curriculum or consult members of the Reading faculty at their home campus.

RDG098: Introduction to College Reading

Provides individual and small group instruction in basic reading and study skills. Involves intensive instruction geared to develop higher level of competence to assure success in subject classes and allow entry into RDG099. Requires completion of 12 clock hours of individualized laboratory work for improvement of specific skill needs. Graded on an S-R-U-W basis. Not applicable toward any degree or certificate. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

RDG099: Reading in the Content Areas

Enhances basic reading skills necessary for successful completion of other content area courses. Develops ability to read and study textbook materials effectively; discover main ideas in paragraphs; discover meaning through use of absolute and conditional language; note details and make inferences; recognize structural devices in sentences and paragraphs; draw conclusions; outline and summarize; take notes from written and oral material; use proper form and style for research paper writing; develop vocabulary; prepare for and take exams; and develop study skills. Requires completion of 12 clock hours of individualized laboratory work for improvement of specific skill needs. Graded on an S-R-U-W basis. Not applicable toward any degree or certificate. Prerequisite: RDG098 or placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

RDG100: Critical Reading for Social Sciences

This course will emphasize reading study strategies applicable for an introductory class in social sciences. Students will practice and study techniques for reading a variety of social science texts and develop academic vocabulary. There will be an emphasis on critical reading and thinking skills. This course can be used to satisfy liberal arts and sciences elective requirements. No prerequisite. Corequisite: Any 100-level class in PSY, SOC, ANT. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

RDG101: Critical Reading

Develops analytical, interpretive, and evaluative reading abilities through knowledge of structure, style, content, and author intent in both narrative and expository texts from a variety of print and digital sources. Students will improve academic literacy and expand general knowledge across disciplines with a focus on humanities. Emphasis on logical reasoning and thinking, valid and invalid inferences, author's purpose and point of view, academic vocabulary, media literacy, and visual literacy. Involves class lecture and discussion sessions. Can be used to satisfy liberal arts and sciences elective requirements. Prerequisite: RDG096 or RDG099. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.


SOC101: Introduction to Sociology

This course will focus on the concepts, research methods, and theories of sociology. Students will explore the relationship between human behavior and society through an examination of culture, socialization, and institutions. Important to this course is a focus on how social forces have shaped -- and continue to shape -- individual and group identities as well as inequalities and life chances. Students will discover how culture and social institutions change over time with an emphasis on the mechanisms of social change, including collective action. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences and SUNY-GE Diversity. Prerequisite: RDG099 or ESL012 or equivalent. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SOC200: Modern Social Problems

This course will examine contemporary social issues and research with a focus on how certain societal practices come to be seen as social problems. Students will analyze social factors contributing to the persistence of social problems as well as mechanisms of social change. Topics of sociological inquiry may include: deviant behavior, crime, health and illness, drug and alcohol abuse, and environmental issues, as well as inequalities based on race, gender, social class, sexual orientation, religion, and more. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: SOC101 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SOC203: Marriage and the Family

This course will focus on family with a historical and cross-cultural approach to understanding its diverse forms and the functions that families serve for individuals and society as a whole. Using theoretical perspectives and research methods specific to sociology, we examine patterns surrounding mate selection, socialization, marriage, parenting, divorce and remarriage, as well as dysfunctions in the family (e.g., domestic violence). Special attention is given to the ways that families shape, and are shaped by, gender, race, ethnicity, class, and sexual orientation. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: SOC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SOC205: Criminology

This course offers a sociological approach to the study of crime and the criminal justice system as we examine the social and institutional forces that influence criminal behavior and its punishment. We examine the social construction of deviance and social control as their meanings and methods evolve over time and differ across cultures. We use empirical and theoretical approaches to analyze crime rates, the origins of criminal behavior, public perceptions of crime and criminals, and inequalities in the prosecution of criminal behavior as it relates to gender, race, and social class. Specific topics may include: the war on drugs, terrorism, profiling, restorative justice, and reintegration into society after prison. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Social Sciences. Prerequisite: SOC101. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SOC297: Independent Study: Sociology

Independent study courses in sociology may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.


SPN101: Elementary Spanish I

First half of the introductory sequence in Spanish which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of Spanish culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) This course is for students with little or no knowledge of Spanish. It is not appropriate for native/fluent speakers of Spanish, for whom SPN201 or SPN202 is recommended. More advanced students should see the department Chair/Academic Dean. (2) Credit given for either SPN101, SPN113, or SPN126. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN102: Elementary Spanish II

Second half of introductory sequence in Spanish which develops the four language skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing with emphasis on communicative competence. Basic concepts of Spanish and Hispanic culture are introduced. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) Credit given for either SPN102, SPN113, or SPN127. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: SPN101 or SPN126. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN113: Intensive Elementary Spanish I and II

Accelerated course covering elementary Spanish sequence (SPN101 and SPN102) in one semester. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) SPN113 is for students with little or no knowledge of Spanish. It is not appropriate for native/fluent speakers of Spanish, for whom SPN201 or SPN125 is recommended. More advanced students should see the department Chair/Academic Dean. (2) May not be taken for credit after any other course in Spanish. (3) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 6 cr. hrs.

SPN122: Spanish for Health Care Personnel

Meets special linguistic needs of medical personnel and others who deal with Spanish-speaking clients in a health care setting. Basic linguistic and grammatical structures as well as vocabulary covered in context of medical/health-related situations. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN125: Spanish for Spanish Speakers

Meets special linguistic needs of native or fluent speakers of Spanish who would benefit from formal language instruction in Spanish. Emphasizes reading and writing skills as well as vocabulary building. Also stresses cultural awareness. Note: Students who enroll in SPN125 must not have previously taken any other Spanish course. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN126: Spanish for Educators I

Spanish for Educators is a course designed for education students and K-12 school personnel to learn the basics of Spanish grammar, develop knowledge of Hispanic cultures, and improve the educators' ability to effectively communicate with Spanish-speaking students and parents. The goal of our Spanish for Educators course is to develop communication skills associated with real-life classroom situations, foster a better understanding of cultural differences and improve classroom communications for teacher/parent interaction. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. (2) Credit given for either SPN126, SPN113, or SPN101. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN127: Spanish for Educators II

Course designed for education students and K-12 school personnel to continue to learn the basics of Spanish grammar, acquire greater knowledge of Hispanic cultures, and improve educators' ability to effectively communicate with Spanish-speaking students and parents. The prime goals of our Spanish for Educators II course are to further develop communication skills associated with real-life classroom and extracurricular situations, foster a better understanding of cultural differences and improve classroom communications for teacher/parent interaction. Required online lab component. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. (2) Credit given for either SPN127 or SPN102, but not both. Prerequisite: SPN101, SPN126 or equivalent. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN175: Spanish Cultural Studies I

Offers an overview of Modern Spain's society and cultural practices through the study of its history, social and political complexities, traditions and art forms. Given in English as part of the Study Abroad program in Spain. Notes: (1) Credit given for SPN175 or SPN221, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. Corequisite: SPN101, 120, 201, 202, 220 or 223. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN176: Spanish Cultural Studies II

Examines contemporary Spain through its cinematic history. Designed to introduce students the diverse culture(s) of Spain, its history, its social and political complexities, and its cultural practices and how these are reflected in the country's artistic and cinematic production. Given in English as part of the Study Abroad Program in Spain. Notes: (1) Credit given for SPN176 or SPN224, but not both. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE World History and Global Awareness. Corequisite: SPN101, 120, 201, 202, 220 or 223. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN201: Intermediate Spanish I

Continues study of structures of Spanish with more intensive oral and writing practice. Cultural and literary selections will be introduced. Required online lab component. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: SPN102, SPN113, SPN127 or equivalent high school placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN202: Intermediate Spanish II

Structural review focusing on oral and written communication. Introduces social, political and cultural aspects of Hispanic world through analysis of a wide range of authentic literary and cultural selections. Required online assignments and tutorials. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: SPN201 or equivalent high school placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN220: Spanish Conversation and Composition

Advanced-level course focusing on development of oral and written communication skills within wide range of contexts and situations. Reviews specific grammatical structures, broadens general vocabulary and enhances correct pronunciation techniques to strengthen accuracy and precision in oral and written Spanish. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: SPN202 or equivalent high school placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN223: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition

Develops higher levels of proficiency needed to communicate effectively in academic and professional writing tasks. Focuses on expository writing techniques such as analysis, organization, editing and revision. Attention given to more detailed aspects of grammatical structure and expansion of more formal vocabulary. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE World Languages. Prerequisite: SPN202 or equivalent high school placement. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPN297: Independent Study: Spanish

Independent study courses in spanish may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Sport Management

SPM101: Foundations of Sport Management

This course is designed to provide students with an overview of sport management issues, trends, and career opportunities. This course will examine marketing, financial, ethical, and legal management principles and apply those principles to amateur and professional sport settings. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPM102: Leadership for Sport Professionals

This course will introduce students to theories, approaches, and styles of leadership, as well as, the role that ethics and ethical decision-making play in developing leadership skills. Students will analyze leadership practices within different sport settings. Critical issues in sport leadership will also be examined. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPM201: Sport Event Management

This course will focus on the fundamentals of sports events management at multiple levels, including but not limited to, recreational, college, and professional. Components will include program planning, organization, budgeting, marketing, risk management, safety and security, staffing, conducting an event, promotional activities, and other factors associated with successful management of sport events. Prerequisite SPM101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPM202: Sport Facility Management

This course is designed to introduce students to the planning, design, and development of sport and recreation facilities and to the principles and techniques of facility operation and management. Prerequisite SPM101. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

SPM297: Independent Study: Sports Management

Independent study courses in business may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Surgical Technology

Enrollment in STC courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Surgical Technology program.

STC110: Surgical Technology I

This course is an orientation to hospital organization, administration, physical structure and introduces Surgical Technology as a technical/medical profession. It a comprehensive study of the operative environment, as well as the professional roles, communication techniques, legal and ethical responsibilities of a surgical technologist. Students will discuss the functions of leadership and identify the characteristics of a successful leader. Lecture topics will include historical perspectives of perioperative services and the development of the field of Surgical Technology as well as the pathways of advancement to management roles. Students will develop foundational knowledge and skills related to sterilization, aseptic technique, surgical instruments and supplies and preparation of the sterile field. Laboratory experiences apply foundational scientific principles, theory, skills, and behaviors of surgical technology practice. This course is offered in the fall semester only. (4 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Corequisites: HSC110 and STC114 Offered on: G / 5 cr. hrs.

STC112: Surgical Technology II

This course focuses on applied principles of medical and surgical asepsis in the operating room. Students learn surgical attire, hand hygiene, surgical scrub, surgical gowning and gloving, as well as how to prepare and maintain the sterile field including identification, care, and handling of instruments, performing surgical counts, suture, supplies, equipment and field breakdown. Patient preparation, incisions, wound care, hemostasis and application of dressings will be taught. Students will develop knowledge and understanding of the “circulating” role, preparation, transportation, and positioning of the patient is included. Students will summarize the purpose of documentation, state the purpose of proper patient identification, describe the time-out procedure and identify the sequence of steps involved. Computerized electronic medical records and safe practices for protected health information will be described. The safe application of electrosurgical units and other various types of equipment in the operative environment and their practical applications will be taught. Emphasis is on basic skills of the surgical technologist in preparation for and during the operative procedure. Basics of decontamination and sterile processing methods will be identified. Laboratory and clinical experiences apply foundational scientific principles, theory, skills and behaviors of surgical technology practice. This course is offered in the spring semester only. Basic Life Support (BLS) certification through the American Heart Association. (offered spring semester only) (4 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory, 4 hrs. clinical) Prerequisites: STC110, HSC110, and STC114 Offered on: G / 6 cr. hrs.

STC114: Pharmacology for the Surgical Technologist

This course covers general principles of pharmacology as it relates to the surgical technologist role in the perioperative environment. It will provide a foundation in pharmacology, compare and contrast the methods, agents, and anesthesia preparation and administration techniques. Topics will include drug sources, classifications, indications for use, complications, adverse reactions, interventions, monitoring devices and routes of administration. Students are instructed how to safely prepare, label, and handle medications and solutions commonly used in the surgical environment as well as analyze the principles of anesthesia administration. Dosage calculation is included. Corequisite: STC110. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

STC214: Surgical Technology III

This course provides the foundational knowledge of core and specialty surgical procedures. It examines the pathophysiology, diagnostic interventions, and surgical interventions for a variety of procedures. Surgical patient draping materials and techniques, surgery specific instrumentation, post-operative care and complications will be explained. Emphasis is on procedures related to general, obstetrics, gynecology, robotics, Interventional radiology, lasers and minimally invasive procedures. Instrumentation, equipment, and supplies required for perioperative case management is incorporated. Content also includes post-operative care and complications of the surgical patient. Clinical experiences apply foundational scientific principles, theory, skills and behaviors of surgical technology practice. (4 hrs. lecture, 12 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: STC112. Students are required to have Basic Life Support (BLS) certification through the American Heart Association. Offered on: G / 8 cr. hrs.

STC216: Surgical Technology IV

This course examines the pathophysiology, diagnostic interventions, and surgical interventions for a variety of surgical specialty procedures. Emphasis is on cardiothoracic, peripheral vascular, EENT, Neuro, orthopedic, genitourinary, and plastic surgical procedures. The course incorporates specialty specific instrumentation, equipment and supplies required for perioperative case management. Content also includes post-operative care and complications of the surgical patient. Preparation for the AST certification exam is initiated. Students will also be exposed to resume writing, analysis of interview techniques, assessing employment opportunities, comparing the various roles of the surgical technologist and developing an employment strategy. Students will compare and contrast various applications and follow-up correspondence. Clinical experiences apply foundational scientific principles, theory, skills and behaviors of surgical technology practice. Students are required to have Basic Life Support (BLS) certification through the American Heart Association. (offered spring semester only) (4 hrs. lecture, 12 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: STC214. Offered on: G / 8 cr. hrs.

Theatre Arts

THR100: College Seminar for Theatre

Methods and techniques Theatre Arts students can adopt to promote their perseverance and success at the College. Specific topics include College procedures and resources, academic advisement, time management for theatre artists, goal-setting, test and note taking, library research, health issues and other areas related to student success in college and specifically in the theatre arts field. Preliminary research into career paths in their first semester. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirement for students in Theatre Arts A.S. Degree. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 1 cr. hr.

THR101: Understanding Theatre

Introductory course developing appreciation for and understanding of theatre in all its facets throughout history up to the present. Through lecture/demonstration and attendance at college theatre productions, students are exposed to major components of theatre including historical aspects, playwrighting, acting, directing and designing. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

THR105: Acting I

Study and practice in basic techniques of acting. Application of theory through presentations of scenes, improvisations and exercises in class. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

THR115: Basic Theatre Practice: Stagecraft

Principles and practices of scenic construction, painting, shifting, rigging and stage mechanics. Development of skills in safe use of hand and power tools and stage equipment. Students learn to read ground plans and working drawings. Production projects in association with staging a college play are required. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR116: Basic Theatre Practice: Lighting Crafts

Basic electricity necessary for using and maintaining stage lighting instruments and accessories. Safety practices are taught. Major topics include principles of lighting, types and functions of lighting instruments, manual and remote lighting controls. Experience offered in production practices in translating a lighting design for a specific script to the lighted stage. Included are reading designs, organizing setup period, preparation of charts, plugging, rigging, hanging, focusing of instruments and running the production. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR117: Basic Theatre Practice: Costume Crafts

Basic sewing and costume construction. Includes simple maintenance of sewing equipment, organization of studio identification, use of supplies and characteristics, and treatment of natural and synthetic fabrics. Experience offered in analyzing and building costume design for a specific script into a finished costume. Includes pattern drafting, cutting and fitting. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR118: Basic Theatre Practice: Drafting for the Stage

Communicating visual ideas through the use of mechanical drawing specifically for theatre applications. Includes training in various elements of technical theatre and stage design graphics, specifically drafting techniques and symbols (USITT standard) for producing ground plans, elevations and detail drawings. Note: Offered spring semester only on alternate years with THR119. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: THR115. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR119: Basic Theatre Practice: Sound

Equipment, methods and practices used in production of sound for the stage. Note: Offered spring semester only on alternate years with THR118. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR120: Stage Makeup

This is an elementary class in Stage Makeup. Content will be devoted to character analysis, makeup design, and application. This class will provide an overview of the subject matter and the basic technical skills related to the material so that the student will be equipped to solve problems in future situations. Specific projects will include basic corrective makeup, aging techniques, crepe wool beards and artificial facial hair, special effects trauma (stage blood and latex), and fantasy applications. Students will be required to purchase a theatrical makeup kit and additional makeup for an approximate cost of $75.00 to $100.00. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR127: Stage Combat

Provides students practical concentrated study in basics of stage fighting. Utilizing fencing to develop focus, coordination and safety, students progress through rapier and broadsword use to elementary hand-to-hand techniques. Culmination of studies is staged choreography, with partner, of classical fight scene to demonstrate competence in all disciplines. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR151: Theatre Workshop

Course goal is for students to become members of a theatre company. Professional-style experience is gained through cast, crew or stage management experiences in plays and musicals. May be taken for credit for more than two semesters. (6 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: Permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

THR152: Production Lab I

Learning through doing is the goal of the Production Laboratory. Practical experience in theatre is achieved by successfully participating in executing projects in scenic construction, stage lighting, costume construction, properties and scenic painting. Students who take more than one semester of Production Laboratory work in a variety of production areas. Specific assignments to production areas are made by instructor of THR152-155. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

THR153: Production Lab II

Learning through doing is the goal of the Production Laboratory. Practical experience in theatre is achieved by successfully participating in executing projects in scenic construction, stage lighting, costume construction, properties and scenic painting. Students who take more than one semester of Production Laboratory work in a variety of production areas. Specific assignments to production areas are made by instructor of THR152-155. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

THR154: Production Lab III

Learning through doing is the goal of the Production Laboratory. Practical experience in theatre is achieved by successfully participating in executing projects in scenic construction, stage lighting, costume construction, properties and scenic painting. Students who take more than one semester of Production Laboratory work in a variety of production areas. Specific assignments to production areas are made by instructor of THR152-155. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

THR155: Production Lab IV

Learning through doing is the goal of the Production Laboratory. Practical experience in theatre is achieved by successfully participating in executing projects in scenic construction, stage lighting, costume construction, properties and scenic painting. Students who take more than one semester of Production Laboratory work in a variety of production areas. Specific assignments to production areas are made by instructor of THR152-155. (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

THR171: Stage Rigging and Fall Protection

Introductory course in temporary rigging applications, rigging hardware and fall protection. Students gain respect for rigging equipment and its safe use. Guest speakers include college OSHA officials and industry professionals. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR205: Acting II

Concentrated study and practice of character creation through period and contemporary scene studies and class exercises. Prerequisite: THR105 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

THR206: Acting for Film and Television

For advanced acting students to provide them with practical introduction to acting for the camera. Visual and audio techniques stressed through classroom exercises, demonstrations and simulated productions. Video and audio equipment utilized to assist student actors in the training process. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR207: The Actor's Instrument

The Actor's Instrument is a voice and speech course exploring the interconnectedness of voice, speech, breath, text and acting. Students will learn a thorough vocal warm-up, the basics of vocal health, and methods of using the voice as means of pursuing a character's objective. In addition, students will be introduced to the Skinner method of speech and phonetic transcription. Prerequisite: THR105. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR210: Audition Preparation

Offers practical concentrated study in basics of auditioning from the research, selection and rehearsal of a repertoire of four contrasting monologues to the utilization of the rules of Stanislavski-based text and scene analysis as it applies to the art of the cold reading. Teaches importance of proper audition etiquette and professional conduct. Course culminates with a monologue presentation critiqued by Acting Department faculty. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisite: THR105 and THR205. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR211: Classical Theatre

This course offers an introduction to Classical drama from the fifth century B.C. through the Renaissance. Its aim is to familiarize students with a range of significant texts from the period and to demonstrate how various dramatic conventions function to illuminate their themes and the concerns and beliefs of the times from which they emerge. Students will be able to understand and enjoy this important body of dramatic work by both textual study and through a variety of media. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR214: Text Analysis

This course will explore the elements and tenets of text analysis, including, but not limited to plot, character, theme, language, music, and spectacle. The course serves to establish analytical skill and provide students with a diverse literary foundation in the theatre. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

THR244: Theatre Portfolio Preparation

Focuses on in-depth analysis and final presentation of cumulative work. Additionally, course requires research into next desired level of training. (offered fall semester only) Prerequisites: THR105, THR115, THR152, THR153 and (THR117 and THR205 or THR116). Offered on: A / 1.5 cr. hrs.

THR295: Special Topics: Theatre Arts

Special and current topics in Theatre Arts may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

THR297: Independent Study: Theatre Arts

Independent study courses in theatre arts may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Toyota Automotive Service

Enrollment to TYT courses is limited to students offi­cially admitted to the Toyota T-TEN Automotive Service program.

TYT110: Introduction to Automotive Technology

This course will prepare the student to enter the workplace as an automotive technician while providing an overview of basic operating systems in modern motor vehicles. Safety and pollution prevention are highly stressed, along with the proper use of shop tools and machinery. This course will concurrently provide approved OSHA and EPA qualified safety training and certification through SP2. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Maintenance and light repair will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE "G1" Maintenance and Light Repair examination by the end of this class. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 6 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: TYT161 and TYT162. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT120: Toyota Portfolio (T-PORT) / Practicum I

The four units of T-Port will provide the students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio I is job preparation and readiness and is designed to prepare the student for the work-based learning experience that begins in semester II. Students must successfully complete all four (4) portfolio classes and one (1) summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

TYT141: Automotive Suspension and Steering

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of suspension, steering and vehicle handling related concerns. Major topics include suspension systems, steering systems, tires and wheel alignment. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A4" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of suspension and steering will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A4 Suspension and Steering examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT151. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT150: Toyota Cooperative

The summer co-op experience will provide the students the opportunity to build on the skills required to be successful in the workplace. This course is designed to reinforce classroom learning through a supervised hands-on experience at the worksite. Students will be required to complete 400 hours of co-op time during the summer co-op. Students must successfully complete all four (4) portfolio classes and one (1) summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered summer semester only) (3 hrs. internship) Prerequisite: TYT120 and TYT230. Offered on: A / 2 cr. hrs.

TYT151: Automotive Brakes

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of passenger vehicle and light truck braking systems and related concerns. Major topics include hydraulic systems, disc brake, drum brake and traction I stability control systems. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A5" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of brakes will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A5 Brakes examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT141. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT161: Automotive Electricity and Electronics I

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of vehicle electrical and electronic system related concerns. Major topics include electrical and electronic theory, diagnostic tools and resources. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A6" technician Certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Electricity and Electronics will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A6 Electricity and Electronics examination at the end of TYT162. (offered fall semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: TYT110 and TYT162. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT162: Automotive Electricity and Electronics II

This course will explore the diagnosis and repair of advanced level vehicle electrical and electronic system related concerns. Major topics include Electrical and electronic theory and diagnostic tools and resources. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A6" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Electricity and electronics will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A6 Electricity and Electronics examination at the end of TYT162. (offered fall semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: TYT110 and TYT161. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT171: Automotive Heating and Air Conditioning

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of vehicle heating, ventilation and Air Conditioning related concerns. Major topics include Heating and AC System theory and diagnostic tools and resources. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A7" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Heating and Air conditioning will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A7 Heating and Air Conditioning examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 6 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT211: Automotive Engine Repair

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of internal combustion engine related concerns. Major topics include engine removal and overhaul. Study will also include major systems and subsystems including lubrication and cooling system. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "Al" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Engine Repair will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A1 Engine Repair examination at the end of this class. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 6 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT221: Automatic Transmission and Transaxle

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of automatic transmission and transaxle related concerns. Major topics include transmission/transaxle removal and overhaul. Study will also include transmission related systems and subsystems. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A2" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of automatic transmission and transaxle will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A2 Automatic Transmission and Transaxle examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT231. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT223: Drivetrains

This course will focus on the theory, maintenance, diagnosis, and overhaul of automatic transmissions/transaxles, manual transmission/transaxles and clutches, drive axles, differentials and transfer cases. (offered spring semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT 211. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT230: Toyota Portfolio (T-PORT) / Practicum II

The four units of T-Port will provide the students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio II is continued development of job place skills. The work-based learning experience will begin in early January before the start of the formal 15 week semester. Students will be required to complete eighty (80) hours of supervised work-based learning during this course. Students must successfully complete all four (4) portfolio classes and one (1) summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

TYT231: Manual Transmission and Drivetrain

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of manual transmission and drivetrain related concerns. Major topics include transmission/transaxle removal and overhaul. Study will also include transmission and drivetrain related systems and subsystems. This course will prepare the student for the ASE "A3" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of manual transmission and drivetrain will be covered in detail. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A3 Manual Transmission and Drivetrain examination at the end of this class. (offered spring semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT110, TYT161, and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT221. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT240: Toyota Portfolio (T-PORT) / Practicum III

The four units of T-Port will provide the students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio II is continued development of job place skills. The work-based learning experience will begin in early January before the start of the formal 15 week semester. Students will be required to complete eighty (80) hours of supervised work-based learning during this course. Students must successfully complete all four (4) portfolio classes and one (1) summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

TYT250: Toyota Portfolio (T-PORT) / Practicum IV

The four units of T-Port will provide the students the opportunity to build soft skills, prepare for and gain employment as an automotive technician. This course is designed to help the student with employment related skills including resume writing, interview skills, job attainment, and certification. The focus of Portfolio IV is the completion of the automotive portfolio and required work-based learning hours. Students will be required to complete eighty (80) hours of supervised work-based learning during this course. Students must successfully complete all four (4) portfolio classes and one (1) summer co-op experience for a total of 640 hours of total work experience to graduate. Registration in each of these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / .5 cr. hr.

TYT263: Toyota Electrified Powertrain

This course focuses on electrified vehicle powertrains including hybrid electric vehicles, battery electric vehicles and related technologies and prepares students for Toyota and ASE certification in hybrid and electric vehicles. (offered spring semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 6 hrs. studio) Prerequisites: AUT161 and AUT162. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT281: Engine Performance I

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of engine control system related concerns. Major topics include Sensor inputs, Control Module processing and outputs. Study will also include major systems and subsystems including air intake, fuel delivery and ignition systems. This course, along with Engine Performance II, will prepare the student for the ASE "A8" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Engine Performance will be covered. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. On-car diagnostic testing using the Toyota Techstream scan tool, digital multimeter, PC based oscilloscope and other related diagnostic equipment will be covered in detail. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A8 Engine Performance examination at the end of TYT282. (offered fall semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT161 and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT282. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

TYT282: Engine Performance II

This course will explore the operation, diagnosis and repair of engine control system related concerns. Major topics include Emissions Control system and advanced diagnostics. This course, along with Engine Performance I, will prepare the student for the ASE "A8" technician certification test. Hands-on tasks required by Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) in the area of Engine Performance will be covered. This course is designed to prepare the student for final hands-on skills validation and is heavily lab based. On-car diagnostic testing using the Toyota Techstream scan tool, digital multimeter, PC based oscilloscope and other related diagnostic equipment will be covered in detail. Students are expected to register for and attempt the ASE A8 Engine Performance examination by the end of this class. (offered fall semester only) (.5 hr. lecture, 7.5 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: TYT161 and TYT162. Corequisite: TYT281. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

Veterinary Science Technology

Enrollment in VST courses is limited to students officially admitted to the Veterinary Science Technology program.

VST101: Introduction to Animal Technology

Survey course introducing terminology and specializations of animal technology field. Lectures and demonstrations include role of veterinary technician; career opportunities; safety, ethics and humane treatment of animals; information related to different classifications and breeds of animals; principles and practices of animal care in clinics, hospitals and research laboratories; handling and restraint of large, small and research animals; legal regulations, state and federal laws. Requires two field visits to observe professions in animal health field. Students must demonstrate proof of current tetanus inoculation and provide own transportation to off-campus field experiences. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

VST103: Anatomy and Physiology of Domestic Animals

The content of this course includes discussion of comparative anatomy and basic physiological systems and their interrelationships in mammalian and avian species. Lectures are utilized to compare systems (integument, muscular, neuromuscular, skeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, urinary, reproductive, endocrine and immune). Laboratories will be used to explore anatomic structures and their function, including participation in quantitative measurement of physiological parameters. Group dissection of specimens, the use of text, audio-visual presentations, and introduction of clinical scenarios will supplement and enhance the learning experience. (offered fall semester only) (3 hrs. lecture, 4 hrs. laboratory) Corequisite: CHE120. Offered on: G / 5 cr. hrs.

VST104: Success in Veterinary Science Technology

This course facilitates transition into the veterinary science technology program with emphasis on qualities of professionalism in veterinary science technology, ethics and legal aspects regarding the practice of veterinary technology. Includes techniques of stress and time management, and use of library resources to enhance success in the veterinary science technology program. This course will also introduce students to career opportunities that are open to veterinary technicians. Restricted to VST students. No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 1 cr. hr.

VST111: Farm Animal Nursing

Laboratory hands-on course providing students with necessary technical skills and knowledge to function as farm animal nurses. Familiarizes students with proper handling techniques and procedures such as restraint, collection of specimens, and medication of farm animal species. Students required to provide their own transportation to off-campus field experiences. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. Prerequisite: VST101, VST103 and VST104 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: VST116. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST114: Veterinary Practice Management

Principles involved in operating a veterinary practice. Legal aspects of practice are discussed as well as methods of managing personnel, financial responsibilities, ordering drugs and supplies, keeping inventory and bookkeeping. Students use illustrations from actual practices and become familiar with forms currently in use. The computer and its impact and use in veterinary medicine are discussed. Hands-on experience is obtained. (offered spring semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

VST116: Small Animal Nursing I

Introduces veterinary technology students to veterinary nursing and patient management. Includes discussion of patient assessment and monitoring, administration of medications, standards of safety in the workplace, medical record formats, prevention of nosocomial infections. (offered spring semester) (1 hr. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: VST101, VST103 and VST104 with a minimum grade of C and CHE120. Corequisite: VST111. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

VST201: Laboratory Animal Technology

Prepares students for careers as laboratory animal technicians. Topics focus on theoretical and practical aspects of husbandry, restraint, and handling of commonly used research animals. Includes preparation of students for more advanced coursework in Veterinary Science Technology curriculum by emphasizing aspects of medical terminology and pathology and by accustoming students to manipulation of living animals. Safety and humane treatment emphasized throughout course. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: VST111, VST114 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST202: Clinical Laboratory Techniques I

Various aspects of veterinary hematology which are important to the LVT. Lecture topics provide background anatomy, physiology, biochemistry and pathophysiology necessary for comprehensive understanding of procedures covered in laboratory portion of course. Laboratory sessions concerned primarily with collection, storage, handling and analysis of blood. Registration in this course requires that students purchase liability insurance through the college. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: VST111, VST114 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST203: Animal Clinic Internship I

Two-course sequence providing supervised applied training in veterinary animal hospital or animal research facility for each semester. Through these supervised training experiences students develop their skills as animal technicians. Performance is evaluated by supervising veterinarian or facility manager. Students required to provide their own transportation to off-campus field experiences. Registration in these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (1 hr. lecture, 8 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: VST111, VST114 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST205: Pharmacy and Pharmacology

Focuses on aspects of pharmacy and pharmacology important to practicing veterinary technician. Major topics include proper handling, storage and dispensing of pharmaceuticals. Drug action, appropriate drug selection, and calculations of various drug dosages are taught. Prerequisite: VST111, VST114 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST207: Small Animal Nursing II

Prepares the veterinary technology student to monitor and manage the small animal veterinary patient. Discussion of common diseases, emergencies and medical treatments are discussed to prepare students to identify patient vulnerabilities and facilitate treatment. (offered fall semester) Prerequisite: CHE120 and VST111, VST114 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 2 cr. hrs.

VST209: Diagnostic Imaging

The lecture portion of this course will consist of a comprehensive discussion of analog and digital radiographic image production including quality control, radiation safety, use and creation of technique charts and preparation for imaging procedures. Entry-level mechanics of alternate imaging modalities will comprise the balance of didactic instruction. Laboratory exercises will focus on the use of radiographic equipment, patient positioning, analog and digital imaging processing, and assessment of imagining techniques and quality control. (offered spring semester) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisites: CHE120, VST111 and VST116 with a minimum grade of C. Corequisite: VST201. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST212: Clinical Laboratory Techniques II

Major topics of veterinary clinical pathology not covered in VST202. Focus on urology, clinical chemistry, clinical enzymology, clinical serology, digestive function tests, laboratory microbiology and laboratory parasitology. Laboratory sessions concerned with collection, storage and handling of laboratory specimens, and performance of analytical procedures. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: VST201, VST202, VST205 and VST207 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST213: Animal Clinic Internship II

Two-course sequence providing supervised applied training in veterinary animal hospital or animal research facility for each semester. Through these supervised training experiences students develop their skills as animal technicians. Performance is evaluated by supervising veterinarian or facility manager. Students required to provide their own transportation to off-campus field experiences. Registration in these courses requires that students purchase liability insurance through the College. (1 hr. lecture, 8 hrs. clinical) Prerequisite: VST202, VST203, VST207 and VST209 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

VST216: Small Animal Nursing III

Prepares students to monitor veterinary patient throughout all aspects of anesthesia and surgery. Responsibilities include daily monitoring of patient, and pre-surgical assessments through post-surgical care. Different forms and levels of anesthesia are reviewed. Emphasis on practical patient care includes maintenance of surgical instrumentation and monitoring equipment. (3 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: VST201, VST202, VST203, VST205, VST207 and VST209 with a minimum grade of C. Offered on: G / 4 cr. hrs.

VST297: Independent Study: Veterinary Science Technology

Independent study courses in veterinary science may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Visual Arts/Photography

ART101: Art Appreciation

Introductory course designed to identify major visual art forms. Includes examination of selected masterpieces through use of films, slides and field trips; and, experience with simple methods and materials to illustrate basic concepts, gain insight into the creative process, and cultivate aesthetic values. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART105: Visual Arts College Seminar

Methods and skills students can adopt to promote their success in the Visual Art program and prepare them to transfer successfully into BFA programs. Students will learn the college's expectations, how to manage their time and resources, and how to access college programs and resources to assure a successful educational experience. The art curriculum, prospective transfer schools, and career opportunities in the field of visual art will be discussed throughout the semester. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirements for students in Visual Arts - A.S. degree. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 1.5 cr. hrs.

ART109: American Art and Society

Survey of a wide range of art, visual, and material culture such as paintings, sculptures, architecture, photography, video, fashion, performances, billboards, pamphlets, ceramics, quilts, and much more, to study both the aesthetics and expressions of American culture. Firmly grounding the objects in their time periods, this course will look at how art, visual and material culture shape and are shaped by social issues of the day. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Diversity, SUNY-GE Humanities, and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART111: Ancient to Renaissance Art

Introductory survey of principal movements and trends in painting, sculpture and architecture from pre-historic to Renaissance. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART112: Renaissance to 20th Century Art

Introductory survey of principal movements and trends in painting, sculpture and architecture from Renaissance to 20th century. (May be taken out of sequence.) Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART113: Modern Art

Study of history of painting, sculpture and architecture from 1850 to the present. Emphasizes primarily art of the 20th century. Lectures supplemented with slides, film and museum and gallery trips. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities and SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART114: History of Photography

Survey of the history of photography from its invention to contemporary times. Photographic imagery's cultural effect and contribution to the visual arts is researched and analyzed by focusing on individual photographers and the development of particular styles and genres. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART116: Adobe Photoshop

An introduction of the tools and techniques used for image enhancement, photo manipulation, and creative visual compositions in Adobe Photoshop. Emphasis is placed on artistic expression and its impact on image sourcing, color mode, file size management, resolution, and final output. Also includes the use of modes, adjustments, filters, layers, masking, selections, and integration of type. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART120: Color Theory

Introduction to the principles of color and an exploration of color theory as it relates to design and media. The course investigates hue, saturation, value, and examines how color relates to surroundings. Color temperature and psychology will be explored. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART130. Offered on: E / 3 cr. hrs.

ART122: Electronic Illustration

Enables students to create and modify illustrations and scanned images. Students use Macintosh computer as electronic drawing tool with image enhancement techniques and technologies to create studies and illustrations. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E / 3 cr. hrs.

ART126: Introduction to Digital Art

Introduction to the tools and techniques necessary in creating expressive digital artworks. Includes an overview of hardware components and software utilized in the production of digital artwork, including computers, monitors, lens-based media, printers, tablets, scanners, and projectors. Notes: (1) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2) Students in Digital Art, Digital Media and Animation, and Graphic Design programs may not take this course for credit toward their degrees. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART128: Animation

Teaches fundamentals of computer-generated animation. Students create real-time animation for presentation, computer video production and other computer applications. Design and creative animation projects are created first in storyboard format and applied to animation computer software packages. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART130: 2D Design

Foundation course in two-dimensional design. Exploration of historical and contemporary concepts of space and pictorial composition. Studio problems employing elements of line, texture, shape, form and color. A basic course for painting, graphics, photography and commercial art. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART133: Drawing I

Introduction to fundamentals of drawing. Drawing of objects to develop student's understanding of proportion, value, perspective, form and shape. Develops accurate observation, understanding and memory of key forms, properties of illumination, and effective use of drawing materials. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART134: Drawing II

More detailed investigation of concepts explored in ART133: Drawing I. Investigation of various wet and dry drawing media. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART133. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART135: Life Drawing I

Centers on mechanics of graphically representing the figure and on principles of anatomy relevant to pictorial and sculptural composition. Attention to use of materials on individual basis. A foundation for both fine and commercial art. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART133. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART136: Life Drawing II

Centers on mechanics of graphically representing the figure and on principles of anatomy relevant to pictorial and sculptural composition. Attention to use of materials on individual basis. A foundation for both fine and commercial art. (1 hr. lecture, 4 studio hrs. each week.) Prerequisite: ART135. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART141: Black and White Film Photography I

Introduces basic camera skills including exposure control, composition, depth of field, and movement control. Students use a traditional darkroom to develop exposed film and produce silver gelatin enlargements. Image printing skills include density and contrast control as well as burning and dodging techniques. Students must provide their own fully adjustable 35mm camera (with manual aperture and shutter speed control), film, paper, and some other supplies. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 2 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART144: Photography Seminar

Introduction to career exploration and learning skills needed in professional photography. Through discussions, readings, critical thinking and information literacy, students will develop academic skills, a connection with the college, and a familiarity with college resources and services. Note: Fulfills College Seminar requirement for students in the Photography curriculum. (offered fall semester only) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 1 cr. hr.

ART145: Digital Photography I

Students learn basic digital camera skills including exposure control, bracketing, reciprocity, exposure modes, and the use of the histogram. Creative techniques utilizing depth of field and movement control are explored as well as techniques for low light and night photography. Image processing skills, printing and presentation methods are introduced. Students are required to have any fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, tripod, memory card, storage drive, paper and some other supplies. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) No prerequisite. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART146: Digital Photography II

Builds on the fundamental skills of photography introduced in ART145: Digital Photography I. Through creative visual assignments, students are encouraged to develop their own individual photographic style. Expanded camera functions and lens filtrations are investigated. In-depth image editing techniques, advanced printing and presentation methods are explored. Strong emphasis is placed on project development and critical thinking. Students are required to have a fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, tripod, memory card, storage drive, inkjet paper and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART145. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART149: Photographic Lighting

Students learn how to evaluate, control and manipulate available light, use portable flash, and are introduced to studio lighting. Fundamentals of light, light theory, and color temperature are explored in-depth. Students are required to have any fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, portable flash system, tripod, memory card, storage drive, paper and some other supplies. (offered spring semester only) (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART145. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART161: Ceramics I

Introduction to ceramic materials and processes through artistic creation of sculptural and utilitarian forms while exploring multiple cultural and physical functions in ceramic art. Students will be introduced to a variety of hand-building techniques that may include, but are not limited to pinch, coil, slab, solid modeling and hollowing techniques. Students will also learn various surface applications for their ceramic projects. Emphasis is placed on creative development of form and surface using clay and glazes, as well as skill development and craftsmanship. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART162: Advanced Ceramics

Continued investigation of materials and processes of ceramics on a more technical level. Intensive study of skills learned in ART161. Students explore basics of glaze and clay body formulation and develop their skill on the potter's wheel. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART161. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART163: Advanced Ceramics

Continued investigation of materials and processes of ceramics on a more technical level. Intensive study of skills learned in ART161. Students explore basics of glaze and clay body formulation and develop their skill on the potter's wheel. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART161. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART165: Wheel Thrown Ceramics

Examines use of potter's wheel in ceramic arts. Teaches students fundamental skills necessary to create wheel-thrown objects in clay. Students explore pottery wheel's functions and care in order to utilize its many creative possibilities. Off-wheel techniques such as texture modalities, different glazing techniques and kiln firing skills also explored. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART171: Sculpture I

Introduction to fundamentals of sculpture emphasizing the figure. Various problems in form are explored. Emphasis on modeling techniques in clay and other materials. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART172: Advanced Sculpture

Continued investigation of skills and concepts learned in ART171. Students encouraged to develop their own direction in their work. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART171. Offered on: A-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART181: Printmaking I

Basic printmaking techniques in a variety of graphic media. Introduction to intaglio processes such as etching, aquatint, dry point and wood cut. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ART182: Printmaking II

Continued investigation of materials and processes of intaglio such as engraving, softground, sugar lift and color printing. Refining of basic skills and exploration of the media. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART181. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.

ART202: Painting I

Introduction to painting techniques in oil and other media. Explores perception of light, shadow and color and the rendering of these elements. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART133 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART203: Advanced Painting

Continued exploration of problems and skills explored in ART202, with an emphasis on developing independent work. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART202. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART204: Advanced Painting

Continued exploration of problems and skills explored in ART202, with an emphasis on developing independent work. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: ART202. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART209: Watercolor

Instruction in various techniques of watercolor painting, with reference to European and American traditions. Notes: (1) It is recommended that students take ART133 prior to enrolling in ART209. (2) Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (offered fall semester only) (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART210: 3D Design

Foundation course in three-dimensional design. Exploratory problems that help develop understanding of and sensitivity to use of three-dimensional design fundamentals. Analysis of concepts as a basis for sculpture, ceramics, architecture and industrial design. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE The Arts. (1 hr. lecture, 4 hrs. studio) No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART247: Professional Photography Practices and Portfolio

Basics of the business side of photography as it applies to a career in the industry. Job search strategies are demonstrated through the creation of cover letters and resume writing. Students will create websites and print portfolios for self-promotion. Creating a business plan and other legal and financial aspects of owning a business will be discussed. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART260. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART251: Location Lighting

Students are introduced to the skills and techniques required for lighting on location. Course assignments explore commercial and fine art lighting approaches to various subject matter. Students are required to have any fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, tripod, memory card, storage drive, paper and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART146 and ART149. Offered on E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART255: Black and White Film Photography II

Builds on the fundamental skills of analog photography introduced in ART141: Black and White Film Photography I. Students learn advanced processing and printing techniques in a traditional black and white darkroom. Medium and large format film will be discussed and investigated. Students must provide their own fully adjustable film camera (with manual aperture and shutter speed control), film, paper, and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART141 or ART146. Offered on G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART257: Photographic Project Development

Students research, propose and produce individual photographic projects. Theoretical readings, lectures, discussions, and critiques guide creation of a cohesive body of work. Students are required to have a fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, tripod, memory card, storage drive, inkjet paper and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART146. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART259: Experimental Digital Photography

Students explore experimental digital processes and techniques in the creation of unique artworks. Advanced digital manipulation techniques and alternative photographic processes are investigated. These techniques are applied in developing personal vision and style. Students are required to have any fully adjustable digital camera with interchangeable lenses, tripod, memory card, storage drive, paper and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART146. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART260: Studio Photography

Builds on the fundamental skills of lighting introduced in ART149: Photographic Lighting. Studio course that utilizes technical and creative lighting techniques for portraiture and still life photography. Standardized techniques are explored in a variety of controlled studio situations. An in-depth exploration of advanced camera systems and tethered capture is performed. Advanced imaging processing skills are taught, including retouching methods and digital work-flow management. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART146 and ART149. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART261: Digital Video

Students gain an understanding of digital video production process and develop proficiency with camera equipment and editing software. Sound and lighting techniques will be investigated and utilized. Research, analysis and discussion of existing video works will be explored. Assignments guide students in the creation of fine art, editorial, and commercial videos. Students are required to have any fully adjustable camera with video capabilities, tripod, memory card, storage drive, and some other supplies. (2 hrs. lecture, 3 hrs. laboratory) Prerequisite: ART145. Offered on: E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

ART289: Portfolio Development and Assessment

Capstone course in Visual Arts curriculum where students learn how to assemble their work into a professional portfolio. Covers preparation of slides, business and postcards, mounting and matting of artwork, and presentation techniques. Critiques are integral part of course. Culmination of course is presentation of student's portfolio to panel of professors from Visual Arts program. Course restricted to Visual Arts majors in third semester. (2 hrs. studio) Prerequisite: Enrollment in Visual Arts curriculum and ART134 or permission of the Chair/Academic Dean. Offered on: A-E-G / 1 cr. hr.

ART295: Special Topics: Computer Art/Visual Arts

Special and current topics in Computer Art/Visual Arts may be available. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

ART296: Special Topics Honors: Computer Art/Visual Arts

Honors special topics in Art may be available for Honors students as well as those who have received permission from a campus Honors Program Coordinator. See "Class Schedule Search" for a complete listing each term. Offered on: A-E-G / 3-4 cr. hrs.

ART297: Independent Study: Computer Art: Visual Arts

Independent study courses in art may be available. See the online catalog for a complete listing or contact academic chair. Offered on: A-E-G / 1-4 cr. hrs.

Women's and Gender Studies

WST112: Women's Seminar

Required for but not restricted to Women's Studies students. Students who successfully complete WST112 have satisfied the COL101, Freshman Seminar requirement. A small group of participants, some beginning the college experience after being away from the classroom and some already in college, meet once a week. A Women's Studies faculty member, with input from the continuing students, provides an orientation to college life (such as resources available on campus, reading, taking notes, test taking and course selection as examples) for the new returning students. Then the class and instructor select topics for discussion which include, but are not limited to, balancing college and family life, stress management, self-esteem, and women's issues such as violence against women, women and the media, women and their bodies, and relationships. This course helps students in their current college experience and in preparation for the future. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E / 1.5 cr. hrs.

WST116: Gender and the Humanities

This course investigates the notion of gender within its cultural contexts and its relation to sex, sexualities, gender roles and gender identity. By studying women and men as well as their images and representations in the humanities (language, literature, art, music and popular media), this course analyzes various forms of sexism and explores the possibilities for a wide range of genders, sexualities and interpersonal relationships. Note: Fulfills SUNY-GE Humanities. No prerequisite. Offered on: A-E-G / 3 cr. hrs.

WST149: Women and the Arts

Interdisciplinary rotating course, its content varying from semester to semester. No prerequisite. Offered on: A / 3 cr. hrs.


Board of Trustees and Sponsors

Suffolk County Community College Board of Trustees

E. Christopher Murray, Chair
Stony Brook

Shirley E. Coverdale, Vice Chair

Gordon D. Canary, Secretary

Gemma deLeon-Lopresti 

Kevin M. O'Connor

Belinda Pagdanganan
Bay Shore

Theresa Sanders
North Babylon

Priscilla Zarate
Deer Park

Student Trustee
Elected Each Year


Sponsored by The County of Suffolk

Steven C. Bellone
County Executive 

County Legislature
Kevin McCaffrey, Presiding Officer
Steven Flotteron, Deputy Presiding Officer
Sarah Anker
Trish Bergin
Stephanie Bontempi
Nick Caracappa
Thomas Donnelly
Manuel Esteban, Sr.
Bridget Fleming
Samuel Gonzalez
Kara Hahn
Leslie Kennedy
Al Krupski
James Mazzarella
Anthony Piccirillo
Jason Richbergo
Dominick Thorne
Robert Trotta

Suffolk Community College Foundation, Inc.

The Suffolk Community College Foundation is a non-profit corporation formed to develop additional resources that enable the College to provide quality educational experiences for its students. Scholarship funds constitute the largest single use of the assets of the Foundation. Emergency student loans, support for unique academic enrichment programs, special projects for faculty and staff development, and efforts to enhance the community's awareness of the College and its services are also supported by the Foundation.

The Foundation Board of Directors includes alumni and community leaders who have given financial support and pledged an enduring commitment to assist the College in its mission to provide the highest quality of academic service to the citizens of Suffolk County.

The Foundation is also responsible for alumni and retiree outreach. Alumni activities enhance the well-being of the College, its student body, its alumni network, faculty, and community by hosting various social, cultural, and fundraising events.

The Retirees Association of Suffolk Community College (RASCC) is an organization whose purpose is to provide members with fellowship and information. Membership is open to retired employees of Suffolk County Community College, spouses of deceased college employees and other former employees at the discretion of the RASCC membership.

For more information, visit our website.

Board of Directors

Belinda Alvarez-Groneman,
   Chairwoman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . East Islip
Michael J. Grant, Jr.,
   First Vice Chair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brentwood
Brian T. Petersen
   Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Manorville
Dr. Robert J. Frey
   Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Port Jefferson
Edward Boughal
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sayville
Lisa J. Calla
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Smithtown
Todd C. Johnson
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Central Islip
Mae Lane
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dix Hills
Ernesto Mattace, Jr.
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Canton, GA
Dr. Steven A. Milner
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Melville
Milagros Nieves
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mastic
Belinda Pagdanganan
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bay Shore
Mary Reid
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bay Shore
Angel M. Rivera
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Bay Shore
Gary Joel Schacker
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . South Huntington
Charles T. Wittreich, Jr.
   Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blue Point
Robert Walther,
   Director Emeritus…………………………. Shoreham

The Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding, Inc. (CSJHU)

Our Mission

The Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding Inc. features the Holocaust Collection (CSJHU). Its mission is to educate the community on historical events, and to promote cultural understanding and respect for human dignity.

Our Staff and Supporters

Executive Committee
Jill Santiago, Executive Director 
Jodi Moran, Secretary

Board of Directors
Veronica Treadwell, Chairperson
Karl Grossman, Vice Chairperson
Lynda Perdomo-Ayala, Treasurer
Robbye Kinkade, Member
Arlene Jennings, Member
Rabbi Steven Moss, Member
Edward Bonahue, Ph.D., President of Suffolk County Community College
Melisa Rousseau, Member
Steven Schrier, Esq., Member
Denice Sheppard, Member
Christopher Verga, Member
Dr. M. Vicki Wacksman, Member
Priscilla Zarate, Member
Andrew Liput, Esq., Honorary Member

General Information
The CSJHU office and Gallery are located in the Huntington Library on the College’s Ammerman Campus in Selden, NY.

The collection features rare artifacts, memoirs, documents and photographs that are interpreted and presented in permanent and traveling exhibits. Guided tours are available for classes and groups. The Center’s staff also arranges diversity and intercultural programs that focus on social justice issues and promote themes of coexistence, tolerance, and respect for differences.

Central Administration

Office of the President

Edward Bonahue, President
B.A., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina
(631) 451-4112
Carol Wickliffe-Campbell, Chief of Staff; Interim Associate Vice President for Workforce Development
B.S., Temple University; M.B.A., Clark Atlanta University
(631) 451-4169
Sandra O'Hara, Assistant to the President
B.S., Adelphi University
(631) 451-4736

Office of the General Counsel

Ashley Pope, College General Counsel
B.A., Barnard College; J.D., Fordham University
(631) 451-4235
Alla Brodsky, College Deputy General Counsel
B.S., Cornell University; J.D., Fordham University
(631) 451-4251
Christina Vargas, Chief Diversity Officer/Title IX Coordinator
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4950
David Schneider, Executive Director for Risk Mitigation
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., St. John's University
(631) 451-4619
Dionne Walker-Belgrave, Affirmative Action Officer of Legal Affairs
B.S., SUNY New Paltz; M.B.A., Adelphi University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) 451-4051
Benjamin Zwirn, College Director for Legislative Affairs
B.A., Earlham College Earlham Sch Rel; J.D., St. John's University
(631) 451-4867
Human Resources
Angelica Huynh Rivera, Vice President for Human Resources
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) 451-4239
Laura Gorman, College Director of Payroll
B.S., Syracuse University
(631) 451-4685
Catherine Dowling, Adjunct Specialist II of Human Resources
B.S., St. Francis College
(631) 451-4209
Facilities and Project Management
Jon Demaio, Interim Associate Vice President for Facilities Planning
B.S., M.S., University of Massachusetts; P.E., Hofstra University
(631) 451-4233
Douglas Dargis, Interim Administrative Director of Projects and Compliance
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.Arch., New York Institute of Technology
(631) 451-4232
Khalid Omari, College Director of Construction Compliance
DArch, National College of the Arts - Pakistan
(631) 451-4729

Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs

Irene Rios, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs; Campus CEO
B.S., M.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; Ed.D., University of Hartford
(631) 451-4259
Academic Affairs
Lauren Tacke-Cushing, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
B.S., Castleton State College; M.B.A., Ed.D., Dowling College; M.A., Emerson College
(631) 451-4254
Jennifer Browne, College Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
B.S., Babson College; M.A., Arizona State University; M.S., Long Island University; J.D., Suffolk University; Ed.D., University of Southern Mississippi
(631) 451-4101
Yaroslava Babenchuk, College Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
M.A.M., Columbia College Chicago; M.A., Precarpathian National University - Ukraine; Ed.D., National Louis University
(631) 451-4409
Matthew Okerblom, College Assistant Dean of Curriculum Development
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Old Dominion University
(631) 451-4137
Lisa Calla, College Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
B.S., Hofstra University; J.D., Touro University
(631) 451-4155
Center for Teaching and Learning
Carol Hernandez, Assistant Dean, Center for Teaching and Learning
A.A., Miami Dade College; B.S., University of Florida; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., Northeastern University
(631) 451-4524
Robin Hill, Coordinator of Instructional Design
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; Ed.S., Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) 451-4677
Alexandra Belanich, Specialist I of Center for Teaching and Learning
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) 451-4763
Continuing Education
Arlene Jackson, College Assistant Dean of Continuing Education
B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4866
Kristin Riley, Adjunct Specialist II of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4114
Andrea Dunkirk, Specialist II of Continuing Education
B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) 451-4552
Elizabeth Altman-Giron, Professional Assistant II of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4109
English as a Second Language Programs
Maria Ammar, College Director of English as a Second Language Programs
B.S., M.S., Florida International University
(631) 851-6884
Faculty and Professional Advancement
Christopher Gherardi, College Associate Dean of Faculty and Professional Advancement; Academic Chair of Business
B.A., Hofstra University; M.B.A., Long Island University; Ed.D., Aspen University
(631) 851-6931
Donna Krompinger, Professional Assistant of Office for Faculty and Professional Advancement
(631) 451-4307
Jane F. Shearer School of Nursing
Cheryl Shaffer, College Associate Dean of Nursing
B.S., Edinboro University; M.S., Syracuse University; Ph.D., Rutgers University
(631) 451-4971
Audrey Trachtenberg, Professional Assistant II of Nursing
B.B.A., Pace Institute
(631) 451-4683
Sustainability Programs
Melanie Carsch, College Assistant Director of Corporate Training
B.S., University of Arizona; M.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University
(631) 851-6414
Student Support Services
Lorianne Lueders-Yanotti, College Director of Student Support Services
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) 451-4370
Technical Services
Kevin McCoy, Professor of Library Services
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) 451-4172
Joan Cook, Assistant Professor of Library Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.L.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4184
Rebecca Turner-Wallace, Professor of Library Services
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4752
Workforce and Economic Development
Corporate Training Center
Daphne Gordon, Adjunct Associate Professor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
B.S., University of South Carolina; M.B.A., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) 851-6206
Laura Galletta, Specialist II of Corporate Training
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6216

Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs

Patricia Eilbeck, Vice President for Student Affairs
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Western Illinois University; Ph.D., New York University
(631) 451-4572
Athletics and Special Events
Neftali Collazo, College Associate Dean of Athletics and Special Events
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) 851-6914
Steed Alberti, College Associate Director of Special Programs and Events
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6943
Kerry Swanson, College Assistant Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
B.S., CUNY York College; M.S., Canisius University
(631) 451-4918
James Dello-Iacono, Specialist II of Physical Education
B.P.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) 851-6904
Danielle Groneman, Specialist I of Athletics and Special Events
B.S., M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) 851-6764
Joseph Kosina, College Associate Director of Intercollegiate Athletics
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., University of Phoenix; M.S., Ohio University
(631) 451-4881
Timothy Giardina, Specialist I of Aquatics
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) 548-2533
Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding
Jill Santiago, Director of the Center for Social Justice and Human Understanding
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) 451-4734
Career Services
Tania Velazquez, College Director of Career Services
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4475
College Association
Barbara Hurst, Director of Business Affairs
B.A., Bernard Baruch College; M.B.A., Dowling College
Disability Services
Jennifer Forni, College Director of Disability Services
B.S., University of Scranton; M.Ed., Hofstra University
(631) 451-4046
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
David Johnson, College Director of Educational Opportunity Program
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) 451-4462
Enrollment Management
Joanne Braxton, College Dean of Enrollment Management
B.A., Clark University; M.A., University of Connecticut
(631) 451-4026
Mindy Badash, Professional Assistant II of Transfer Credit Office
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S.Ed., Ft. Hays State University
(631) 451-4516
Maria Contreras-Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) 451-4773
Financial Aid
Nancy Brewer, College Director of Financial Aid
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 451-4064
Mental Health and Wellness Services
Julia Kiely, College Director of Mental Health Services
B.A., Scripps College; Ph.D., The New School for Social Research
(631) 451-4069
Multicultural Affairs
James Banks, Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs
B.A., Fordham University; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 548-2605
Public and Fire Safety
Baycan Fideli, Director of Security and Fire Safety
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Indiana State University
(631) 451-4212
Phillip Sandusky, Assistant Director of Public Safety and Environmental Health
B.S., SUNY Maritime College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 851-6771
Thomas Carroll, Assistant Director of Public Safety
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., Quinnipiac University
(631) 851-6263
Registrar/Master Schedule
Cheryl Eldredge, College Associate Dean of Registrar and Master Scheduling
A.G.S., Pima Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) 451-4821
Jessica Dillon, College Assistant Director of Master Schedule/Registrar
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.A., Long Island University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 451-4501
Special Programs
Thomas Law, Professor of Counseling
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4838
Charles Wittreich, College Director of Theater
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.F.A., University of Missouri
(631) 451-4893
Veteran Services
Shannon O'Neill, College Director of Veteran Affairs
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) 451-4869

Office of the Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs

Sara Gorton, Interim Vice President for Business and Financial Affairs
B.S., Ithaca College; M.B.A., Liberty University
(631) 451-4223
John Bullard, College Associate Dean of Finance Affairs
B.S., Rider University
(631) 451-4807
Business Operations
Seema Menon, College Associate Administrative Director of Business Operations
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) 451-4141

Office of the Vice President for Institutional Advancement

Mary Lou Araneo, Vice President for Institutional Advancement
B.S., Long Island University - Southampton; M.B.A., Long Island University
(631) 451-4845
Andrew Fawcett, College Associate Dean of Institutional Advancement
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4879
Mary Feder, Director of Publications
B.S., M.B.A., St. John's University
(631) 451-4256
Suffolk Community College Foundation
Russell Malbrough, College Director of Alumni Relations
B.A., Brown University; M.A., Columbia University
(631) 451-4630
Christopher Williams, Director of Development
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., SUNY Albany; J.D., Touro University
(631) 451-4551
Lauren Liburd, Specialist II of Foundation
B.S., Syracuse University; M.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) 451-4115
Kristie David, Specialist II of Foundation
B.A., Seton Hall University; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) 451-4653
Maggie Eng-Salvaggio, College Gifts Coordinator of Foundation
B.A., Syracuse University
(631) 451-4458
Office of Grants Development
William Tucker, College Associate Dean of Sponsored Programs
B.A., University of Utah; M.S., Ph.D., University of New Mexico
(631) 451-4760
Catherine Osiecki, Assistant Dean of Grants Development
B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 451-4326
Lori Pipczynski, College Director of External Affairs
B.S., Cornell University; M.A., SUNY Empire State College
(631) 451-4526
Lanette Raymond, Specialist II of Grants Development
B.A., California State University; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4217
Office of Web Services
Michael Forte, Assistant Director of Web Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.Tech., SUNY Farmingdale; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4248
Ming Tian Gullo, Specialist II of Web Services
B.S., Sichuan University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 451-4083
Joshua Palmeri, Specialist I of Web Services
B.S., Dowling College
(631) 451-4713

Office of the Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness

Kaliah Greene, Vice President for Office of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.A., Temple University; M.B.A., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) 451-4213
Helen Wittmann, Assistant to the Vice President for Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.B.A., M.B.A., Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) 451-4828
Caroline Burns, Assistant Director of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) 451-4481
Isaac Oddoye, Specialist II of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.S., The King's College; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) 451-4285

Office of the Vice President for Information Technology

Shady Azzam-Gomez, Vice President for Information Technology Services
B.A., M.B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4920
Enterprise Applications
Chris Blake, College Director of Enterprise Applications
B.S., SUNY Albany; M.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) 451-4283
Adam Bailey, College Assistant Director of Enterprise Applications
B.S., University of Phoenix; M.S., A.G.C., Regis University
(631) 451-4084
Lu Catherine Wang, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Zhengzhou University; M.B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) 451-4533
Dennis Wittekind, Professional Assistant I of Information Technology Services
B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) 451-4583
James Werner, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Clarkson University
(631) 451-4863
Project Management Office
Stephen Clark, College Director of Infrastructure Services; Adjunct Associate Professor of Information Technology and Cybersecurity
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Usc - Utica Business College
(631) 451-4966
Joseph Blanco, Professional Assistant II of Information Technology Services
B.P.S., Five Towns College
(631) 451-4958
Paul Wu, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4990
John Gannon, Associate Director of Data Warehousing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.P.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4286
Kevin Wirth, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Utica University
(631) 851-6952
Informational Security Office
Jason Fried, College Director of Service Delivery and Information Compliance
B.A., Long Island University; M.Prof., Utica University
(631) 451-4291
Desktop Support Services
Anthony Wilson, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Ohio University; M.S., Capitol College
(631) 451-4965
Cynthia Lebrecht, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) 451-4824
David Rivera, Professional Assistant I of Engineering
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) 451-4852
IT Operations
Douglas Kahn, College Assistant Dean of Information Technology Operations
B.A., Salem College; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 451-4262
IT Training
Christina Johnston-Eustace, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4978

Ammerman Campus

Office of the Executive Dean/Campus CEO

Irene Rios, Interim Vice President for Academic Affairs; Campus CEO
B.S., M.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; Ed.D., University of Hartford
(631) 451-4259
Faranak Afshar, Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
B.S., University of Utah; B.S., Weber State University; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University
(631) 451-4765
Sandra Sprows, Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
B.A., Villanova University; M.Phil., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4252
Business Affairs
John Cienski, Administrative Director of Business Services
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) 451-4080
Library and Learning Resources
Dana Antonucci-Durgan, College Head Librarian
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) 548-2540
Office of Student Affairs
Edward Martinez, Campus Associate Dean of Student Affairs
B.A., Dominican University New York; M.S., Long Island University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) 451-4176
Katherine Aguirre, Campus Assistant Dean of Student Affairs
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 451-4022
Tania Velazquez, College Director of Career Services
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4475
Renee Nunziato, Campus Director of Financial Aid
B.A., M.B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4469
Katie Mitchell, Campus Director of Advising and Testing
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4059
Malika Batchie, Campus Assistant Director of Student Activities and Multicultural Affairs
B.A., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4459
Allison Keibel, Campus Assistant Director of Career Services
B.A., M.A., Marist College
(631) 451-4789
Marguerite Timmons, Administrative Assistant of Registrar
(631) 451-4019
Amy Karvaski, Registered Nurse Supervisor of Health Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., Adelphi University
(631) 451-4047
Plant Operations
Mark Brosnan, Campus Director of Plant Maintenance
B. Eng., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4131

Academic Departments

Automotive Technology
Business and Law
Ronald Feinberg, Academic Chair; Professor of Business Administration
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University; J.D., St. John's University
(631) 451-4663
Rachel Schmidt, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., University of Maryland; J.D., Fordham University
(631) 851-6479
Communication, Literacy and Media Studies
Nancy Gerli, Academic Chair; Professor of Reading and College Seminar
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) 451-4716
Danna Prather Davis, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Communication Studies
B.A., B.S., University of Texas; M.A., University of Alabama
(631) 451-4509
Gayle Sheridan, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Radio and Television Production
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., ITT Technical Institute; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 451-4247
Engineering and Technology
Wesley Francillon, Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Engineering
B. Eng., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4278
Andrew Stone, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Cybersecurity
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Keene State College; M.S., Boston University
(631) 451-4657
Douglas Howard, Academic Chair; Professor of English
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
(631) 451-4485
Raymond DiSanza, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of English
B.A., B.S., Boston University; M.A., D.A., St. John's University
(631) 451-4988
Leanne Warshauer, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4759
Life Sciences
Vladimir Jurukovski, Academic Chair; Professor of Biology
B.S., Cyril and Methodius University; B.S., Russian Brotherhood Org; M.S., Belgrade University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4362
Rosa Gambier, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Universidad Nacional De Cordoba; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
(631) 451-4641
Health Careers & Physical Education
Chris Cosenza, Academic Chair; Professor of Physical Education
B.A., Lynchburg College; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) 451-4063
Kerry Hoffman, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Physical Therapy Assistant
B.S., University of Vermont; M.S., Touro University; D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4017
Heidi Kiley, Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4358
Regina Keller, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4270
Xingbin Chen, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Zhongshan University; M.S., Free University of Brussels; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University
(631) 451-4983
Music and Theatre
Charles Wittreich, College Director of Theater
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.F.A., University of Missouri
(631) 451-4893
Richard Wright, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Music
B.M., Northern Arizona University; D.M., Northwestern University Qatar; M.F.A., Brigham Young University
(631) 451-4361
Helene Winstanley, Academic Chair; Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., University of Kansas
(631) 451-4565
Physical Sciences
Sean Tvelia, Academic Chair; Professor of Physical Sciences
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4303
Jing-Yi Chin, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Chemistry
B.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) 451-4304
Social Sciences
Nelly Sta Maria, Academic Chair; Professor of Psychology
B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) 451-4417
Sarah Grunder, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of History
B.A., University of California; M.A., The School of Advanced Study at the University of London; Ph.D., College of William and Mary
(631) 451-4345
Caitlin Compton-Almo, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Human Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., University of Scranton; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) 451-4629
Visual Arts and Humanities
Matthew Gehring, Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., University of Southern Indiana; M.F.A., University of Delaware
(631) 451-4075
Christopher Kosciuk, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Arts & Humanities
B.A., St. Bonaventure University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
(631) 451-4902
World Languages, Cultures and Literature
Nieves Alonso-Almagro, Academic Chair; College Coordinator of World Languages; Professor of Spanish
B.A., Universidad Autonoma de Madrid; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 451-4727

Eastern Campus

Office of the Campus Dean/Campus CEO

Mary Reese, Interim Executive Dean; Campus CEO
B.A., Trinity College; M.Ed., St. John's University; Ed.D., Creighton University
(631) 548-2565
Jennifer Browne, College Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
B.S., Babson College; M.A., Arizona State University; M.S., Long Island University; J.D., Suffolk University; Ed.D., University of Southern Mississippi
(631) 451-4101
Business Affairs
Suzanne DelaRaba, Administrative Director of Business Services
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.P.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) 548-2549
Academic Support Center
Pina Britton, Campus Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
A.A., A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 548-2577
Library Services
Dana Antonucci-Durgan, College Head Librarian
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) 548-2540
Office of Student Affairs
Mary Reese, Interim Executive Dean; Campus CEO
B.A., Trinity College; M.Ed., St. John's University; Ed.D., Creighton University
(631) 548-2565
Theresa Dereme, Campus Assistant Dean of Student Affairs; Director of Counseling
A.A.S., B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) 548-2526
Charles Connolly, Campus Assistant Dean of Admissions
B.S.W., Monmouth University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 548-2528
Barbara Hazard, Campus Director of Financial Aid
A.A., Virginia Western Community College; B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 548-2586
Jennifer Peterson, Principal Office Assistant of Registrar
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) 548-2505
Denny Teason, Director of Campus Activities
B.S., University of Massachusetts; M.Ed., University of Georgia
(631) 548-2531
James Banks, Coordinator of Multicultural Affairs
B.A., Fordham University; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 548-2605
Plant Operations
Steven Hartmann, Campus Director of Plant Maintenance
A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) 548-2507

Academic Departments

Communications and the Arts
Nina Fielding, Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Communications
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., University of South Florida; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) 548-2518
Ralph Masullo, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Photography
B.F.A., School of Visual Arts; M.F.A., Academy of Art University
(631) 548-3538
Culinary Arts and Hospitality
Diane Fabian, Academic Chair; Professor of Health Sciences
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Adelphi University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 548-3573
Christina Delustro, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts
A.S., B.S., Johnson & Wales University
(631) 548-3751
Humanities and Social Sciences
Michael Boecherer, Academic Chair; Professor of English
B.A., M.A., University of Connecticut; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 548-2587
Liberal Arts and Sciences: General Studies
Theodore Koukounas, Academic Chair; Professor of Mathematics
A.A.S., CUNY Queensborough Community College; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) 548-2670
Yu Zhang, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Jilin University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 548-2584
Jill Thornton, Academic Chair; Professor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 548-3730
Professional Programs, Business and Health Careers
Diane Fabian, Academic Chair; Professor of Health Sciences
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Adelphi University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 548-3573
Aimee Mattiolo, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Dietetic Technician
B.S., University of Arizona; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) 548-3716

Michael J. Grant Campus

Office of the Campus Dean/Campus CEO

Donna Ciampa, Interim Executive Dean; Campus CEO
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., Molloy University; M.A., Long Island University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) 851-6520
Hector Sepulveda, Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
B.S., Fordham University; M.P.H., Columbia University; M.A., The New School for Social Research; M.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6240
Elizabeth Spagnola, Campus Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 851-6817
Business Affairs
Daniel Feld, Administrative Director of Business Services
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) 851-6711
Academic Support Programs
Natasha McCombs, Assistant Director of Academic Tutoring and Success Center
B.A., Temple University; M.A., New York University
(631) 851-6795
Kevin Reilly, Faculty Coordinator of STEM Tutoring; Assistant Professor
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) 851-6501
Cristina Savarese, Faculty Coordinator of Writing Studio; Associate Professor
B.A., Pace University; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College; Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) 851-6246
Office of Student Affairs
Meryl Rogers, Campus Associate Dean of Student Affairs
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., Columbia University; Ed.D., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) 851-6521
Theresa Saladino, Campus Assistant Dean of Student Affairs; Director of Admissions
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.B.A., M.S., St. Joseph's University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) 851-6704
Jason Cascone, College Assistant Dean of Student Affairs; Director of Counseling
A.A., B.S., University of Florida; M.A., Northwestern University
(631) 851-6315
Terri Donnell, Campus Director of Financial Aid
B.A., M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) 851-6815
Lisa Hamilton, Campus Director of Student Activities
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., M.S., SUNY Buffalo
(631) 851-6260
Christy Banks, Campus Assistant Director of Student Activities and Multicultural Affairs
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., Syracuse University
(631) 851-6341
Jeanine Kirk-Marcello, Administrative Assistant of Registrar
(631) 851-6781
Patricia Buehrle-Johnson, College Assistant Director of Enrollment Management
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) 851-6843
Plant Operations
David Meyer, Director of Plant Operations
(631) 851-6757
John Sinnott, Campus Assistant Director of Plant Maintenance
(631) 851-6792

Academic Departments

Arts and Humanities
Jason Ramirez, Academic Chair; Professor
B.A., Lehman College; M.A., CUNY Hunter College; Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) 851-6534
Meredith Starr, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., New York University; M.S., Dowling College; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) 851-6864
Business, Professional Programs, and Technology
Christopher Gherardi, College Associate Dean of Faculty and Professional Advancement; Academic Chair of Business
B.A., Hofstra University; M.B.A., Long Island University; Ed.D., Aspen University
(631) 851-6931
Evelyn Garcia, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.P.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; Ed.D., Seton Hall University
(631) 851-6550
Communication, Literacy and Languages
Virginia Horan, Academic Chair; Professor of Communications
B.A., University of Dayton; M.A., New York University
(631) 851-6486
Dawn Tracy-Hanley, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Reading
B.A., Manhattanville University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) 851-6468
Kathryn O'Donoghue, Academic Chair; Professor of English
B.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) 851-6558
William Silverman, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of English
B.A., Brigham Young University; M.A., Boise State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
(631) 851-6494
General Studies
Jaclyn Labozzetta-Scanlon, Program Coordinator; Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.F.A., Long Island University; B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6539
Health Careers and Physical Education
Alphonses Heraghty, Academic Chair; Professor of Physical Education
B.S., M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) 851-6906
Janine Ludwig, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Health Information Technology
B.S., Cornell University; M.P.H., Boston University
(631) 851-6430
William Phelps, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., D.V.M., University of California
(631) 851-6303
Luckner Jerome, Academic Chair; Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University; M.S., University of Tennessee; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6569
Maria Teresa Alzugaray, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Kharkov State University; Ph.D., University of Algarve
(631) 851-6442
Donna Carra, Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., St. Joseph's University; M.S.N., Molloy University
(631) 851-6429
Richa Rawat Prakash, Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Chemistry
M.S., Indian Institute of Technology; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6549
Camilo Salazar, Assistant Academic Chair; Associate Professor
M.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) 851-6829
Social Sciences
Jill Giresi, Academic Chair; Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Ithaca College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., Liberty University
(631) 851-6332
Kathleen Koster, Assistant Academic Chair; Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
B.S., M.A., Adelphi University
(631) 851-6353
David Marshall, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California; M.A., University of San Francisco
(631) 851-6942

Full-Time Faculty and Instructional Staff

Sarah Acunzo, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Southern Illinois University
(631) NaN
Melissa Adeyeye, Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Robert Adolfsen, Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY New Paltz; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Joni Al-Hihi, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Baghdad University; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Stevens Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Altman-Giron, Professional Assistant II of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Erica Amato, Instructor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Richard Amster, Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts
A.O.S., Culinary Institute America; B.S., Indiana University; M.A., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
Jean Anastasia, Professor of Biology
B.A., University of Delaware; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Paul Anderson, Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Khurshid Anwar, Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Silin Arcidiacono, Professional Assistant II of Nursing
B.S.N., Adelphi University; J.D., Pace University
(631) NaN
Philip Armato, Professional Assistant II of Physical Education
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Alexander Atwood, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University; M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Brian August, Specialist I of Plant Operations
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.B.A., Southeastern Oklahoma State University
(631) NaN
Lisa Aymong, Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.P.A., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mindy Badash, Professional Assistant II of Transfer Credit Office
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S.Ed., Ft. Hays State University
(631) NaN
Keith Baessler, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Suzanne Barretto-Wansor, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., Gwynedd Mercy University; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Barta, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., State of New York Regents College; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Paul Basileo, Coordinator of Educational Technology Unit
B.S., University of Michigan; M.S., Capella University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christina Beard-Moose, Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Lisa Behnke, Professional Assistant II of Academic Advising and Mentoring Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Alexandra Belanich, Specialist I of Center for Teaching and Learning
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michael Belanich, Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jordan Berger, Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Michael Berger, Instructor of Health Information Technology
A.A., A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Andrea Bhella, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., University of Rochester
(631) NaN
Kimberly Birnholz, Associate Professor of Counseling
B.A., Springfield College; M.Ed., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Joseph Blanco, Professional Assistant II of Information Technology Services
B.P.S., Five Towns College
(631) NaN
Sarah Boles, Faculty Coordinator of Mental Health Services
B.A., Villanova University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Michael Bonanno, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
Christopher Bors, Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.F.A., School of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Nicholas Bosco, Professor of Business Administration/Accounting
B.S., Long Island University - Southampton; M.B.A., Long Island University; M.S., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Christina Bosco-Langert, Professor of History
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., University of Scranton; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mark Bourdeau, Professor of English
B.A., University of Miami; M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University
(631) NaN
Travers Breen, Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.S., Methodist University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Mia Brett, Instructor of History
B.A., Barnard College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Courtney Brewer, Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Walden University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Brockman, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Illinois Wesleyan University; Ph.D., University of Florida
(631) NaN
Steven Brodsky, Professor of English
B.A., Adelphi University; M.F.A., Eastern Washington University; M.A., Johns Hopkins University Undergraduate
(631) NaN
Terri Brown, Professional Assistant II of Dietetic Technician
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
John Brush, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Providence College; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Leslie Buck, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Polytechnic University
(631) NaN
Laurey Buckley, Professor of Graphic Design
A.A.S., B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY Polytechnic Institute; M.A., Syracuse University
(631) NaN
Neil Buffett, Professor of History
A.A., Clinton Community College of New York; B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., College of St. Rose; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elida Buitron, Specialist I of Academic Advising and Mentoring Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
William Burns, Professor of English
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., Southern Connecticut State University; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
(631) NaN
Darryl Butkos, Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Byrne, Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., University of Illinois; M.F.A., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Jennifer Canavan, Assistant Professor of Emergency Medical Technician
A.A., SUNY Potsdam; B.S.N., Mercy University
(631) NaN
John Capurso, Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jillian Carlos, Professional Assistant II of Enrollment Management
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Carlson, Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Karen Carlson, Associate Professor of Physical Education
A.A., SUNY Cobleskill; B.S., M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Kerry Carlson, Associate Professor of Library Services
B.A., Dickinson College; M.S., Long Island University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Susan Carney, Professor of Counseling
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., M.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Chiara Castilla-Brooks, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Capella University; C.A.S., SUNY Buffalo
(631) NaN
Thomas Caulfield, Associate Professor of English
B.S., M.S., Mansfield University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
Alice Cavanaugh, Professor of Music
B.A., Smith College; M.Mus., Indiana University; D.M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ed Champ, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
(631) NaN
Xingbin Chen, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Zhongshan University; M.S., Free University of Brussels; M.A., Ph.D., Yale University
(631) NaN
Tuying Chen, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., St. Mary's College; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Jerry Chen, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., New Jersey Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Trudy Christ, Assistant Professor of Interior Design
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Colorado State University
(631) NaN
Edward Chropufka, Specialist I of Educational Technology Unit
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Adrienne Chu, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Carnegie Mellon University; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
David Clark, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Eastern Washington University; M.A., Western Michigan University; Ph.D., Baylor University
(631) NaN
Kayleigh Clark, Professional Assistant I of Advising and Testing
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College
(631) NaN
Colin Clarke, Professor of English
B.A., Amherst College; M.A., Ph.D., George Washington University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Clifford, Professor of Nursing
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Russell Coe, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Fairfield University; Ph.D., Wesleyan University
(631) NaN
Tammy Coffey, Instructor of Counseling
M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Albin Cofone, Professor of Anthropology
B.B.A., Pace University; M.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dorothy Cofone, Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Thomas Coleman, Associate Professor of Psychology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Psy.D., Hofstra University; M.Ed., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Elia Colon-Mallah, Professor of Veterinary Science
B.S., D.V.M., Cornell University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Cone, Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Illinois State University; Ed.D., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Maria Contreras-Hernandez, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Joan Cook, Assistant Professor of Library Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.L.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Suzanne Cook, Instructor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Carl Corry, Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Syracuse University
(631) NaN
Kristen Cosentino, Associate Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carl Coulanges, Assistant Professor of TV/Radio/Film
B.A., St. Francis College; M.A., Iona College; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Laura Cudia, Coordinator of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ivonne Cummings, Professional Assistant of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Daniel Curry, Professional Assistant I of Information Technology Services
(631) NaN
John Cyr, Associate Professor of Photography
B.A., Connecticut College; M.F.A., School of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Amy Czura, Professor of Biology
B.S., Plymouth State College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Daly-Jones, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anabel Darini, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., University of Texas - Pan American; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kristie David, Specialist II of Foundation
B.A., Seton Hall University; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christine Davidson, Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Mount St. Vincent University; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Albert Dawson, Professor of Construction Technology
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York; M.S., Kansas State University
(631) NaN
AJ De Long, Professor of English
B.A., Cornell University; M.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Lorraine DeLeon, Professional Assistant II of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development
B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Dello-Iacono, Specialist II of Physical Education
B.P.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Meghan DeMayo-Dalen, Associate Professor of Counseling
B.A., University of Delaware; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Glenda Denicolo, Professor of Physics
B.S., Federal University of Parana; M.S., National Observatory; Ph.D., Cambridge University
(631) NaN
Courtney Desmond, Specialist I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Cruz Diaz, Instructor of Admissions
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Vanessa Diaz, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Peter Digregorio, Coordinator of Educational Technology Unit
B.S., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., Dowling College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Etsuko Donnelly, Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dennis Dougherty, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., University of Wyoming; D.V.M., Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
(631) NaN
Jared Dowd, Associate Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Deanna Downs, Professional Assistant I of Physics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Amy Dries, Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry
(631) NaN
Marlene Dubois, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Davorin Dujmovic, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Rijeka; M.S., Belgrade University; M.S., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
(631) NaN
Andrea Dunkirk, Specialist II of Continuing Education
B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jeanne Durso, Professional Assistant II of Continuing Education
A.A.S., Cochise College; A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Cynthia Eaton, Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., University of Massachusetts
(631) NaN
Naomi Edwards, Associate Professor of English
Cert, Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University; B.A., Loyola University
(631) NaN
Suzanne Elie, Instructor of
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Nancy Ellis, Professor of Business Administration
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Dowling College; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Michael England, Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Fairfield University; M.A., Ph.D., Princeton University
(631) NaN
Steven Evans, Specialist II of Educational Technology Unit
B.S., Sacred Heart University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Grzegorz Fabiszewski, Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Tara Fagan, Professor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Long Island University; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Farquhar, Professor of Library Services
B.A., M.L.S., Rutgers University
(631) NaN
Donald Ferruzzi, Professor of Biology
A.A.S., Rochester Institute of Technology; B.A., New York University; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Marie Son Fils Aime, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Thomas Flesher, Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., M.S., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Michelle Fowler, Professor of Information Technology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.S.W., Rutgers University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Barbara Fox, Associate Professor of History
B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
(631) NaN
Susan Frank, Associate Professor of Cybersecurity
B.S., SUNY Albany; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jodi Gaete, Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., Boston University
(631) NaN
Laura Galletta, Specialist II of Corporate Training
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Gansrow, Professor of English
B.A., College of Charleston; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Gatti, Assistant Professor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sandra Gattuso, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., University of North Carolina; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Andrea Geib, Associate Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michele Gentile, Associate Professor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Anindita Ghosh, Professor of Physics
M.S., Indian Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Donald Giaccone, Professor of Business Administration
B.A., Colgate University; M.B.A., Adelphi University; J.D., Suffolk University
(631) NaN
Scott Gianelli, Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., St. John's University; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Timothy Giardina, Specialist I of Aquatics
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Tracey Gillan, Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.N., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Giordano, Professor of Political Science
B.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Andrea Glick, Associate Professor of Culinary Arts
B.A., New York University; M.S., Johnson & Wales University
(631) NaN
Alison Glutz, Professional Assistant I of Media Services
B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Tina Good, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., California State University - Fresno; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daphne Gordon, Adjunct Associate Professor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
B.S., University of South Carolina; M.B.A., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Thomas Gordon, Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., Hampshire College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Constance Green, Professor of Nursing
B.S., Fairfield University; M.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stephen Green, Professor of Theatre
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.F.A., University of North Carolina School of the Arts
(631) NaN
Danielle Groneman, Specialist I of Athletics and Special Events
B.S., M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Krista Gruber, Professor of Library Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Joann Gushue, Professor of Business Administration/Information Technology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Southern Illinois University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sarah Gutowski, Professor of English
B.A., James Madison University; M.F.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Julie Hanauer-Avni, Professor of Psychology
B.A., Illinois Wesleyan University; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
David Hannigan, Professor of History
B.A., University College Cork; M.A., University College Dublin
(631) NaN
Kenya Harvey, Professional Assistant II of Corporate Training
M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Edward Hassildine, Coordinator of Educational Technology Unit
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Alfred University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Evan Haun, Faculty Coordinator of Mental Health Services
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lawrence Herzman, Professional Assistant I of Communications
(631) NaN
Robin Hill, Coordinator of Instructional Design
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; Ed.S., Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Klaus Hoffmann, Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Christoph Holfester, Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., Auburn University
(631) NaN
Melissa Holmes-Stack, Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Nancy Hormann, Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Vera Hu, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Lisa Hubbs, Assistant Professor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
M.S., Shenandoah University
(631) NaN
Barbara Hurst, Director of Business Affairs
B.A., Bernard Baruch College; M.B.A., Dowling College
Asad Iqbal, Professional Assistant of Educational Technology Unit
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Roxanne Jackson, Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., Humboldt State University; M.F.A., University of Nebraska
(631) NaN
Krystyna Janicka Wlodek, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
M.S., Jagiellonian University
(631) NaN
Christina Johnston-Eustace, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kim Jones, Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Metropolitan State University; M.S., University Northern Colorado
(631) NaN
Yvon Joseph, Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College; Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Jessica Joyce, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Grace Kaigh, Professional Assistant I of Admissions
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Lisa Kandell, Professional Assistant I of Financial Aid
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jason Kankel, Specialist II of Theatre
B.A., California State University - Chico; M.F.A., Mason Gross School of the Arts
(631) NaN
Alexander Kasiukov, Professor of Mathematics
M.S., Moscow State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Rochester
(631) NaN
Alyssa Kauffman, Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., William Paterson University
(631) NaN
Marlene Kellner, Associate Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Long Island University - Southampton; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Kenney, Professional Assistant I of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Mark Kenny, Associate Professor of Biology
B.A., Wesleyan University; M.A., SUNY Albany; Ph.D., Cornell University
(631) NaN
Myungchul Kim, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Soonchunhyang University; M.S., Chicago State University
(631) NaN
Nikolas Kinalis
(631) NaN
Matthew Konig, Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Tufts University; Ph.D., Brown University
(631) NaN
Catherine Kottis, Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
B.S., CUNY College of Staten Island
(631) NaN
Susan Koukounas, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., CUNY Queens College; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Maria Kranidis, Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University; Ph.D., Indiana University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
Donna Krompinger, Professional Assistant of Office for Faculty and Professional Advancement
(631) NaN
John Kulkosky, Associate Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Vivek Kumar, Professor of Chemistry
M.S., Carnegie Mellon University; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Jaclyn Labozzetta-Scanlon, Program Coordinator; Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.F.A., Long Island University; B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ali Laderian, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., University of Nebraska
(631) NaN
Steven Lantz-Gefroh, Professor of Theatre
A.A., Lake Region State College; B.A., University of Missouri; M.F.A., Yale University
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Lapouble, Professional Assistant of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Ben Laudicina, Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Emily Lauer, Professor of English
B.A., New York University; M.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Nadine Lauria, Professional Assistant II of Enrollment Management
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.B.A., Dowling College; M.B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Richard Lauria, Associate Professor of English as a Second Language
B.S., Rutgers University; B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., University of South Florida; M.Ed., University of Vermont
(631) NaN
Daniel Lauterman, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Thomas Law, Professor of Counseling
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Cynthia Lebrecht, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Meridith Leo, Professor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
James Leopard, Instructor of HVAC
A.A.S., Elizabeth Seton College; B.S., Concordia College - New York; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.A., St Joseph Seminary College
(631) NaN
Jocurtis Lester, Professor of Theatre
B.F.A., Cornish College of the Arts; M.F.A., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Jodi Levine, Professor of Dietetic Technician
B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michael Levine, Instructor of
B.F.A., University of Connecticut; M.F.A., University of Georgia
(631) NaN
Wren Levitt, Associate Professor of Communications
B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Southern Illinois University
(631) NaN
Bin Li, Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Nanjing University; Ph.D., Institute of Computing Technology
(631) NaN
Wenxin Li, Professor of English
B.A., Beijing University; M.A., Baylor University; Ph.D., Purdue University
(631) NaN
Lauren Liburd, Specialist II of Foundation
B.S., Syracuse University; M.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Daniel Linker, Professor of English
B.A., Lafayette College; M.A., Northeastern University
(631) NaN
Sonya Lorrain, Instructor of Manufacturing Technology
A.A., A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.A., Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University
(631) NaN
Jeffrey LoSardo, Professional Assistant II of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Dawn Loshigian, Instructor of Psychology
B.A., Long Island University; M.S., Clark Summit University; Psy.D., California Southern University; Ed.D., National Louis University
(631) NaN
Lachlin Loud, Professional Assistant II of Theatre
B.S.L.A., California State Polytechnic University; B.A., Humboldt State University; M.F.A., University of Missouri
(631) NaN
Robert Lowry, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Clarkson University; M.A., University of California
(631) NaN
Pamela Lynch, Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Union College; M.S., Long Island University; A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Mack, Associate Professor of Graphic Design
B.A., St. Edwards University; M.F.A., University of Miami
(631) NaN
Joy Mahabir, Professor of English
B.S., University of West Indies; M.Phil., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Victoria Maloney, Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Scott Mandia, Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., University of Massachusetts; M.S., Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Michael Mangino, Associate Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gwen Mannino, Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Mary Marcincuk, Faculty Coordinator of Mental Health Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Hypatia Martinez, Faculty Coordinator of Mental Health Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., New York University
(631) NaN
Renzo Martinez, Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Rosemary McAllister, Associate Professor of Reading
B.S., SUNY Albany; M.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kellie McCartin, Assistant Professor of Marine Science
B.S., Villanova University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth McCormick, Professor of English
B.A., Bennington College; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Kathleen McCoy, Professional Assistant II of Honors Program
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kevin McCoy, Professor of Library Services
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Donald McDougal, Assistant Professor of Sociology
A.A., Georgia Perimeter College; B.A., Georgia State University; M.A., University of Alabama
(631) NaN
Deborah McFadden, Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Carol McGorry, Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Timothy McHeffey, Professor of Business Administration
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Jessica McKeown, Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Marianne McNamara, Professor of Biology
B.A., University of Maine; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Terrance McNamara, Associate Professor of Business Administration
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lisa Melendez, Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.L.S., University of Arizona
(631) NaN
Erikka Mendez, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Brockport
(631) NaN
Anne Menendez, Specialist II of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.Prof., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ana Menendez-Collera, Professor of World Languages
M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois
(631) NaN
Maria Mesimeris, Professional Assistant II of Plant Operations
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Christine Miceli, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Iordan Michev, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Sofia University - Bulgaria
(631) NaN
Darin Mihalik, Instructor of Physics
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
(631) NaN
Richard Milano, Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology
A.S., Nassau Community College; A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
John Millett, Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Rachael Millings, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; B.A., Thomas Edison State University; M.S., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Annamaria Monaco, Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., University of Pavia; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
George Monahan, Professor of History
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.Phil., CUNY The Graduate Center; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Fabio Montella, Associate Professor of Library Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Teresa Morales, Associate Professor of Counseling
B.A., M.S., SUNY Buffalo
(631) NaN
Dante Morelli, Professor of Communications
B.A., California University of Pennsylvania; M.S., Radford University; Ph.D., Ohio University
(631) NaN
Mark Moritz, Assistant Professor of Digital Media and Animation
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Sheana Morris, Professional Assistant of Veteran Services
(631) NaN
Robert Mott, Professional Assistant II of Physical Education
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Jeanine Murphy, Professor of Counseling
B.A., Siena College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Courtney Mussenden, Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
B.S., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Anthony Napoli, Professor of Psychology
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., St. John's University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Napolitano, Professor of Biology
B.S., Cornell University; M.S., Clemson University
(631) NaN
Alexis Narvaez, Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., Universidad Nacional de Asuncion
(631) NaN
Debraanne Narvaez, Specialist I of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Magdalena Nawrocka, Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics
B.S., Wroclaw Polytechnic University; Ph.D., Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
(631) NaN
J. Lee Neus, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Giselle Nevola, Professional Assistant II of Student Support Services
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Kimberly Ng-Southard, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Toni-Anne Nhotsoubanh, Professor of Counseling
B.F.A., Long Island University - Southampton; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Natalie Niemann, Professor of Construction Technology
B.S.A.T., New York Institute of Technology; M.Arch., SUNY Buffalo
(631) NaN
Alexander Nohai-Seaman, Professor of Music
B.A., Lycoming College; M.Mus., SUNY Binghamton; D.M.A., University of Wisconsin
(631) NaN
Richard Norman, Professor of Physical Education
B.S., M.S., East Stroudsburg University
(631) NaN
Teresa Noto, Associate Professor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Thomas O'Brien, Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
(631) NaN
William O'Connell, Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Isaac Oddoye, Specialist II of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.S., The King's College; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Dennis ODoherty, Associate Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Marist College; J.D., California Western School of Law
(631) NaN
Jennifer Oksenhorn, Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Steve Ortiz-Rios, Specialist I of Educational Technology Unit
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Daniel Osborne, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
John Pace, Associate Professor of Accounting
B.B.A., M.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Sophie Painchaud, Associate Professor of Communications
A.A.S., Florida Keys Community College; B.A., Smith College; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Myung-Hee Pak, Assistant Professor of Nursing
M.S.N., Wayne State University
(631) NaN
Joshua Palmeri, Specialist I of Web Services
B.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Matthew Pappas, Associate Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., Dartmouth College; M.A., Wesleyan University
(631) NaN
John Parbst, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., California State University - Fullerton; M.F.A., Long Island University - Southampton
(631) NaN
Keith Pardini, Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.S., United States Merchant Marine Academy; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Ruth Pavon Ramos, Instructor of Counseling
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Rebecca Pearson, Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., Syracuse University; Ph.D., Georgetown University
(631) NaN
Victoria Pendzick, Specialist II of Media Services
B.F.A., Pratt Institute
(631) NaN
Adam Penna, Professor of English
B.A., M.F.A., Long Island University - Southampton
(631) NaN
Keith Perrucci, Professor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jean Nicolas Pestieau, Professor of Mathematics
B. Eng., Cooper Union; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kristin Peters, Instructor of World Languages
B.A., University of North Carolina; M.A., Long Island University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Christopher Petrucci, Professional Assistant II of Athletics and Special Events
(631) NaN
Adriana Pinkas-Sarafova, Professor of Continuing Education
M.S., Ph.D., Peoples Republic of Bulgaria
(631) NaN
Elaine Preston, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., University of South Carolina
(631) NaN
Deborah Provenzano, Professor of Library Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., New York University; M.S., CUNY Queens College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gregory Quigley, Program Coordinator; Assistant Professor of Surgical Technology
B.S., M.B.A., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Madeeha Rahat, Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lanette Raymond, Specialist II of Grants Development
B.A., California State University; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Raymond Reardon, Specialist I of Theatre
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Kevin Reilly, Faculty Coordinator of STEM Tutoring; Assistant Professor
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Nicole Reitman, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
James Remsen, Associate Professor of Biology
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., M.A., Hofstra University; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Natalie Rice, Professional Assistant I of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
B.B.A., Barnard College
(631) NaN
Christina Ricioppo, Associate Professor of Counseling
B.A., St. John's University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
David Rivera, Professional Assistant I of Engineering
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Samuel Robertson, Professor of English
B.A., Dartmouth College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Louis Roccanova, Professor of Biology
B.A., Hofstra University; M.Phil., CUNY The City College of New York; Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Danielle Ruggieri, Professional Assistant of Athletics and Special Events
M.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Alexandra Rulli, Instructor of Counseling
B.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Steven Russell, Associate Professor of Business Administration
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; J.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Gregory Ryan, Professor of Psychology
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Psy.D., Loyola University
(631) NaN
Michelle Saavedra, Professional Assistant I of Educational Opportunity Program
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Sadowski, Specialist II of Cybersecurity
B.A., Loyola University; M.S., University of Maryland Global
(631) NaN
Frank Salerno, Specialist II of Educational Technology Unit
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Steven Saltzman, Professor of Business Administration
A.A.S., CUNY Queensborough Community College; B.B.A., CUNY Baruch College; M.B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sharadha Sambasivan, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., St. Stephen's College; M.S., Indian Institute of Technology; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Larissa Samuilova, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Belarus State University
(631) NaN
Sonia Sanchez, Assistant Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carlos Sanchez Bonilla, Professional Assistant of Academic Computing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Cristina Savarese, Faculty Coordinator of Writing Studio; Associate Professor
B.A., Pace University; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College; Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Carissa Scarfi, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gerald Schnal, Professional Assistant II of Earth and Space Science
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Bruce Seger, Professor of Library Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.L.S., Long Island University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Donna Serrano, Professional Assistant II of Financial Aid
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Padma Seshadri, Professor of Biology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Long Island University; M.S., Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Zhenyu Sheng, Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
B.S., Ph.D., University of Science and Technology
(631) NaN
Victoria Shure-Muthig, Professional Assistant I of Human Resources
B.S., SUNY Oneonta
(631) NaN
Mary Sierra, Assistant Professor of Counseling
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., University of Maryland; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Simon, Professor of Construction Technology
B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute State University; M.S., Polytechnic University
(631) NaN
Gerene Skinner, Instructor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Phoebe Smith, Professor of Biology
B.A., University of Kansas; M.S., Ph.D., University of Connecticut
(631) NaN
Peter Smith, Professor of Biology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; B.S., D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tat Sang So, Associate Professor of English
B.A., Middlebury College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Dallas
(631) NaN
Lauren Sollazzo, Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., M.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Teresa Soto, Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Janet Stevens, Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Molloy University; M.S.N., Saint Xavier University
(631) NaN
Laura Stone, Professional Assistant of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Beth Sturm, Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.N., Walden University
(631) NaN
Debra Sullivan, Professional Assistant I of Career Services
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Marta Szpak, Coordinator of Math and Science Learning Center
B.S., M.S., Bialystok University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Stephanie Taboada, Assistant Professor of Engineering
B. Eng., Stevens Institute of Technology; M.S.E., New Jersey Institute of Technology; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Thomas Tartaglia, Associate Professor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lisa Teason, Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Theodore Terry, Instructor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., Sinclair Community College; B.A., College of Wooster
(631) NaN
Helen Thangamony, Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Bishops College of Nursing; M.S.N., Aspen University
(631) NaN
Brent Thompson, Assistant Professor of Automotive Technology
B.S., Azusa Pacific University
(631) NaN
Ming Tian Gullo, Specialist II of Web Services
B.S., Sichuan University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Tomlet, Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.S., CUNY Queens College; M.S., University of Bridgeport
(631) NaN
Jennifer Tonso, Assistant Professor of Reading
B.S., Pace University; M.S.E., College of New Rochelle
(631) NaN
Audrey Trachtenberg, Professional Assistant II of Nursing
B.B.A., Pace Institute
(631) NaN
Paul Turano, Specialist II of Library Services
B.S., St. John's University; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Filiz Turhan-Swenson, Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Justin Turner, Professor of History
B.A., Hampden-Sydney College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Alabama
(631) NaN
Rebecca Turner-Wallace, Professor of Library Services
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Ullrich, Associate Professor of Psychology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Frank Valenzisi, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; D.V.M., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Julie Van Nostrand, Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Maryann Verdolino-Vanaalten, Associate Professor of Counseling
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Grand Canyon University
(631) NaN
Damon Vogel, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity
B.A., M.S., Long Island University; M.S., University of Denver
(631) NaN
Joseph Vollaro, Professor of Psychology
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Susan Voorhees-McLaughlin, Associate Professor of Reading
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Dowling College; Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Scott Votke, Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lu Catherine Wang, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Zhengzhou University; M.B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Zhong Wang, Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Ph.D., South China University of Technology
(631) NaN
Jay Wayne, Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Tufts University; Ph.D., The Rockefeller University
(631) NaN
Eric Weinstein, Professor of Accounting
B.S., Georgetown University; M.B.A., Duke University
(631) NaN
Robert Weinstein, Professor of Accounting
B.S., M.B.A., University of Rochester
(631) NaN
Melanie Weinstein-Zeolla, Associate Professor of Reading
B.A., M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
James Werner, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Clarkson University
(631) NaN
Stacey Whitman, Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.S., M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
William Whitnum, Instructor of TV/Radio/Film
B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Carlene Williams, Instructor of Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Anthony Wilson, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Ohio University; M.S., Capitol College
(631) NaN
Kevin Wirth, Specialist II of Information Technology Services
B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Utica University
(631) NaN
Kenneth Wishnia, Professor of English
B.A., Brown University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daniel Wishnoff, Professor of History
B.A., University of California; M.A., CUNY Hunter College; Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Dennis Wittekind, Professional Assistant I of Information Technology Services
B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Andrew Wittkamper, Professor of Theatre
A.S., B.A., Indiana University; M.F.A., University of Massachusetts
(631) NaN
Karen Wolf, Professor of Communications
B.S., M.A., Syracuse University; Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
(631) NaN
Joshua Wolfson, Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.S., M.S., Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Carl Wong, Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity
B.S., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; M.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Diana Wong, Professional Assistant I of Human Resources
B.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Susan Wood, Associate Professor of Library Services
B.A., University of Oklahoma; M.A., Oregon State University; M.S., Tennessee State University
(631) NaN
Joan Wozniak, Professional Assistant II of Media Services
B.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Paul Wu, Specialist I of Information Technology Services
B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Xiao-Hong Yu, Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Liaoning Normal University
(631) NaN
Yingfan Zhang, Professor of Communications
B.A., M.A., Peking University; M.A., Bloomsburg University; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
(631) NaN
Matthew Zisel, Professor of Counseling
B.A., M.S., Ed.D., Hofstra University; C.A.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matthew Zukosky, Professor of Emergency Medical Technician
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kelly Zydel, Professional Assistant I of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Cornell University
(631) NaN



Professors Emeriti

Joan Anderson, Nursing
William G. Anderson, History
John Ammerman, Criminal Justice
Michele Aquino, English
Peter Arcario, Humanities
Robert L. Arrigon, Philosophy
Maryanne Barry, English
Giuseppe Battista, Foreign Language
Lloyd Becker, English
John Bockino, Economics                                       
Mary Borrello, Social Sciences
Bradford Boyer, Biology
James Brennan, Health Careers
Evelyn Brodbeck, Mathematics
John Burgess, Physical Education
James Canniff, Business Administration
Tak Tow Chen, Economics
Phillip L. Chirch, Communications                       
Elizabeth Chu, Mathematics
Vincent Clemente, English
Maureen Clinton, Human Services
Cheryl Coffey, Reading
William F. Connors, Jr., Counseling/Business
Paul M. Cooke, Mathematics
Donald Coscia, Mathematics
George Cosgrove, Mechanical Technology
Mary Crosley, Nursing
Aurelea Curtis, Mathematics
Dr. J. Maury Dean, English
Susan DeMasi, Library Services
John S. Dempsey, Criminal Justice
Daniel B. DePonte, Associate Dean of Students
James DeSario, Photographic Imaging
Ruth DeStefano, Business Administration
Robert deZorzi, History
Grace Dolan, English
Frederick W. Drewes, Biology
Vito W. Easparro, Mechanical Technology
Lawrence Epstein, English
Eugene Farry, Physical Education
Dr. Candice J. Foley, Chemistry
Cecile Forte, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
George Frost, Economics
Joyce Gabriele, Library Science
Frank Gammardella, Accounting
Joan Garnar, Nursing
Donald Gilzinger, English
Marilyn Goodman, Communications-Theatre
Sheldon Gordon, Mathematics
Caroline Gould, Psychology
Carolyn Gramling, Reading
Charles Grippi, English
Laura Hackett, English
John Hamilton, Economics
Marie Hanna, Nursing
John Harrington, VP/Administration
Harry Hauser, Mathematics
Mike Hawryluk, Physics
Peter M. Herron, Mathematics
Richard P. Hession, Physical Education
Darrell Hilliker, Business Administration
George J. Hiltner III, Counseling                         
Darlene Hochman, Early Education
William C. Hudson, Mathematics
Marcia Jefferson, Library Science
Leonard Johnson, Director of Library
Richard Johnson, Theatre
Paul Kaplan, Psychology
Frances M. Kelly, Library Service
Dorothy Kinder, Accounting
Donald Kisiel, Biology
Steven C. Klipstein, English
Jeffery Kluewer, English
Corita Kong, History
Jeffrey Koodin, Physical Education
Judith Koodin, Student Services
Frances LaFauci, Nursing
Salvatore J. La Lima, Business Administration
Hilda Lang, Library Services
Henri LeClerc, Accounting
Shirley Levitt, Library Services
Carmie Ann Perrotta Lewis, Biology
Stephen Lewis, English
Anthony Liano, Data Processing                             
Lynn Liebert-Marx, Social Sciences
Anne Louthan, Associate Dean of Instruction
William Lowen, Biology
Dorothea M. Lunarwomon, Psychology/Anthropology
S. Arthur Lundahl, Counselor
Tobias Lustig, Counselor
John Malskis, Mathematics
Elisa A. Mancuso, Nursing
Randolph Manning, Social Science
Nicholas Marino, Foreign Languages
Ralph B. Maust, Earth and Space Science
Marianne McAuley, Nursing
Marilyn McCall, Graphic Design
Charles McCarthy, Science
Raymond A. McCartney, Mathematics
Regina McEneaney, Library Services
Grace McGorry, Placement
Morton Mecklosky, Mathematics
Merilyn Merenda, Communications
Dr. Lois Mignone, Foreign Language
David E. Miller, Communications-Theatre
Mary Ann Miller, Library Services
Adele D. Mitchell, Nursing
Mildred Ruth Murphy, English
David I. Nolan, Mathematics
Harriette T. Novick, Communications/Theatre
Maureen O'Grady, Mathematics
Theresa O'Reilly, Nursing
Richard L. Paul, Mathematics
William Pease, Electrical Technology                       
Kevin Peterman, Library Science
B. Wayne Pevey, Theatre
Naomi Phelps, Student Services
Laura Provenzano, Library Services
John Pryputniewicz, Health Careers
Lisa Quinones, Nursing
Charles E. Reilly, Accounting
Gerald Reminick, Library
Richard Richards, Mechanical Technology
Barbara Ripel, History
Douglas M. Robbins, Health Careers
Linda S. Rocke, Physical Education
Harry "Mick" Rooney, Psychology
David Ross, Physical Education
Michael Russo, Mathematics
Linda Sabatino, Biology
Arthur W. Sanders, Office Administration
Ivan Sanders, English
Maria Santalla, Foreign Languages
Jack Schanfeld, Social Sciences
Jean Ann Scharpf, Physical Education
Steve Schrier, Business Law
Ellen Schuler Mauk, English
Sy M. Shaffer, Music
Marjorie Sherwin, Health Careers
Eliot Silverman, Mathematics
Ely Silverman, Speech–Theatre
Walter Smith, Marine Science
Eileen Specht, Nursing
Robert Stone, Biology                                           
Doris G. Stratmann, Social Sciences
Carl Struck, Counselor
Judith Taxier-Reinaur, Counseling                         
Michaelann Tostanoski, Visual Arts
George Tvelia, Economics
James E. Walker, Jr., Health Careers
Robert Warasila, Physical Sciences
Reynold S. Welch, Biology
William Welsh, Director of Business Affairs
Rainer Weschke, Engineering/Electrical Technology
Norman R. West, History
Jane-Marie Wright, Mathematics
Jian Zhang, Reading


State University of New York Distinguished Professor Rank

S. Arthur Lundahl, Service, 2008


State University of New York Chancellor's Awards for Excellence

Cynthia Eaton, Faculty Service
Dr. Christopher T. Jentsch, Adjunct Teaching
Dr. Meridith A. Leo, Teaching
June Middendorf, Classified Service
Dr. Iordan Perov Michev, Teaching
Joanne M. DiNovis, Adjunct Teaching
Dr. Kymberly M. Harvell, Adjunct Teaching
Dr. Douglas Howard, Scholarship and Creative Activities
Jaclyn Labozzetta-Scanlon, Teaching
Dr. Nebojsa S. Marinkovic, Adjunct Teaching
Karen Timlin, Classified Service
Stacey Busching, Classified Service
Dr. Kristin Peters, Adjunct Teaching
Danna Prather Davis, Faculty Service
Dr. Yu Zhang, Teaching
Dr. Adrienne Chu, Teaching
Lt. Sean Ogonowski, Classified Service
Gary Senia, Adjunct Teaching
Dr. Filiz Turhan, Teaching
Dr. Jean Anastasia, Faculty Service 
Dr. Nieves Alonso-Almargo, Teaching 
Dr. Michael Boecherer, Teaching 
Dr. Alice Cavanaugh, Teaching 
Marcial Gallimore, Adjunct Teaching 
Lisa Hamilton, Professional Service 
Murph Kinney, Teaching 
Dr. Richa Rawat Prakash, Teaching 
Dr. Sharadha Sambasivan, Faculty Service 
Dr. Peter Smith, Teaching 
Sean Tvelia, Teaching 
Lynn McCloat, Classified Service
William F. Burns, Teaching
Misty Curreli, Faculty Service
Christine Davidson, Teaching
Danielle DiMauro-Brooks, Adjunct Teaching
Gail Kenehan, Classified Service
Vickie F. Calderon, Professional Service (retired)
Sanjoy Chakraborty, Adjunct Teaching
Dr. Manuel Galofaro, Adjunct Teaching
Theodore Koukounas, Faculty Service
Murial Lanier, Classified Services (retired)
Catherine J. Lipnick, Faculty Service (retired)
Dante E. Morelli, Teaching
Lisa M. Teason, Professional Service
Meryl S. Rogers, Professional Service
Rosa Gambier, Faculty Service
Vladimir Jurukovski, Faculty Service
Steven Kuehhas, Adjunct Teaching
J. Andrew Monahan, Adjunct Teaching
Joseph Napolitano, Teaching
Genevieve Rippe, Classified Service
Mark Bourdeau, Teaching
Jerry Chen, Teaching
Stephen Durkel, Classified Service (retired)
Krystyna Janicka-Wlodek, Adjunct Teaching
Jason Kankel, Professional Service
Jo Curtis Lester, Teaching
Kelliann Schrage Flores, Adjunct Teaching
Leanne Warshauer, Faculty Service
Junius Atkins, Classified Service (retired)
Amy Czura, Faculty Service
Andrew Fawcett, Professional Service
Christopher Gherardi, Professional Service
Dan Gilhooley, Scholarship and Creative Activities
Maria Alzugaray Rodriguez, Teaching
Theresa Dereme, Professional Service
Scott Giaccone, Teaching
Edward Hassildine, Professional Service
Virginia Horan, Teaching
Faye Lourenso, Faculty Service (retired)
Annamaria Monaco, Teaching
Jane Shearer, Professional Service (retired)
Sharon Silverstein, Professional Service
Thomas Bovino, Professional Service (retired)
Laurette Lizak, Teaching (retired)
Mary Ann Miller, Professional Service (retired) 
Sharon Niggemeier, Teaching (retired)
Susan Orlando, Professional Service
Mohini Ratna, Professional Service
Michaelann Tostanoski, Faculty Service (retired)
Sarah Acunzo, Teaching
Jodi Gaete, Faculty Service
Debra Ann Gerrie, Professional Service
Laura Levine, Classified Service
Eric Weinstein, Teaching
Joan Anderson, Teaching (retired) 
Susan DeMasi, Librarianship (retired)
James Fulton, Teaching
Susan Fanning, Teaching
Marie Hanna, Teaching (retired)
Anne Menendez, Professional Services
Dr. Ana Menendez-Collera, Teaching
George Tvelia, Professional Service (retired)
Andrew Wittkamper, Creative Activities
Deborah Wolfson, Teaching (retired)
Penny Bealle, Librarianship
Christine Crowe, Professional Service (retired)
Kerry Hoffman, Teaching
Steven Lantz-Gefroh, Teaching
John Pryputniewicz, Faculty Service (retired)
James Byrne, Creative Activities
Candice Foley, Faculty Service (retired)
Mahin Gosine, Teaching
Richard Johnston, Professional Service
Dr. Lauri Hutt Kahn, Teaching
Lisa Melendez, Librarianship
June Ohrnberger, Professional Service
Robert Rovegno, Teaching (retired)
Victoria Siegel, Teaching (retired)
William Welsh, Professional Service (retired)
Alan J. Bernstein, Faculty Service (retired)
Dan Gilhooley, Teaching
Raymond J. Reardon, Sr., Professional Service
Kathie Ann Rogers, Teaching (retired)
Linda Sprague, Professional Service (retired)
Jane-Marie Wright, Teaching (retired)
Charles Bartolotta, Professional Service (retired)
Craig Boyd, Scholarship and Creative Activities (retired)
Elizabeth Chu, Teaching (retired)
Peter DiGregorio, Professional Service
Joyce Gabriele, Librarianship (retired)
Lars Hedstrom, Jr., Teaching (retired)
Dorothy J. Laffin, Faculty Service (retired)
S. Arthur Lundahl, Professional Service (retired)
Richard Mizdal, Teaching (retired)
Kevin Peterman, Faculty Service (retired)
Anna Aliotta-Flack, Professional Service
Kevin Patrick Foley, Teaching (retired)
Donald M. Gilzinger, Jr., Teaching (retired) 
Regina Keller, Teaching
John William Kulkosky, Teaching
Marilyn McCall, Teaching (retired) 
Carol A. McGorry, Teaching
Kathryn R. Payette, Professional Service (retired) 
Nancy A. Penncavage, Teaching
Dennis Reissig, Professional Service
John Bockino, Teaching (retired) 
Cynthia Eaton, Teaching
Allen Jacobs, Professional Service (retired)
Ruth M. Kolk, Teaching (retired)
Samuel Ligon, Teaching (retired)
Naomi D. Phelps, Professional Service (retired) 
Timothy R. Sebesta, Professional Service
Beverly R. Broomell, Teaching (retired)
Michael T. Gerien, Teaching (retired)
Judith Koodin, Professional Service (retired)
Marianne McAuley, Teaching (retired)
Helen A. Wist, Teaching (retired)
Jian Zhang, Professional Service (retired)
Robert Beodeker, Professional Service (retired)
David Brenner, Teaching (retired)
Diane Bosco, Teaching (retired)
Maureen A. Clinton, Teaching (retired)
Daniel Giancola, Teaching (retired)
Lowell Kleiman, Professional Service
Steven C. Klipstein, Teaching (retired)
Elisa A. Mancuso, Teaching
Dorothy M. Chanin, Professional Service (retired) 
Ronald A. Feinberg, Teaching
Donald S. Kisiel, Teaching (retired) 
Frances F. LaFauci, Teaching (retired) 
Charles L. McCarthy, Jr., Teaching (retired) 
Kevin McCoy, Librarianship
Linda O’Connell, Teaching (retired)
Michele Aquino, Teaching (retired) 
Gary P. Campbell, Teaching (retired)
Donald R. Ferruzzi, Teaching
Marilyn J. Levine, Teaching (retired)
Anthony R. Napoli, Professional Service
Dorothy Patrick, Professional Service (retired)
Barbara D. Ripel, Teaching (retired)
Jean Ann Scharpf, Teaching (retired)
Gayle Sheridan, Professional Service
Maryanne T. Barry, Teaching (retired)
Josephine A. Freedman, Teaching (retired)
Carole Gambrell, Librarianship (retired)
Cheryl Ann Gillespie, Teaching (retired)
Carol Longo, Librarianship (retired)
Scott Mandia, Teaching
Christine Misener, Teaching (retired)
Sofia C. Papadimitriou, Professional Service
Linda Ann Sabatino, Teaching (retired)
Arthur W. Sanders, Teaching (retired)
Robert J. Stone, Teaching (retired)
Betty M. Tobias, Teaching (retired)
Linda E. Barber, Teaching (retired)
Mary Crosley, Teaching (retired)
Betty Deroski, Teaching (retired)
Celeste DeSario, Teaching (retired)
Joan D. Garnar, Professional Service (retired)
Dan Gilhooley, Professional Service
Mary Anne Huntington, Professional Service (retired)
Paul Kaplan, Teaching (retired)
Carmie Ann Perrotta Lewis, Teaching (retired)
Jay Schwartz, Librarianship (retired)
Jeffrey R. Silverstein, Teaching (retired)
Kathryn Benjamin, Teaching (retired)
Maureen G. Bybee, Teaching (retired)
Lawrence J. Epstein, Teaching (retired)
M. Bernadette Garcia, Professional Service
Caroline A. Gould, Teaching (retired)
Russell Gusack, Teaching
Eileen Kamil, Teaching (retired)
Gerald Speal, Teaching (retired)
Albin J. Cofone, Professional Service
Douglas Steele, Professional Service (retired)
Grace McGorry, Professional Service (retired)
Elaine P. Preston, Teaching (retired)
George J. Hiltner III, Professional Service (retired)
Robert M. Weinstein, Teaching
Connell J. Boyle, Teaching (retired)
Grace Dolan, Teaching (retired)
Mario Caprio, Teaching (retired)
Donald R. Coscia, Teaching (retired)
Ronald Surprenant, Teaching (retired)
Robert L. Arrigon, Teaching (retired)
Mary Ann Borrello, Teaching (retired)
Charles S. Grippi, Teaching (retired)
Peter Herron, Teaching (retired)
Lloyd G. Becker, Teaching (retired)
Harriette T. Novick, Teaching (retired)

Advisory Committees


Advisory Committees at Suffolk County Community College are crucial to the ongoing advancement of our professional and technical programs. The advisory committees provide an opportunity for the college to partner with local industry to ensure that that we receive feedback on curriculum, program needs, applied learning opportunities for our students and the job market for our graduates. The advisory committee members represent a diverse cross-section of county and regional employers who freely provide their expertise and guidance in order to support our students.


A full list of the college’s advisory committees appears below. By clicking on the name of the committee, you will see the full list of the committee members. By clicking the committee chair’s name, you will be able to communicate with the chair via email.

Joe Hernandez  Advisory Board Chair, Stoic Artisans LLC
Nicholas J. Bosco Professor of Business and Accounting, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
John Capurso Instructor of Accounting, Ammerman and Michael J. Grant Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Kristin Conway Assistant Adjunct Professor, Instructor of Business, Accounting and Retail, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Stephen DiLieto Director of Program Management, Teachers Federal Credit Union
Nancy Ellis, Esq. Associate Professor, Grant Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Diane Fabian Academic Chair, Health and Sciences, Eastern Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Ronald Feinberg, Esq. Academic Chair, Business, Accounting and Paralegal Studies, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Gregory Garritano, CPA CPA, Garritano and Associates, CPA's
Dr. Christopher Gherardi College Associate Dean of Faculty/Academic Chair of Business, Professional Programs and Technology, SUNY Suffolk
Edward Haran Director, Human Resources and Administration, HealthCare Chaplaincy
Nick Hoffmann Professor, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Adela Johnson Assistant Professor, Eastern Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Allison Keibel Assistant Director, Career Services, SUNY Suffolk
Tim McHeffey Associate Professor, Eastern Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Robert Letwins Executive Vice President, Pension Fund Evaluations
Eric Lundquist President, Airweld Inc.
Kevin McNamara Associate Professor, Business and Accounting, Ammerman Campus, SUNYSuffolk
Robert McNamara Vice President and Controller, Interaudi Bank
Jeanine Perritt  Bridge Capital
Maria Rahaman Deputy CFO, NYC Health & Hospitals
Steve Saltzman Professor, Business, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Rachel Schmidt, Esq. Assistant Chair, Criminal Justice, Ammerman Campus, SUNY Suffolk
George Starkie President, Starkie Bros. Garden Center 
Alex That Founder, Caffeine Culture Inc.
Eric Weinstein Professor, Grant Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Elana Zolfo Retired, Berkeley College, Dean of Business
Cari Besserman, MS, CRC, CASAC-MC Director, Suffolk County Division of Community Mental Hygiene Services
Richard Buckman, LCSW-R, CEAP, SAP, CASAC, CETI Director of EAP Services, Labor Education Community Services Agency
Toni DeFelice, LCSW, CASAC-MC (Proposed) Executive Director, Catholic Charities, Talbot House
Catherine DeSalvo, CRC, LMHC Executive Director, NYS Dept. of Ed. ACCES-VR Long Island Office
Mark Epley Director, Seafield Center, Inc.
Kristie Golden, PhD, LMHC, CRC Executive Administrator/Assoc. Director of Operations, Neurosciences/Psychiatry, Stony Brook Medicine
Dawn Harris, BS, CASAC (Proposed) VP Complex Care, Victory Recovery Partners
Zianna Khachaturian, LMSW, CASAC (Proposed) Senior Counselor, Victory Recovery Partners (former student 2019) Received Stay on L.I. Scholarship
Kibasa Samuel, LMSW, CASAC Emergency Housing Manager, Community Housing Innovations
Nieves Alonso-Almagro  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Mattew Birn Assistant Director of Human Resources (and former student of the ASL program), SUNY Suffolk
Katie Kerzner Principal, Cleary School for the Deaf
Christopher Woodfill Associate Executive Director, Helen Keller National Center for DeafBlind Youths and Adults
Meredith Eskridge Teacher of the Deaf, Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Diana Pelchuck Director, Sorenson Communications
Michael Smith ASL Teacher, East Meadow School District
David Macholz  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Chris Martino OPUS IVS
Elton Alvarez Competition Infinity
Chris Barcelo Competition Subaru
Andrew Jones Smithtown Nissan
Justin Kidd ATS Automotive Solutions
Dan Matuza Smithaven Dodge
Rich Milano Assistant Professor, SUNY Suffolk
John Reagan Sewanhaka CHSD
Michael Rentz MOPAR CAP Program
John Rogers JWR Automotive Diagnostics
Mark Russo Subaru Distributors Corp
Steve Young Mecedes Benz of Huntington
Pete Maritato  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Ximena Giraldo Smiros & Smiros Architects
Lesley Kelly Design Consultant
Rya Kesner Ryan Kesner Architect, P.C.
Stephen Normandin PE, NV5
Jason Pontieri PE, JPCE Consulting Engineers
Joseph Rettig BBS Landscape Architects, Engineers
Pablo Rodriquez PE, Cavalry Engineering, P.C.
Diane Fabian  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Rich Amster Chef, Faculty, SUNY Suffolk
Peter Barraud Co-Owner, North Fork Brewing Company
Christina DeLustro Chef, Faculty, SUNY Suffolk
Andrea Glick Chef, Faculty, SUNY Suffolk
Jill Hamill Chief Instructor, Special Career Education and Food Preparation/Service, Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Monica Harbes Owner, Harbes Farm Vineyard
Amanda Jaenicke Pastry Chef, Preston House
Sam Keymel Executive Chef, The Shed
Jerri Montillo Chef/Owner, The Bakery and Confections, Inc.
Tom Mulzoff Executive Chef, St. Charles Hospital
Joseph Realmuto Executive Chef, Honest Man Restaurant Group
Kelsey Roden Pastry Chef, Honest Man Restaurant Group
Vincent Winn Chef/Faculty, SUNY Suffolk
Susan Frank Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Stacey Aiton UMass Memorial Health
Wesley Francillon SUNY Suffolk
Nat Giventer Silicon Valley Bank
Michael Gluckman SiloSmashers
Rich Johnston SUNY Suffolk
Anthony Lippman Brookhaven National Lab
Vinnie McGee Northwell Hospitals
Michael Nizich New York Institute of Technology
Robert Packer Converged Technology
Jonathan Sadowski SUNY Suffolk
Andrew Stone SUNY Suffolk
Diane Fabian  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Joseph Aliano, N.D.T.R. Food Service Director, Mather Memorial Hospital; Alumna
Melek Baba, N.D.T.R, C.L.C. Bilingual Nutritionist-Turkish, Nutrition, Health & Obesity Prevention, Cornell University Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, Alumna
Marta Blanco, M.S., N.D.T.R., C.L.C. Senior Bilingual Nutritionist, Long Island Region Nutrition Health and Obesity Prevention Program, Cornell Cooperative Extension of Suffolk County, Alumna
Terri Brown, N.D.T.R. Professional Assistant II, Dietetic Technician Program, SUNY Suffolk; Alumna
Allison Charny, M.S.E.d., R.D.N., C.D.E.S., C.D.N. Director of Dietetic Internship, Queens College, CUNY
Adrienne Colona, M.S., R.D.N. Clinical Dietitian, Independent Group Home Living, East Moriches, NY
Diane Fabian Academic Chair, Professional Programs and Health Careers, Professor of Health Information Technology, Eastern Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Laura Feldman, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., C.D.E. Director, Food, Nutrition and Wellness; Director, Didactic Program in Dietetics; Assistant Professor of Nutrition, Long Island University, Post Campus
Jessica Goldman, M.S., R.D.N., C.N.S.C. Clinical Dietitian at Huntington Hospital, NY; Adjunct Instructor, LIU Post; Alumna
Jodi Levine, M.S, R.D.N., C.D.N. Director, Professor Dietetic Technician Program, Secure Decision
Aimee Mattiolo, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N. Assistant Professor of Dietetic Technician Program, SUNY Suffolk
Sharon Oliver-Murthy, M.P.A., M.S.C., R.D.N., C.D.N Director of Nutrition, Suffolk County Department of Health Services, Suffolk County WIC
Annemarie Owen, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.C.E.S., C.D.N. Department of Family, Population and Preventive Medicine, Stony Brook University Medical Center
Charlene Quinn, N.D.T.R. Adjunct Professional Assistant I, Dietetic Technician Program, SUNY Suffolk; Alumna
Ann Silver, M.S., R.D.N., C.D.N., C.D.E. Private Practice Dietitian
Suzann Sullivan, M.S., R.D.N. Director of Nutrition and Food Service, Northport VA Medical Center
Sara Turnasella, R.D.N Retail Dietitian, Janson Supermarkets II L.L.C, Alumna

Kathleen Koster Advisory Board Chair, Instructor/Assistant Academic Chair - Social Sciences, Suffolk County Community College
Justin Arini Director of Guidance, Careers and Student Services, West Islip School District
Dorinda Branco Early Childhood Development Supervisor, Head Start
Mary Cain Executive Director, Stony Brook Child Care Services, SUNY at Stony Brook
Steven Gellar Current NYSSB Rep, Current Little Flower Board Member, past president of REFIT as well as local public school.
Hugh Gigante Executive Director Personnel, Western Suffolk BOCES
Linda Locovare Interim Director, Campus Kids Children’s Learning Center - Suffolk County Community College
Jacqueline Ribera Principal of Bay Shore District Universal Pre-Kindergarten
Dr. Stacey Scalise Assistant Superintendent for Elemantary Instruction, Administration and Pupil Personnel Services - William Floyd School District
Deborah Sweet Children’s Community Programs Head Start
Joel Vetter  Advisory Board Chair; Chief of Suffolk County Fire Rescue and Emergency Services
Jena Canavan RN, MSN, EMT-P Paramedic Director/Nursing Adjunct/Stony Brook Hospital RN, SUNY Suffolk
Dr. Daniel Crough, FAAEM Medical Director, Attending ER Physician, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital
Daniel Foisset Southampton Village EMS; Paramedic Program Adjunct Professional Assistant
Jennifer Friedrich Attorney, IRS
Brian Letourneau Graduate/Preceptor
Paul Marra Chief of Operations, SCEMS
Joe Tusa Certified Instructor Coordinator Suffolk County EMS Preceptor
Lindsey Walsh Suffolk Paramedic Program & Sayville Community Ambulance
Matt Zukosky, MA NRP, Assistant Academic Chair Health Science and Physical Education, SUNY Suffolk
Pete Maritato  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Damian Calliste Tesla
Karl Clarke Brookhaven National Laboratory
Timothy Grevstad GE Aviation
Ray Irizarry D'Addario
Michael McCabe Zebra
Gregory A. Santi BAE Systems
Sharon Stehlik BAE Systems
Randy Stever Narda Miteq
Mike Vaccaro BAE Systems
Fred Vaupel PSEG
Kenneth White Brookhaven National Laboratory
Curtiss Wright BAE Systems
Matthew Zukosky  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Jamie Atkinson Sayville Community Ambulance, SCFRES
Scott Davonski Captain, Brookhaven National Laboratory Fire Department
Mark Gregory Captain, Fire Department of New York, Adjunct Faculty SUNY Suffolk
Steven L. Idtensohn Fire Fighter, Fire Department of New York, SUNY Suffolk Fire Protection Technology Graduate
Courtney L. Idtensohn Fire Marshal I, Southampton Town Fire Marshal's Office, SUNY Suffolk Fire Protection Technology Graduate
Christopher J. Mehrman Chief Fire Marshal, Emergency Management Coordinator, Town of Brookhaven Division of Fire Prevention
James Romagnoli Vice President (retired), Chief Security / Emergency Management Officer at Northwell Health System
David Sterne District Manager, Setauket Fire District
Rudy Sunderman Deputy Chief, Suffolk County Fire Academy
Joel Vetter Chief, Suffolk County Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Lawrence Zacarese, J.D. Vice President for Enterprise Risk Management and Chief Security Officer
Janine Ludwig Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Michael Berger Instructor – HIT SUNY Suffolk

Kevin Bozza, M.P.A., FACHE,CPHQ, RHIA

Associate Executive Director of Quality Management/ Health Information Management, Northwell Health: Peconic Bay Medical Center

Kristie Del Vecchio, M.B.A.,RHIT, CCS, CTR

Manager, Jzanus Consulting, Inc.

Tracy D’Ericco, M.S., RHIA

Director of Health Information Management, Stony Brook Southampton Hospital

Diane Fabian

Academic Chair; Professor of HIT SUNY Suffolk

Rosemarie Garro, RHIT, CCS

Coding Manager, Northwell Health: John T. Mather Memorial Hospital Medical Center

Barbara Hinkle-Azzara, RHIA

Vice President, Health Information Management Operations, HRS, Coding Elevated

Samuel Lin, M.H.A., PMP

Senior Population Health Strategy Executive, Cerner Corporation

Nicole Lucas, BAS

Certified in Human Resources Management and Analytics, Head of Human Resources, Fellow Health Partners

Memory Ndanga, PhD, RHIA

Academic Director of Health Information Management/Health Service Administration, CUNY School of Professional Studies

Gena M. Palmer, RHIT

Enterprise Master Patient Index Data Integrity Manager, Catholic Health Services of Long Island

Kelly Tamburello M.B.A, RHIA,



Health Information Technology, Program Director, Administrative Business Technology Department; Professor of Health Information Technology, Nassau County Community College

Jeff Bledsoe Advisory Board Chair; Daikin Comfort Systems, North America, Manager of Contractor Development
Sean Dolan Union Delegate, Steamfitters 638 (pending approval)
Vincent Eckerson Vice President, Aristair Air
Christopher Gherardi Academic Chair, Business, Professional Programs and Technology, Suffolk County Community College
Mario Lucero System Engineer, JCI Corporation; Adjunct Instructor, Suffolk County Community College
Russell McAllister Owner, South Shore Mechanical; Adjunct Instructor, Suffolk County Community College
TBD  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Trudy Christ  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Jennifer Augusta Jennifer Augusta Design LLC
Michele Burton Owner, Michele Burton Interiors
Rachel Caliman Architectural Account Representative
Salvatore Campitiello Owner, East End Interiors
Mary Farina Owner, Main Street Kitchens and Baths; SUNY Suffolk Adjunct Assistant Professor
Toni Germie Architectural and Design Representative, Benjamin Moore
Wolf Gordon Architectural and Design Representative, Benjamin Moore
Renee Lisowy Owner, Wallace Home Design Center
Nicholas Vero Owner of Nicholas Vero Architects and SUNY Suffolk Adjunct Instructor
Dr. Marlene Kellner  Advisory Board Chair; Associate Professor of Nursing, Suffolk County Community College
Dr. Emily Emma Magnet Coordinator, Stony Brook University Medical Center
Katherine Lewin Education Coordinator, Stony Brook University Medical Center
Dr. Cheryl Shaffer College Associate Dean of Nursing, Suffolk County Community College
Jill Thorton Advisory Board Chair; Professor, Academic Chair – Nursing – Eastern Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Lisa Aymong Professor, Nursing, Suffolk County Community College
Michele Berti Jefferson’s Ferry
Sharon Buckley L.I. State Veterans Home
Anthony Comerford Jefferson’s Ferry
Melinda Constantine St. Catherine’s and St. Charles Hospitals
Dan Mazzone Acadia Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Althea Mills Stony Brook South Hampton Hospital
Laraine Rasmussen Good Samaritan Hospital
Latavia Ross The Bristol Holtsville
Elaine Rubin L. I. State Veterans Home
Carol Scarpinella L. I. State Veterans Home
Dr. Cheryl Shaffer College Associate Dean of Nursing, Suffolk County Community College
Julie Yerkes Gurwin Nursing and Rehabilitation Center
Laura Galletta  Advisory Board Chair, SUNY Suffolk
Mariola Ardelean GE Aviation, US
Michael Cinque Curtiss Wright
Daienna Edmonds Precipart
Raymond Irizarry D’Addario & Company
Robert Kufner Designatronics
Trish Romano East/West Industries
Greg Santi Curtiss Wright
Paul Siller Westhampton Architectural Glass
Sharon Stehlik BAE Systems
Ed Sottile Oerlikon Metco
Paul Zherebtsov Schivo Medical
Lisa Hubbs, MSOTR/L Advisory Board Chair; OTA Program Coordinator; Assistant Professor, SUNY Suffolk
Laura Banks Horizon HealthCare Staffing
Mary Cinquemani, COTA/L Harbor Health and Rehab Facility, PAM Rehab Hospital; OTA Alumni
Melissa Farina, MPT Director of Rehabilitation, St. Catherine of Siena Nursing Home
Debi Gaines, MBA,LCSW, LNHA Director of Rehabilitation, Brookhaven Health Care Facility
Michele Gentile, MAOTR/L Associate Professor, OTA Program, SUNY Suffolk
Barbara Heim, OTR/L Complete Rehab Consultants
Michele Hyland, MS, PT Director of Rehabilitation/OT & PT, Long Island State Veterans Home
Cynthia Iafriate, OTR/L Tender Touch Rehabilitation
Thomas Kubat Luxor Nursing and Rehabilitation at Sayville: Sayville, NY; OTA Alumni
Stephanie Ladd, COTA/L Certified Autism Specialist, ACLD; OTA Alumni
Valerie Miele, OTR/L Preferred Therapy Solutions, SCCC Alumni
Stephanie Murphy, LBA, BCBA Clinical Services Administrator, ACLD; Clinical Services Administrator, Psychology Dept., Article 16 Clinic, IPSIDD Program
Ralu Onubogu, PT, DPT CEO, Kindness Unlimited; Regional Director, Optima/Brookside Center
Danielle Strafford Mobarak, COTA/L OTA Alumni
Karen Vittoria, OTR/L Director of Rehabilitation, St. Johnland Nursing Center
Carrie Yonker, OTR/L Long Island State Veterans Home
John Ammerman, Esq.  Advisory Board Chair; retired faculty Suffolk County Community College
Len Badia, Esq. Suffok County District Court Chief Clerk
Kimberly Ball, Esq. Hanshe Law
Patrica Blake, Esq. Attorney
Danielle M. DiMauro Marshall, Dennehy, Warner; Adjunct Instructor, Suffolk County Community College
Stephen Dilieto Director, Program Management, Teachers Federal Credit Union
Nancy Ellis, Esq. Professor, Suffolk County Community College
Dr. Ronald A. Feinberg, Esq. Academic Chair, Professor, Suffolk County Community College
Robert Ferrara, Esq. Migrate Realty LLC
Regina Ferraro Davis & Prager PC
Scott Giaccone, Esq. Professor, Suffolk County Community College
Nicolle Heagney, Esq. Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Maria Kay Law office of David Okrent
Allison Keibel Assistant Director, Career Services, Suffolk County Community College
Chandra Lall Schondebare & Grayson, P.C.
Judith W. Lespinasse Touro Law Center 
Sandra Liccardi NY Supreme Court
Agatha Louis United Medical Monitoring IONM
Michele Mascolo Eisenberg, Margolis and Maldonado PLLC
Erica L. Nicholson Davidow, Davidow, Siegel and Stern LLP
Dennis O'Doherty, Esq. O'Doherty & Cataldo; Associate Professor, Suffolk County Community College
Lori Pack, Esq. NYS Attorney General
Serge Pierre, Esq Malillo and Grossman Attorneys at Law
Bruce Seger, Esq. SUNYSuffolk Law Librarian; Professor, Suffolk County Community College
Catherine Taylor, Esq. Citrin Cooperman
Pamella Vegna Marshall, Dennehy, Warner
Ja'Neen West Suffolk County Human Rights Commission
John Cyr  Advisory Board Chair; Academic Chair/Associate Professor; Arts and Humanities, SUNY Suffolk
Terrie Alfieri Wedding and Portrait Photographer, Terrie Alfieri Photography and Design
Tom P. Ashe Academic Chair of MPS Digital Photography, School of Visual Arts
Brandon Chin Technical Specialist, Canon U.S.A.
Ralph Masullo Assistant Academic Chair – Communications and the Arts/Assistant Professor of Photography, Eastern Campus, SUNY Suffolk
Brad Paris Assistant Academic Chair of Photography Program, Fashion Institute of Technology
Rob Raeihle Lead Art Teacher, Department of Fine Arts, Commack High School
Gayle Sheridan Assistant Academic Chair and Professor of Communication, Literacy and Media Studies, SUNY Suffolk
Kerry Hoffman, PT, DPT, MS Advisory Board Chair; Professor/Assistant Academic Chair/Academic Coordinator of Clinical Education - Suffolk County Community College
Chris Carden, PT, DPT Assistant Director of Rehabilitation, Long Island State Veterans Home
Thomas Gerrity, PTA Staff Therapist, Spagnoli Physical Therapy
Patrick Keller, PTA Senior Therapist, Spagnoli Physical Therapy
Susan Miale, PT, DPT Board Certified Pediatric Physical Therapist; Clinical Associate Professor, Stony Brook University
Dr. Keith T. Perrucci, Board Certified Orthopedic Physical Therapist Program Director, Physical Therapist Assistant Program, Suffolk County Community College
Gina Pipia, BS, PTA, LISV-cert Associate Project Manager, Northwell Health
Denis Wurtz, PTA Clinical Coordinator of Clinical Education, Speonk Physical Therapy
Gayle Sheridan Advisory Board Chair, Professor/Assistant Chair Communication/Academic Literacy/ Media Studies – Ammerman Campus – Suffolk County Community College
Carl Corry Instructor – English – Ammerman Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Carl Coulanges Assistant Professor RTV – Ammerman Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Danna Prather Davis Professor/Assistant Academic Chair Communication/Academic Literacy/Media Studies – Ammerman Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Nancy Gerli Academic Chair - Communication/Academic Literacy/ Media Studies – Ammerman Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Tianna Gratta Intern Supervisor/Social Media Content Manager; Cox Media Group
Dave Haralambou By Request Communications
Charlie Lombardo SVP of Programming; JVC Broadcasting Company
Rob Miller Senior Vice President of Programming-South Florida Region; Executive Vice President of Hot AC Programming & Strategy; iHeartMedia/National Programming Group
Kathy Newberger Sales and Marketing Executive/Writer; New York Interconnect
Jake Piacenti Technical Director/Director; CBS Sports HQ
Patrick Shea Director of Operations, Connoisseur Media Long Island
Tony Spina Director of Creative Services and Production; Cox Media Group
Sandra Sprows Campus Associate Dean of Academic Affairs – Ammerman Campus - Suffolk County Community College
Michelle Tannenbaum Content Producer; Bamboo Crowd
Joe Varecha Former Marketing Director/Connoisseur Media and Suffolk Alum (ten years); Current Project Manager New York Cancer and Blood
William Whitnum Suffolk County Community College Radio Station Manager – Ammerman Campus – Suffolk County Community College
Gregory Quigley Advisory Committee Chair, Surgical Technology Program Coordinator, Associate Professor - Suffolk County Community College
Nilda Bonilla Surgical Technology Professional Assistant - Suffolk County Community College
Kyla Brown Hurley Suffolk County Community College Senior Class Representative
Vanessa Burgos Suffolk County Community College Junior Class Representative
Kerry Carlson Associate Professor, Library Sciences, Distance Education Specialist - Suffolk County Community College
Kristen Collins NYPD Emergency Services Unit, retired, Community Member at Large
Al Heraghty Chairperson - Health Careers & Physical Education, Coordinator – Academic Advising & Mentoring Center - Suffolk County Community College
Johanna Juca Surgical Technology Professional Assistant - Suffolk County Community College
Michael Linn Orthopedic Trauma Surgeon, Northwell Health
Krystal Marcia Surgical Technology Professional Assistant - Suffolk County Community College
Deanna Marie Miro MSN, RN Nurse Manager, Patient Care Services, Northwell Health, South Shore University Hospital
Elizabeth Montemurro Suffolk County Community College Senior Class Representative
Walter Samojeden Director Patient Care Services Periop, Northwell Health, South Shore University Hospital
Hector Sepulveda Associate Dean for Academic Affairs - Suffolk County Community College
Chris Szabo Suffolk County Community College Junior Class Representative
Lauren Tacke-Cushing Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs, Accreditation Liaison Officer – Suffolk County Community College
Rebecca Todarello Practicing Certified Surgical Technologist, Suffolk County, NY
(Program Graduate) N/A
William Phelps, MS, DVM  Advisory Committee Chair, VST Program Coordinator, Associate Professor
Joanna Casey, LVT Nursing Manager VEG Commack
Thomas Heckel, LVT Upstate Veterinary Specialties
Richard Jacobson, DVM Retired
Jennifer Larson, LVT Supervisor for VMCLI, West Islip, NY
John LoPinto, DVM Adjunct Instructor, Suffolk County Community College; former USDA Inspector
Brian McKenna, LVT Supervisor, LIVS Plainview

Adjunct and Instructional Staff

Naomi Aaronson, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Joseph Abelson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
P.D., Long Island University; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joshua Accardo-Bolanos, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Alliance University; M.A., Biola University
(631) NaN
Frances Acevedo, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Sonia Acosta, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Richard Acritelli, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Norwich University
(631) NaN
Caitlyn Adams, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
James Adamski, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Ohio State University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., York University
(631) NaN
Kristal Addison, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Bertha Adeniji, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Thomas Affatigato, Adjunct Instructor of Earth and Space Science
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mowaffaq Ahmed Adam, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Anna Aiuto, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
(631) NaN
Linda Aiuto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
B.S., M.S., St. John's University; M.S., College of New Rochelle; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Arif Akondo, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.B.A., M.S., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Naheda Al Hihi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.S., M.B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Albanese, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Albert, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Alexandra Albrecht, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Erick Alburez, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kerry Alessi, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Stanley Alexander, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., Hofstra University; M.P.A., Long Island University; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Juan Alicea, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Chemistry
B.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Cesar Allain Pacheco, Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science
B.A., M.A., Foreign Institution; B.S., M.S., Slovak University of Technology
(631) NaN
Ellen Allen, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Smith College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Aloisio, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology; M.F.A., Yale University
(631) NaN
Joseph Alongi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Angela Alotta, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., Sacred Heart University
(631) NaN
Eric Amadeo, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Vincent Amato, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.Prof., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Cindy Amaya, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Chris Ann Ambery, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Parsons School of Design; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Matthew Ambrosio, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.B.A., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Nicole Amendola, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Delhi; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Sallyanne Amendola, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
John Ammerman, Adjunct Professor of Business Law
B.S., J.D., SUNY Albany; J.D., Albany School of Law
(631) NaN
Masina Amodemo, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Long Island University - Southampton; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carol Anacreonte, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Fifi Anastasiadis, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.A., M.Prof., M.S., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Toni Anastasiadis, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Joan Anderson, Adjunct Professor of Nursing
B.S.N., Long Island University; M.A., New York University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kenneth Anderson, Adjunct Instructor of Disability Services
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Mary Anderson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology
A.A., B.A., M.S.W., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Denine Anderson-Regan, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Geneseo
(631) NaN
Kathleen Andrews, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Barbara Angelo, Adjunct Instructor of Academic Support Center
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Lauren Angeloro, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Lisa Angius-Cosgrove, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Antonucci, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Jesus Antoshka, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Ryan Antovel, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Theatre
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Alexis Antrobus, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
M.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Yasmine Anwar, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jonathan Anzalone, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., SUNY Binghamton; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Anzalone, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
A.A., B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Robin-Anne Archer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Francesca Ardito, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Julia Arena, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michele Aretz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Career Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jessica Arias, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
A.A.S., Lincoln Land Community College
(631) NaN
Anthony Arma, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Elise Armani, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., B.F.A., University of Minnesota; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Raul Armendariz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Loyola University; M.S., University of Texas - El Paso; Ph.D., New Mexico State University
(631) NaN
Rachel Arnesen, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., Elon University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Rachael Arocho, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
Rosemary Ashton, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., University of Kentucky
(631) NaN
Debbie Atanasio, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Counseling
B.S., St. John's University; M.S.W., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Deana Atherton, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
Kira Atkins, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
A.A.S., Berkeley College - New York City; B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christoph Atwood, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Technology
B.S., Cornell University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carmen Aucone, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Honi Aumiller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence College
(631) NaN
Peter Auricchio, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Kristy Aurigemma, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Thomas Babstock, Adjunct Proctor of Academic Affairs
(631) NaN
Leonard Badia, Adjunct Professor of Business Law
A.S., St. John's University; B.S., Empire College School of Business; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Baerenklau, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Nicole Bailey, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
B.A., Temple University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Paul Baisley, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Law
B.A., Dickinson College; J.D., New York Law School
(631) NaN
Joseph Bak, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Subhasree Balakrishnan, Adjunct Instructor of
Ph.D., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Laura Baldassare, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
B.S., Salve Regina University; M.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Bonnie Bambara, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., University of Hartford; M.Ed., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Linda Barahal Norman, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Judy Baransky, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development
B.S., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Theresa Barbaro, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
B.A., CUNY Queensborough Community College; M.A., Brandeis University
(631) NaN
Linda Barber, Adjunct Professor of Anthropology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., American University
(631) NaN
Margarita Barbuti, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Vincent Barbuto, Adjunct Proctor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Jocelyn Bard, Adjunct Associate Professor of Counseling
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Robert Barker, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Fredonia; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Marie Barnouw, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
(631) NaN
Carine Baron, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
John Barrett, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Ph.D., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Anne Barrett, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Heather Barry, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Pepperdine University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Maria Barry-Vega, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., Foreign Institution
(631) NaN
Stacy Ann Bartholomew, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Mary Bartol, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Affairs
B.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Carmelina Basile, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Carmen Bassaragh, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.P.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; D.N.P., Wilkes University
(631) NaN
Kerrin Bates, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
(631) NaN
Fern Baudo, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Martine Baum, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kim Bauman, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Wilkes University
(631) NaN
Richard Bauman, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Marta Baumiller, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Beth Baust, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Ralph Bavaro, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Terrylynn Bayon, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Fadia Bazina, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
(631) NaN
Tyler Beakes, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Support Center
B.A., University of Connecticut; M.S., St Johns College Sixth Form
(631) NaN
Penny Bealle, Adjunct Professor of Library Services
B.A., University of Toronto; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University
(631) NaN
Kim Beck, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
Amanda Becker, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
William Beckert, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Physical Education
B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Christine Behrendt, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Danielle Behrendt, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
M.F.A., Emerson College
(631) NaN
Joseph Beige, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
B.A., Long Island University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Michael Belajonas, Adjunct Professor of Music
B.A., M.A., M.Mus., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Helena Belanich, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Belizar, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stanley Belizar, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Chemistry
B.A., M.A., Adelphi University; B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Steven Bellavia, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Physics
B.S., M.S., Polytechnic University
(631) NaN
Christina Bellini-Zaher, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.S., M.S., Touro College-Occupational Therapy
(631) NaN
Joseph Beltrani, Adjunct Instructor of Fire Protection Technology
B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Maryann Bencivenga, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., IMMACULATE CONCEPTION SEMINARY; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
David Bender, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Frostburg State University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
James Beneduce, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Theatre
M.F.A., University of Delaware
(631) NaN
Michael Benhar, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Bar-Ilan University Israel; M.A., Ph.D., CUNY Queens College; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Brian Bennett, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Donna Bennett, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kathryn Bennett, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Laura Benvenuto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Maida Berenblatt, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
A.S., Adelphi University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Marcia Beresford, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Patricia Bergel, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., Dowling College; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Lisa Bergman, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.A., Bradley University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Margaret Bergmann, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Gabriela Bermudez-Corrales, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Skidmore College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Bernat, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Maryann Bernero, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Meredith Bernstein, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patrick Berran, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.F.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Betty Berthiaume, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Danielle Bertuccio, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.S., Dowling College; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lori Bettenhauser, Adjunct Instructor of Early Childhood
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Bevilacqua, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Vatsala Bhaskaran, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
M.Ed., University of Missouri
(631) NaN
Lisa Bianco, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
John Biemer, Adjunct Instructor of Construction Technology
B.S., United States Merchant Marine Academy; M.A., Dowling College; M.S., Manhattan University
(631) NaN
Bernard Bilawsky, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.S., M.B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Salih Bilgili, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Bridget Billings, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Bingham, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., St. John's University; D.V.M., Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
(631) NaN
Taylor Biondi, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., SUNY Downstate Medical Center
(631) NaN
Richard Biscardi, Adjunct Associate Professor of Electrical Technology
B.S., M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Sheryl Bjorndahl, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Julie Black, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Patricia Blake, Adjunct Professor of Business Law
B.A., University of Mount Saint Vincent; J.D., Pace University
(631) NaN
Robert Blakely, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.S., Molloy University; D.V.M., Cornell University
(631) NaN
Steven Blaum, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Stoyan Bliznakoz, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
John Blosser, Adjunct Reader of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Andrea Blum, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., University of Denver
(631) NaN
David Blydenburgh, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
A.O.S., Culinary Institute America
(631) NaN
John Bockino, Adjunct Professor of Economics
B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Bodor, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Robert Boehm, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Danielle Bonasera, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Admissions
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.W., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Cathy Bondi, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of World Languages
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Charlotte Bongiorno, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Nilda Bonilla, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Denise Bonneville, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Christina Boose, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Maryann Borrello, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.S., Fordham University; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Edgar Borrero, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Catherine Bosco, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Diane Bosco, Adjunct Professor of Reading
B.A., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tejas Bouklas, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
M.S., Ph.D., Einstein Step Eep-Aec Yeshiva
(631) NaN
Jennifer Bove Mostyn, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
A.A., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Karen Boyce, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.A., Manhattan University
(631) NaN
Craig Boyd, Adjunct Professor of Music
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.M., Berklee College of Music; M.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Eileen Boylston, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jorge Braadt, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Megan Brach, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kristen Brady, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Delhi
(631) NaN
Christoph Brancato, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Craig Brand, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
(631) NaN
Philip Branigan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Rebecca Braverman, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., Smith College; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Jeannette Bravo, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
A.A.S., CUNY New York City College of Technology; B.S., M.S., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Thomas Breeden, Adjunct Professor of Physics
B.S., Florida Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joyce Breisacher, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Jeanne Brennan, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Sacred Heart University
(631) NaN
Mark Brenner, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
P.D., B.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Douglas Brett, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., Manhattan School of Music; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Laurel Brett, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anthony Brienza, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Paulette Brinka, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.S., Boston University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Jill Britton, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Pina Britton, Campus Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs
A.A., A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.S., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Ashley Brodsky, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Craig Brooks, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College; M.Prof., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Natalie Brooks Wilson, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.A., M.S.W., CUNY Hunter College; Ph.D., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Lane Brosseau, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.F.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Eric Brown, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Physical Education
(631) NaN
Gwendolyn Brown, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.F.A., Rochester Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Brown, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Rosemary Brown, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Silvia Brown, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
William Brown, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
(631) NaN
Mary Ellen Bruckner, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Cheryl Bruckner Schwab, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Susan Brummer, Adjunct Proctor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Michele Brunner, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S.N., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Richard Bruno, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Sallie Bruno, Adjunct Instructor of American Sign Language
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Latasha Bryan, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lindsay Bryde, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., M.A., SUNY Fredonia; M.F.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Melissa Buchberger, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Wayne Buess, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Theresa Bufano, Adjunct Proctor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Dariia Bukhartseva, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Music
(631) NaN
Daniel Bullock, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Brian Buonomo, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Joan Bura, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Disability Services
(631) NaN
Walter Burak, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Marine Science
B.S., University of Alaska; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mark Burkhalter, Adjunct Professional Assistant of TV/Radio/Film
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Eileen Burmester, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; P.M.C., Grand Canyon University
(631) NaN
Nelly Burns, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kaitlyn Burns-Terruso, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Burriesci, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Villanova University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Burton, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
David Bush, Adjunct Instructor of Astronomy
B.S., Five Towns College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Juhara Bushra, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Craig Butler, Adjunct Associate Professor of World Languages
B.A., University of Mary Washington; M.A., D.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gregory Buzzell, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.F.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sari Byrd, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Byrne, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Marianne Byrne, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Central Connecticut State University; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Nicole Byrne, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Phillip Cabrera, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Dennis Caine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
John Caine, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Monique Calabro, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
(631) NaN
Maryellen Calitri, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Thomas Calogero, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.F.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Ryan Calvey, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ritchie Calvin, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Bowling Green State University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
William Calvo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B. Eng., Manhattan University; M.A., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., SUNY Buffalo
(631) NaN
Ashley Camacho, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Practical Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Roger Cameron, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.A., Johns Hopkins University Undergraduate; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kimberly Cancellieri, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.S., Elizabethtown College
(631) NaN
Jaime Canjura, Adjunct Instructor of Electrical Technology
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Rosemarie Cann, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Anthony Cantiello, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Melissa Capasso, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.S., New York University; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
John Capela, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
M.B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
William Capitano, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Enriqueta Capo, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Affairs
B.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Paul Capolino, Adjunct Instructor of Astronomy
B.S., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Esther Marie Caponigro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Carmen Capoziello, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Affairs
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Michael Capuano, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Yolanda Cardenas, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S.N., University of North Carolina; M.S.N., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Gabrielle Cardinale, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Joseph Cardinale, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
M.F.A., University of Massachusetts; Ph.D., University of Hawaii
(631) NaN
Daniel Cardona Jr, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Alison Carley, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University; Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Rachel Carlowicz Lee, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Fairfield University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Peter Carmona, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Affairs
B.A., Fordham University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sheila Carpenter, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., Dowling College; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Cristina Carpluk, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Patricia Carrai, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Honors Program
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.Ed., Long Island University; M.Ed., Long Island University - Southampton
(631) NaN
Raphaela Carravetta, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Maura Carroll, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., College of New Rochelle; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Thomas Carroll, Assistant Director of Public Safety
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., Quinnipiac University
(631) NaN
Alexis Carter, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
Cert, Liberty University; B.F.A., Missouri State University; M.F.A., Wichita State University
(631) NaN
Ashley Caruana, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.S., Kentucky Wesleyan College; D.V.M., Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
(631) NaN
Lisa Casal-Galietta, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Williamina Casali, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., M.F.A., Long Island University - Southampton
(631) NaN
Janet Case, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Casey, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., Immaculata University; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Joanna Casey, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Jennifer Casilla, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Excelsior College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Caskey, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lynn Casper, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Catherine Casse, Adjunct Instructor of Early Childhood
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.Ed., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Ann Cassel, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., M.S.Ed., Dowling College
(631) NaN
James Cassidy, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kristi Castania, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jeanne Castano, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., Susquehanna University; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Renee Castelli, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Castiglione, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Flor Castillo, Adjunct Reader of
(631) NaN
Benjamin Castro, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Ana Catalan, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Joseph Catalano, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kelsey Catalano, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Planning and Institutional Effectiveness
B.S., University of Connecticut; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Adrienne Catanese, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lisa Catania, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Occupational Therapy Assistant
A.A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
Gabrielle Catania-Helmke, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Counseling
M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Celeste Ceballos, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Carmelo Centeno, Jr., Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Sara Cernadas-Martin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Marine Science
M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patricia Cesario, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
B.A., Marquette University; M.A., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Lauren Cesiro, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., Fairfield University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sanjoy Chakraborty, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., University of Calcutta
(631) NaN
Jennifer Champagne, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Louis Chan, Adjunct Associate Professor of Economics
B.A., Brown University; Ph.D., University of Chicago
(631) NaN
Rosie Chang, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of Mary Hardin-Baylor; M.S., SUNY Binghamton; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dorothy Chanin, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A., Wagner College
(631) NaN
Adam Charboneau, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.S., Radford University; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matthew Charvat, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Arooj Chaudhry, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Saint Joseph's University; M.B.A., Molloy University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Yu-Shiaw Chen, Adjunct Unreported of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Samantha Cherry, Adjunct Specialist I of Nursing
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Kulwinder Chhokar, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Timothy Chiraz, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Frank Chisena, Adjunct Associate Professor of Physics
B.S., M.S., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Hyungin Choi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gail Cholden, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
P.D., Long Island University; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.Ed., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Adiba Choudhury, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Amber Christopher-Busc, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., Middlebury College
(631) NaN
Antonio Chu, Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science
M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Chu, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of the Philippines; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Domenick Ciaccio, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Aimee Cianciulli, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Reading
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dominic Ciardullo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering
B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
Karen Cicciari, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Counseling
A.A., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Anthony Ciervo, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kristen Cinar, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
(631) NaN
Anthony Cinquemani, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mark Ciota, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veteran Services
(631) NaN
Celia Cirillo, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Fredonia; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Diane Cirino, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
James Cisek, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration/Accounting
B.S., United States Military Academy; M.P.A., Golden Gate University
(631) NaN
Robert Civitella, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gail Clark, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Phillip Clark, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lauren Clay, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design; M.F.A., Virginia Commonwealth University
(631) NaN
Christine Clifton, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
B.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Maureen Clinton, Adjunct Professor of Human Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Douglas Cody, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Cognato, Adjunct Associate Professor of Library Services
B.A., Long Island University; M.S., CUNY Queens College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
David Cohen, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Helen Cohen, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jeane Cohen, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., Hampshire College; M.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago
(631) NaN
Jessica Cohen, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Julie Cohen, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Elmira College; M.S.N., Walden University
(631) NaN
Levana Cohen, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Tara Cohen, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Amanda Colandro, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Hofstra University; D.N.P., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Bernadette Colavito, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Graphic Design
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.Tech., SUNY Farmingdale; M.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Robert Colavito, Adjunct Instructor of Academic Support Center
B.S., Full Sail University; B.A., SUNY Oneonta
(631) NaN
Kelly Coleman, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gabrielle Colen, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Jennifer Collins, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Marine Science
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Long Island University; M.S., Nova Southeastern University
(631) NaN
Reva Collins-Lewis, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
M.S., Alfred University; C.A.S., Ed.D., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Patricia Colombraro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Adrienne Colonna, Adjunct Instructor of Dietetic Technician
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Suzanne Columbus, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Tara Comiskey, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Regent University; J.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Nicole Conefry, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Stephen Conklin, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.B.A., Pace University
Nancy Conlon, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., Amherst College; M.A., Fairfield University
(631) NaN
Kiersten Connolly, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Gregory Connors, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Gary Conte, Adjunct Associate Professor of Earth and Space Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Albany; M.S., Florida State University
(631) NaN
Jack Conte, Adjunct Instructor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Brian Conway, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Providence College; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Jennifer Conway, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Kristin Conway, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.A., Manhattanville University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Diana Cook, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Patricia Cook, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Donna Cooke, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S., William Woods University; M.S., College of New Rochelle; M.S., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Stephanie Cooke, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Touro University; A.G.C., Long Island University - Southampton
(631) NaN
Vicki Cooper, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.S., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lisa Cordani, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.A., University of Delaware; M.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Carolyn Corkett, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Nicholas Cormier, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Brandi Coronato, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.Ed., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Lester Corrian, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., B.S., Dowling College; M.S., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Nancy Corso, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Steven Corso, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., CUNY Lehman College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marissa Cortes, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., Emerson College
(631) NaN
P. Ivette Cortes, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Alexis Corzo, Adjunct Proctor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Donald Coscia, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., Saint John Fisher College
(631) NaN
Isabel Cosentino, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Danielle Costanza, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.S., Marist College; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Joseph Costanzo, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Rose Costanzo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of American Sign Language
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Western Oregon University
(631) NaN
Beth Costello, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Andrea Cote, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Florida International University; M.F.A., SUNY Purchase
(631) NaN
Jessica Cox, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.S., Long Island University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Cheryl Coye, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Caitlin Coyle, Adjunct Instructor of
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; B.S., Towson University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Conrad Craddock, Adjunct Reader of
(631) NaN
Steven Craig, Adjunct Proctor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Michael Cressy, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Beth Crimi, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Frank Croce, Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Administration
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., Long Island University; M.B.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kimberly Cronin, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.A., St. Bonaventure University
(631) NaN
Meghan Cronin, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Ethan Crook, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Aneu Crossen, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daniel Crough, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Robyn Crowley, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; M.S.W., New York University
(631) NaN
Michael Cruz, Adjunct Reader of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Anthony Cuccaro, Adjunct Associate Professor of Veterinary Science
B.S., Saint Francis University; M.S., Rutgers University; D.V.M., Michigan State University
(631) NaN
Louis Cuccurese, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., University of Bridgeport
(631) NaN
James Cummings, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nancy Cunningham, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Cornell University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Ralph Curcio, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Martin Curley, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Misty Curreli, Adjunct Associate Professor of Sociology
B.A., Millersville University; M.A., Lehigh University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Amy Cusumano, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Anna Maria D'Agostino, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph D'agostino, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Long Island University; M.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael D'Alto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Hofstra University; M.F.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Denise D'Ambrosia, Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patricia D'Amico, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
Cert, Southern New Hampshire University; B.S., M.B.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Samantha D'Amico, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Career Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Five Towns College
(631) NaN
Rose D'Angelo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Long Island University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Tracy D'Errico, Adjunct Instructor of Health Information Technology
B.S., Ithaca College
(631) NaN
Bunny Daly, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.A., Indiana University
(631) NaN
Ira Daly, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., Bowling Green State University
(631) NaN
Shannon Daly, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., M.A., University of New Hampshire
(631) NaN
Ginger Dammann, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Deborah Dandrea, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.Ed., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Norman Daniels, Adjunct Associate Professor of Student Affairs
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.S., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Leonard Dankner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B. Eng., CUNY The City College of New York; M.S.E.E., New York University
(631) NaN
Rosemary Darcy, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.A., Dominican University New York; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lea Dato, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.A., M.S., Dowling College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matteo Davey, Adjunct Professional Assistant of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Sheeba David, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., University of Pune; M.S.N., Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University
(631) NaN
Alexander Davis, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Danielle Davis, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Linda Davis, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Earth and Space Science
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Davison, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Barbara Dean, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Shima Debnath, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Academic Computing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., University of Calcutta; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Jenna DeBono, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
B.A., Quinnipiac University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kristyn DeCarlo, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., Marist College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Steven Decaro, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Physics
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Manuel DeCastro, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Christina DeCosta, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; B.S., Seton Hall University
(631) NaN
Darlene DeFabio, Adjunct Instructor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., CUNY York College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Toni DeFelice, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Brian DeFeo, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Tracy Defio, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
(631) NaN
Jessica DeHart, Adjunct Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.S., California University of Pennsylvania; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Malek Deib, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Diana DeJesus, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.S., Walden University
(631) NaN
Tracey Del Duca, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kristie Del Vecchio, Adjunct Instructor of Health Information Technology
B.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Nimal DeLanerolle, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
M.S., Foreign Institution; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jeanmarie Delanty, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.A., SUNY Geneseo
(631) NaN
Dennis Delgado, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., University of Rochester; M.F.A., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Rafael Delgado, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Adam Delgenio, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.S., CUNY Baruch College; M.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Edward Delia, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.A., Fordham University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Kelly Delliliune, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Michael Delph, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
B.A., M.Prof., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Vincenzo DeMaio, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Brian DeMasi, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration/Accounting
B.S., M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Susan Demasi, Adjunct Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.S., Long Island University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Michelle DeMauro-Scharff, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
P.D., M.A., Long Island University; B.A., SUNY Oneonta
(631) NaN
Matthew Dembek, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Reading
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tamika Demory Pearson, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Educational Opportunity Program
B.S., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Christina DeNapoli, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Enzo Denaroso, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Brittney Denninger, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., Coastal Carolina University; M.S., Manhattan University
(631) NaN
Sarah Deonarine, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Leslie Derenfeld, Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Mary Dernbach, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S.W., University of Cincinnati
(631) NaN
Robert Desantis, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kim Desmond, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Erin Despres, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
(631) NaN
Brian Devery, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
B.A., Albany State University; J.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Michael Devine, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Ashley DeVito, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Maryjane Devito, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Rachel Devito, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
B.S., Temple University
(631) NaN
Denise DeVoe, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Stephen Dewey, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Fairleigh Dickinson University; Ph.D., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Bryan Diaz, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
(631) NaN
Mary Diaz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Maria Diaz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Randolph Dible, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Jerome Dicecco, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
A.S., B.S., Johnson & Wales University
(631) NaN
Mary Dickinson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., Dowling College; M.S.E., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Dezirae Dideriksen, Adjunct Instructor of Emergency Medical Technician
B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Gloria Diemer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Hofstra University; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matthew DiGiovanni, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Robert A DiGiovanni, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Long Island University - Southampton; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Dilena, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Danielle DiMauro, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Rocco Dinapoli, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., St. John's University; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Joanne Dinovis, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Laureen Diot, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lori Ditaranto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., The New School of Drama; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Dixon, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Regina Dlugokencky, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., California State University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lois Doescher, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Jeanmarie Doherty, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Francis Dolan, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Brockport
(631) NaN
Michael Dolinsky, Adjunct Reader of
(631) NaN
David Dombroff, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
A.O.S., Culinary Institute America
(631) NaN
Samantha Dominik, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Adelphi University; M.F.A., Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
(631) NaN
Benay Don, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Theresa Donahue, Adjunct Proctor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Danielle Donaphin, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Anne Donnelly-Florio, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Jean Donofrio, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Joshua Donohue, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., Norwich University
(631) NaN
William Donovan III, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Darlene Dorcinvil, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Christine Dore-Conolly, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Music
B.M., New England Conservatory of Music; M.Mus., Mannes School of Music
(631) NaN
Lynn Doris, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
B.A., New Mexico State University; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Doroski, Adjunct Instructor of Digital Media and Animation
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.F.A., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Cheryl Ma Dorskind, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., Boston University
(631) NaN
Melissa Dos Santos, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kelby Dougherty, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Academic Tutoring Center
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
William Dougherty, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
A.A., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Cynthia Douglas, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Lisa Doumas, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., SUNY Delhi; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Dourigan, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
P.D., M.S., Ed.D., St. John's University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Rachel Dove, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Columbus College of Art and Design; M.F.A., University of Tennessee
(631) NaN
Karen Dovell, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; A.G.C., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Catherine Dowling, Adjunct Specialist II of Human Resources
B.S., St. Francis College
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Downs, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Michael Dragotta, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S.Ed., Long Island University; A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Susan Draper, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kathleen Droesch, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.D., SUNY Downstate Medical Center
(631) NaN
Stanley Drozd, Adjunct Instructor of Construction Technology
(631) NaN
Carol Drummer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Bernard Dubinsky, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Colleen Duffy, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Catherine Duffy, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Robert Dumas, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., St. Francis College; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Michele Dunham, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Danielle Dunn, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Peter Dunn, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Long Island University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Karen Duran, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Durante, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., University of Mount Saint Vincent; M.A., New York University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Diane Dvorak, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Adelphi University; J.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kristine Eberhart, Adjunct Instructor of Early Childhood
B.A., M.S., SUNY Potsdam
(631) NaN
Robert Eberle, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Earth and Space Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Maureen Echevarria, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nelson Echeverria Utreras, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Photography
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Emilie Eckert, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Academic Support Center
(631) NaN
Peter Eckstein, Adjunct Professor of Physics
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
David Edgeworth, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Frances Edwards, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., Long Island University; M.S., Adelphi University; D.N.P., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Edwards, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.A., B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Paula Eglevsky, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.F.A., Long Island University - Southampton; Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
David Egolf, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kathleen Ehrhard, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.Ed., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lisa Eicher, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Williams Ekanem, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.A., M.A., Foreign Institution; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Elisabeth Elbrecht, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
B.S., Johnson & Wales University
(631) NaN
David Emig, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., MassBay Community College; B.S., Excelsior College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jaime Emmetsberger, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Janet Emproto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sara Eng, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
(631) NaN
Patricia Enmore, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Javid Entizar, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Melissa Ericksen, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Advising and Mentoring Center
B.F.A., Tulane University
(631) NaN
James Erickson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
B.F.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christyanne Espana-Gomez, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Rosalyn Espinal, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Alana Esposito, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., James Madison University
(631) NaN
Lindalva Europe, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Jill Evans, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lina Fabris, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Renee Faibish, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., New York University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Thomas Fallon, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Thomas Fallon, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Michael Fama, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Matthew Fama, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Susan Fanning, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., M.A., St. John's University; Ph.D., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Marie Fantal, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., M.P.H., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Milton Farez Hurtado, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Mary Farina, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Interior Design
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Patricia Farrell, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Valerie Farrell, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
Cert, B.F.A., Pratt Institute; M.S.W., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Gina Fattibene, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Abbas Fazal, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Madeline Fazio-Pearlman, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Christine Feeley, Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., Le Moyne College; Ph.D., Walden University
(631) NaN
Mark Feld, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.A., Liberty University
(631) NaN
Colleen Fennessey, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Pace University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kristina Ferber, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kurt Ferguson, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Juliette Fernan, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Cara Fernandes, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Agostinho Fernandes, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Maria Fernandez, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Ferrante, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Bethany College; M.A., New York University; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary
(631) NaN
Kristin Ferrara, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., Columbia University; B.A., Yale University
(631) NaN
Robert Ferrara, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
B.A., J.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Stacyann Ferrara, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; B.A., M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Thomas Ferrigno, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Timothy Ferris, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; C.A.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Ellen Fetterman, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College; M.A., University of New Hampshire
(631) NaN
Alexander Fier, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jason Fiermonte, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.Ed., University of Nevada
(631) NaN
Vincent Filingeri, Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.S., Fordham University; Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Renee Finger, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., Fordham University; B.S., University of Vermont
(631) NaN
Erin Finley, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
B.S., New York University
(631) NaN
Victoria Finocchio, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., Wagner College; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Abigail Fiore, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.A., Columbia University; M.S., Yale University
(631) NaN
Andrew Fiorenza, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Joshua Firer, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Steven Fischbach, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Florida; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michael Fisher, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.Prof., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Fitzgerald, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Student Affairs
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Kathleen Fitzpatrick, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Anna Flack, College Associate Dean for Master Schedule/Registrar
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., CUNY College of Staten Island
(631) NaN
Janet Flaherty, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; D.P.M., New York College of Podiatric
(631) NaN
Michael Flanagan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Monica Flanagan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Peter Flanagan, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., State of New York Regents College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Felicia Fleitman, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Diana Flesche, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Cara Fligstein, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Kelliann Flores, Adjunct Professor of World Languages
B.S., Kutztown University of Pennsylvania; M.A., M.Phil., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marco Flores, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Mia Flores, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Briana Florez, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Courtney Flynn, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Molloy University; B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Flynn, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Addiction Studies
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Patricia Flynn-Pacholik, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Emily Fogarty, Adjunct Associate Professor of Geography
B.S., M.S., Florida State University
(631) NaN
Daniel Foisset, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Candice Foley, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Donna Foley, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
A.S., B.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kevin Foley, Adjunct Professor of Athletics and Special Events
B.A., Seton Hall University; M.P.H., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Stephen Foley, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., Cornell University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Shannon Foley, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
Seth Forman, Adjunct Professor of Political Science
B.A., M.P.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Beth Forrester, Adjunct Associate Professor of Early Childhood
P.D., Dowling College; B.A., Simmons College; M.S., Yeshiva University
(631) NaN
Dylan Forte, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Gloria Fortune, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sean Fountaine, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Johnson & Wales University
(631) NaN
Robert Fournier, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Long Island University; M.A., Hofstra University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kisha Fowlkes, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Darien Fox, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., University of Florida; M.Div., Pentecostal Theological Seminary
(631) NaN
Sheila Fox, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., CUNY The City College of New York; M.L.S., Long Island University; M.F.A., Temple University
(631) NaN
Stephen Fox, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Timothy Fox, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Louis Frabizio, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Joseph Fraccalvieri, Adjunct Instructor of Plant Operations
(631) NaN
Jean Guerby Francois, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., M.S., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Brooke Franks, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., Tarleton State University; M.A., Sam Houston State University; A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Donovan Fraser, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Richard Freda, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Yanick Frederic, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Lindsey Freking, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Brookline College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marissa Freking, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Andrew Frey, Jr., Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Peter Frisone, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Salisbury University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
George Frost, Adjunct Professor of
(631) NaN
George Frost III, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.A., Providence College; M.A., J.D., University of Connecticut
(631) NaN
Gregory Furjanic, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., Moravian College; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Julie Furnell, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Fusco, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Jeannine Gabel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Veteran Services
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh
(631) NaN
Lisa Gaeta, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Delhi; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Ariel Gaete, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Shawn Gaffney, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., Boston College; M.A., New York University; M.A., Signum University
(631) NaN
Dana Gaglione, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Christine Galante, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; D.N.P., American Sentinel University
(631) NaN
Lori Galante, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Occupational Therapy Assistant
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Erica Galasso, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Michael Galgano, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lindsay Galletta, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Marcial Gallimore, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
A.S., B.S., M.B.A., Colorado Technical University
(631) NaN
Cindy Gallo, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lisa Galloway Spaights, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Lisa Galofaro, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; B.A., B.B.A., Dowling College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Manuel Galofaro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Alissa Gambino, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of English
B.A., Univ Southampton Highland Cmps; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gabrielle Gambuzza, Adjunct Professional Assistant of TV/Radio/Film
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Dorothy Gammon, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Christina Gandiosi, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Meagan Gandolfo, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Leonard Gang, II, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Samuel Gangi, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Laura Gannon, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Marquette University; M.F.A., CUNY The City College of New York; M.A., University Wisconsin Colleges
(631) NaN
Matthew Gannotta, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Qinghai Gao, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Alcira Garafola, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Garavuso, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Amy Garbacz, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Bernadette Garcia, Adjunct Professor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Denise Garcia, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kaitlyn Garcia, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Leticia Garcia, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Jesly Garcia Disla, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of English as a Second Language
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Catherine Garcia-Hill, Coordinator of English as a Second Language
B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Sharon Gardner, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Sweet Briar College
(631) NaN
Linda Gargano, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Claudette Garley Rottkamp, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Andrew Garnett, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.A., M.A., Catholic University of America
(631) NaN
Maureen Garofalo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Charles Garrison, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Stephanie Gaylor, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Brian Gebhart, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., Ohio University; M.A., University of Cincinnati; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Leslie Geffner, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.S., M.A., Touro University
(631) NaN
Dawn Geminski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.S., M.S., Touro University
(631) NaN
Janine George, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of English as a Second Language
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Lloyd Gerard, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Benjamin Gerardi, Adjunct Reader of
(631) NaN
Michael Gerien, Adjunct Professor of Communications
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., San Francisco State University
(631) NaN
Stephen Gerli, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., Dowling College; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
George Gernhart, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Geneseo
(631) NaN
Barbara Gerson, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Catherine Gessner, Adjunct Deaf Mentor of Health Careers
Amr Ghaleb, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of Georgia
(631) NaN
Joanne Giacalone, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Reading
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Kailyn Giaccone, Adjunct Instructor of English
A.S., Broome Community College; B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Giovanni Giampietro, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Celeste Giangrasso, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
(631) NaN
Anthony Giansante, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Rosaria Giaquinto, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Tina Giardino, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Honors Program
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Beth Giles, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Marianne Giller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Margherita Gilley, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Shane Gilliam, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
James Gilliland, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Donna Giordano, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Cheryl Giovan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ximena Giraldo Idrobo, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Michele Giua, Adjunct Associate Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Briana Gladding, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Gierre Godley, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
M.F.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Robert Golden, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., Fordham University; B.S., Long Island University; M.Prof., The New School for Social Research
(631) NaN
Rachel Golden, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
(631) NaN
Judith Goldfarb, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Daniel Goldsmith, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Edwin Gomez, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
(631) NaN
Patricia Gonzales, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Estelle Gonzalez, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Lavaniesha Goode, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Houston Baptist University
(631) NaN
Alice Goode-Elman, Adjunct Professor of Humanities
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marjorie Goodstone, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., M.S., SUNY Albany; M.Ed., Springfield College
(631) NaN
Gary Goodwin, Adjunct Professor of History
A.A., College of San Mateo; B.A., M.A., San Jose State University; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Andrew Gordon, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.B.A., Dowling College; Ed.D., Baylor University
(631) NaN
Deana Gordon, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Centenary College - New Jersey; B.S., Wagner College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Margery Gosnell-Qua, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., Syracuse University; M.F.A., M.S., Pratt Institute
(631) NaN
Richard Gostic, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christopher Gotzen-Berg, Adjunct Instructor of Music
B.M., M.Mus., SUNY Potsdam
(631) NaN
Tanisha Gowins, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Ann Marie Grabowski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Fiona Grady, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., University of North Texas
(631) NaN
Joseph Graffeo, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Donald Graham, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Ross Grandin, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.F.A., Ohio University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Grasso, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Graziano, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anthony Greco, Adjunct Associate Professor of Automotive Technology
B.S., CUNY The City College of New York; M.S., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Cassandra Greco, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Green, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., SUNY Fredonia
(631) NaN
Margaret Green, Adjunct Assistant Professor of American Sign Language
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Melissa Greenberger, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Heather Greene, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., B.S.N., Molloy University; M.A., Pace University
(631) NaN
Harriet Greenspan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
M.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Mark Gregory, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., Columbia Southern University
(631) NaN
John Grein, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Long Island University; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Kelly Greve, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Aryanna Griffin, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of
(631) NaN
Mary Griffin, Adjunct Instructor of Earth and Space Science
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stacy Griffing Pipczynski, Adjunct Instructor of Interior Design
B.F.A., M.A., Marywood University
(631) NaN
Michelle Grippo, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Excelsior College; M.S., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Donald Gronachan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Keith Groshans, Adjunct Instructor of Graphic Design
B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Stuart Gross, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.A., New York University; D.V.M., University of Georgia
(631) NaN
Sylvia Grossbach, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
Mark Grossman, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., School of Visual Arts; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Danielle Grunert, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Rosa Guachichullca, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Cynthia Guasto, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
D.V.M., Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
(631) NaN
Patricia Guercio, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Guillot, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
B.A., Sacred Heart University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Janet Gulla, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kenneth Gullo, Adjunct Instructor of
B. Eng., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Polytechnic University
(631) NaN
Angela Gunsel, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Arthur Gunston, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.S., M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Howard Gunston, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Dakota Wesleyan University; M.A., M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Aimee Gusew, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Thomas Guthlein, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Laurie Guttenberg, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Xiao Ha, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Middlebury College
(631) NaN
Erika Haas, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Erin Haas, Adjunct Instructor of Surgical Technology
A.A., A.A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Janet Haff, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Hagen, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Denise Haggerty, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Nicole Hahn, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Admissions
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Lauren Haizlip, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Medical University; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Debra Hamcke, Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Jill Hamill, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Ronish Hamilton, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
A.A.S., B.Tech., CUNY New York City College of Technology; M.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; Ed.D., Saint John Fisher College
(631) NaN
Christina Hamm, Adjunct Associate Professor of Geography
B.S., SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; M.S., Pennsylvania State University; A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., Clark University
(631) NaN
Adam Handburger, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., University of Delaware; M.S., Long Island University; C.A.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Debra Handel, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., Quinnipiac University; M.S.Ed., CUNY The City College of New York; Ph.D., Syracuse University
(631) NaN
James Hanley, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Andrew Hanna, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Monika Hanna, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English as a Second Language
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jerelyn Hanrahan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., University of Maryland Global; M.F.A., School of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Frank Hansen, Adjunct Professor of Music
M.A., CUNY Queens College; D.M.A., Five Towns College
(631) NaN
Christian Happel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Edward Haran, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Risa Harman, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Jeanne Harmer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Philip Harrington, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Astronomy
B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; B.S., Wagner College
(631) NaN
Marzena Harris, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Matt Harris, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Brian Harrison, Adjunct Instructor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., Columbia Greene Community College; B.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Stacey Hartcorn, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Laura Hartman, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
Cert, Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Kymberly Harvell, Adjunct Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., D.N.P., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Youlette Harvey, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tabbethia Haubold, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Veterinary Science
(631) NaN
Cassandra Hauff, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., M.B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jessica Hautsch, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Assumption College; M.A., Fordham University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Hawthorne, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Sharon Hayes, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Susan Haynie-Deforest, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., Trinity University
(631) NaN
Patsy Hayward, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S.N., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Kim Hearney, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Admissions
B.A., University of Maryland; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Florence Hechtel, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Elena Heck, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S.N., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., Utica University
(631) NaN
Michael Heffez, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of
(631) NaN
Christine Hegarty, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.S., M.A., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Matthew Heidtmann, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., University Of Portsmouth; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Barbara Heimburger, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
B.S., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Julie Heitleband, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Counseling
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
Garry Helbock, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Donald Held, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., SUNY Purchase; M.A., A.G.C., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Ann Helfgott, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.A., Jewish Theology Seminary America
(631) NaN
Ute Hellebuyck, Adjunct Professor of World Languages
M.A., California State University - Los Angeles
(631) NaN
Bruce Heller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Computer Science
B.A., M.S., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Linda Heller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.S., Long Island University; M.S., CUNY Baruch College; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Jason Hellmann, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Abraham Henriques, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Madeline Henriquez, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kimberly Henson, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Vickie Henson, Adjunct Instructor of Music
B.A., SUNY Potsdam; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daveen Herley, Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood
B.A., Rhodes University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Edgard Hernandez, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Ramon Herrera, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Mary Herrick, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Shantelle Hertling, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Andrew Herzman, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Communications
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Linda Heslin, Adjunct Professor of Library Services
M.A., Columbia University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Eric Hibit, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., George Washington University; M.F.A., Yale University
(631) NaN
Marcello Hidalgo, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
(631) NaN
Gary Hiel, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.A., Manhattan University; M.S., Polytechnic University; M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Higginson, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
B.B.A., St. Francis College; M.A., John Jay College of Criminal Justice; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tiffany Hightower, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Sheila Hill, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lorretta Hill-Civil, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
(631) NaN
Brian Hilly, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mary Hime, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
David Hinde, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Charles Hinrichs, Adjunct Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Bucknell University; J.D., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Diana Hinton, Adjunct Professor of Accounting
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Long Island University; J.D., Brooklyn Law School
(631) NaN
Kelly Hirsch, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S., SUNY Polytechnic Institute
(631) NaN
Christopher Hirx, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Plant Operations
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Nga Tn Ho, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Darlene Hochman, Adjunct Professor of Early Childhood
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Kathryn Hoernig, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., Hartwick College; M.A., Adelphi University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Stacey Hoffman, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., Rutgers University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Lois Hoffman, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., SUNY New Paltz; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kristen Hoffman, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Justine Hoffmann, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Charles Hofmann, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Hogan, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
Robert Holland, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Diane Holliday, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Sangeet Honey, Adjunct Professor of Biology
Ph.D., Inst Med Ed And Research
(631) NaN
Lyla Hongthong, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S.N., M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Alexandra Honigsberg, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.M., Manhattan School of Music; M.A., Union Theological Seminary
(631) NaN
Marissa Hoogsteden, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Frederick Horn, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joan Horn, Adjunct Associate Professor of Earth and Space Science
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Leonard Horowitz, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Albany; M.S., Dowling College; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christopher Howard, Adjunct Instructor of Music
B.M., University of Missouri; M.Mus., D.M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carly Howard, Nursing
B.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Frederick Howard, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
M.A., Ph.D., The New School for Social Research
(631) NaN
Katherine Howard, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Cortland; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Hruby, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S., Villanova University
(631) NaN
Yong Hu, Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science
Ph.D., Chinese Academy of Sciences
(631) NaN
Shannon Hudson, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Ruth Hughes, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., Methodist University
(631) NaN
Barbara Hurst, Director of Business Affairs
B.A., Bernard Baruch College; M.B.A., Dowling College
Connor Hyland, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of World Languages
B.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Michelle Hymowitz, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., SUNY Geneseo
(631) NaN
Jennifer Hynds, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Welcome Center
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., College of New Rochelle
(631) NaN
Patrick Hyneman, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Academic Computing
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Rosario Iaconis, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.A., M.B.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Jessica Iammatteo, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Matthew Iannucci, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., CUNY Queens College; Ph.D., Union Institute & University
(631) NaN
Michael Iasilli, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Political Science
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Hanaa Ibrahim, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Ihab Ibrahim, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Bret Illingworth, Adjunct Instructor of Automotive Technology
B.S., M.S., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Bethany Immerman, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; B.S., Long Island University; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Prodromos Imprixis, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Stephanie Infante, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Canton; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anthony Infantino, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Evan Ingram, Adjunct Instructor of
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Susan Inkles, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Reading
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Insogna, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Grace Ioanna, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Katherine Iovino, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.S., Marist College; D.V.M., University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
Leslie Ippolito, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Theatre
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., Five Towns College
(631) NaN
Daniel Irizarry, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.Phil., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Aaron Jacino, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
(631) NaN
Eugenia Jackolski, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.S., M.S., Long Island University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Carl Jackson, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., Adelphi University; M.B.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; D.B.A., Thomas Edison State University
(631) NaN
Janice Jackson, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., M.A., University of Texas - El Paso
(631) NaN
Justine Jacobs, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Indiana University - Purdue University; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Veronique Jacques, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Mark James, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Education
B.S., University of Wyoming; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Reine James, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Laida Janane-Oddoye, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Muhammad Jatoi, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
(631) NaN
Mohammad Javadi, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S.E.E., Manhattan University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Suzzanna Javed, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Karl Jean, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Norma Jenkins, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Christopher Jentsch, Adjunct Professor of Music
B.A., Gettysburg College; B.M., New England Conservatory of Music; M.Mus., Eastman School of Music; D.M.A., University of Miami
(631) NaN
Brian Jeran, Adjunct Instructor of Career Services
B.A., Dowling College; B.A., Stevens Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Matthew Jeran, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Alfred University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Jaimie Jerome, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., CUNY The City College of New York; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Anthony Jimenez, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Vilma Jimenez, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kristofer Johnsen, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jayne Johnsen-Seeberger, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.S., West Virginia Wesleyan College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Adela Johnson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Marc Johnson, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Louise Johnston, Adjunct Professor of Admissions
A.A., SUNY Rockland Community College; B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.Ed., San Jose State University
(631) NaN
Richard Johnston, Adjunct Professor of Electrical Technology
B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.S.Tel., Polytechnic University
(631) NaN
Jan Johrden, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; B.A., SUNY Purchase; B.S., University of Mount Saint Vincent
(631) NaN
Jacob Jones, Adjunct Reader of STEM
(631) NaN
Kevin Jones, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Ericca Jones Marshall, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Gabriela Jordan, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Support Center
B.A., University Catolica De Santi De Guay
(631) NaN
Sarah Jordan, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
B.S., Spring Hill College; Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Justin Jorgensen, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Ciara Joseph, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marie-Karoll Joseph, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Vishwas Joshi, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., University Of Mumbai; Ph.D., University Of Poona
(631) NaN
Finny Joy, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
(631) NaN
Raquel Juarez-Ajcuc, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Johanna Juca, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
A.A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Peter Judge, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Maria Junior, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.B.A., M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Evgeni Kabotyanski, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Physics
B.S., Dnipropetrovsk State University; Ph.D., Koltzov Instit Of Dev Biology
(631) NaN
Kristen Kagan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., M.S., CUNY College of Staten Island; B.S., D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elinor Kahana, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., School of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Chandrakanthi Kahanda, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
M.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Lois Kahl, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Education
B.S., Dowling College; M.A., Adelphi University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Douglas Kahn, College Assistant Dean of Information Technology Operations
B.A., Salem College; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
John Kalish, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Pamela Kallimanis, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., CUNY The Graduate Center; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence College
(631) NaN
William Kamp, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Annelies Kamran, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science
B.A., M.A., Boston University; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.Phil., Ph.D., CUNY The Graduate Center
(631) NaN
Aaron Kanige, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Ioannis Kapotis, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dean Karahalis, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
B.M., Mannes School of Music; M.A., CUNY Queens College; C.A.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Eric Karahalis, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.A., Ed.D., Molloy University; M.Phil., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
(631) NaN
John Karahalis, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.S., Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Nevena Karaman-Jurukovska, Adjunct Instructor of
M.B.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Camille Karlson, Center for Teaching and Learning
B.A., St. Joseph's University; Ph.D., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Brian Karp, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jennifer Karpoich, Adjunct Instructor of American Sign Language
B.A., University of Maryland Global; M.A., Phoenix College
(631) NaN
Brooke Karroll, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., Marshall University; M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Marissa Kart, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Kassner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Karen Kassner, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
(631) NaN
Richard Kassnove, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., University of Cincinnati
(631) NaN
Michael Kastner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.A., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., CUNY The City College of New York; M.S., Long Island University; Ph.D., Hanyang University
(631) NaN
Joel Katims, Adjunct Professor of Business Law
B.A., American University; J.D., Brooklyn Law School
(631) NaN
Salvatore Kazalski, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
James Keane, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Philosophy
B.S., St. John's University; M.A., New York University; Ed.D., Seton Hall University
(631) NaN
James Kearney, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Admissions
(631) NaN
Martin Kearney, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY Cortland
(631) NaN
Alyssa Kearns, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Denizzie Kearns, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Debra Keith-Serafy, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
David Kelleher-Flight, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Regina Keller, Assistant Academic Chair; Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Alyssa Kelley, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Jessica Kelly, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lesley Kelly, Adjunct Instructor of Drafting
B.Arch., University of Arizona
(631) NaN
Margaret Kelly, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
(631) NaN
Suzanne Kelly, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Practical Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Heidi Kelly Strawgate, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Reese Kemp, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Hofstra University; M.F.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christine Kenahan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of American Sign Language
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Bloomsburg University; M.A., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Kathleen Kennedy, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Continuing Education
B.A., Manhattan University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Scott Kennedy, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Roger Williams University; M.A., St. John's University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Steven Kenny, Adjunct Professor of Economics
B.A., Hamilton College; M.A., M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daniel Kerr, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Denise Kerr, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Eytan Kessler, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Joseph Kevles, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Zianna Khachaturian, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Long Island University; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Aroona Khan, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kanika Khanna, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Liberty University
(631) NaN
Anastasiia Khibovska, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., University of Maryland Global
(631) NaN
Sharon Kienzle, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Terrie Killoran, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Deborah Kilstein, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Hyungsun (Julie) Kim, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Mary Kim, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Robert Kim, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Hannah Kimura, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of
(631) NaN
Murph Kinney, Adjunct Professor of History
B.A., Converse College; M.A., California State University - East Bay; Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Lorraine Kinsley, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Eileen Kirchhoff, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., St. John's University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
(631) NaN
Barbara Kirshner, Adjunct Associate Professor of Communications
B.A., M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Nadine Kissel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
A.O.S., SUNY Cobleskill
(631) NaN
Jennifer Kitevski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Advising and Mentoring Center
B.S., CUNY Borough Manhattan Community College
(631) NaN
Laura Klahre, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Barbara Klaritch, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
B.S., University of Mount Saint Vincent; M.S., Long Island University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lowell Kleiman, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Tracey Klicpera, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Steven Klipstein, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., Pennsylvania State University; M.A., SUNY Buffalo
(631) NaN
Sylwia Kloc-Skubicki, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Christopher Kmiotek, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Dianne Knecht, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S.N., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Clifford Knee, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Matthew Knowlan, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., University of Scranton; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Abbey Knowles, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Stacey Knust, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Reading
B.S., Wagner College; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Rachel Koeth, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Andrea Koetter, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Adam Kohler, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Alex Kolodiuk, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Disability Services
(631) NaN
Nicholas Komodikis, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ellen Komosinski, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.P.S., SUNY Brockport
(631) NaN
Yevgeniya Komzyuk, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Leane Kondenar, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Public Safety
(631) NaN
Leslie Konits, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics
B.S., Hofstra University; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Judith Koodin, Adjunct Professor of Academic Affairs
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Rebecca Kopcienski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Walter Koprowski, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Paul Koretzki, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S.Ed., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Johanna Kosak, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
A.A., Parkland College; B.M., M.Mus., University of Illinois
(631) NaN
Pamela Koske-Levy, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.S., SUNY Oneonta
(631) NaN
Alex Kostopoulos, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Annmarie Kotarba, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., Delaware Valley College; M.S., Rutgers University
(631) NaN
Thomas Kowell, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Benjamin Kramer, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Georgia Institute Technology; M.S., University of North Carolina; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dennis Kramer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Electrical Technology
B.S., SUNY Oswego; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Krasnicki, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kristen Krawczyk, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.A., SUNY Albany; D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Claudia Krebs, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
John Kreutz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.P.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Debra Krieg, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christoph Krietsch, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
P.D., Dowling College; B.S., New York Institute of Technology; B.A., M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Nancy Krisch, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., SUNY Downstate Health Sciences U; D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Alexis Krivosta, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Mariola Krol, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Ewa Krol-Chorowski, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., D.P.T., Touro University
(631) NaN
John Krueger, Adjunct Associate Professor of Economics
B.S., Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Florida; M.B.A., Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
James Kruer, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Alison Kudla, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Affairs
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Steven Kuehhas, Adjunct Associate Professor of Criminal Justice
J.D., Oklahoma City University
(631) NaN
Tracy Kuhn, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
M.S., Capella University
(631) NaN
Hallie Kujawski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Savannah College of Art and Design
(631) NaN
Robert Kuletsky, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., Salve Regina University; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Hakan Kurt, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Anand Kuruvilla, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
M.D., Foreign Institution
(631) NaN
Christoph Kushner, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Christina Kuvish, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Theodore La Monica, Jr., Adjunct Instructor of Fire Protection Technology
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., Marist College
(631) NaN
Lori Ann Labalsamo, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., University of Massachusetts
(631) NaN
Joseph Labriola, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Lachat, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Dorothy Laffin, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.S., Cornell University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.Ed., University of Maryland; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
(631) NaN
Margaret LaGiudice, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
James Lagonegro, Adjunct Professor of Academic Computing
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Michael Lake, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Salvatore Lalima, Accounting
(631) NaN
Jennifer LaLima-Ortmuller, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
(631) NaN
Virginia Lalumia, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Robert Lambiase, Adjunct Professor of Engineering
B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Julia LaMonica, Adjunct Instructor of
M.S., New York University
(631) NaN
Nikki Lamont, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Admissions
M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Alexa Lampasona, Adjunct Assistant Professor of
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patricia Lancaster, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Miriam Landau, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
A.A., CUNY Bronx Community College; B.A., CUNY Lehman College; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Peter Landini, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Geoffrey Landman, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Carolyn Lanfear, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Robert Lanfear, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Boston College; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Melissa Lanfrit-Hait, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Edward Langenback, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Manhattan University; M.A., CUNY Hunter College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Vivien Langford, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., St. Joseph's University; B.S.N., M.S.N., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Lanzillotta, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Addiction Studies
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.P.A., University of Alabama
(631) NaN
Michelle LaPorte, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Annmarie LaRosa, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Samantha LaRose, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Bryan Latham, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., Loyola University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Salvatore Latorre, Adjunct Professor of World Languages
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dena Laupheimer, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.S., Syracuse University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Julie Lauren, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathleen LaVallee-Oterson, Adjunct Specialist II of Academic Affairs
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Amanda Lavery, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Pacific University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Paul Lawrence, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., University of New Mexico; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Virginia Lawrence, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Nicole Lawrence-Ascoli, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., Manhattan University
(631) NaN
Teresalyn Le Doux, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Gale Lee, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Winston Lee, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.S., M.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Charles Leech, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Linda Lehmann, Adjunct Specialist I of Reading
B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Anita Leibowitz, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Vanessa Lemke, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
A.A., A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Lois Lemonda, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
William Lengyel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., SUNY Sullivan
(631) NaN
Lourdes Lento, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Malyk Leonard, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Cynthia Leone, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ryan Leone, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Nina Leonhardt, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Ellen LePera, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Brian Letourneau, Adjunct Reader of Construction Technology
(631) NaN
Christoph Lettieri, Adjunct Instructor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Luz Leventis, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
June Levine, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Martin Levine, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., SUNY Buffalo; M.F.A., California College of the Arts
(631) NaN
Lynda Levy, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Katherine Lewin, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Hsiu-Ling Li, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
(631) NaN
David Lieberman, Adjunct Professor of Physics
B.S., Cooper Union; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sara Lieberman, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Lynn Liebert Marx, Adjunct Professor of Social Sciences
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Juan Jose Lietor Santos, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
Ph.D., Georgia Institute Technology
(631) NaN
Alex Lima, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.Phil., CUNY The City College of New York; M.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Samuel Lin, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.H.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Rita Link, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Nursing
B.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Elzbieta Litkowski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
John Litkowski, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
B.S., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Nicole Livigni, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kimberly Livreri, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Christopher Ljucovic, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Maryellen Lo Bosco, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Kristine Lockard, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
A.A., A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
George Lomaga, Adjunct Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., M.S., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Daniel Lombardi, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kimberly Lombardi, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Robin Lombardo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Lehman College
(631) NaN
Alyssa LoMeli, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Frank Longo, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Astronomy
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Frank Lopez, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
B.A., Culinary Institute America
(631) NaN
Juan Lopez, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Veronica Lopez, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of English as a Second Language
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., Clark Summit University
(631) NaN
Carol Lopienski, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
John Lopinto, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ann Loud, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Call Center
M.F.A., University of Missouri
(631) NaN
Maria Lovasco, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Clarita Love, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Theatre
(631) NaN
Akilah Lovell, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
B.A., M.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Lowen, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Cecilia Lowenthal, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., California State University - Los Angeles; M.F.A., Bard College
(631) NaN
Martin Lubin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Giovanni Bosco Rocha Lucas, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Dawn Luccioni, Adjunct Reader of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Mario Lucero, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.O.S., Technical Career Institutes; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Eric Luna, Adjunct Proctor of Counseling
(631) NaN
S Arthur Lundahl, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., Wittenberg University; M.A., Bowling Green State University
(631) NaN
Sarah Lundquist, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Nursing
(631) NaN
Andrew Lundstrom, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Tobias Lustig, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., Union College; M.B.A., Rutgers University
(631) NaN
Sarah Lynch, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Eileen Lynn, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Reading
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Courtney Lyons, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
(631) NaN
Heidi MacAlpine, Adjunct Instructor of Occupational Therapy Assistant
B.S., Quinnipiac University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Maria Macarle, Adjunct Professor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Adelphi University; M.Ed., Ed.D., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Macbeth, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Peter Macchia, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
R Bruce MacDonald, Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Courtney MacGinley, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.F.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Diandra Macias, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., Monmouth University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Alicia Mack, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., University of Miami
(631) NaN
Rhonda Maco, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Kathleen Madigan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Marie Madigan, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Fordham University; M.S., Touro College School of Health Sciences
(631) NaN
Joseph Magazzi, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Judah Mahay, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Calvin University; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Maher, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.P.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Maher, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Janet Mahoney, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Annette Mahoney-Cross, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Michelle Maines, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Ruth Makofske, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Eugene Makowski, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
B.A., University of Notre Dame; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Richard Maldonado, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Carol Malley, Adjunct Specialist II of Academic Affairs
B.S., Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Kristin Malone, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., Florida State University; D.P.T., Sacred Heart University
(631) NaN
Jason Malvagno, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Theodora Mamatas, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Diane Mami, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Eric Mamonas, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Ana Manas Lopez, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Elisa Mancuso, Adjunct Professor of Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.A., Adelphi University; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Louis Mancuso, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nicholas Mancuso, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Anne Mandaro, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Michael Maneri, Adjunct Associate Professor of Accounting
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Frank Maniscalco, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Shannon Maniscalco, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Registrar
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Janna Mannhart, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Physical Education
A.A.S., Berkeley College - New York City
(631) NaN
Thomas Manuel, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
John Manzi, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
A.S., B.A., M.P.A., A.G.C., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Thomas Marceau, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Milagros Marchese, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., New York University; M.B.A., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Krystal Marcia, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Julius Marcucci, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Roberts Wesleyan College; M.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Brian Marcus, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Amanda Mareci, English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Marilyn Margulies, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Kathleen Marinelli, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Edward Marinich Jr, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
B.S., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Nebojsa Marinkovic, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Belgrade University
(631) NaN
John Mario, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.A., M.A., University of Connecticut; M.S., John Jay College of Criminal Justice
(631) NaN
Kevin Maritato, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Peter Maritato, Academic Chair; Professor of Engineering/Industrial Technology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Alan Mark, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.B.A., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Justin Marks, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Robert Marks, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Paul Marra, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Emergency Medical Technician
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Steven Marsh, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
B.F.A., New York University; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Norris Marshak, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Bruce Martin, Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Science
B.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Christopher Martin, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.S., Molloy University; M.A., Ku Leuven
(631) NaN
Gregory Martin, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Sarah Martin, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Rochelle Martin-Vecchio, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Claribel Martinez, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Corporate Training
Nicole Martinez, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Raymond Martinez, Adjunct Professor of Student Affairs
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Emely Martinez Martinez, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Student Support Services
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
Dawnmarie Martino, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Christine Martino-Drab, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Amy Martz, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., M.A., Quinnipiac University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Masache, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Disability Services
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
William Masterton, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
CPR, SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Matarazzo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Albany; Ed.D., Saint John Fisher College
(631) NaN
Gerard Matovcik, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., Cathedral College; B.A., Seminary Immaculate Conception; M.A., CUNY College of Staten Island; M.S., College of New Rochelle
(631) NaN
Satoko Matthews, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Dionysos Mattison, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.A., University of California; Ph.D., The New School for Public Engagement
(631) NaN
Mark Matvya, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Physical Education
B.S., Towson University
(631) NaN
Kimberly Matz, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., New York Institute of Technology; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Janet Mauck, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Ellen Mauk, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., Eastern Kentucky University; M.S., Cornell University; M.A., Purdue University
(631) NaN
Mark Maurelli, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B. Eng., M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Kathleen Mauro, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sonja Mayer, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Brown University; M.A., Mercy University
(631) NaN
Danielle Mayhew, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A., SUNY Delhi; B.S., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
John Mazeika, Adjunct Instructor of Automotive Technology
A.A.S., B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Annette Mazziotti, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
M.B.A., M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Vivienne Mazzola, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Russell McAllister, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
B.A., American University
(631) NaN
William McAllister, Adjunct Professor of Computer Science
B.S., New York University; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael McAteer, Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Melissa McCabe, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S.N., Loyola University
(631) NaN
Naomi McCaffrey, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
(631) NaN
Annmarie McCann, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Michael McCann, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., Utica University
(631) NaN
Joan McCarthy, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Jeralynn McCarthy, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.L.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Vereline McClaney, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.A., Dowling College; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Renee McClean, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., Adelphi University; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Steven McClernon, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Maureen McClusky, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Adriane McCoy, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Michelle McDonald, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of
(631) NaN
Noreen McDonald, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert McDonald, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Karen McDonough, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert McGarry, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Sandra McGay, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Matthew McGevna, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Mary McGlone, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., Iona College; M.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Lisa McGovern, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Riley McHugh, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Denise McHugh, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Donna McIlwraith-Seidl, Adjunct Professor of Library Services
B.A., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael McKenna, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Anne McLaughlin, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., Indiana University; M.A., Harvard University
(631) NaN
James McLaughlin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Aliyah McLaurin, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Christopher McManus, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
James McManus, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
John McMullen, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
P.D., Long Island University; B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Leslie McNally, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
(631) NaN
Theresa McNamee, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marilyn McNeil, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., M.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Joseph McNulty, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Brianna McQuade, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., M.F.A., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Catherine Meade, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Luis Medina Faull, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Universidad De Oriente
(631) NaN
Margaret Meisen, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
John Melandro, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Maria Melita Grima, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Marine Science
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Melton, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., East Stroudsburg University; M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Madeline Mendoza, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
(631) NaN
Andrea Merkx, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., University of New Mexico; M.F.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Melissa Messina, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Matthew Metcalf, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jill Metz, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Edward Meyer, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Accounting
(631) NaN
Steven Meyn, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.F.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Jennifer Micari, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Lino Miceli, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physics
Ph.D., University of South Carolina
(631) NaN
Andrew Michael, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Richard Michaels, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Liza Micheva, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Lois Mignone, Adjunct Professor of World Languages
B.A., College of Saint Elizabeth; M.A., Rutgers University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Frank Milano, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Maria Millan, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., B.S., M.S., Excelsior College
(631) NaN
Angel Millan,Jr, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Edward Miller, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., CUNY The City College of New York; Ph.D., University of Rochester
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Miller, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Career Services
B.B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Linda Miller, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Mary Ann Miller, Adjunct Professor of Library Services
B.A., Georgian Court University; M.S., Rutgers University
(631) NaN
Nicole Miller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
B.S., Syracuse University; M.S., Hofstra University; M.A., Ph.D., Pacifica Graduate Institute
(631) NaN
William Miller, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Potsdam; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
William Miller, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Institutional Advancement
B.A., SUNY Potsdam; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Terri Milligan, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kathryn Mingo, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Frank Mirasola, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Earth and Space Science
(631) NaN
Hal Mishkin, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Rajni Misra, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., Rutgers University; M.B.A., New York University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Shari Mistretta, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Jason Mitcham, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., East Carolina University; M.F.A., University of Florida
(631) NaN
Michelle Mitchell, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Katherine Mitra, Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Kenyon College; M.A., Indiana University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Puneeta Mittal, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
M.A., Adelphi University; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michelle Mock, Adjunct Instructor of Dietetic Technician
B.S., CUNY Lehman College; M.P.H., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Rose Modderno, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Joanne Moeller, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nicholas Moenich, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Cleveland Institute Art; M.F.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Alexis Mogavero, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christine Mohanty, Adjunct Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lois Mohlenbrok, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Patricia Mohn, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Writing Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kim Mokarry, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Financial Aid
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Adelle Molina, Adjunct Instructor of Marine Science
B.S., Brown University
(631) NaN
Conor Molloy, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., The New School for Social Research
(631) NaN
Linda Monaco, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Emily Monahan, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
J. Andrew Monahan, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.A., Vassar College; M.B.A., Northwestern University
(631) NaN
Shannon Monroe, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Richard Montchal, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Todd Monte, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matthew Montelione, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Silvia Montemurro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Dina Montes, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
A.A.S., SUNY Cobleskill; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Michael Mooney, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Keriann B Moore, Adjunct Assistant Professor of American Sign Language
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Brian Moore, Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh; M.S., Canisius University
(631) NaN
Carol Moore, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Julia Moore, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Rosemarie Morales, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Santos Morales, Adjunct Instructor of Entrepreneurial Assistance Program
(631) NaN
Kellie Moran, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Thomas Moran, Adjunct Instructor of Economics
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Tracey Morea, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Julia Moreland, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.A., Adelphi University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Elzbieta Morgan, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Deborah Morizzo, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Educational Opportunity Program
(631) NaN
Patricia Morley, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University
(631) NaN
Jacquelin Morrison, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
A.A., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Corrine Morton Greiner, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Moscatelli, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Moseley, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Julianne Mosher, Adjunct Instructor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Iris Mosher-Propper, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Theatre
B.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Margaret Motto, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.S., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Shannon Mowdy, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kalina Mrmevska, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of
(631) NaN
Michael Mugan, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
B.P.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.P.A., Marist College
(631) NaN
Irene Mulholland, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Justin Mullady, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Visual Arts
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Michelle Munro, Adjunct Professor
B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Emerson College
(631) NaN
Kevin Murphy, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Northeastern University
(631) NaN
Melanie Murphy, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., Utica University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stephanie Murphy, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Enrollment Management
B.A., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Micheline Murray, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Tim Murray, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.S., SUNY New Paltz; M.A., Long Island University; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Mary Myer, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
David Myers, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Practical Nursing
B.S., SUNY Cortland; B.S., M.S., D.N.P., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jed Myers, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
M.S., Ph.D., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Hajra Naeem, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., California State University - Fullerton; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Jeanine Nagao, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Balan Nagraj, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
M.B.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Harold Naideau, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., Antioch College; B.A., Brooks Institute; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christina Nalty, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., University of Arkansas; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Jennifer Napolitano, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Eileen Napolitano, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Michael Nappo, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., St. Joseph's University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Susan Naughton, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Mark Navins Jr, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
B.S., Alliance University; M.A., Concordia University - Illinois; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Sabita Nayak, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Business Administration
M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
David Naylor, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.S., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Nwaka Nduka, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
M.S., Southern Illinois University; Ed.D., Grand Canyon University
(631) NaN
Sandra Nebel, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
William Needelman, Adjunct Associate Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Mcgill University; M.A., Princeton University
(631) NaN
Dana Neeman, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Morgan Neems, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Tyler Neilans, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Brockport
(631) NaN
Grace Nelson, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Marine Science
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Thaddeus Nelson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology
B.S., Rutgers University; M.A., Columbia University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Nicole Neroulas, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Anna Nesterova-Liers, Adjunct Professor of Biology
M.S., Ph.D., Moscow State University
(631) NaN
William Neubauer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Crystal Nevins, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Grand Canyon University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Vyann Nicholson, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
B.B.A., James Madison University
(631) NaN
Connie Nicolai, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Eric Niegelberg, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Christopher Nielsen, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kirk Niemann, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
B.S., New York Institute of Technology; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anna Nieradko, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Business Administration
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
Waldemar Nieweglowski, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Shannon Nigg, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., University of Tampa
(631) NaN
Maryann Nocera, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Kalechi Noel, Adjunct Instructor of TV/Radio/Film
B.A., CUNY Baruch College; M.F.A., CUNY The City College of New York
Dawn Noonan, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Call Center
B.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Julia Noonan, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Semona Noreiga, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Tyler Normile, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Cristina Notaro, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Geography
B.B.A., Hofstra University; Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Nancy Nunziata, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Sociology
B.S., M.S.W., New York University
(631) NaN
Samantha Nyer, Adjunct Instructor of Marine Science
B.A., Barnard College; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Eileen O'Connell, Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., Pace University; M.S., D.N.P., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Brianne O'Connell, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Dale O'Connor, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Krista O'Donnell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph O'Hara, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.S., Northeastern University
(631) NaN
Kevin O'Hara, Adjunct Instructor of Fire Protection Technology
B.B.A., M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jessica O'Hea, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Diane O'Neill, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Appalachian State University; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Antonia Obara, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
David Oconnor, Adjunct Instructor of History
M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathryn Odell-Hamilton, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., M.A., M.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Blake Ogden, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., Bennington College; M.F.A., School of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Maureen Ogrady, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Ladycliff College; M.S., Michigan State University
(631) NaN
Adhiambo Okomba, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Beth Oliff, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
A.A., Des Moines Community College - Ankeny; B.A., Drake University
(631) NaN
Joseph Oliver, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Rolande Olivier, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Grand Canyon University; M.S.N., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Joshua Olsen, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.F.A., Maryland Institute College of Art
(631) NaN
Janel Ordemann, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Oneonta
(631) NaN
Susan Orlando, Adjunct Specialist II of Nursing
B.S., M.S., Saint Joseph's College of Maine
(631) NaN
Melanie Orlowski, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
David Oroza, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.S., Lock Haven University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Ashley Orquera, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Adelphi University; M.S.N., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Catherine Ortiz, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Germaine Ortiz, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nairoby Otero, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
B.A., Marymount Manhattan College; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Sean Otten, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Otto, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Nancy Outsen Polly, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Roberta Owens, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Advising and Mentoring Center
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Amy Pacholk, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lori Pack, Adjunct Professor of Business Law
B. Eng., SUNY Stony Brook University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Robert Packer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Cybersecurity
A.A.S., CUNY Queensborough Community College; B.Tech., CUNY The City College of New York; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Patrick Pagano, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S.N., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Louis Palacio, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., University of Phoenix; Ph.D., Capella University
(631) NaN
Suly Palacio, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Support Center
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Stephen Pallas, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., University of Arizona
(631) NaN
Phyllis Palma, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
P.D., Long Island University; B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sandra Palmer, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., University of California; M.B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago
Michael Paluzzi, Adjunct Instructor of Geography
B.S., Salem State University; M.S., Southern Illinois University; M.S., University of Maine
(631) NaN
Denise Pancari, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.S., Delaware Technical Community College - Newark; D.V.M., Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
(631) NaN
Corazon Paraso, Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing
B.S., University of The City of Manila; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christopher Parillo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Vincent Parisi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Danielle Park, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Occupational Therapy Assistant
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Patricia Parr, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.F.A., Long Island University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Vanesa Parra Henao, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Christopher Pascale, Adjunct Instructor of Accounting
B.S., Upper Iowa Universty; M.B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Michael Pascale, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.S., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Alyssa Kate Pascual, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Thomas Pascucci, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Hofstra University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Brian Paskoff, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lauren Passarelle, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.Prof., University of Miami
(631) NaN
Sanjay Patel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Kelley Paternoster, Adjunct Instructor of
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Mary Patrovic, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Caitlin Patus, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
John Paynter, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Carol Payton, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.S.N., Long Island University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Peck, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Philip Pecorino, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Boston College; Ph.D., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Christine Peer, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Michelle Pekar, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
(631) NaN
Laura Pellizzi, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Alice Peltz, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.A., Adelphi University; M.P.A., C.A.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Erin Penighetti, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Nancy Penncavage, Adjunct Professor of Marine Science
B.S., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Adelphi University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Pennisi, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Tyler Allen Penny, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., University of Mississippi; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jocelyn Pensa, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Michael Penso, Adjunct Instructor of
B. Eng., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Keri Penta, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., B.S., SUNY Farmingdale; M.S.N., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Grace Pentecoste, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Visual Arts
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Srinivas Pentyala, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Sri Venkateswara University
(631) NaN
Karen Pepe, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.A., University of North Carolina; M.S., Hofstra University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Roberto Peredo, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Savannah Perez, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., SUNY Oswego; M.S., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Yvonne Perez, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Carlos Perez Lara, Adjunct Instructor of Physics
B.S., M.S., Universita degli Studi Perugia; Ph.D., University College Utrecht
(631) NaN
William Perfit, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Economics
B.S., Syracuse University; M.B.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Joshua Perl, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lawrence Perlman, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Media Services
B.A., Bard College
(631) NaN
Christian Perring, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
Ph.D., Princeton University
(631) NaN
Nadine Perrotti, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Robert Pertusati, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Joseph Pescatore, Adjunct Instructor of Interior Design
B.F.A., Parsons School of Design; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Kimberly Peters, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Rachel Peters, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Saint Francis University; M.A., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Andrea Peterson, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Taylor Peterson, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Karla Petriccione, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Petroulias, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Michelle Petruzzelli, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Affairs
(631) NaN
Naomi Phelps, Adjunct Professor of Student Affairs
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Finly Philip, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Keith Phillips, Adjunct Reader of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Jake Piacenti, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of TV/Radio/Film
B.A., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Marianne Pickel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Brookdale Community College; B.S., Rutgers University; M.S.N., Capella University
(631) NaN
Zdzislaw Piechowicz, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Marie Pierce, Adjunct Instructor of Career Services
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Guerlene Pierre-Louis, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Robert Pike, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
(631) NaN
Santi Pinto, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Campus Kids
B.A., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Sonia Pinzon, Adjunct Instructor of Early Childhood
B.A., University of Rochester; M.S., Mercy University
(631) NaN
Gina Pipia, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; A.A.S., SUNY Delhi; B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Jennifer Piscitelli, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Shari Pittaro, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Occupational Therapy Assistant
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Francis Pizzarelli Fr, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.A., St. John's University; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Marcella Pizzo, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., Touro University; Ph.D., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Robert Plath, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Stuart Plotkin, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; D.P.M., California College of Podiatric Medicine
(631) NaN
Sharon Pochron, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Franklin Marshall College; M.S., Ph.D., University of New Mexico
(631) NaN
Frances Pochtrager, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Karen Poidomani, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Counseling
M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Kathryn Poletti, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Richard Pollard, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Mathematics
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
James Polo, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.A., SUNY Oswego; B.A., St. John's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jill Polstein, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Paola Ponchielli - Duca, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Virginie Portelli, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., San Francisco State University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Posner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Patricia Posthauer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Gertrude Postl, Adjunct Professor of Philosophy
M.A., Ph.D., University of Vienna - Austria
(631) NaN
William Potts, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Carol Powers, Adjunct Associate Professor of Physical Education
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.S., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Powers - Vermaelen, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Ashok Prabhu, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Anupam Pradhan, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Gauhati University; Ph.D., Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
(631) NaN
Linda Prentiss, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Teresa Presti, Adjunct Instructor of Educational Opportunity Program
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.W., M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anthony Price, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
David Price, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., Albertus Magnus College; M.A., Sacred Heart University; M.A., Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Price, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Missouri State University; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Price, Adjunct Instructor of Fire Protection Technology
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Lisa Primerano, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Paulette Prisco-Sosa, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Evan Proios, Adjunct Instructor of Information Technology Services
(631) NaN
Lawrence Propper, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
B.A., SUNY Buffalo; M.S.W., Adelphi University; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Evelyn Prugar, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kayla Puccio, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Richard Puleo, Adjunct Instructor of Automotive Technology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Steven Quick, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
B.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Quiros, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., St. John's University; M.S., University of Akron; O.D., SUNY College Optometry
(631) NaN
Michael Quiroz, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Saira Qureshi, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Melinda Rachlin, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Alexander Radison, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.F.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Patricia Raff, Adjunct Specialist I of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Karen Raffel, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Alexis Raghunandan, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Gloria Ramirez, Adjunct Assistant Professor of World Languages
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., University of Salamanca
(631) NaN
Anita Ramirez, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Jennie Ramos, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lilian Ramzy, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
Ph.D., University of El Salvador
(631) NaN
Suzanne Ranft, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Melissa Ranghell, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., Adelphi University; M.S.N., Aspen University
(631) NaN
Robin Rann, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Florida; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; C.A.S., College of St. Rose
(631) NaN
Dalimar Rastello, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Rastello, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Mohini Ratna, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.B.A., University of Madras; M.B.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
John Ray, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.A., Adelphi University; J.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Rejeanne Raymond, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Emilee Raynor, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Anne Realmuto, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christopher Reames, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Francesca Reardon, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Advising and Testing
B.S., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Deirdre Redding, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Tiffany Redman, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Albany; M.A., Ph.D., University of Memphis
(631) NaN
Stephanie Reese, Adjunct Instructor of English
M.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., Vermont College Of Fine Arts
(631) NaN
Tyler Reid, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Susan Reilly, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.S., Regis College
(631) NaN
Brittney Reilly-Biehner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Reading
B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University; Ed.D., Gwynedd Mercy University
(631) NaN
Pamela Rein-Wallman, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Communications
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; M.A., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Amy Reinhardt, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Sandra Reinhart, Payroll
(631) NaN
Dennis Reissig, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., B.S., University of Toledo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robin Remsen, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Irina Renner, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Daniel Resch, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., Long Island University; B.S., Saint Leo University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Reyes, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Raymond Ribeiro, Adjunct Instructor of Engineering
B.S., New York University
(631) NaN
Annette Ricciardi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Danielle Riccobono, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., St. John's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ariel Richard, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Liberty University
(631) NaN
Chris Richardson, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Tara Rider, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
B.A., Long Island University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Daina Rieder, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Riggio, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Riley, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
(631) NaN
Kristin Riley, Adjunct Specialist II of Continuing Education
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
John Rinaldi, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.A., Dowling College; D.C., New York Chiropractic College
(631) NaN
Terrence Rious, Adjunct Instructor of Student Affairs
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
William Ripp, Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Law
B.S., Villanova University; J.D., Pepperdine University
(631) NaN
Gary Ris, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Information Technology Services
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.F.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Gina Rizzo, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Gail Roach, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Maria Robado, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Disability Services
(631) NaN
Jennifer Roberts, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.A., B.S., Dowling College; Ph.D., University of Georgia
(631) NaN
Vera Roberts, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Valerie Robins, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of World Languages
(631) NaN
Paul Robinson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Neysa Robles, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of CLEP
B.S., M.S., Pontifical Catholic University
(631) NaN
Martina Robotham, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Medgine Roc, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
(631) NaN
Joan Rocchetta, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
B.S., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Richard Rocco, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Patrick Roche, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Katherine Rocks, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Visual Arts
B.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Roddin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.S., Russell Sage College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elizabeth Rodriguez, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead; B.S.N., M.S.N., Grand Canyon University
(631) NaN
Peter Rodriguez, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Steven Rogers, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Kamil Rohana, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Jacqueline Romano, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
A.A.S., CUNY Queensborough Community College; B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College; Ph.D., Tui University
(631) NaN
Richard Romero, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
P.D., Long Island University; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gina Rommel, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., M.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
James Rooney, Adjunct Professor of Criminal Justice
B.S., Long Island University; M.Prof., St. John's University; M.S., University of Southern California
(631) NaN
Judy Rosado, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Nicole Rosario, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Jason Rose, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Laura Ross-White, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
B.A., Indiana University; B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago
(631) NaN
Trisha Rossi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., Hartwick College; M.F.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Louise Rotchford, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
B.S., SUNY Buffalo; M.S., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Thomas Rouge, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Robert Rovegno, Adjunct Professor of Accounting
B.A., Fairfield University; M.B.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Ronald Rowe, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.F.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
William Rowland, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., Mount St. Mary's University; M.S., Hofstra University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Melissa Roxas, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Anjana Roy, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
M.S., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Jessica Rubin-Frank, Adjunct Instructor of
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Sheena Rubino, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., New York University
(631) NaN
Carrie Rubinstein, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
Cert, Brandeis University; B.A., Smith College; M.F.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Michael Rubinstein, Adjunct Instructor of Drafting
B.Arch., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Claire Rubman, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A., University of Glasgow; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Allison Rufrano, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., Adelphi University; M.F.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Arletty Ruger, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Disability Services
B.A., M.A., National University
(631) NaN
Lauren Ruiz, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.S., Hofstra University; M.F.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Andrea Ruiz Morales, Adjunct Proctor of Admissions
(631) NaN
William Rule, Program Coordinator of Addiction Studies
B.A., Long Island University; M.S., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Stephanie Russertt, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Courtney Russo, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Alexis Rutigliano, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
B.S., St. Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Rosa Ruvio, Adjunct Unreported of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Mary Ryan-Garcia, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., College of New Rochelle; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Mary Ryder, Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Administration
A.O.S., Culinary Institute America; B.S., Ed.D., St. John's University; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Shazia Saadi, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Affairs
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sherita Sabbat, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Meghan Saccone, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Emily Safos, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Yadigar Saglam, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
(631) NaN
Alexander Sagredo, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
B.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Anna Sagredo, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Computing
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sandy Saint Jean, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.A., B.S., Rutgers University; M.S., Grand Canyon University
(631) NaN
Alicia Salazar, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., Long Island University; M.A., Middlebury College
(631) NaN
Jennifer Salerno, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
B.A., Hofstra University; D.V.M., St. Georges University School of Medicine
(631) NaN
Anthony Salvia, Adjunct Associate Professor of World Languages
B.A., Montclair State University; M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University
(631) NaN
Arthur Samansky, Adjunct Instructor of
Brian Samuelson, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Colleen Sandford, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Washburn University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois
(631) NaN
Catherine Sandstedt, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Jeanneth Sangurima-Quiles, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Lorraine Sanso, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jaclyn Santangelo, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.S., Penn Foster College
(631) NaN
Dean Santiago, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Karen Santino, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Educational Technology Unit
A.A., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Santorello, Adjunct Associate Professor of Library Services
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; M.S., Long Island University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; Pharm.D., University of Florida
(631) NaN
Michael Santoriello, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Carol Santos, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of English as a Second Language
B.S., SUNY Buffalo; M.A., Adelphi University; Ed.D., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Natascha Santos, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College; Ph.D., St. John's University College of Insurance
(631) NaN
Robert Sardiello, Adjunct Instructor of Sociology
B.A., University of Mary Washington; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Jack Sardo, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lesley Sargoy, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.S., Ithaca College; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Charles Sarling, Adjunct Instructor of Music
P.D., M.S., Long Island University; B.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Farhat Sarwar, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Financial Aid
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Hope Sasway, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., University of Pittsburgh; M.S., West Virginia State University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Clifford Satriano, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Reading
M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Gerry Saulter, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Katarzyna Sawicka, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Linda Sbarra, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.A., Cornell University; M.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gwyneth Scally, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., James Madison University; M.F.A., University of Arizona
(631) NaN
Diane Scalogna, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.A., University of California; M.P.T., University of Southern California
(631) NaN
Michael Scamardella, Adjunct Instructor of Automotive Technology
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Erin Scansarole, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S.N., M.S.N., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Lauren Scavuzzo, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Caitlin Scena, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Honors Program
B.A., M.F.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Mary Schafer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
John Scheblein, Adjunct Instructor of Engineering
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Roberta Schechter, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Lynn Scheff, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Sandra Scherrer, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood; B.S., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Christine Schlendorf, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., Manhattan University; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Matthew Schmidt, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Schmidt, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., University of North Carolina; J.D., CUNY School of Law
(631) NaN
Kenneth Schnatz, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Carrie Schor, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Brittany Schreiber, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
B.B.A., Hofstra University; M.S.Ed., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Steven Schrier, Adjunct Professor of Political Science
B.A., CUNY Queens College; J.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Jay Schuck, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Philip Schuler, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Scott Schultz, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stephen Schulz, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Mark Schwartz, Adjunct Associate Professor of Business Administration
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., CUNY Baruch College; M.S.Ed., A.G.C., CUNY Brooklyn College; A.G.C., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Linda Sciotto, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jason Scott, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Jennifer Scott, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Educational Opportunity Program
(631) NaN
Kerry Scott, Adjunct Professor of Biology
Cert, University of Florida; B.A., Immaculata University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Villanova University
(631) NaN
Stephen Scott, Adjunct Instructor of
A.S., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Joseph ScottoDiMaso, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Donna Scudieri, Adjunct Proctor of Welcome Center
(631) NaN
Andrew Seal, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.A., New England College
(631) NaN
Karen Sears, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
(631) NaN
Charlene Searson, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
James Seawood, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Timothy Sebesta, Adjunct Professor of Physical Education
B.A., M.A., Sam Houston State University
(631) NaN
Christine Seebach, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Joni Seeling, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University
(631) NaN
Kristine Seitz, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
(631) NaN
Daniel Sellick, Adjunct Instructor of American Sign Language
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Jennifer Senft, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Humanities
B.F.A., M.A., New York University; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Gary Senia, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Erika Serrago, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Corporate Training
B.S., SUNY Plattsburgh
Stephen Serrecchia, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.B.A., M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Mary Seymour, Adjunct Instructor of Theatre
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Fatima Shafiq, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Joseph Shanley Jr., Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Computing
(631) NaN
Teresa Shaw, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., SUNY Empire State College; M.S.N., Western Governors University
(631) NaN
Arielle Shea, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Jessica Shearman, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Khawla Shehadeh, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Career Services
B.A., Al-Quds University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Daniel Sheppard, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Wei Shi, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Frank Shih, Adjunct Associate Professor of Anthropology
B.A., Greenville College; M.A., Ph.D., The New School for Social Research
(631) NaN
Gareth Shumack, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
M.A., Ph.D., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Shelly Shumway, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physics
B.S., Texas A&M University; M.S., Ph.D., Cornell University
(631) NaN
Rickardo Shuzzr, Adjunct Instructor of
B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.A., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Sharon Shyrier, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; D.N.P., Pace University
(631) NaN
Mashal Siddiqui, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Honors Program
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Amber Siegmund, Adjunct Proctor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Edward Sierra, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
A.S., B.S., Thomas Edison State University; M.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Katherine Sievers, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Faith Signorile, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Marissa Silverberg, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Carol Silverman, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Leah Marie Silverman, Adjunct Instructor of Political Science
M.P.A., Boise State University; M.Phil., Ph.D., Walden University
(631) NaN
Sharon Silverstein, Director of Campus Activities and Student Leadership Development
B.A., University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee; M.A., Southern Illinois University
(631) NaN
Coleen Simon, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Molloy University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Janet Simpson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.A., University of Texas - Austin; M.S., Clarkson University; M.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Robert Simpson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Careers
M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Donna Singer, Adjunct Instructor of TV/Radio/Film
B.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Jessica Singh, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Autilia Sisti, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
A.A.S., CUNY New York City College of Technology; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Teresa Slagle, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Counseling
B.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Daniel Slagus, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Patricia Slawinski, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Megan Slawkawski, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Cara Slotkin, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Romuald Sluyters, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., Tufts University; M.S., Albany Medical College; M.D., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Rodolfo Small, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Michael Smeja Jr., Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
James Smith, Adjunct Associate Professor of Music
B.A., M.A., Long Island University; D.M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Marcelle Smith, Adjunct Associate Professor of World Languages
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Todd Smith, Adjunct Instructor of Computer Science
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Angelisa Snell, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.B.A., University of Phoenix
(631) NaN
Steven Snell, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Gordon Snyder, Adjunct Instructor of Engineering
M.S., Western New England University
(631) NaN
Margaret Sobel, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Jillian Sog, Adjunct Professional Assistant of
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Jennifer Somerville, Practical Nursing
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Susan Sommer, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Library Services
B.A., University of Colorado; M.L.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Bonnie Soper, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., SUNY New Paltz; B.A., University of North Carolina
(631) NaN
Jay Sorce, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Eric Sorrentino, Adjunct Instructor of Criminal Justice
B.S., M.S., Pace University
(631) NaN
Nadiya Sorych, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Surgical Technology
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Riverhead
(631) NaN
Vanessa Sosa, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Joann Sosnowy-Sabella, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Linda Southard, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Visual Arts
A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Desiree Sparrow, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S.W., Concordia University - California; M.S., Clayton State University
(631) NaN
Janette Sperandeo, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Karl Spielmann, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Physics
A.A.S., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Michele Spiess, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Amy Spinelli, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Carl Sponheimer, Adjunct Specialist I of Physics
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kerry Spooner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., University of Massachusetts; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Linda Ann Sprague, Adjunct Professor of Academic Affairs
B.A., Colgate University; M.A., Syracuse University
(631) NaN
Nicole Squicciarini, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Arthur Stahl, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., Wagner College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
John Stahlberg, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Virginia Stamatakis, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Danielle Stanford, Adjunct Proctor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Gina Stango, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Academic Tutoring Center
B.B.A., CUNY Baruch College
(631) NaN
Frederick Stanley, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.A., Fordham University; M.S., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Ernst Star, Adjunct Associate Professor of TV/Radio/Film
B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Temple University
(631) NaN
Mary Jo Stark, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.S., Wagner College
(631) NaN
Hilary Starr, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Zachary Starr, Adjunct Associate Professor of Philosophy
B.A., Colgate University; M.A., Brandeis University; J.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Suzanne Staub, Adjunct Instructor of Humanities
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Clyde Stearns, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.B.A., Adelphi University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Lorraine Stearns, Adjunct Professor of Business Administration
B.S., M.A., Murray State University
(631) NaN
John Stefanik, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., Parsons College; M.F.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
Caroline Stella, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Anthony Stellato, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.A., M.S., Hofstra University; M.S., Long Island University; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Jack Stelljes, Adjunct Professor of Accounting
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.B.A., M.Ed., University of Miami; M.B.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Lina Stempkoski, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Joseph Stephens, Adjunct Reader of Manufacturing Technology
(631) NaN
Ned Stephens, Adjunct Instructor of Business Administration
(631) NaN
Alejandro Stern, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
P.D., M.S., Long Island University; B.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Roxanne Stevens, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Mary Ann Stevenson, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Mathematics
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.S., CUNY College of Staten Island
(631) NaN
Brittany Stewart, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.S., M.A., SUNY Oswego
(631) NaN
Kathleen Stoessel, Adjunct Instructor of Drafting
B.Arch., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Lauren Stolworthy, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Esther Stone, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Craig Stormont, Adjunct Professor of English
B.A., M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Robert Stratton, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., CUNY Lehman College; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Patricia Strauss, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.A., M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Pennie Streim, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Carl Struck, Adjunct Professor of Information Technology
B.A., Concordia Senior College; M.S., Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Angela Strynkowski, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
(631) NaN
Danielle Sullivan, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., Washington College; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Mary Sullivan, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Early Childhood
Cert, Long Island University; B.S., SUNY Buffalo; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Stacey Sullivan, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S.N., Walden University; M.S.N., Capella University
(631) NaN
Paula Sussman, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
B.S., University of Maryland; M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Carla Sutherland, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Special Programs
B.S., New York University
(631) NaN
Alexandria Suto, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Daniel Sweeney, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
B.S.W., Molloy University; M.S.W., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Laura Sweeney, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Manhattanville University; M.F.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Thomas Sweeny, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., J.D., Fordham University; M.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
James Swike, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.S., Dowling College; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Laine Sylvers, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.A., Rice University; M.A., Towson University
(631) NaN
Arlene Szabo, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., New York University; M.S.N., Aspen University
(631) NaN
Jessica Sztabnik, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Susan Taber, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patricia Tacktill, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., CUNY Brooklyn College; M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stefan Tafrov, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Sofia University - Bulgaria; Ph.D., Peoples Republic of Bulgaria
(631) NaN
Juliana Tafrova, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Dianne Taha, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Chemistry
B.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Shiverne Taliefero, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Educational Opportunity Program
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Theresa Talmage, Adjunct Instructor of Reading
B.A., Fairfield University; M.B.A., Dowling College; M.Ed., University Of Great Falls
(631) NaN
Alina Tamburello, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kelly Tamburello, Adjunct Instructor of
A.A.S., Molloy University; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., Saint Joseph's University
(631) NaN
Shilpi Tandon, Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University
(631) NaN
Frandy Tapia, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College - Brentwood
(631) NaN
Meaganne Taraskas, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., SUNY Farmingdale
(631) NaN
Jean-Mari Tas, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Leticia Taveras Bueno, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Biology
(631) NaN
Mangala Tawde, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
M.S., Ph.D., University Of Mumbai
(631) NaN
Julian Tawfik, Adjunct Instructor of HVAC
B. Eng., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.B.A., SUNY Polytechnic Institute
(631) NaN
Lorraine Tawfik, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.S., University of Guelph; M.S., McMaster University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Kevin Teare, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
M.F.A., Bard College
(631) NaN
Maria Tegzes, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Jodi Teitel, Adjunct Associate Professor of English
B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Kevin Teixeira, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Yanick Telfort, Adjunct Instructor of
A.S., Broward College; B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.P.H., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Garry Tellus, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., St. John's University; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kyle Tepper, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
(631) NaN
Hope Terris, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Debra Tesoriero, Adjunct Associate Professor of Nursing
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.S.N., University of Phoenix; A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Patrick Thai, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Dowling College; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Hewitt Thayer, Adjunct Instructor of English
M.A., University of Texas - Austin
(631) NaN
Paul Theisen, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Plant Operations
(631) NaN
Tiffany Thomas, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Lauren Thompsen, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.B.A., Dowling College; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Ana Thompson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., Columbia University: Teachers College
(631) NaN
Laura Thompson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., Sarah Lawrence College; M.F.A., New York University
(631) NaN
William Thompson, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Long Island University; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Anthony Thompson Jr, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Cooper Union; M.F.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gianna Thurman Mandera, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Advising and Testing
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Janet Tierney, Adjunct Specialist II of Biology
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Robert Tilden, Adjunct Instructor of Interior Design
B.Arch., M.S., A.G.C., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Kerlens Tilus, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Stacie Todaro, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Physical Education
A.S., Nassau Community College
(631) NaN
Vincent Todisco, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Jeffrey Tongue, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.S., Texas A&M University
(631) NaN
Carol Torgrimsen, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Yta Toribio-Hernandez, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Candice Torini, Adjunct Instructor of Human Services
B.S.W., M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jenna Torns, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Giselle Torres, Adjunct Professor of Counseling
B.S., M.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Stephanie Torres, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Admissions
B.Ed., SUNY Fredonia
(631) NaN
Michaelann Tostanoski, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., SUNY Old Westbury; M.F.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Dawn Totevski, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
B.A., St. John's University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michele Traina - Delph, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., M.A., C.A.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Judith Travers, Adjunct Professor of History
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Trezza, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.F.A., M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Alisa Tribley, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., St. Joseph's University; M.S.N., Sacred Heart University
(631) NaN
Kathryn Troy, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
B.A., Hofstra University; M.A., M.Phil., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Elzbieta Trybala, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.A.S., SUNY Farmingdale; B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., SUNY Downstate Health Sciences U
(631) NaN
Nino Tsiklauri, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., CUNY Hunter College; M.F.A., Kent State University
(631) NaN
Colette Tubbs, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of Visual Arts
(631) NaN
Myles Tucker, Adjunct Instructor of Engineering
B.S., M.A., M.Phil., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michelle Turner-Edwards, Adjunct Associate Professor of Biology
B.S., M.A., M.Phil., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Antonella Turturici, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Molloy University; M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Joseph Tusa, Adjunct Instructor of Health Careers
B.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Philip Tutuska, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
George Tvelia, Adjunct Professor of Economics
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Tyler, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Psychology
B.A., Adelphi University; M.S.W., New York University
(631) NaN
Christoph Tyson, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Md Khabir Uddin, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
M.S., Ph.D., University of Dhaka
(631) NaN
Sumayyah Uddin, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Hofstra University; M.S., Portland State University
(631) NaN
Evelyn Uddin-Khan, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Kirsten Ulrich, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.S., Cornell University; M.S., Indiana University
(631) NaN
Loretta Underwood, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Boston College; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Nereida Urquiaga, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Academic Tutoring Center
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Angela Vadyak, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Call Center
A.A.A., Madison Area Technical College
(631) NaN
Mary Vahey, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., M.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Nicole Valenti, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Biology
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Joseph Vallone, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Alexandrea Van Loo, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Kyler Vander Putten, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Regina Vander Schaaf, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Honors Program
M.S., Fordham University
(631) NaN
Krista VanHove, Instructor
B.S., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Emily Vargas-Ulloa, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Enrollment Management
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Sherona Varulkar-Kelley, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Natasha Vasquez, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Rudy Vasquez Argueta, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of
B.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Patricia Vaughn, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., Clayton State University
(631) NaN
Nancy Vazquez, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Lisa Vecchione, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., SUNY Empire State College; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
John Verbeke Jr, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., Columbia University: School of General Studies; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Vincent Verdisco, Adjunct Instructor of Drafting
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., Dowling College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christoph Verga, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Hofstra University; Ed.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Nicholas Vero, Adjunct Instructor of Interior Design
B.Arch., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Eugene Vetter, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
(631) NaN
Joel Vetter, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.P.S., SUNY Empire State College
(631) NaN
Ralph Viggiano, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Sierra Vighi, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Veterinary Science
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Stefanie Vincent, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
B.S., Molloy University; M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Tina Vincenti, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Writing Center
B.F.A., M.F.A., CUNY Queens College; B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Christopher Visco, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., SUNY Binghamton
(631) NaN
Catherine Vish, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Diana Vitale, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Susan Vitale, Adjunct Professor of Nursing
B.S., SUNY Albany; M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Christine Viterella-Carnival, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
A.A.S., CUNY Kingsborough Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Chris Vivas, Adjunct Associate Professor of Visual Arts
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.F.A., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Vincent Vizzo, Adjunct Instructor of World Languages
B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Stephanie Vogel, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Leslie Volle, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
David Voss, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Eric Wagner, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Brockport; M.B.A., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Nancy Wagner, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Skidmore College; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Wendy Waisala, Adjunct Assistant Professor of History
B.A., CUNY Queens College; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Barbaraan Wakie-Warren, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Financial Aid
A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., SUNY New Paltz
(631) NaN
Margaret Waldmann, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Bruce Waldner, Adjunct Professor of Mathematics
B.A., University of Rhode Island; M.A., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Stephen Waldow, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., B.S., Niagara University; Ph.D., SUNY University at Buffalo
(631) NaN
Wayne Waldvogel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Nolan Walker, Adjunct Associate Professor of Communications
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology; M.A., Southern New Hampshire University
(631) NaN
Robert Walker, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
A.A.S., Nassau Community College; B.S., Hofstra University; Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Ryan Wallace, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology
B.A., M.S., A.G.C., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Lynn Wallman, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Biology
B.S., SUNY Geneseo; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Amy Walsh, Adjunct Assistant Professor of English
A.A., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., St. Joseph's University; M.A., Ph.D., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Qing Wang, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Chemistry
Ph.D., Polish Academy of Science
(631) NaN
Qi Wang, Adjunct Instructor of Chemistry
Ph.D., University of North Texas
(631) NaN
Robert Warasila, Adjunct Professor of Physics
B.S., SUNY Polytechnic Institute; M.A., Ph.D., SUNY Stony Brook University
Eileen Ward, Adjunct Deaf Mentor of Health Careers
(631) NaN
Iram Waris Zaidi, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Foreign Institution
(631) NaN
Paul Warkow, Adjunct Reader of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Rosemary Warren, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.A., Bard College; M.F.A., Yale University
(631) NaN
Emma Wasielke, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.F.A., School of the Art Institute of Chicago; M.F.A., SUNY Fashion Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Kassie Watson-Campbell, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Culinary Arts
B.A., SUNY Delhi
(631) NaN
Stephanie Watt, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Music
B.F.A., M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Cynthia Wattie, Adjunct Instructor of Nursing
M.S.N., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois
(631) NaN
Annemarie Waugh, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
M.F.A., A.G.C., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Melissa Wayne - Consorte, Adjunct Instructor of Addiction Studies
A.A., Nassau Community College; B.S., Long Island University; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Catherine Weber, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., Mount Saint Mary College; M.S., Dowling College
(631) NaN
Brooke Weekes, Adjunct Instructor of Communications
B.S., Lincoln University; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
Richard Weeks, Adjunct Associate Professor of History
B.A., M.A.L.S., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Anthony Weidner, Adjunct Instructor of Mathematics
B.S., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Christopher Weihs, Adjunct Instructor of
(631) NaN
Linda Weilert, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
(631) NaN
Jenna Weis, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Larry Weiss, Adjunct Professor of Psychology
B.A., Hofstra University; D.S.W., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Lawrence Weiss, Adjunct Instructor of Culinary Arts
A.A.S., SUNY Sullivan
(631) NaN
H Weissenberger, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Carlton Welch, Adjunct Associate Professor of Library Services
B.S., SUNY Fredonia; M.L.S., CUNY Queens College; M.A., New York Institute of Technology
(631) NaN
David Welch, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Chemistry
B.S., M.S., University of Maine; Ph.D., University of California
(631) NaN
Kalin Welch, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Call Center
B.S., Sacred Heart University
(631) NaN
Reynold Welch, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., Vanderbilt University; M.S., Florida State University
(631) NaN
Toni Welkes, Adjunct Associate Professor of Reading
M.S., Ph.D., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Martha Weller, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Education
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Rachel Wells, Adjunct Proctor of Counseling
(631) NaN
Lisa Wendel, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Suzanne Wenz, Adjunct Professor of Chemistry
B.S., Manhattan University; M.B.A., Adelphi University; M.S., Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of New York
(631) NaN
Laura Werler, Adjunct Instructor of Physical Therapist Assistant
B.S., Utica University; D.P.T., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert Werner, Adjunct Professor of Biology
B.S., M.S., Wagner College
(631) NaN
Deborah Wertheim, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., SUNY Albany; M.S., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Norman West, Adjunct Professor of History
B.S., United States Coast Guard Academy; M.A., Boston University
(631) NaN
Stephanie West, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., Chamberlain University of Nursing - Illinois; M.S., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Deborah Wetzel, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Writing Center
B.S., Molloy University
(631) NaN
Sequoyah Wharton, Adjunct Instructor of Communication Studies
B.A., M.S., A.G.C., Ed.D., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Michael Whelan, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
B.S., SUNY Oswego; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Gilda White, Adjunct Professional Assistant II of Academic Tutoring Center
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Robert White, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Warehouse and Mailroom
(631) NaN
Kevin Wieland, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Student Affairs
(631) NaN
Virginia Wilch, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Business Administration
B.A., M.B.A., University of Cincinnati
(631) NaN
Judith Williams, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.A., SUNY Oneonta; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Jully Williams, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Maurice Williams, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
John Williams, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Aisha Wilson, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Clark Atlanta University; M.F.A., CUNY The City College of New York
(631) NaN
Celeste Wilson, Adjunct Instructor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design; M.F.A., CUNY Brooklyn College
(631) NaN
Lyle Wind, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Political Science
B.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; M.A., Long Island University
(631) NaN
Nancy Winkler, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Counseling
P.D., Hofstra University; B.A., Lehigh University; M.S., Springfield College
(631) NaN
Anna Wishart, Adjunct Instructor of English as a Second Language
(631) NaN
Annette Wisznic, Adjunct Instructor of Counseling
B.A., M.Ed., Hofstra University
(631) NaN
Jonathan Wittmaier, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Montclair State University; M.F.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Kenneth Wohl, Adjunct Instructor of History
B.A., Muhlenberg College; M.A., Villanova University
(631) NaN
Ranelle Wolf, Adjunct Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Pratt Institute; M.F.A., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Bethann Wolfe, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Communications
B.A., Marymount Manhattan College; M.A., New York University; J.D., Touro University
(631) NaN
Amanda Wolff, Adjunct Test Supervisor of Advising and Testing
B.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Deborah Wolfson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Mathematics
B.S., SUNY University at Buffalo; M.S., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Steven Woloschin, Adjunct Instructor of Corporate Training
(631) NaN
Yolande Wong Sing-Snowden, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Mathematics
B.S., St. John's University; M.A., New York University
(631) NaN
Gary Wood, Adjunct Associate Professor of Culinary Arts
B.S., Pennsylvania State University
(631) NaN
Kathleen Wooton, Adjunct Instructor of Earth and Space Science
B.S., College of William and Mary; M.S., University of North Carolina; M.S., Unlv Upward Bound Program
(631) NaN
Kevin Worth, Adjunct Professional Assistant of TV/Radio/Film
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College
(631) NaN
Kellie Woznick, Adjunct Proctor of Advising and Testing
(631) NaN
Suzanne Wright, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Visual Arts
B.F.A., Cooper Union; M.F.A., University of California
(631) NaN
Lauren Wrobel, Adjunct Instructor of Practical Nursing
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Denis Wurtz, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Physical Therapist Assistant
A.S., Nassau Community College; A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.S., St. John's University
(631) NaN
Catherine Wynne, Adjunct Specialist II of Center for Teaching and Learning
A.A.S., Suffolk County Community College; B.A., M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University; Ph.D., New York University
(631) NaN
Jean Xavier, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Warehouse and Mailroom
(631) NaN
Charles Yeager, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Geography
B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois University; Ph.D., Indiana State University
(631) NaN
Mariam Yeghikyan, Adjunct Instructor of Philosophy
B.A., California State University - Los Angeles; M.A., Columbia University: School of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
William Yost, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Physical Education
M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
So Yeon You, Adjunct Visual Arts Model of
(631) NaN
Thomas Youllar, Adjunct Instructor of Business Law
B.A., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Kelly Young, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Admissions
M.S., Long Island University - Brooklyn
(631) NaN
Melody Young, Adjunct Instructor of Biology
B.S., SUNY Old Westbury
(631) NaN
Yih Jin Young, Adjunct Professor of Sociology
M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington
(631) NaN
Juan Ysimura, Adjunct Professional Assistant of Mathematics
B.S., M.S., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Keenan Zach, Adjunct Applied Instrumentalist of Music
(631) NaN
Jackie Zaita, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Anthony Zajac, Adjunct Associate Professor of Physical Education
B.S., SUNY Cortland; M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Laureen Zarba, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
(631) NaN
Breanna Zariello, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Student Support Services
B.S., Quinnipiac University; M.S.W., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Michael Zartler, Adjunct Professor of History
B.S., New York University; M.A., SUNY Stony Brook University
(631) NaN
Garry Zaslow, Adjunct Instructor of Psychology
B.A., SUNY Binghamton; M.A., Adelphi University
(631) NaN
Briana Zasowski, Adjunct Instructor of Library Services
M.S., CUNY Queens College
(631) NaN
Dennis Zawie, Adjunct Instructor of Veterinary Science
D.V.M., Ohio State University
(631) NaN
Kevin Zebroski, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., Fordham University; M.F.A., University of Iowa
(631) NaN
William Zeidler, Adjunct Professional Assistant I of Physics
(631) NaN
Julio Zelaya, Adjunct Instructor of Continuing Education
Irene Zeniou, Adjunct Instructor of English
B.A., M.A., CUNY Hunter College
(631) NaN
Emil Zitvogel, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Engineering
B.S., M.S., SUNY Polytechnic Institute
(631) NaN
Laurence Zuckerman, Adjunct Associate Professor of Accounting
Cert, Siena College; B.A., Drew University; M.S., SUNY Albany
(631) NaN
Last Updated: 3/31/25